Official Racing Charts: Lincoln Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1956-05-03


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Official Racing Charts Lincoln Downs Coovricht 1956 bv Trianele Publications Inc LINCOLN DOWNS LINCOLN R I WEDNESDAY MAY 2 1956LINCOLN DOWNS 1316 MILE Fiftyfirst day of sixtythreeday meeting March 3 to May 12 Racing canceled Wednesday March 14 and Friday March 16 through Tuesday March 27 due to snow and frozen track Burrillville Racing Association Inc American Totalisator Puett Starting Gate Film Patrol Weather clear first three races cloudy thereafter Steward representing Rhode Island State Racing Commission E J Fenelon Jr Stewards R N Charlton and Leo McAloon Steward Observer representing Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association A Gaignard Sr Placing Judges Paul Asprino E T Dooley and James Picarillo Patrol Judges Arthur Hunt Harry Krovitz William 9Leary and William Canning Paddock Judge C W Smith Clerk of Scales J W Etheridge Starter John Morrissey Timer T J Hamilton Racing Secretary and Handicapper Gordon Morrow Racing starts at 145 pm Eastern Daylight Time Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1955 28 current meeting 35 Percentage of favorites in the money 70 Daily Double first and second races Entries and field horses run as one in Daily Double races Muluel take 131 per cent State 7 track 61 Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice allowance ciaimed 3 Three Ibs claimed I Is s Five Ibs etc In claiming races price appears after name of jockey Complete finish of each race confirmed by Jones Precision Photo Finish Inc FIRST RACE 1 116 MILES out of chute Tennessee Kid Aug 23 1947 1444 120 Purse J Q A j r 2000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of a race since March 2 J J Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners of three races since January 1 allowed 3 Ibs two races May 256 LD since January 1 5 Ibs one race since January 1 7 Ibs Claiming price 2000 Net value to winner 1250 second 400 third 225 fourth 125 Mutuel Pool 44653 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V4 V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 789213 SIR COUNTRY wb5108 1 8 71 71 7 4 1t L Parents 2000 M W Waldman 340 789132 MARACABO wb5106 4 2 2h 31 3t 21 2J A FairbksS 2000 Sunnycrest Stable 360 789134 FOLLY MILLS wb 6 110 10 5 62 51 5J 3h 3 L Adams 2000 J W Melanson 590 786253 BOUQUET BILLY wb8113 3 1 H 11 1i 1h 42 H Wajda 2000 Mrs M N Sarian 1080 78832 ALDENSON wb6110 911 8h 82 81 8 51 R EastmnS 2000 Helmar Stable 1160 78913 HIMINE wb4113 5 3 5 6 61 61 6J K Godkins 2000 H Kodana 6770 76155 MENTHAPPY w7103 610 9h 91 1Q2 91 7 ° C LandersS 2000 Argonne Stable 6340 78625 BILLS CHIEF wb4113 2 7 4 41 41 71 84 W J Pasre 2000 W C Freeman 1270 783124 LITTLE DON G wb 5 112 11 4 31 2J 2h 5h 91 G Gibbs 2000 J Sylvia 460 78921 TAUNTING wb6102 8 611 11 11 11 10i M Koptyra 2000 L Wells 10470 789212 LADY REDBIRD W 4 108 7 9 101 10J 9h 101 11 C Jellison 2000 Millen Haymaker 730 730Time Time 24 49 115 143 149 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbers 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 51 i t in 1SIR COUNTRY 880 440 280 340 120 120riCeSf riCeSf 4MARACABO 420 320 110 J iHFOLLY MILLS 400 100 100Winner Winner B g by Eternal War Glorene by Challenger II trained by H E Lewis bred by Penn Bros IN GATE 157 OFF AT 158 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same SIR COUNTRY saved ground while outrun continued to remain along the inside until entering the stretch was brought out then and in a strong finish was along in plenty of time MARACABO was always forwardly placed reached the lead between calls in the stretch but could not cope with the winner FOLLY MILLS raced on the outside