Fairmount Park: Meeting Gets Off to Excellent Start; Record Opening Crowd Despite Jams; Limiting Post Parades Given Approval, Daily Racing Form, 1956-05-03


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Fairmount Park I ByJJHahn Meeting Gets Off to Excellent Start Record Opening Crowd Despite Jams Limiting Post Parades Given Approval ApprovalFAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT PARK Collinsville 111 May 2 The southern Illinois racing season consisting of 120 pro ¬ grams of which 60 are to be staged here and a like number to follow at nearby Ca hokia Downs opened here last Saturday night before a record breaking night crowd of 12375 racehungry fans who braved threatening weather to witness the opening of the 1956 season Had it not been for a terrific jam on the highway leading to the track the attendance and the handle of 348553 would have been higher as there were many wouldbe racegoers whu turned back when unable to find parking space for their auto ¬ mobiles Long before the 830 starting time every space was taken in the tracks 3600 car capacity lot and when the unexpected large crowd continued to grow general manager Ray C Bennigsen ordered the emergency lots across the road from the track opened to take care of the overflow This space housing some 600 cars failed to remedy the situation and when every available spot was taken up Illinois State Highway patrolmen who were handling the traffic rerouted the tardy cars east ¬ ward towards Collinsville Many gave up the ordeal of entering the track but some of the latecomers ordered eastward and who decided they would take in opening night festivities comewhatmay returned on the Fair mount Park side of the highway where they eventually found room along the muchly used U S Highway 40 40Cloudburst Cloudburst Dampens Racing FirstNighters FirstNightersMany Many of the early arrivals who missed the traffic trouble were not as fortunate in leaving the plant Threatening clouds hanging over the course for hours finally let go after the running of the seventh race and before the nightcap was contested the light precipita ¬ tion developed into a cloudburst creating another hardship for the diehards who remained for the full program It was an hour before the parking lots were cleared and fans who had their troubles in parking their autos earlier in the night were the first ones to get away from the park especially those who came with wearing equipment to protect them against the elements elementsWhen When announced several weeks ago that the post parades would be limited to three minutes many horsemen as well as racing fans doubted the experi ¬ ment would work basing their opinions that local racing enthusiasts like those in other sections of the country would not make their selections until they saw their favorites in the post parade The doubtful ones were convinced here opening night when they witnessed the systems operation and before the ninerace pro gram terminated a majority of them were satisfied it was here to stay until at least a better one comes along Bennigsen was elated over the success of the new deal and added that the cooperation from Fair mount Park fans was far beyond expectations expectationsTo To familiarize those who were not spectators open ¬ ing night or the following two programs may it be added that the horses are saddled and mounted in the pad ¬ dock paraded to the infield walking ring outlined in front of the tote board and after circling the area twice or until the clock atop the tote shows three minutes before post time thence the gallop to the post which is timed to have the fields at the starting gate promptly at post time As a regular routine Bennigsen designated mutuel manager Paul Halphen to tab the last minutes betting from a place of advantage to the rear of the mutuel department and when Halphen re ¬ ported his finds after the last race Bennigsen was surprised to learn that the third event was the only race in which all fans did not get necessary action There was only a 22 minute delay between the second and third races and since many had winning tickets to cash on their Daily Doubles those unable to get down in the third presumably were the ones who picked the Double and needed ammunition to get back in business again againThere There was only one complaint and that was the need of more lighting in the vicinity of the walking ring That was taken care of and two new light standards were placed on each end of the ring It now affords v enough light to permit the fans to get a better view their choices choicesMeaux Meaux to Begin Serious Campaign CampaignClarerice Clarerice Meaux the leading rider in Illinois last season and who was quite a sensation during his ap ¬ prenticeship as well as a fullfledged rider last year has not hit his real stride as yet Meaux was on the inactive list last winter at New Orleans Orleansj j being plagued with a series of boils His cousin apprentice Lewis Meaux who also hails from the Cajun country in Louisiana has been licensed by local stewards While in the jockey room Tuesday night jockey Terry Murphy received a telephone message informing him he was a father So excited over being a papa Mur ¬ phy overlooked asking whether the heir was a girl or boy After completing his riding engagements Murphy departed for his home at Marshall 111 The Willie BrinsonBob White combination is clicking again White has been Brinsons agent since the reinsman began his riding career Emil Roehm the former jockey and now a racing official is back again for tin

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1956050301/drf1956050301_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1956050301_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800