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Ma umee Downs Results FORMERLY FORT MIAMI Monday, May 5, 1958 weather clear; track good eleventh day of 28-day meeting, april 23 to may 24 • daily double-first and second races entries run as one; no field horses Unplaced horses listed in order of finish FIRST RACE 47890— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,000. Three-. and four-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming price ,000. Net Value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. 3- Alas. Alacrity, 108, F. Van Ske 6.80, $ 12L00 .80 10-Joel Chaseman, 113, W. Hubbard 10.00 7.40 2-Anle.Bellum, 111, R. Reynolds 5.00 Time, 1:12%. Off at 2:35 Eastern SUndard, Time. Also ran— Spook Eyes, Daily Mist, Sashay" Star, Stubble, Kirby GiH, Lillian R., Ladies Time. SECOND RACE 47831 -5 T-2 Furlongs. Purse ,000. Four-year-olds and upward.- Claiming price .,003. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 1; • fourth, 5. 2-Sir Walter R., 118, F. Sheaffer 4.20 $ 7.20 $ 4.40 4- First Swing, 118, K. Robertson 5.80 3.00 7-Equidash. 118. R. Reynolds 3.40 Time, 1:11%. Off at 2:59 Eastern Standard Time. Also ran-F. 0. Bee, Old Soldier, Chrmaphita, Barclay Joe, Old Guard, Stepsideways, Phyliis Gem. - " Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 24.60. THIRD RACE 478923-5 1,2 Furlongs. Purse 00, Three- and four-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 25; third, 5; fourth, 5. 4- Sno-Abe, 115, R,Venne 0.60 $ 6.40 $ 5.60 3TEven Fief, K. Robertson 9.60 6.0Q 7-:Domino.Do; 115, C, Varcarcel 1Q.M "•Time, 1:11 i. Off at 3:27 Eastern Standard Time. .Also rarerRavace, Oiir Light, Clay Tile, Light JPink, Gee Burton. . FOURTH RACE 47893— 5 1-2- Furlongs. Purse 00. Four-year-olds and upward. Claiming price 51,500. ■ Net valuer to Winner 75; second, 25; third, 5; fourth; S. • • 5-oung Colony. 118, H. Robinson 5.40 $ 6.2Q $ 4.00 2- Bold Gene, 118, J. D. Porter 3.20 2.40 5-Fireandice, 118,,R. Venne . , ► 3,00, Time, 1:1t?s,. Off .at 351 Eastern Standard Time, .Also ran— Atone, Zaca. Prize, War Bullet, Persephone, Radiant Fox, Saytor Park, Son "Al. FIFTH RACE- 47834— 6 Furlongs. Purse 00. Four-year-olds and upward. Claiming price, ,250.- Net-value to winner 75; second, 25; third, 5; fourth, 5. . - 7- Miss Ninitoo, 111, R. Reynolds 1.60 $ 4.80 % 3.40 3- Corner Lot, 114, R: Venne 3.40 2X0 8- Colette C 113. B. Sackett 2Z Time, 1:1914. Off al 4:16 Eastern Standard Time. Also ran— Is Yours, Sugar King, Playman, Fictionar- ian, Tasa. For late, results see tomorrows issjie.