throughout loomed dangerous entering the stretch but failed to carry her rally BOUQUET BILLY set the pace under light restraint and began weakening after entering the stretch ALDENSON broke into TAUNTING after the start and could not menace with a mild late rally LITTLE DON G forced the pace while under light restraint then flattened out badly after three quarters LADY REDBIRD showed a dull effort POPBOTTLE WAS LATE APPEARING IN THE PADDOCK AND WAS ORDERED SCRATCHED BY THE STEWARDS ALL MONEY WAGERED STRAIGHT PLACE AND SHOW AND IN THE DAILY DOUBLE ON POPBOTTLE WAS REFUNDED REFUNDEDScratched Scratched 78741 Play Request 115 78312 PopBottle 112 78917 Head East 113 Overweight Maracabo 3 pounds Folly Mills 2 Taunting 1 SECOND RACE FURLONGS Run Lady Nov 7 1947 125 4 112 Purse 2000 4yearolds 4yearolds7n 7n A r and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two races since November 1 4yearolds J O 119 Ibs older 121 Ibs Nonwinners of three races since October 20 allowed 3 Ibs May 256 LD two races since October 20 5 Ibs one race since October 20 7 Ibs Claiming Claimingprice price 2000 Net value to winner 1250 second S4CO third 225 fourth 125 Mutuel Pool 58259 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 14 Vz Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 785363 SILVER BOUND wb5111 52 11 1412 Ink H Wajda3 2COO 0 L Foster 600 789142 SKY JEEP w 5 116 8 1 31 41 21 23J J Spinale 2CCO Rapaporte Finocchio Jr 380 785371 F 0 BEE wb6116 94 62 51 5h 32 L Valdes 2000 Fairview Stable 190 78824 WIRE WORKS wb4109 7 6 41 3h 42 41 M Rodrigz 2000 J Farris 1150 789143 SHADOW BOXING wb 5 116 10 7 32 71 72 5 ° G Hettinger 2000 Merrimack Stable 1020 78226 NORSE QUEEN wb4102 2 9 7h 82 61 64 D Deroin 2000 Mrs W Hinphy 690 78921 BIRD BELL w 4 107 4 3 21 21 31 71 A F Mtinez 2000 B V Jemmott 1110 78421 JANES PRIDE w 5 114 12 12 12 91 82 8 N Mercier 2000 W Mullin 78311 MY SHOEMAKER wb 5 111 6 5 51 61 91 9 G Gibbs 20CO F H Stout 78536 SELL SHORT wb9112 310 102 101 103 ifjs R McLalin 20CO S Harshani 9970 78824 CALIBRATE W41081111 91 114 112 UN c Jellison 2000 Mrs V Stramondo 19650 78917 NARA VISA w4109 1 8 11h 12 12 12 U Parent 2009 J R Hill 6990 6990Time Time 24 48 114 128 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbers 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 n r 280I 5SILVER BOUND 1400 760 380 600 280 I 8SKY JEEP 480 320 140 1 9F 0 BEE I 260 260Winner Winner Ch g by Through Bound Bubble Lil by Bubbling Over trained by D Davis bred by 0 L Foster IN GATE 227 OFF AT 2271 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same SILVER BOUND quickly gained a short advantage along the inside going to the first turn was allowed to widen the advantage going to the far turn started to bear out entering the stretch and while racing slightly wide in the final stages had enough left to hold off SKY JEEP The latter was well placed throughout moved inside the leader after entering the stretch and while closing gamely failed to get up F 0 BEE forced to lose ground on the outside going to the first turn remained wide in the backstretch under restraint then could not rally sufficiently when roused WIRE WQJKS saved ground but was giving way at the end SHADOW BOXING saved ground in the late stages stagesScratched Scratched 789174 Oil Gene 111 78917 Alpine Prince 114 79060 Anthony Cl 116 78914 Certain Lady 107 Overweight Sell Short 3 pounds Calibrate 1 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 10980 Double Pool 65808 THIRD RACE 7 FURLONGS Run Lady Nov 7 1947 125 4 112 Purse 2300 4yearolds and upward Claiming 4yearolds 119 Ibs older 121 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since April 1 allowed 3 Ibs two races since March 2 5 Ibs one ftce since February 5 May 256 LJD 7 Ibs Claiming price 3000 Net value