Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1956-05-03

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Alphabetical Index to Entries A AAaron Aaron F 3d CD Abacus 9th CD Able Ladd 7th Spt Accolade 7th GS Accomplishment 1st Jam Achilles2d Lrl Adearishe 8th GS Advice 1st Lrl Al Hope 3d GS Airpack 8th Jam Ak Princess 9th CD Alapat 1st LD Albard 1st GS All Honors 2d Jam Always Movin 6th Lrl Ambalong 2d Spt Angel Breath 6th Spt Angie 1st Spt Anniversaire 4th Jam Another Heart 4th LD Apache Belle 5th LD Appian Way 8th Lrl Arco Celeste 2d Jam ArkKyTex 7th Spt Arletod 2d Lrl Asthore 1st Jam Atascosa 5th Spt Atheneum 6th Lrl Auratum th Spt SptB SptBad B Bad Bid 2d CD Bad Boy Bill6th Lrl Bad Pat 2d Lrl Baldys Mike th GS Ball n Twine 2d CD Bananet 3d Lrl Barshoe 1st Spt Bat Girl 9th Spt Batter Bread 6th LD Bay Twist 8th Spt Beguile 4th Lri Beldic 1st Spt Belham 3d Jam Bella A 4th Spt Belle Gay 2d Jam Beneficial 1st GS Bertie 7th Jam Bet Butler 3d CD Bet Happy 2d Spt Betise 8th CD Better Sweep 5th LD Big Bargain 1st Spt Big Cat 4th Lrl Big Coupon 2d CD Big Ideas 3d Jam Bit o Dream 1st Lrl Bit OMama 2d GS Black Annie 5th Lrl Black Bee 5th LD Black Gallant 7th LD Black Hannah 2d CD Blenheim Time 1st Lrl Blue Jack 2d Lrl Blue Nitro 8th Jam Bluer 3d Jam Blue Pilot 2d GS Blue Showers 6th Spt Bobbin Robin 3d Jam BobbyBoo 7th Spt Bold and Fair 6th GS Bold Time 1st Spt Bold X8th Spt Bombdra 5th GS Bonnet 2d Jam Book Match 2d Lrl Booteve 4th LD Boots Away 3d Jam Border Lord 1st Lrl Boychik 4th Lrl Brandy B 2d CD Brau Imp 7th Spt Briar Sweet 5th GS Bright Plumes 8th Jam Brookhaven 9th CD Brooman 2d GS Brown Hackle 7th CD Bugles Dream 9th CD Bull Woods 1st CD Bush Luck 3d CD Buster Jim 5th Spt Bustle Ma 3d Lrl Button Shoes 2d Lrl By Gone Days Sth CD By Herself6th LD LDCareful LDc c Careful Devil 9th Spt Careless Miss 6th Jam Cat Cat 3d Lrl Cedaresque 1st CD Celandine 7th LD Celes Pet 6th Lrl Celtic Boy 3d CD Center Lane 2d GS Challa Rock 1st Lrl Challeroan 4th GS Chance Alarm 9th Spt Chance Deb 7th GS Changeling 1st Lrl Chapaquoit 4th Jam Charlaire Miss 4th Spt Charlie Bowman 9th CD Charlie Ford 7th Lrl Cherished 3d LD Cherokee Pilot Sth Spt Cherry Bull 4th CD Chickdale 2d GS Chusco 8th GS Cicero Joan 3d Spt Cindyam 1st LD Clairbeau 2d Spt Classy Chance 23 Lrl Clear Sweep 8th LD Clybern 1st Jam Coffeyville 9th Spt Cold Night 4th GS Colonel Ken 6th GS Colonel Sun 9th LD Comets Glow Sth Jam Concentrator 4th Lrl Cononym 8th LD Cop Winder 6th Lrl Cosmic Victory 2d CD Count Cal Sth Spt Count Domingo 2d Spt Countess Priam 9th LD Crack Begole 1st Spt Cranberry Joe Sth LD Crann 6th Lrl Crystal