Connors Corner: Paddock Gang Mulls Over Many Topics; Compare Riding Styles of Past, Present; Table Discussion for Future Reference, Daily Racing Form, 1956-05-03


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Connors Corner 1 By Chuck1 Connors Paddock Gang Mulls Over Many Topics Compare Riding Styles of Past Present Table Discussion for Future Reference ReferenceJAMAICA JAMAICA L I N Y May 2 The paddock gang local chapter that is met in special session this morn ¬ ing The gavel wielder for the day was Mickey Miles the old internationalist and the agenda was crammed with mat ¬ ters of importance such as the Grey Lag the Kentucky Derby the Preakness Belmont the weather and the riding habits of the present generation who have affected what is known as the acedeuce style of riding This acedeuce method is the style of today but one that has not the full acceptance of the veterans and many of the trainers due to the fact as they point out a rider has not a sufficient purchase on his mount Riding acedeuce fashion the boy takes up a couple of holes on his right stirrup strap higher than the left and according to the vet ¬ erans is out of balance balanceThe The boys on the other hand state that it is more adaptable to the turns on todays tracks and all in all is an improvement for it keeps the riders body in unison with his horses movements rounding the turns and to a certain extent eliminates horses changing strides However the matter was discussed at length and the antis cited the number of boys who fall from their mounts at the start or during the running of a race This they ascribe to the seat and the lack of leg pur ¬ chase on the part of the rider However despite a full analysis of the seat and the subsequent problems the negative side was taken by Col Isidor Bieber the mat ¬ ter was tabled for future reference Riding styles have changed over the years the old cuts depicting scenes of the Civil War era and pictures taken around the turn of the century are attestations of that fact The old erect standup method associated with the long past the boys now refer to as park policeman posture gave way to the monkey seat seatSome Some Claim Tod Sloan Was First FirstThis This innovation was for years credited to Tod Sloan but many of the veterans are not agreed on that fact stating that he only aped the method but popularized the style Anyway that is neither here nor there and at subsequent meetings the matter no doubt will be threshed out on the floor and possibly some suggestions will be forthcoming What the result will be no one knows The jockeys today are more independent than those of yesteryear and on the whole keep in better psysical condition than some of their predecessors The Triple Crown came in for some discussion and the boys lamented the lack of a real outstanding threeyearold They gave full credit to Needles Career Boy and a few others but then admitted that none could be classified as a Man o war There the meeting adjourned for someone moved in from Belmont Park and he had a tip on a twoyearold and the boys forgot all about styles of riding as they studied the past performances performancesseeking seeking confirmation as to the possibilities of winning Dr A Schmidt a practicing veterinarian was in a quandary for a few hours the other morning He was called to Aqueduct to treat a horse whose name for the present shall be nameless Part of the treatment was the usage of radium Anyway the capsule was affixed to the appliance and the doctor sat back to await the passing of the desired time During that in ¬ terlude he was called to another stable and when he returned the capsule was missing and the stall had been mucked out A frantic search of the stall the manure pit and the surrounding area failed to disclose the missing capsule A hurryup call was sent to New York for a Geiger counter That piece of apparatus arrived and in a few minutes the lost capsule was lo ¬ cated in the manure bin Never again says the doc will he leave his task when that element is in use useEdward Edward L Kilroe and Marshall Cassidy planed to Toronto Ont this morning Their trip is to study the new clubhouse grandstand auto approaches and overall picture of the new Woodbine now under construction between that city ar d Hamilton Ont The new Wood ¬ bine is slated to open in June and it is possible that some of the features of that track may be incorporated in the new structure to be built in New York Mrs Genevieve Lockwood of the Horse Identification Bureau is on the ailing list Jockey Conn McCreary will ride Joe Jones in the Grey Lag Double X owned by Mr and Mrs F C Rand bucked in his last start and he will be out of action for a couple of weeks He fin inshed second to Spanish Sun The latter a full brother to Spanish Queen was a 3000 yearling at private vendue and the Buchanan Stable originally had ap ¬ plied for the name Spanish King but settled for the present nomenclature nomenclatureHorsemen Horsemen Welcome Florida Date Schedule ScheduleMrs Mrs Anson G Bigelow the former Fifi Widener was discharged from a local hospital She was under treatment for an infected tooth The alignment and assignment of racing dates for the Florida season of 195657 was welcomed by horesmen in this area There is no change in the continuity from the past few years 126 racing days comprise the season Trainer J Carrera registered the four South American importa ¬ tions that he has at Jamaica for Joseph Marrone of West Boylston Mass Marrone is a newcomer to New York racing Danny Arnstein the New Yorker de ¬ cided to pass up the Derby for the Grey Lag to be contested here The reason Nashua Jockey Paul Bailey will leave for Kentucky Thursday to ride Aim ¬ ing High owned by C V Whitney in the Oaks He

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Local Identifier: drf1956050301_5_2
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