to winner 1380 second 500 third 280 fourth 140 Mutuel Pool 74855 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 14 2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 78630 OISEAU ROUGE wb 4 112 3 7 7 52 21 1h W J Pmore 3000 M S Mathras 760 761514 BATTLE MOUNT wb7114 52 51 4h 32 21J M Wilder 3000 Century Stable 230 785414 EXPECTANT wb 6 111 6 1 32 21 J 1h 31 L Adams 3000 Corine Stable 530 78736 HENRY DJVI w 8 121 7 6 62 62 4h 41 T Johnson 3000 F H Merrill Jr 300 787363 IRISHFORLUCK wb5113 1 3 21 32 51 5 L Parents 3000 Lewis White 390 78541 SET CABLE wb 4 106 4 4 11 1h 63 6io A FairbksS 3000 M Teixerio 770 78541 SANDWICH w 4 107 2 5 4h 7 7 7 H Wajda 3COO P Fuller 4530 4530Time Time 24 48 114 128 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbers 2 Muluels Paid Odds to 1 v in 30 ISEAU ROUGE 1720 680 420 760 240 110 Mutuel 110Mutuel Pnces sBAmE ouNT w M Winner Ch g twin by Papa Redbird Equal Chance by Chicaro trained by A C Dyleski bred by J A Goodwin GoodwinIN IN GATE258 OFF AT 258 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same OISEAU ROUGE unhurried early moved strongly approaching the far turn circled his field and in a long drive was able to withstand BATTLE MOUNT The latter started to rally leaving the far turn came between horses entering the stretch and while closing strongly failed to get up EXPECTANT entered the stretchwith a short advantage but readily gave way to the top pair HENRY D M saved ground early was brought outside in the stretch but could not threaten IRISHFORLUCK faltered gradually SET CABLE was through after a half mile mileOverweight Overweight Set Cable 2 pounds FOURTH RACE 5 FURLONGS out of chute Silent Partner May 4 1949 581s 5 115 Purse Purse7Q j r o 2000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 121 Ibs Nonwinners of two races 7Q s r D O since April 1 allowed 3 Ibs two races since March 2 5 Ibs one race since February 10 May 256 LD 7 Ibs Claiming price 2000 Net value to winner 1250 second 400 third 225 fourth 125 Mutuel Pool 83248 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 790602 GALLNT ANSWER w 5 116 10 1 4h 4h 41 11 L Adams 20CO B Terry Jr 440 787343 BROWNSKIN wb10113 1 4 21 31 J 31 2 L ArgenioS 2000 J R Dwyer 290 78539 BILLS HYGRO wb7111 5 3 34 21 11 31 R Eastman 20CO R DeStasio 1030 787344 HIGH HEAD wb8116 2 5 53 52 52 411 G Hettinger 2000 I J White 980 78734 UNCLE TOM wb6118 99 10 81 7J 5 ° K Godkins 2000 J Mandrus 5520 78539 FLEET MOMENT w 5 112 4 2 4 1h 21 6 ° K Stuart 2COO L Testa 1430 78539 IN CLASS wb8116 810 9h 91 32 74 M Wilder 2000 B J Saviskas 580 78734 GEORGE ENGEL wb7116 6 6 72J 6h 51 83J T Johnson 2000 E Barbanti 310 78418 BULL HALSEY wb7109 77 6h 73 94 921 A FairbksS 2000 J W Melanson 6240 39743 FREE FUN wb5114 3 8 82 10 MO 10 N Mercier 2000 J Zebzda 1650 1650Time Time 23 47 100 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbers 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 10GALLANT ANSWER 1080 540 320 440 170 60 60NSKIN NSKIN 400 280 100 40 40S S HYGRO 460 130 130Winner Winner Dk gr g by Bold Question Woodvale Queen by Gallant Fox trained by B Terry Jr bred by H Seiler SeilerIN IN GATE 328 OFF AT 3281 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same GALLANT ANSWER was reserved behind the leaders while on the outside responded gamely to pressure entering the stretch and was clear at the finish BROWNSKIN saved ground while in close attendance of the pace and was going willingly at the end BILLS HYGRO forced Mi MaCMroulsde lhe leader assumed command in the stretch and was giving way slowly in the final sixteenth lllHJADshoved an even effort UNCLE TOM closed a good gap after being sluggish early FLEET MOMENT held a short advantage until entering the stretch then had little left Scratched 64219 Pert Chic 102 Overweight Fleet Moment 3 pounds FIFTH RACE 7 FURLONGS Run Lady Nov 7 1 9471 2541 12 Purse 2500 4yearolds 4yearolds7Q 7Q M c Q and upward Optional claiming Starters for 3500 or less in 195556 who have not 7 J s won two races in 1956 and those entered to be claimed for 3500 or less 4yearolds May 256 LD 119 Ibs older 121 Ibs Nonwinners of one race since April 1 allowed 3 Ibs one race since March 2 5 Ibs one race in 1956 7 Ibs If entered to be claimed for 3500 allowed 2 Ibs 3000 5 Ibs Net value to winner 1500 second 550 third 300 fourth 150 Mutuel Pool 87594 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 76095 ACEPOT w4112 8 7 6441 1h 121 R McLalin White Fence Stable 4310 78229 DONTFAILME w 4 110 9 6 7h 71 51 24 L Adams J Wimpfheimer 310 790653 PILOT MODEL w 4 119 6 1 21 2h 21 32 N Mercier Bayside Stable 440 790654 DIVING BOOTS w4114 1 4 54 62 41 4h A FairbksS Brydie Lane Stable 180 785404 STANDEE wb7114 23 1h ih 34 54 W J Pasre Smola Bess 1410 690901 THIRSON w5106 711 10 10 10 6 R Eastmans Kajo Stable 8390 780631 SASKATCHEWAN wb 4 119 43 81 81 81 7 L Parent A C Stable 2380 77367 ETERNAL SWP wb 4 119 5 2 3h 5h 71 8k K Godkins Circle L Ranch 2200 786304 THE PHEASANT wb 6 114 10 10 95 93 91 93 M Rodrigz Berdot Farm 2890 72697 TONYS GEM wb 5 114 11 5 41 31 6h 10 T Johnson Cataula Farm 1020 785424 STRATONAUT wb 4 107 3 9 Lost rider G Gibbs Mrs L A Grills 1300 Time 23 48 114 127 Track fast Official Program Numbers S2 Mutuels Paid Odds to SI x xi i A i r 8ACEPOT 8820 3020 900 4310 1410 350 350ONT ONT FAIL ME 620 420 210 110 6PILOT MODEL 380 90 90Winner Winner B c by Honeyway Double Deal by Straight Deal trained by H W Fisher bred by R F Watson England EnglandIN IN GATE358 OFF AT 3581 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won ridden out second and third driving ACEPOT gradually moved up on the outside down the backstretch reached command entering the stretch and was ridden out to finish while widening his margin DONT FAIL ME unhurried early started to rally leaving the far turn and while closing strongly could not reach the winner PILOT MODEL forced the pace on the outside assumed a short margin before entering the stretch and was tiring in the final sixteenth DIVING BOOTS saved ground throughout but lacked a rally STANDEE was through after a half mile TONYS GEM appeared ready to take command leaving the turn but flattened out badly thereafter STRATONAUT bounced off the rail at the clubhouse turn and lost rider Scratched 77990 Ringside 106 Overweight Dont Fail Me 3 pounds Thirson 2 SIXTH RACE 7 FURLONGS Run Lady Nov 7 1947 125 4 112 Purse 3000 4yearolds 4yearolds7Q A s f and upward Optional claiming Starters for 6000 or less in 195556 who have not 7Q 7 f O U won two races other than claiming since March 2 and those entered to be claimed for May 256 LD 6000 or less 4yearolds 120 Ibs older 122 Ibs Nonwinners of three races since March 31 allowed 3 Ibs two races since March 31 5 Ibs one race since March 2 7 Ibs If entered to be claimed for 6000 allowed 2 Ibs 5500 5 Ibs Net value to winner 1800 second 675 third 350 fourth 175 Mutuel Pool 86110 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 14 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 78228 KING DEBRIS wb4115 16 3h 21 2h 12 R McLalin G T Babin 2770 787382 LITTLE BAKER w4115 21 11 12 11 21 L Adamst J Gavegnano 130 787384 FIDDLERS GIRL W61Q7 5 4 52142 3 31 L Parents Dover Stable 630 78738 FLAMING BLUE wb4113 35 6 6 52 4h V Spinale Para Stable 880 787381 BLUE WAYNE w5117 42 2 3h 44 5 S Chipetta E Lowrance 30 77219 REPELLED wb5110 63 41 51 6 6 A FairbksS J Passarelli 330 tFive 330tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 24 48i5 113 127 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbers 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to