Bound 2d LD Cubed ce7th GS Cute Storm 1st CD Cynthia L 4th LD LDD LDDabs D Dabs Marvin 1st Jam Daddys C 0 3d CD Dalliance 9th LD Dance Date 2d Lrl Dance Spin 2d GS Dandy Stretch 1st LD Dark Buster 4th CD Dark Theatre 8th Spt Darling Son 1st CD Dasheff 1st CD Dateline 7th Spt DeerAce 4tli Spt Demon Bo 4th Spt Denny 7th Lrl Depth Rocket 1st CD Diamond Star 3d Spt DiOreModel 2d GS Display Song 6th GS Dixie Prince Sth GS Doc Kane 1st Jam Doctors Pride 2d Lrl Donke Serenade 9th Spt Don Melody 6th CD Dottie Pie 1st GS Dottie Rcdbird 2d Spt Dru Away 4th CD Dual Streak 4th GS GSE GSEaster E Easter Airline 9th CD Easter Star 3d Spt Easy Sweep 6th Lrl Edna H 3d GS Eland 2d Lrl Elixir 8th Jam Elliotts Dream 3d Jam Els Folly 9th CD Emarjay 6th Spt Emion 3d Lrl Equableu 4th Jam Errards Boy 9th CD Esca Lass 6th Jam Eternalness 2dCD Ethel Walker 2d Jam Etheridge 9th Spt Evelyn Miss Sth Lrl Evening Echo Sth Lr Exec 2d Lrl LrlFairy LrlF F Fairy Prince 6th Spt Fanciful Lady 5th CD Ferro 7th LD Fiddlin Mac 2d Spt Filter Sth Spt Finale 1st Jam Fleet Argo 7th Spt Flower Bowl 7th Jam Flushing Some 2d CD Flying Petal 1st Lrl Flying Squaw 3d Lrl Four in Deck 3d Jam Foxie King lsi CD Foxy Gert 2d Spt Foxy Polly 1st GS Frandante 1st GS Free Pioneer 1st Jam Frosty Miss 3d Lrl Frosty Whirl8th Lrl LrlG LrlGaelic G Gaelic Chief Sth Jam Gallant Tonto 4th Lri Gilded Lily 3d GS Ginger Brown 3d Jam Gladdies Gift Sth CD Gold Medal Sth CD Golden Age 3d GS Golden Object 2d Lrl Goldonca 3d GS Gorgeous Miss 9th CD Gotta Heart 2d CD Grand Ballet 3d Jam Grand Egyptian 2d Lrl Grand Juror 8th Spl Grand Mag 1st Lrl Grandpaw 7th Jam GranneaMJth Lrl Gray Ace 4th GS Gray Vision 1st LD Great Habit Sth Lri Guard Duty Sth C D DHackensack Hackensack 7th Lrl Hadareward 7th GS Happy Go Lucky 7lh CD Harlem 7th Lrl Harpeth 1st CD Harriet F 1st Jam Hasty Scenes th Lr Hay Crunch 3d LD Hearts Glee Sth CD Her Hero 1st Lrl Heres Colina 1st CD HiCass 3d Lrl High Voltage th Jam Hill Princess 7th GS Hill Topsy 2d Jam Hi Sky 2d Spt Hodoyoudo 2d GS Hokey Pokey Sth Spt Honest Bread Sth Jam Hoopdedont Sth Spt Hunch Play8th LD Hung Up 3d Jam Hunt Plate9th CD Hydro Scott 5th Spt I II I Dare You 1st CD I Say No 2d CD Ignore Me Sth LD Indian Guide 7th Lrl Innsbruck 4th LD Invite 3d Lrl Is Newborn Sth LD Isasweetie Sth CD Isawhiz 3d GS GSJames J GSJ James T 9th Spt Je Suis 3d Lr Jean Hac 4th Spl Jedgar 1st Spt Jessie Foray 7th Spt Jet Set 4th Jam Jody Belle 2d Jam Joes Jeep 1st LD Johns Pal 6th LD Joli Dou 5lh GS Jolly Holly6th CD Jolly Joker 2d CD Jolly Well1st GS Junior C 6th LD Juniper 3d GS GSKaylayenta K GSK Kaylayenta 7th GS Kaz 1st CD Kentucky