Tuesdays Late Sportsmans Park Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1956-05-03


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SEVENTH RACE 5 FURLONGS Purse 3000 3yearolds Claiming Weight 118 Jbs Nonwinners Nonwinners7O 7O ClaimV O A C smcc April 21 allowed 3 Ibs since March 24 5 Ibs since February 25 8 Ibs Claim V O 4 D ing price 4500 4500May May 156 Spt Net value to winner 51950 second 600 third 300 fourth 5150 Mutuel Pool 79586 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Vt Sir Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 78747 GINGER C wb111 66 23 24 24 H A Skoronski 4500 Sun Coast Stable 280 785481 LACY JACKET wb113 42 H 4 11 22 J D Jessop 45CO Armer Nail Stable 110 787441 STEP FAST wb 118 55 42 3 34 3 R Baldwin 4500 M M Stable 360 72378 OLYMPIC ROSE wb 107 2 1 53 55 41 43 J R Adams 4500 R G Burns 2360 785483 LOVELY GEM w 108 3 3 3h 4h 5 5 520 F Chavezt 4500 W Strong 460 61722 BILLIES BLUE w 110 1 4 6 6 6 6 A ludica 4500 FloNik Stable 4020 4020tFive tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived waivedTime heavyOfficial Time 245s 515 121 Track heavy Official Program Numbers 2 Mutuels Paid v Odds I kX i ID 7GINGER C 760 340 260 280 280Mutuel Mutuel rricesj 4LACY JACKET 300 240 50 20 6STEP FAST 260 30 Winner 30Winner StrandlundIN Dk br f by Hydrant High Stress by High Strung trained by F Gray bred by C G Strandlund TIMEStart IN GATE450J OFF AT 450J CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME Start good Won ridden out second and third driving GINGER C soon raced up close to LACY JACKET and cutting to the inside of the latter on the stretch turn found a path next to the rail and virtually stole the race LACY JACKET went to the front early withstood a challenge from GINGER C around the far turn and had a commanding lead when he went wide on the stretch turn and lost the race thereby STEP FAST raced evenly throughout but failed to threaten the first two OLYMPIC ROSE was not dangerous LOVELY GEM had some early foot footScratched Scratched 790853 Chief Jce 113 113Overweight Overweight Ginger C 1 pound Olympic Rose 2 Billies Blue 5 EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE Purse 2500 4yearolds and upward Claiming NonTrtnners since March 17 70711 Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners in 1S56 allowed 4 Ibs Claiming price 2500 7 O O Net value to winner 1885 second 580 third 290 fourth 145 May 145May 156 Spt Mutuel Pool 97496 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 1A 2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 787442 REBOUNDER W6116 2 1 2h 31 24 2h 1J H Craig 2500 Wise Sicking 700 78533 BLUE DAGGER w5116 5 4 92 91 34 22 D Jessop 2500 C C Caudle 2080 78922 SAINT NICHOLASwb 10 116 9 9 74 73 5 41 34 J D Jessop 2500 R Salvino 320 78750 WAG JAG wb4116 4 610 10 10 63 41 B Powell 2500 D W Frank 510 787422 IMPERIAL ACE wb4111 6 7 52 4431 1h 531 C W Becks 2500 J J Altman 830 78741 BIG LOU G wb5120 3 3 4411 1h 52 61 T Barrow 2500 A P Giordano 1020 75749 QUICK SON w6116 810 81 81 91 82 74 A ludica 2500 Milani Bernard 3560 3560n 78545 OSOSLO w5116 1 2 3451 8h 9 8 R Baldwin 2500 Mrs D L MacLachlan n 240 78643 FIDDLIN MAC w 9 116 10 8 61 64 7J 7h 9 A Skoronski 2500 R T McDonnel 1540 78642 CARLS ABBIE wb5111 7 5 11 24 4h 10 10 R Lumm 2500 Grace Kosiba 4060 heavyOfficial Time 4060Time 26ys 53i5 122 153 Track heavy Official Program Numbersii 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to SI i f 2REBOUNDER 1600 760 460 700 280 130 130R R 1940 760 870 280 9SAINT NICHOLAS 420 110 Winner 110Winner B h by Barre Granite Brunette by Bimelech trained by B H Wise bred by J H Rouse IN GATE 5191 OFF AT 5191 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won ridden out second and third driving REBOUNDER was a strong contender from the start and coming steadily through the last quarter got to the front a sixteenth out to hold BLUE DAGGER The latter was badly outrun early but came strongly through the stretch and was gaining SAINT NICHOLAS made up some ground in the last quarter WAG JAG trailed to the stretch and then came strongly IMPERIAL ACE made a bid for the leadership after entering the stretch and then weakened OSOSLO stopped badly Scratched 78741 Perfect Mister 116 78743 Cupola Cast 120 79082 Jessie Foray 106 Wag Jag claimed by H R Stark NINTH RACE SUBSTITUTE DECLARED OFF Attendance 10338 Total Mutuel Pool 670073

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1956050301/drf1956050301_47_1
Local Identifier: drf1956050301_47_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800