SI x xij ij i n 1KING DEBRIS 5740 1260 540 2770 530 T70 300 260 50 30 30i i 5FIDDLERS GIRL 380 90 90Winner Winner Br g by Kings Blue Lureen by Stimulus trained by G T Babin bred by F E Morancy IN GATE 128 OFF AT 4281 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same KING DEBRIS was taken outside the leader entering the stretch after saving ground early disposed of LITTLE BAKER in midstretch and was drawing out under strong pressure LITTLE BAKER set an even pace readily gave way to the winner but held on gamely to outlast FIDDLERS GIRL The latter had a rough trip going around the clubhouse turn dropped to the rail in the run down the backstretch and had to be steadied momentarily entering the stretch in seeking racing room then could not make up ground when finding room FLAMING BLUE passed tiring horses BLUE WAYNE and REPELLED retired early SEVENTH RACE 7 FURLONGS Run Lady Nov 7 1947 125 4 112 Darlington Purse Purse Purse7Q t s i 3000 3yearolds Allowances Nonwinners of three races Weight 121 Ibs Non 7Q 7 t O I winners of 3000 at any time allowed 3 Ibs two races since February 10 5 Ibs two May 256 LD races since November 3 7 Ibs maidens 11 Ibs Net value to winner 1800 second 675 third 350 fourth 175 Mutuel Pool 84731 Index Horses Eqt A Wl PP St V4 a Str Fin Jockeys Odds to 1 782293 HASTY ROYAL wb118 3 3 32 31 H 14 L Adams K Stable 160 78378 SUNSHINE SWIV w114 5 5 62 41 321 24 N Mercier Mercier5h B Green 740 786292 MISS RICO w113 7 7 5h 52 21 321 V Sninale E Benedict 590 76980 TIN TOP w113 4 6 7 6h 5h 4 J L Whites Reynolds Bros 380 69851 PRINCE REWARD wb 114 6 2 41 7 64 531 M Mafale J R Holsey 1960 776902 MARCO POLO wb111 1 14 4 21 22 4466 A FrbanksS R P Sleekier 320 78229 LADY SUE B wb 109 2 1 13 11 7 7 J Kurtz C E Buckley 3050 3050Time Time 23 48 114 127 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbers Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 I 3HASTY ROYAL 520 320 260 160 60 30 30JWIV JWIV 700 440 250 120 J 360 80 80Winner Winner Dk b c by Royal Gem II Bala Ormont by Ormont trained by W Rodgers bred by E D Axton IN GATE 458 OFF AT 458 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same HASTY ROYAL was closer to the pace than usual easily assumed command leaving the far turn then was briskly shaken up entering the stretch when challenged and drew out under energetic handling SUNSHINE SWIV moved between horses entering the stretch but could not keep pace with the winner in the final sixteenth MISS RICOS rider lost his whip at the start launched a strong drive on the outside leaving the far turn and appeared dangerous entering the stretch then gave way at the end TIN TOP passed tiring horses MARCO POLO and LADY SUE B were through after a half mile Scratched 76133 Sunnydene 109 EIGHTH RACE 1 116 MILES out of chute Tennessee Kid Aug 23 1947 144 4 120 Purse t s f 2200 4yearolds and upward Optional claiming Starters for 2500 or less in 70 T O Z 195556 who have not won a race other than optional starter or claiming for over May 256 LD 2500 since last starting for 2500 or less and those entered to be claimed for 2500 Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners of two races at one mile or over since March 25 allowed 3 Ibs one race at one mile or over since March 25 5 Ibs one race at any distance since March 2 7 Ibs If entered to be claimed for 2500 allowed 3 Ibs Net value to winner 1300 second 480 third 280 fourth 140 Mutuel Pool 88760 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 V4 StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 788314 BELLDIVER wb6112 510 8h 82 444 141 L Parents J H Carr 540 784262 VOYANTE wb4H7 2 i1 1h 1h ih 32 2 N Mercier F C Dunlap 920 789201 SARACHANA wb5112 8 3 21 21 2h 2h 32 L Adams J L Ayotte 480 784261 THEE AND ME w8117 9 8 51 5h 