Official Racing Charts: Garden State Park, Daily Racing Form, 1956-05-03


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Garden State Park Coovrieht 1D5G bv Trianclc Publications Inc CAMDEN N J WEDNESDAY MAY 2 1955GARDEN STATE PARK 1 MILE Fourth day of twentyfive day mceiing April 25 1 tc May 301 GardeV State Racing Association American Totalisator Puett Startng Gate Film Patrol Weather rainy first five races cloudy thereafter Steward representing New Jersey Mate Kacing uommission t o iicr y3 I V and G R Palmer Placing Judges K H Lennox W B Trundle and T A Steele Patrol Judges M v V Mullm M 111 V G Mara N Gladstone and JStout Paddock Judge V G Mara Clerk of Scale ABcnagura Starter C Phillips Timer J R Megill Racing Secretary and Handicapper M C Shea Assistant Racing Secretary H J Carroll Racing starts at zJU pm tastern uayiignt iwne rercenidye ui i a A 1955 32 current meeting 33 Percentage of favorites in the money 66 Daily Double first and j second j races No entries or field horses permitted in Daily Double races Mutuel take 13 per cent State 7 track 6 on first 40000000 State 8 track 5 thereafter Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice allowance clai s Five Ibs etc In claiming races price appears after name of Jockey Complete finish of each race confirmed by Jones Precision Photo Finish Inc FIRST RACE 1 116 MILES Friendly Frank Oct 3 19501424109 Deptford Purse Purse 35CO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since March 31 allowed 3 Ibs two races since January 16 5 Ibs one race since April 17 May 256 GS 7 Ibs Claiming price 3500 Net Value to winner 2100 second 800 third 400 fourth 200 Mutuel Pool 104597 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St VA Vz Sir Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 781251 BEST FLEET wb5115 1 5 7 4423 4 1U W Blum 3500 J Simpson Jr 200 78197 SAILORS RETURN w4113 4 4 4J 3 34 21 25 C Burr 3500 E Bradley 330 77458 SLIDE APART w4108 3 3 14 14 1h 3 34 F A Smith 3500 D G Neuman 1260 79180 RADICAL w9114 2 2 6 53 52 44 4 J Posada 3500 E W King 470 77458 FRONT OFFICE w 4 113 7 8 8 8 73 63 51 J J Salvaggio 3500 J Gilbert 48JO 78197 BEWITCHING wb6108 5 6 3h 62 64 5 6 G L Smith 3500 C Bradley 570 79178 BIRCH HILLS wb4113 8 1 23 2 4J 75 73 H Block 3500 Mr Mrs J A Price 660 63921 ORKNEY w4113 6 7 5J 73 8 8 8 J A Rlbuto 35CO C M Kline 2160 2160Time Time 233 47 112 139 146 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbersij r 2 lutuels Paid Odds to 1 k n 1BEST FLEET 600 34D 260 200 70 30 MutUel rriCeSf 5SAILORS RETURN 380 320 90 60 1 3SLIDE APART 520 160 160Winner Winner B g by Count Fleet Best Boots by Our Boots trained by P W Schaufelberger bred by Woodvale Farm FarmIN IN GATE230 OFF AT 230J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same BEST FLEET was unhurried while settling into his best stride moved up on the outside to vie for command before six furlongs gained the lead into the stretch and increased his advantage under pressure SAILORS RETURN was between horses close to the pace and rallied under urging SLIDE APART drew clear at once dominated the pace to the stretch then weakened RADICAL was steadied along the inside but failed to make up ground in the late stages BIRCH HILLS weakened The others were outrun outrunScratched Scratched 79018 Ankara 108 77650 Stanley C 113 Overweight Radical 1 pound SECOND RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute I Appeal May 21 1955 108 4 112 Franklin Franklin7Q 7Q M f o Purse Purse 3500 3yearolds Claiming Nonwinners of a race since April 17 f Or J Weight 122 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since January 16 allowed 3 Ibs one May 256 GS race 6 Ibs Claiming price 4000 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 3500 Net value to winner 2100 second 800 third 400 fourth 200 Mutuel Pool 139525 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt VA Vz StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 785434 CASEYS ERROR wb 115 4 5 54 54 42 Jh S Boulmetis 3500 Mrs J Goodwin 520 788172 LIVING HIGH wb115 8 6 44 3 1h 24 H Moreno 3503 Mrs J L Voigt Jf Z60 78041 DUN DANDY wb111 6 2 7 J 6J 62 3J C Burr 4CCO Modan Stable 380 78142 DUNAM wb 113 71 22 1J 24 4 N Cox 4000 C J Davis 2220 77943 HABITANTE wb 113 1 8 9 85 7J 5t J A Rlbuto 4000 Mrs J W Camac 3300 78120 NOBLE MATEADOR w 115 34 3 43 51 J 6 R L Stevon 3500 Beacon Stable 260 79019 TEDDYS GIFT w 116 2 9 6J 73 88 74 B James OCO Castle Rock Farm 940 45090 SUNNY GERRY wb111 53 4 21 3h 812 W Blum 4000 Mrs I Gushen 1850 77317 SOMEAST wb111 9 7 82 9 9 9 R LeBlanc 4000 E R OCcnnell 6500 6500Time V VOfficial Time 22 46 112 Track fast Official Program Numbers S2 Mtituels Paid N Od ls to 1 4 t t 4CASEYS ERROR 1240 540 340 520 170 170l l 8LIVING HIGH 380 260 90 30 1 6DUN DANDYS 300 300Winner Winner B g by Cuantos Bramblette by Okapi trained by J Goodwin bred by J Goodwin IN GATE 301 OFF AT 301J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same CASEYS ERROR was reserved within striking distance of the leaders until straightened for the drive then moved with a rush on the outside and was along to pass LIVING HIGH in the final yards The latter was roused after three furlongs moved up to take command when straightened for the drive but bore in slightly hampering rider and just missed DUN DANDY broke alertly dropped back responded when roused and closed willingly DUNAM raced SUNNY GERRY into submission but was unable to draw clear and weakened near the end HABITANTE lacked speed NOBLE MATEADOR retired after failing to reach the lead SUNNY GERRY had speed for a half mile Overweight Dunam 2 pounds Habitante 2 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 6800 Double Pool 152442 THIRD RACE 5 FURLONGS Pollys Jet May 18 1955582119 National Park Purse Purse A 3500 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Weight 120 Ibs Claiming price 5000 4 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 4500 May 256 GS Net value to winner 2100 second 300 third 400 fourth 200 Mutuel Pool 165855 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt fe StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 78727 ELECTION w 120 1 6 6J 54 3J 1U L Batcheller 5000 J B Watriss 890 890BURROS BURROS BOY w 120 6 2 34 2J 11 Z W Blum 5000 I G Schorsch 1230 79017 RICH ACRES w 120 2 4 42 42 44 34 J Coyalli 5000 J J Colando 3200 78035 MARY LAWLER wb117 3 7 8463 62 W C Burr 5000 Ram Stable 440 78818 AIR PARTY w117 5 5 2h 1h 2J 54 H Moreno 5COO J P Jones 70 78S07 7078S07 PHILLIS CAROL w117 4 3 4 32 52 61 B Mitchell 5000 J Swiatek 23SO 77735 OPAQUE w 113 7 10 10J 91 71 7 R L Stevon 4500 Beacon Stable 4130 781284 GREAT DAY wb12011 1 54 81 82 83 S Boulmetis 5000 Elmendorf 410 77662 PHOTOGRAPHIC wb 120 10 8 72 71 9 94 H Block 5000 Curly Hill Farm 4480 77538 NAEISE w 120 811 11 11 102101 N Cox 5000 J S Phipps 470 76857 WARETTE w117 9 9 9J 101 11 11 F A Smith 5000 F P Magann 2580 Time 2580Time 23 47V5 100 Track fast fastOfficial Official Program Numbers ii 2 Mutuels Paid s Odds to 1 L i i 1ELECTION 230lURROS r 1980 840 660 890 320 230 340i lURROS BOY 1240 880 520 340 i 2RICH ACRES 1620 710 Winner 710Winner Br c by Owners Choice Dowager by Free France trained by C R White bred by J Watrisj IN GATE 330 OFF AT 331 J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same ELECTION worked his way up along the inside to the final turn was steered to the outside of the leaders and was along under steady urging to draw clear near the end BURROS BOY forced the pace racing on the outside gained the lead in the stretch but was not good enough RICH ACRES close up along the inside was forced to take up slightly when in close quarters near the end MARY LAWLER closed from off the pace AIR PARTY alternated in setting the pace racing between horses and weakened in the final furlong PHILLIS CAROL had speed for three furlongs and then tired GREAT DAY rallyScratched raced wide and lacked a rally Scratched 77969 Preston Street 120 79179 Show Hero 120 High Ging 117 77721 Chicks Folly 117 Thin Glass 117 FOURTH RACE 1 116 MILES Friendly Frank Oct 3 1950 142 4 109 East Windsor Purse Purse Purse7Q 7Q A 9 J 3j500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners of two races s Tt J since March 31 allowed 3 Ibs two races since January 16 5 Ibs one race since April 17 May 256 GS 7 Ibs Claiming price 3500 Net value to winner 2100 second 800 third 400 fourth 200 Mutuel Pool 204408 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vz StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to SI 7853H BIGDOME wb8115 2 4 74 54 24 2J 1 H Moreno 3500 H F Bowyer 90 454042 REINSPECT W6114 8 2 24 2 4 1h 2J J Posada 3500 S Rich 400 782791 AIR OUT wb4120 9 5 5J 61 5i 4 3h C Burr 3500 L Edwards 210 781181 BIG BILLIE W4110 3 9 9 7J 3 5h 43 S Boulmetis 3500 Vicente Navarro 500 777924 SOUTH TYRONE W4113 7 1 31 4J 44 6J 5 N Cox 3500 J Cortellucci 1090 76760 JAKIE w5113 4 6 61 9 8J i 6J R LeBlanc 3500 F P Meagher 3490 78912 WARM ENOUGH wb4113 1 3 8 8 9 82 7 J A Regto 3500 W H Hogeland 3930 79178 BOLD JOHN wb4108 5 7 1J 1J 71 9 84 H TornetaS 3500 J F Beattie 6480 79018 PANMURE w 4106 6 8 41 11 6U 3h 9 J Cuffari 3500 K G Marshall K40 sloppyOffcial Time 233 483 1 = 14 140 147 Track sloppy Offcial Program Numbers 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 ij it 2BIGDOME 780 440 300 290 120 CT 500 320 150 U 9AIR OUT 280 40 Winner 40Winner Dk br g by Boss Hoss Waza Sweep by Bobby Sweep trained by H F Bowyer bred by Mrs L C Young YoungIN IN GATE400 OFF AT 400 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME Start TIMEStart good Won driving second and third the same BIGDOME was taken back and steered to the outside on the first turn moved steadily to challenge for the lead on the final turn and was carried very wide then responded willingly to outfinish REINSPECT and pulled up very sore REINSPECT assumed command after a half mile drifted out badly on the final turn then responded to stout urging and extended the winner in a sustained drive AIR OUT moved to contention as the leaders went wide and had clear passage but was not good enough BIG BILLIE came to the inside for the drive and closed stoutly SOUTH TYRONE weakened WAPM ENOUGH was forced wide while moving in the last stages BOLD JOHN tired PANMURE flashed brief speed Overweight speedOverweight Reinspect 1 pound poundCofmve Cofmve on Page Twenfyf fv GARDEN STATE PARK PARKContinued Continued from Page Nine NineFIFTH FIFTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute I Appeal May 21 1955108544112 Hightstown Hightstown7g A s Purse Purse 3500 4yearolds and upward Claiming 4yearolds 120 Ibs older 7g 7 4 L O 122 Ibs Nonwinners of three races in 1956 allowed 3 Ibs two races 5 Ibs one race May 256 GS 7 Ibs Claiming price 4000 Net value to winner 2100 second 800 third 400 fourth 200 Mutuel Pool 222606 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 14 2 StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 71460 WHATATOY wb6110 35 22 2i 22 1 J Choquette 4000 RMcClanahan 5020 78193 NOBLE WARRIOR wb 4 114 18 1 12 Ji 23 J Culmone 4000 Castle Rock Farm 910 77795 BOGIE MAN wb 7 117 10 3 54 42 3 3J J A Rlbuto 4000 Mrs PJ Mitchell 1140 790544 OUR HERO wfa4113 82 32 32 4J 4 ° S Boulmetis 4000 Ada L Rice 210 75095 TUMBLING AFTER w 5 112 44 4h 52 52 51J W B Wilms 4000 J M Grieve 960 77312 GOLDEN PEAR W6115 2 7 6 6i 6l 6 W Blum 4000 H Cohen 360 782773 DOCTOR DICK w5117 710 8h 8 83 7J G L Smith 4000 L G Robinson 380 78193 BROOK PRINCE wb6119 56 7J 72 i 8 C Burr 4COO Modan Stable 1410 79018 WILL GO WELL wb 4 113 6 9 93 93 93 93 R L Stevon 4000 W M Wickham 2610 34967 KADER wb10115 91 10 10 10 10 B James 4000 C L Sabatini 6250 6250Time Time 22 45 111 Track sloppy B Paid ft Odds f to 1 Official Program Numbers Jrf r S2 Mutuets 840n 3WHATATOY 10240 4020 1820 5020 1910 840 n l n 1 ARRIOR 980 700 390 250 W 680 240 240Winner Winner Ch m by Cravat China Toy by Judge Hay trained by D Chamblin bred by R McClanahan McClanahanIN IN GATE430 OFF AT 430 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same WHATATOY raced with the early pace under light restraint remained in hand until the final quarter mile moved up with a rush along the inside and was along to beat NOBLE WARRIOR The latter moved up along the inside from a slow beginning drew clear on the far turn was steered to the middle of the track and just failed to last BOGIE MAN was on the extreme outside while racing wide TUMBLING AFTER was unable to make up ground along the inside GOLDEN PEAR went evenly DOCTOR DICK showed nothing BROOK PRINCE failed to rally rallyScratched Scratched 76181 Sugarfoot 119 119Overweight Overweight Noble Warrior 1 pound poundOur Our Hero claimed by T and T Stable SIXTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute I Appeal May 21 1955 108rs4 112 Lawrence Lawrence7n f 7 Purse Purse 4500 4yearolds and upward Claiming 4yearolds 122 Ibs older 7n 4 L I 124 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since March 2 allowed 3 Ibs two races since May 256 GS January 16 5 Ibs one race in 1956 7 Ibs Claiming price 7500 if for less 2 Ibs Ibsallowed allowed for each 250 to 7000 Net value to winner 2700 second 975 third 525 fourth 300 Muiuei Pool 245028 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 2 St Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 78300 CORFEL W7120 2 4 1hfi 1h 1 ° S Boulmetis 7000 G G Rosenberger 230 78379 WEEP AND WAIL w7119 15 42 32 23 23 J Choquette 7500 G Fineman 350 780404 CARTIER wb5115 3 7 83 82 32 33 E Anyon 7000 Modan Stable 1370 69404 HUNTSVILLE wb7117 9 99 9 7 7J 52 41 J Covalli 7500 W P Foley 1020 10207650H 7650H WABASH MOON w6109 611 9i 9J 83 5J H Moreno 7000 J L Friedman 560 69404 NECKTIE wb7117 4 46 6 5 6J 7J 6 J Culmone 7500 Kilkare Farm 2040 711133 HAPPY CARRIER w 6 117 11 8 87042H 62 5J 6J 7 W Blum 7500 Ridge Stable 3750 37507042H 7042H RACER wb wb4115 4 115 8 2 2h 2h 4 82 C Burr 7500 A Desabato 1170 712954 CURRITUCK w 5 117 10 1 11 11 92 92 G L Smith 7500 T T Stable 1720 776641 RIGHT BIT w 5 124 7 10 10J 102 1Q2 102 R L Stevon 7500 Beacon Stable 1020 77159 QUIP wb4115 5 53 3 3 41 11 11 C Martinez 7500 Vicente Navarro 3770 3770Time Time 22 451i 111 Track sloppy sloppyOfficial Official Program Numbers Jj 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1k 2CORFEL 660 380 340 230 Mutuel 230Mutuel k n Prices 1WEEP AND WAIL 440 3w 1 2 ° i 3CARTIER 520 160 160Winner Winner B g by Buster Corindy by Port au Prince trained by J H C Forbes bred by Agriculture Remount Service ServiceIN IN GATE500 OFF AT 502 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same CORFEL gained a short lead soon after the start was under light restraint while establishing the pace and continued on gamely to withstand a sustained drive from WEEP AND WAIL The latter moved to the leader entering the stretch and was pressing for command CARTIER saved ground on the final turn and closed with good energy HUNTSVILLE rallied mildly WABASH MOON was caught in a jam leaving the gate and was taken up sharply NECKTIE went evenly HAPPY CARRIER was unable to reach serious contention RACER weakened after a half mile QUIP flashed brief speed and retired retiredScratched Scratched 78380 Derry 103 78038 What Sir 115 115Overweight Overweight Wabash Moon 1 pound SEVENTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute I Appeal May 21 1955 108 4 112 Metro Purse Purse7Q A O Q Purse 6 ° ° ° 4yearolds and upward Allowances Nonwinners of three races other 7Q 7 t JL O than maiden optional starter or claiming since October 29 4yearolds 122 Ibs older May 256 GS 124 Ibs Nonwinners of 8000 in 195556 allowed 3 Ibs three races since October 7 or one race since April 17 6 Ibs 2600 twice since October 7 or two races since January 16 8 Ibs 2600 since January 16 or two races since October 7 10 Ibs one race since November 5 12 Ibs optional starter and claiming races not considered Net value to winner 3725 second 1200 third 650 fourth 425 Mutuel Pool 242221 Index Horsei EqtrA Wt PP St V4 V2 StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 1 781963 GUN ROD W4110 2 2 2W5121 11 11 1 M W Blum 0 H Wienges Son 470 