Sue6th GS Kinder2d Lrl King JoeSlh CD King Pomp 7th Lrl L LLady Lady Atorter 9th Spt Lady OFortune 2d Jam Lady Tatula 7th GS Lady Witch3d LD Langholm Sth Jam Larned Boy 3d Spt Latezia Sth CD Lee Cee Sth Jam Lehigh 9th CD Letmego Sth Lrl Liability 7th Spt Little Cynthia 1st LD Loco 9th CD Lone Pilot 9th Spt Lonely Winter 7th Spt Lovely Heart 1st CD Lovin Lady 2d Spt Lucille M5th LD Lucille Run 1st CD Luck o Night 7th Spt Luck Piece 2d Lrl Lucky William 7th LD Luscious Fruit 3d LD LDM M Mad Gander 1st Lrl Madcap Meg 1st GS Magic Lamp 4th Lrl Mahplay 1st Spt Maisie Tracer Sth Spt Majestic Maid 7th GS Major Order 3d Jam Mambo 1st Spt Manassas 6th CD Manotick 6th Jam Marie H IstSpt Market Gain Sth Jam Markit Paid 9th CD McGrathiana Sth Spt Mektoub 2d LD Melon Sth CD Melpet 3d LD Mere Jo 5th G Merlee 1st LD Mesmer 2d LD Metaxa 1st Lrl Mid Stream 1st Lrl Mighty Man 3d Spt Mighty Roan 1st Spt Mighty Ted 2d LD Milan Man 1st CD Mill Tract 4th Jam Millcamp 3d LD Mink Gal 1st CD Miss Erlen 2d GS Miss Nina6th CD Miss Patience 3d GS Miss Phelia 1st LD Miss Skidmore Sth CD Miss Stymie 6th CD Misty Coast 4th GS Mock Jr Sth LD Model Pilot 8th LD Mon Torch 7th Lrl Mona Lou 2d LD Money Money 3d GS Montis Dream 1st GS Moon Bunny 7th Lrl More Apps 7th GS Morse Flash Sth Spt Mr Anchor Sth Jam Mr Turf 7th Jam Mucho Frio 2d Spt Murrey 9th CD Music Maestro 7th CD My Cindy 4th Jam My Lady Fair 4th LD Myrtis L 4th CD CDN CDNancarol N Nancarol 4th LD Natchene 7th Spt Natchez Maid 2d Spt Neros Mermaid 3d LD New Stream Sth Spt Newmarket Maid 6th CD Noble Mateador 1st GS Nonnie Jo 7th CD North Clark 2d Spl Norvin G 2d CD NotTonite 3d Lrl Nutmeg Lad Sth LD 0 0Oeyesee Oeyesee 4th LD OnHerWaySdGS One Buck Sth GS Only Chick4th LD Orrtrack Sth Jam Ososlo 9th Spt Our Gift 2d Spt OurGrandsons 1stGS Out0Gas 1st LD Overn Out Sth CD Part Time6th GS Party King 7th Spt Patness Sth GS Patois 7th Lrl Patsy Dear 1st LD i Patty Bell9th LD Pauls Pal 2d Spt Perfect Mister 8th Spt Picareno Sth CD Pink Brier 3d GS Platter Scout 1st CD Play Ron Sth Spt Playful Day 2d LD Pleasure Scout 3d CD Podoloff 9th CD Port Windsor 8th Jam Powdered Again 4th Spt Primacy Sth CD Prince Adaris Sth Spt Proctor Sth Jam Protagonist 4th Lrl Proud 3d Spt Puzzler Sth Jam JamQuatreThellSdLrl Q JamQ QuatreThellSdLrl Queen Hopeful 7th CD Queen Yvonne 7th GS Queens Story Slh Spt Quillo Sth CD CDRadiant R CDR Radiant Fox IstSpt RajTBang 7th GS Rays David 4th Spt Red Decanter 8th CD Red Elf 7th Lrl Red Lynx7th Spt Red Red Robin 7th LD Red Rudolph 1st Spt Rejoice 2d LD Reparation 3d Jam Revenooer 7th Lrl Right Star 7th Spt Rinar 3d Jam Rindas Dream Sth GS Ring Champ 4th Lrl Ring Fleet 9th Spt Ring In 1st Jam Ringside Sth LD Ripover5th LD Rivas Son 9th CD Rock Pigeon 8th GS Rocket Light 2dLD Rolling Boy 1st Lrl Roy Jr 1st CD Royal Briar 7th Jam Royal Honor 6th CD Royal Somali 1st GS Royal Swing 7th Lrl Royal Viola 6th Jam Ruche 4th Lrl Ruth Wallis 3d Lrl LrlSalix5th Salix5th Lrl Sagmiere 1st LD Sambit 2d LD Saras Reward 2d GS Satchel Boy 1st Lrl Scarlet Jr 1st Spt Scotts Pal 2d Jam Scrutinized 7th CD Sea Caprice 6th CD Sea Gull4th LD Sea 0 Erin 7th CD Sea Ring Sth GS Sea Ripple 9th CD Self Style Sth LD Senga 4th Jam Seppie 5th Spt Service 1st CD Side Light4th GS Silver Arrow 1st Lr Sir Chris 4th CD Sir Goya Sth Spt Sir Lorter 3d CD Sir Putnam 2d CD Sister Peg 9th LD Sky Faith 7th LD Sky Princess Sth Spl Sleepy Tigress 7th Spt Sligo Rockr8th Lrl Smart Boy 6th LD Smart Set 3d Lri Socko 2d Jam Sod Singer 3d Lrl Son Fen 2d Lrl Soocru 4th Lrl Sorceress 6th Jam Sporty Girl 4th LD Square Measure 4th GS Square Number 6th GS Stage Doll 3d Spt Stalk 8th GS StratoStreak Stli GS Steel Peer 2d GS Stimison 7th Lrl Stolen FirstGth Lrl Stcnington 5thGS Styrunner 7th CD Subliner 2d Spt Summer Blues 3d CD Sun Fame Sth GS Sun Lass 7th GS Sun OLure 7th Lrl Sunoloc 8th Lrl Super Kitty 3d CD Superscript Sth CD Super Time 2d LD Sweet Freedom 9th Spt Swiss Bolo 2d LD LDT LDTacit T Tacit 1st Jam Taddy 3d Spt Talion 9th Spt Talking Julie IstSpt Tambour 1st Jam Tap Dancer 3d Spt Tarboo 3d CD Taronv Sth Spt Tarquilla 6th Jam Tattenham 1st Spt TelepostSth Lrl Tempis Image 2d CD Ten Seconds 5th Lrl Tenzing Slh Jam The Allenhurst 1sl GS The Drummer 1st LD The Horse Fair 3d Jam The River 7th LD The Troll Sth LD Third Point 8th CD Tidy Ann Sth CD Tiffany 4lh CD Tiger Play 6lh Lr Todays Story 4th Spt Tokyo Girl 4th Jam Tomfoolery Sth LD Tommy Griff in 3d Jam Track Star 9th LD Trappers Treat 4th GS Trey Spot 1sl CD Triple Honors 9th LD Trumplngton 2d CD Tweetsie 2d Jam JamUllimalum u Jamu Ullimalum Sth Spt Under Pressure 2d Spt SptV SptVagabond V Vagabond King 7th CD Valcarie Sth Jam Vandanell 2d LD Vehice4th CD Veracily6tli LD VilleDEsleSdJam Vinmaybe Sth Lrl Vis Fault6lh Spl VTwo Slli Jam Vyr 9th Spl SplWantaBil Splw w WantaBil Sth Spt War Finish 7th Lrl War Piper 7th Jam War Stim 7th Spt War Stretch Sth LD Wartesia 7th LD Weber J7th Lrl Wee Bern 2d LD Well Seasoned 3d GS What a Guy 9th Spt What a Step 6lh Spt Whirling Fleet 1sl Lr Whirls Bell1st CD Why Bill 1sl LD Wildcat Sam 8th Spl Wise Jerk 2d LD World Series 4lh CD CDY CDYama8lh Y Yama8lh Lr

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Local Identifier: drf1956050301_40_1
Library of Congress Record: