United Press News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1956-05-03


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UNITED PRESS NEWS BRIEFS NATIONAL Women Voters Consider Foreign Aid AidThe The League of Women Voters yesterday considered the United States foreign aid program The league convention voted 560441 to include aid OIL its agenda of major topics The delegates Vere to decide whether to throw out discussion on secur ¬ ity or conservation to make way for the foreign aid debate or to merely add the new issue to their agenda agendaMeany Meany Emerges With Authority AuthorityWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C May 2 AFL CIO president George Meany emerged on top today in a test of his leadership and the willingness of the AFLCIO to assert some authority over member unions The test came at a special meeting of the AFLCIO Executive Council yesterday All but five of the AFLCIO vicepresidents from 27 unions attended The council took a slap at the big International Teamsters Union perhaps the largest in the AFL CIO and its 18 building trades unions which make up some of the oldest in the labor movement movementMourning Mourning Capital Says Farewell to Berkley WASHINGTON D Cf May 2 A mourning capital said a sorrowful farewell today to its beloved veep Senator Alben W Barkley President Eisenhower led the throng of notables and plain folks at funeral services for the homespun Ken ¬ tucky oratorstatesman who went down in full armor on the political battlefield Eisenhower in a lastminute change of plans cancelled a scheduled news confer ¬ ence to join the capitals last tribute to the former Democratic vicepresident The chief executive was accompanied by Sher ¬ man Adams assistant to the president the entire White House legislative liaison staff and White House press secretary James C Hagerty HagertyCooper Cooper Declines Comment on Senate Seat NEW YORK N Y May 2 U S Am ¬ bassador to India John Sherman Cooper declined to comment today when he was asked whether he might be a candidate for the Senate seat vacated by the death of Kentuckys Alben W Barkley Arriving on the liner America former Republican Senator Cooper who was defeated by Barkley in 1954 admitted however that the subject may be discussed when he goes to Washington later today Kentucky will hold a special election in November to fill the vacancy vacancyN N Y to Start Huge Highway Program ProgramALBANY ALBANY N Y May 20 Gov Averell Harriman said today that New York will start on a 126000000 statefederal high ¬ way building program next month The program will begin with the letting of about 20000000 worth of contracts mostly for arterial highways in June JuneFOREIGN FOREIGN FOREIGNYon Yon Brentano Eden Discuss Troop Support LONDON England May 2 West Ger ¬ man Foreign Minister Heinrich Von Bren ¬ tano met Prime Minister Anthony Eden to ¬ day to discuss the Bonn governments re ¬ fusal to contribute to the support of U S and British troops in Germany The two men are expected also to discuss the pros ¬ pects for some new Western effort to per ¬ suade Russia to permit the reunification of Germany GermanyFail Fail to Reach Disarmament Agreement AgreementLONDON LONDON England May 2 Representa ¬ tives of four Western powers and the Soviet Union met again without result to ¬ day in their efforts to reach a world dis ¬ armament agreement An official com ¬ munique at the end of the days session noted only that the disarmament subcom mission held its 84th meeting meetingChinese Chinese CampaignTaipei Discern Propaganda Campaign Taipei Formosa May 2 Chinese gov ¬ ernment sources said today the Commun ¬ ists have started a saturation propaganda campaign against Formosa in an effort to undermine Nationalist morale They said eight powerful propaganda radio stations strung along the Redheld China coast are blasting away at this fortress island 11 hours a day and 23 other Red stations can be heard at various times timesDulles Dulles in Confab With Pineau PineauPARIS PARIS France May 2 U S Secretary of State John Foster Dulles flew here today to begin a fiveday round of conferences expected to transform the Atlantic Pact from a military alliance into a foreign aid agency He plunged at once into talks with French Foreign Minister Christian Pineau spearhead of the neutralist proposed shift in the main emphasis of the pact pactHammarskjold Hammarskjold Syrian Leaders in Huddle HuddleJERUSALEM JERUSALEM Israeli Sector May 2 Dag Hammarskjold met with Syrian lead ¬ ers today in an effort to eliminate an llth hour roadblock to a cease fire along Israels uneasy northern frontiers The U N secre ¬ tary general had plannedf to fly to Rome today on his way back to U N headquar ¬ ters to report on his Middle East peace mission

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1956050301/drf1956050301_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1956050301_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800