4702J 781461 WEAL OR WOE W5121 3 1 2J 21 21 21 S Boulmetis Jet Stable 580 7529H TRENTONIAN wb4119 1 4 4W4114 33 34 38 38 H Moreno Calumet Farm 60 70741 SUNDAY PITCH W4114 8 6 55 55 43 43 LBatcheller Bohemia Stable 4080 78382 OUR GOB wb5118 5 7 7w5112 74 75 75 5h G L Smith Ruffalo Bros 700 763742 INDIAN FILE w5112 6 5 6 5 62 61 61 C Martinez Jumping Brook Farm 2330 77948 OUR ONLY ONE w4107 4 3 41 41 52 75 R LeBlanc Mrs F Silverman 4430 71219 GALE RIVER wb wb4110 4 110 7 8 8 8 8 8 F A Smith V L Shea 6130 6130Time Time 22 45 109 Track sloppy sloppyOfficial Official Program Numbers S2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 2GUNROD 1140 500 240 470 150 20 20Ji Ji 20i 3WEAL OR WOE 500 240 150 20 i 1TRENTONIAN 220 10 10Winner Winner B g by Ogma Happy Circle by Hoop Jr trained by W C Prickett bred by 0 H Wienges Sons SonsIN IN GATE 533 OFF AT 533 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same GUNROD moved alertly to take a clear lead was allowed to step along at a fast pace and maintained the lead under steady pressure in the drive WEAL OR WOE was in closest attendance of the pace rallied when put to a drive and was pressing throughout the late stages TRENTONIAN close up and saving ground was unable to make up any ground in the final sixteenth SUNDAY PITCH lost ground in an even effort OUR GOB lacked early speed INDIAN FILE had no mishap OUR ONLY ONE weakened GALE RIVER was taken up soon after the start and showed nothing thereafter EIGHTH RACE 1 116 MILES Friendly Frank Oct 3 1950 142 4 109 Hopewell Purse Purse Purse7Q M f Q 4500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 122 Ibs Nonwinners of one race 7Q s 4 s since March 31 allowed 3 Ibs two races since January 16 5 Ibs one race since May 256 GS April 17 7 Ibs Claiming price 6500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 5500 Net value to winner 2700 second 975 third 525 fourth 300 Mutuel Pool 207492 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 1 787312 GIRL CRAZY w4110 8 4 5h 4J 42 2 1 H Moreno 6500 M H Schlosburg 270 744541 ROYAJ MORSE wb4120 5 6 43 33 2 1h 2J W Blum 6250 Mrs A B Eklof 320 783832 BULL X w4120 2 3 61 6J 52 3J 3 C Burr 6250 Lyle Phillips 450 775324 COSINUS w 6 115 9 8 9 72 62 53 43 R L Stevon 6030 Vicente Navarro 1330 785292 FOUR TO GO wb6118 3 1 11 1J 1h 42 54 J DeLucia 6000 Mrs M M Walsh 1260 780123 CLING TO wb5115 4 9 8J 9 83 62 63 S Boulmetis 6500 Bertrando Bros 550 78012 QUITE FANCY w4113 1 2 22 2 31 73 72 N Cox 6500 Mrs F E Moon 2050 78012 OUR COUNTRY wb4113 7 7 7 84 7 8J 83 H Block 6250 Mr Mrs J A Price 3100 77974 PORTAGE BOY wb4115 6 5 3h 5J 9 9 9 J Culmone 6500 G Fineman 950 950Time Time 23 47 112 139 146 Track sloppy Official Program Numbers i S2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 8GIRLCKAZY 740 420 280 170 110 5ROYAL MORSE 420 280 110 40 40I I 2BULL X 320 69 69Winner Winner Ch f by Blue Swords Say Gal by Count Gallahad trained by B P Bond bred by H Schwarzs child childIN IN GATE 601 OFF AT 601 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME TIMEStart Start good Won driving second and third the same GIRL CRAZY was unhurried while improving her position on the outside then moved readily when put to pressure and was along to beat ROYAL MORSE in the final yards The latter was a forward factor from the cutset gained a slight advantage in the stretch and held on tenaciously BULL X improved his position steadily gained clear racing room along th rail and loomed as a threat then hung COSINUS was going stoutly at the end FOUR TO GO weakened after setting the pace for six furlongs CLING TO saved ground to no avail QUITE FANCY retired steadily after forcing the pace PORTAGE BOY was not persevered after dropping back early The rider of ROYAL MORSE lodged an objection against the winner which was disallowed disallowedOverweight Overweight poundRoyal Quite Fancy 1 pound Royal Morse claimed by Lyle Phillips

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Local Identifier: drf1956050301_9_2
Library of Congress Record: