Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1956-05-03


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Churchill Downs I ST RACE 6 FURLONGS chute Purse 2300 4yearolds and upward Claiming rH Horse ProbJockey Wt WtRL Comment ProbOdds ProbOddsGets 5 CEDARESQUE RL Baird 120 120No Gets the nod 31 31Always 2 BULL OWOODS No boy 117 117No Always tough to down 61 61Early 6 LOVELY HEART No boy 109 109JAdams Early foot in some 81 81Can 12 PLATTER SCOUT JAdams 114 114No Can step along 81 81Winter 18 CUTE STORM No boy 112 112W Winter form fine 81 81Speedy 7 SERVICE W M Cook 114 114E Speedy foe 51 51Could 9KAZ E C McKinsey 109 109BSackett Could cut in here 121 121Fast 14 TREY SPOT BSackett 109 Fast out of gate 101 101Due 17 LUCILLE RUN L Hansman 109 109J Due for good try 101 101Tab 1 MILAN MAN J Chalk 114 114F Tab for later on 151 151Lets 3 HARPETH F Kaelin 114 114K Lets see if ready 151 151Some 4 DARLING SON K Church 114 114S Some tries fair 101 101Pass 8 DEPTH ROCKET S Armstrong 109 109W Pass this one 201 201Upsets 10 DASHEFF W Carstens 114 114No Upsets dope at times 151 151Dangerous 11 MINK GAL No boy 109 109No Dangerous foe 101 101May 13 I DARE YOU No boy 109 109LCCook May not get in 151 151i 15 HERES COLINA LCCook 114 114No i Chance in here 121 121More 16 ROY JR No bay 114 114L More racing needed 151 151Fainthearted 19 FOX IE KING L C Cook 114 114L Fainthearted sort 201 201Company 20 WHIRLS BELL L Gilligan 109 Company too tough 151 ND RACE4 12 FURLONGS Purse 2400 230 PM 2yearolds Claiming 1 BIG COUPON J Bidwell 114 Speedy now choice 31 13 BLACK HAN U7 L Gilligan 114 Could score again 52 12ETERNALNESS No boy 109 Has winning speed 52 9 TRUMPINGTON E Arcaro 114 Has chance today 51 3 JOLLY JOKER SArmstrong 117 Scored in debut 41 14 GOTTA HEART W Carstens 114 Steady sort 151 15 I SAY NO D Erb 111 Some early foot 151 2 FLUSHING SOME W Hartack 114 Way back at finish 201 4 NCRWIN G No boy 114 Must do more running 201 5BALL N TWINE No boy 109 Outsider in here 201 6 BAD BID F Kalein 111 First starter 201 7 SIR PUTNAM No boy 114 Not to be ignored 151 8 COSMIC VICTORY No boy 111 Must be considered 52 10 TEMPTS IMAGE R Borgemenke 111 Tab for later on 201 11 BRANDY B No boy 114 Nothing to recommend 201 COUPLED Cosmic Victory and Eternalness RD RACE 6 12 FURLONGS chute Purse 2400 350 PM PMJ J 3yearolds Claiming 2 SUMMER BLUES A Popara 109 Has speed to score 31 1 DADDYS C 0 L Hansman 109 109A Can turn on speed 8 SUPER KITTY A Popara 109 109S Good for share J7 BET BUTLER BUTLER3SIR S Armstrong 109 109J Main threat in here 3SIR LORTER J Parsons 112 112JAdams Due for good try 5 PLEASURE SCOUT JAdams 114 114D Fits with these 10 AARON F D Rizzo 117 117Noboy Steady as they come 4 CELTIC BOY Noboy 114 Pass this one 6 BUSH LUCK F Kaelin 109 109W Way back in debut 9 TARBOO W Steed 114 Trailer all efforts TH RACE 6 12 FURLONGS chute Purse 2700 330 PM PM4yearclds 4yearclds and upward Claiming 2 DARK BUSTER L Gilligan 116 Fit and fast choice 1f 7 VEHICLE L Gilligan 122 In winning Jorm now 11 4 TIFFANY R L Baird 111 Knocking at the door 21 5 CHERRY BULL S Brooks 113 Ready for top try 61 1 MYRTIS L J LRotz 108 Not off last try 201 3SIR CHRIS No boy 108 Must do more running 151 6 WORLD SERIES A Popara 113 Outsider in most 151 8DRU AWAY J Parsons 105 In light tab 151 151COUPLED COUPLED Dark Buster and Vehicle TH RACE 6 FURLONGS chute Purse 2800 400 PM PM3yearolds 3yearolds Maidens Fillies Special weights weightsLATEZIA 1 LATEZIA E Arcaro 119 Should never be headed 65 65MELON 7 MELON J Heckmann 119 The one to beat 51 3 GLADDIES GIFT S Brooks 119 Some chance to cut in 31 31V 5 HEARTS GLEE V Guarjardo 114 Threat to leaders 101 101S 6 PRIMACY S Brocks 119 Could go Well in here 101 101JAdams 2 QUILLO JAdams 119 Only try dull 151 151W 4 FANCIFUL LADY W M Cook 119 Would be an upset 201 201S 8 ISASWEETIE S Armstrong 119 May need a race 151 TH RACE 1 11G MILES Purse 4000 40003yearolds 3yearolds Allowances 7 MANASSAS J L Rotz 117 Top call today 52 52The 8 ROYAL HONOR R L Baird 117 The one to down 31 31Strong 6 MISS STYMIE S Brooks 109 Strong finisher 51 51Close 5MISS NINA R Littrell 104 Close at finish 51 51Out 4DON MELODY No boy 109 Out to score again 61 61Weight 3 SEA CAPRICE S Brooks 106 Weight off helps 51 51May 1MOLLY HOLLY N Barile 106 May do some running 81 81Spot 2 NEWMARKET MAID W M Cook 106 106COUPLED Spot bit rough 101 COUPLED Sea Caprice and Miss Stymie TH RACE 7 FURLONGS chute 10000 added J JNineteenth Nineteenth running CHURCHILL DOWNS HANDICAP 3yearolds and upward 6 SEA 0 ERIN No boy 123 123No Has class to score 65 65Ready 4 QUEEN HOPEFUL No boy 113 113E Ready for top effort 65 65Threat 5 BROWN HACKLE E Arcaro 115 115A Threat for top spot 31 31Speedy 3 STYRUNNER A Popara 112 112LCCook Speedy foe 81 81Always 8 HAPPY GO LUCKY LCCook 109 109W Always tough to beat 101 101Never 2 SCRUTINIZED W MCook 110 110R Never far back 101 101Ran 9 MUSIC MAESTRO R L Baird 110 110JHeckmann Ran well with cheaper 121 121Tab 1 VAGABOND KING JHeckmann 109 109L Tab for later on 151 151Game 7 NONNIE JO L Gilligan 108 Game as they come 151 COUPLED Queen Hopeful and Sea 0 Erin TH RACE 6 12 FURLONGS chute Purse 2400 530 PM PM3yearolds 3yearolds Claiming 5 MISS SKIDMORE L Gilligan 115 Choice for main share 61 1PICARENO N Barile 107 The runnerup 41 80VERN OUT JAdams 114 Improvement expectec 81 3 TIDY ANN No boy 109 Good effort expected 52 6 BETISE S Armstrong 109 Weight off helps 51 7 SUPERSCRIPT R Borgemenke 114 Fits with these 61 2 THIRD POINT No boy 117 Must wake up first 201 4GUARD DUTY No boy 115 Needs cheaper sort 151 9 RED DECANTER W M Cook 114 Nothing to recommend 151 TH RACE76 FURLONGS chute Purse 2300 600 PM 4yearclds and upward upwardL Claiming 14 ABACUS L Gilligan 115 115BSackett Choice in finale 3 BROOKHAVEN BSackett 114 114M Can turn on speed 1 BUGLES DREAM M A Popara 114 114S Has early foot 4 MARKIT PAID S Brooks 114 114J Main threat here 8 SEA RIPPLE J Heckmann 114 Always a threat 12 LEHIGH J Bidwell 114 114No May forget to stop 17 AK PRINCESS No boy 109 109JAdams Chance if started 16 LOCO LOCO2KING JAdams 114 114J Company suits 2KING JOE J Parsons 109 109R May do later on 5 ELS FOLLY R Borgemenke 114 114No Lets wait and see 6 PODOLOFF No boy 114 114S Away a long time 7 BY GONE DAYS S No boy 117 117R Strong factor here 9 MURREY R Borgemenke 114 114NE Outsider1 in here 10 EASTER AIRLINE NE L Hansman 114 Some other time 11ERRARDS BOY V Guarjardo 112 112J Trailer at finish 13 HUNT PLATE J L Rotz 114 114No Would be an upset 15 RIVAS SON No boy 114 114No Inandouter 18 GOLD MEDAL No boy 117 117MAN Tab for later on 19 CHARLIE BOWMAN MAN D Madden 114 In too deep 20GORGEOUS MISS E C McKinsey 104 Fainthearted sort

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1956050301/drf1956050301_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1956050301_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800