Overland Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-10


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OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART. DENVER. COLO., July 3, 1915. Nineteenth day. 1 dorado Agricultural Fair and Racing Assoela-t ions Summer Meeting uf -" daya. Orerlaad Park. Weather cloudy. .. _ , Ir. siding steward. P. A. Brady. Presidiag Judge. . i". Dohaoa. Starter, Bdward Tribe. Racing Secretary, W. W. Finn. 1545 First Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pane 30. 1 year his and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 73; second, 0; third. 5. Bqniv. Od 1-liul. Bone. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21519 Kid Nelsmi 107 1*1 " ".loss • 21497-Wasat, li 1 7 -- W Feeds IK," 1"" 21498 0-.1110 1»7 ::- .1 Rnseell »100 l"o :l»14 alifornia Jackl07 I" R Feeney «H 100 1 L1515 Cisl House IKl •"•- Q Warren 130 100 1 21504 Violet lav 100 »•- W Kelsay 1-"" 100 21417-l.adv Young 103 77. R Carter 130-100 1 21478 Roost,, K 7 8* G Molesworth 895-180 1 1414 bc Slupskey 100 94 It Small 425 100 1 21504 i nil too TrancelOH 10 C Thomas 690 100 » Ti 243,. 4945. 1:10%. Track muddy. tnuiuol- paid. Kid Nelson, *FT.7n straight. 811.20 place, . no show: Wasatch. 1.20 place. ss.i:ii show: Kiuie. 7.80 show. Winner II. W. Hongs eh. g, •"«. by Solitaire II. Bohemian Lars trained by IF W. Hoax. Start had. Won easily: second and third driving. 21546 Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Parse 90. I rear olds and upward. Selling. Net value to ; winner SI7.~.: second, 0; third. *2r . Bqniv. odds 1 lad. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. . 21504 - .l-u. Crawford 100 I1 W Braael 510 l"» 21504 Calcium 113 - it Brooks 875 100 21412 Tdiin 103 3:; S Smith 1550 100 , 21477-Miim. .Miniuie 1U2 I- O entry 180-100 , 21502 LaCazadora 106 5» K Denny 770-100 21504 Minnie F. 106 S»* R Feeney 815-100 , •UOlHoueter 108 PIG Warren 890-100 21521-Canapa 106 8 J Donovan 1-Ij-KH I Time. 24%. 49%. 1:10%. Track muddy. niutueis paid. Jennie Crawford, 2.20 straight .00 place, .00 show: Cab-ium. .: 0 place, .l , .show : Iduti. 1915.sh. Id show. Winner L. St, ties eli. in. ,". hy Alhtila — Marie Batten trained by 1.. Stonel. Start fair. iii easOy; second and third driving. . 21547 Third Race— 6-8 Mile. Parse 50. 1 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner f 76; seeoml, 0; third. 6. Bqniv. Od Is » • Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21516 Ouhk Ki7 1- Gentry 1285-100 21277 Nifty 107 2» it Feeney 270-100 21517-Jakc Argent lts 3* . Warren 1220 100 21500ohl Coin 113 1 it Brooks 485-100 21477 arondolet Kl7 o* 8 Smith 415 100 B 21482 I iiinigin 1 i" 61 C Basquil 1750-100 » 21500 ltoht. Mantel! 1"7 7 W Leeds 670-100 • 21414iDr. Neuter 1 ! Wheeled.JFrach 790-100 0 Time. 24%. 49%. 1:02%. Track muddy. I , , i 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 » ; 1 . , , , I , . f » B » • 0 mnliiiK paid. Quick. 7.70 straight -Sl.sn place, .80 show: Nifty, J0 place. .lo show; ■ .lake Argent. .50 show. | Winner I.. I . ientrys b. g. .". by Coajaror — v Fanny ils..n trained l. . HoweU. I Start good for all hut Dr. Neuter. Won driving; I sec I and third same. h 21548 Fourth Rare 5 1-2 Furlongs. Curse 60. ■ I year , Ids and upward. Selling. Net value to i winner .•flTo: second. 0; third, ." . t Bqnh . Odd* Ind. Horse Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21389 F1 Fato MM 1" It Feeney 1115-100 21416.! luluo UueenslMO -" Q Warren 185 100 « 21501 iirliiue K2 * o Gentry 573 loo 2 ■ 21389 ■toiiiiaught 113 4»1 J liaeli 13SS-W0 ; ; 21142 Manganese 11-" ■"• B Kenny 830 1"" ■ 21251 Safranor W3 • B Smith 373-100 21389 Zenotek 10$ 7 R Imea 790-100 « lime 24%. 49, 1:09%. Track muddy. niutueis paid. SI Fato. *2l.:;o straight, .50 place. .*:..io show: Judge Gheena, .c,n place, .30 ■ sboa : nrlii-11, . .70 show. Winner — It. B. Freemans hr. g, li. by Conjuror — J 1earl Barnes trained by 1. It. Freeman. .start good. Won driving: second and third same. 21549 Fifth Race 6-8 Mile. Denver city llamli J can. Valae ,000. 3-year-olda aad upward. Net , value to winner si;7": second, *2imi: third. 00. . Kquiv. Odds -1 Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21501 -1. ot t us 103 1*1 R Carter 960-100 21375 Sine, a 1"S - G Warren 683 100 21501 Ue Beach 105 ■ - 1 Molesworth 180-100 21375 Kootenay 1" I- C Gross "•■ l» • 19635 Celesta 122 ":1 It Small 135 1"" i 21251 Brigl -•■ KXi 6*1 B Smith 13M l »t • 21285 Mater 7 0 .entry MBS 1" • lime. 24. 48%. 1:01%. Track muddy. -i niutueis paid. LoftUS, *21.20 straight. .00 • place, .40 show; Seneca, place, .$:; j show; • Rex Beach. $::.." » show. Winner Daniels h Hodges ch. g, 4. liy Iliek Welles Rdna sii.innon trained by c. is. Daaielsl. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. 21550 Sixih Ran — 1 Mile. Curse $:; h . S-year- ol Is and upward. Selling. Net value to winner .s-Jl»: second, 1915.sh0; third. 0. f Bqniv. Odds Ind. Bane. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight t I 21375 Clark M. 111 1* It Small 310-100 1 21481 ltash 113 tn C Cross 495 Km 1 21481 Kxccutor ! »•" Sl C Kiddle 610 100 21481 Zoroaster 1" " 1 R Carter 535-1O0 21481 St. Avail,, h" B» R Feeney 6S0 100 21480 Patsy Mack 1M. *•" B Denny 155»-100 , 21389 He.eiiev 1»3 7- 8 Smith 980-100 .21390Tarlotoii P. !t7 8 o Gentry :lr, 1"" • Time. 16%, 49-., 1:15%, 1:13:. Track muddy. mutuiis paid. Clark M.. 0 straight. *l.l » ! place, .*::.! show: hash. .30 place. .40 show; ! Executor, ." . Id show. Winner — .1. Tonkins hr. g. ." . by Kciiilwortli — ; Ada N. trained by .1. s. MeBride. Start lair. Won cantering; second and third • driving. ■ ! 21551 Seventh lt.ici — 1 Mile. Curse .".. 4 year ods ami upward. Selling. Net value to winner •517.V. second, 0; third, 5. ! Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21480 -First Star 113 1*1 J Frach 200-100 21503 ees 111 _ W Kelsay 1360-100 21516 Southern Cold 113 S* C Kiddle 9SO-100 21483 Fairly KM 1! K Small 580 100 21373 Kev 113 ■ i I C OMahoney I3O-1O0 21482 Kose.-is 111 $ C Cross 2CM Kmi 21388 Crinee Conrad 113 " C Basquil 1145-100 21288 J. Nolan 109 8 B Feeney 565-100 Time. 25%. 50%. 1:16%. 1:44. Track muddy. SJ niutueis paid. First Star. 1915.sh.00 straight. *:;.a0 1 lai , . J30 -h,,: Ceos. ss.40 place. .00 show; Southern Gold, *t .0 » show. Winner T. Kggers h. g. ti. by Star Shoot — Amy ! Davenport trained by J. J. Troxler. Start giHid. Won easing u|i; second and third ■ "i" 21552 Fight h Baei — 5 1 -_ Furlongs. Curse o . FBUea and Mares. 3-year olds and upward. Sidling. Net value to winner 7" ; second. ifoi»: third. 6. Equiv. odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 21482Miss Clark 112 1« «. Warren 245-100 21504 Snperl 1 7 i W Kelsay 2130-100 21482 -•Cinili 112 31 It Small 195 K«i 21479 Babj Lynch 98 -C entry 515 100 21412lMiss Follv 11 $| S Smith SUS-MO 21479 Make Good 3d". S* F Stevens 1630-100 21499 Ida 105 71 B Denny Msh-MO 21499 Viva 98 B»3 F Fuller 23W-100 , 21497 Thalia H S E Smith 1700-1KO Time. 24. 484. 1:09. Track muddy. mutoels paid. Miss Chirk. *C,.!MI straight. $."!.7n place. :s::.io show: Superl. If 17. 10 place, -f.lU show: litiili. . li" show. Winner II. MeClint i, ks Kr. 111. ... hy Modred— I.eenia trained by W. M. MeClint iek 1. Start good. Won easily: see ml and third driving.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915071001/drf1915071001_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1915071001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800