5h 4 43 R McLalin I Saunders 450 785441 PACOY wb6117 6 9 9h 9h 82 74 521 M Rodrigz J D Stable Z70 778672 BENZEL wb5110 4 2 31 35 321 52 61 A FairbksS Mrs D H Aronson 1070 77626 GOLDEN FIDDLE wb6108 3 6 71 62 62 61 731 R Eastman7 Staiti Trifilo 2200 78920 PINOCCHIO w 7 113 10 7 4h 7h 91 91 8n W J Pmore Smola Bess 1910 78630 RED WINE II w6117 1 5 62 41 7481 9 K Godkins J B Lafayette 4590 782311 MERRY MOUNT wb7117 7 4 10 10 10 10 10 W Bass Gi Gi Stable 1110 1110Time Time 24 48 114 142 148 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbers W Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 5BELLDIVER T 1280 740 560 540 270 180 2VOYANTE 940 620 370 210 210I I 8SARACHANA 400 100 100Winner Winner B g by Devil Diver Blenrose by Blenheim II trained by J M Keefe bred by L S MacPhail IN GATE 527 OFF AT 5271 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won easily second and third driving UELLDIVER was unhurried while saving ground was taken outside the field leaving the far turn quickly assumed command and drew out with ease despite bearing out in the stretch run VOYANTE held a slight margin along the inside readily gave way to the winner but held on well to outfinish SARACHANA The latter raced as a team with VOYANTE throughout and could not wear that one down while holding on well THEE AND ME lacked a strong rally PACOY closed some ground when too late BENZEL flattened out outScratched788241 Scratched788241 Peas Pudin Hot 105 786322 Battle Oath 108 787331 Excursion 115 NINTH RACE 1 14 MILES Social Outcast Sept 15 1954 206V6 4 119 Purse 2200 4year 4year7Q A 5 ° ts anc uPward Claiming Nonwinners of two races since March 2 Weight 120 Ibs 7Q s 4 O J Nonwinners of one race at one and onequarter miles or over since March 2 allowed May 256 LD 3 Ibs one race at one mile or over since March 2 5 Ibs one race at any distance since sinceMarch March 2 7 Ibs Claiming price 2500 Net value to winner 1300 seccnd 480 third 280 fourth 140 Mutuel Pool 94391 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 2 1 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 784263 SALLYBOOTS w6113 3 1 65 62 6 31 1nk T Johnson 2500 J Cameron 150 784211 RUSTY wb7112 1 2 13 13 12 21 2h A FairbksS 2500 A Bonham 400 78632 MYSTIC GOLD w 6 112 5 6 51 5 31 11 323 L ArgenioS 2500 S F McCleary 1670 78426 TWOS COMPANY w4106 7 3 3h 3h 4443 44 A Green 2500 N J Nichols 830 78632 EQUILLA w6103 6 5 2 21 51 64 5 S Chipetta 2500 E Lowrance 910 787411 NIGHT BAKER w5 120 477 7 7 7 6t L Adams 2500 J Gavegnano 220 786324 DROP KICK wb4112 2 4 41 44 2h 5 7 L Parents 2500 W Sedlacek 810 Time 24 51 117 143 210 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbers ii 2 Mutuels Paid N odds to 1 1k k in 3SALLYBOOTS 700 320 280 250 60 Mutuel Prices 50i IRUSTY 420 300 110 50 i 5MYSTIC GOLD 520 160 Winner 160Winner Br g by Our Boots Sallyport by War Hero trained by J Cameron bred by Mrs G P Greenhalah U IN GATE557 OFF AT 5571 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME Start good Won driving second and third the same SALLYBOOTS remained in hand until leaving the far turn circled his field and in a strong stretch drive was along in time RUSTY set the pace under strong restraint appeared to be beaten entering Tne strelch but was coming on again at the finish to narrowly miss MYSTIC GOLD moved into contention after a mile entered the stretch with a slight margin and appearea ready to draw out but hung in the final stages TWOS COMPANY lacked a response after being forwardly placed early NIGHT BAKER saved ground while outrun and remained on the rail to end without responding to pressure pressureAttendance Attendance 9701 total Mutuel Pool 768410

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Local Identifier: drf1956050301_42_1
Library of Congress Record: