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FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 50370 — 1:38 3 109. • vat FT rh e 7 115 Bv The Scribe — Tarantella R. T. Wilson. v." ,,u. duel 1 l-s l-.r,r-,-,slo], 13 -5 lo:, 5 3 5 5 H :; .1 MeCahey 5 Marabon, Lazuli, Penalty "1193 Jamaica 11-16 1:47 fast 9-5 111 4 5 5 5 4« ln 3 MeCahey 5 Doublet, Albeaa, Crlin Kripp ai04" Jamaica 1 1-8 1 r,4%fast 4-5 109 2 2 2 2 21 2" 3 MeCahey ," Lazuli, OSullivan, Guy Fisher "Ol-r. V-i -u-iiea 1 l-s i:r,5i,fast 9-5 115 2 4 4 4 2i IlO Byrne 5 Spearhead, W. Shoes, Doublet "0879 Jamaica 11-16 1:48 fast 4-5 lir. 6 6 6 6 3l S* J MeCahey C Spearhead. . Kripp, B. Quince 11660 Belmont 1 1-8 1 11-20 loJ .", .13 3 I* 1" J MeCahey :; Al Bbx-h. Jawbone 20470 Belmont 1 1-16 1 :47U,slow 3 2 110 4 4 4 4 3i 2r- J MeCahey 4 B. Thistle. CliffField. Spearhead 39X9 Belmont 1 1 :1 --,fast 11-10 116 2 4 3 3 33 2 A Schugr .". BlueThistle. W. Shoes. Astrology 20235 Pimlico lm70yl :45%fast 7-10 115 4 5 5 5 4 li .1 MeCahey 7 Spearhead, Carlton C. Isidora nVK QUINCE ch. g. 4 107 Bv Peter Quince — Benita Brush E. Witte. n475 .iueduct 1 l:45%alop I 112 2 2 3 I 2 2» T McTagt 8 Dryad. Republican, Patrick S. "1T28 Aiiuedct 1 1-16 1:47 fast 6 MS 2 2 2 2 2* 2- .1 McTagrt ." Bac. Kay o Light ■•1189 Jamaica 1 1-8 l-90*tfaat 11-10 lu7 12 2 2 I 1 .1 McTagrt 4 Bobinetta. Lovelaad, Patoa »1067 J iialca 11 16 1-17 C 104 2 4 4 4 1" 2i M Buxton G OrlioKrinp, Cmellla, C.M.Miller • 1996 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:50%8low 31 112 1 3 4 3 32 2i ,1 MeCahey 7 C.M.Miller. Bobinetta. Camellia "■0956 Jamaica 1 1-8 l:54%fast 3-2 99 111 1 li 2l J McTagrt fi OSulIiran, Dalngerneld, Marshon 20879 Jamaica 11-19 1:48 fast 7 Mill 1 11 9 J McTagrt C Spearhead. Orlin Kripp. Amalti ATHENA b e 3 96 By star Shoot — Belle of Glendale J. F. Adams. "IT? . in duet 11:41 fast 5 lot 3 I I I 3- 2-i 1 Hopkins 5 Distant Shore, All Smiles. Abara i "IPC lamaica 1 1-16 1:47 fast 4* S7 1 1 1 1 2- I« K Campbell 5 Amain, Doublet. Orlin Kripp "1040 lamaica 3-4 1:14%fast 13-10 ]o9 7 7 I V 37i C Byrne 8 Chesterton. LthanAUell. Yodeles i 5099" Jamaica 3-4 1:15 slow 3i 1 I7 4 3 2 l1 l3 C Fbtber 8 Superhuman. Minstrel. Coy 20875 Jamaica S-4 l:13%fast 12 102 13 13 11 II2 Sl.l McCaheyl5 Dinab Do. Outlook. Tinkle Bell I "03"4 limlico 3-4 l:15%mud 43-20 105 5 5 3 35 t*% C Turner 8 CornBroom, Bushyllead. Miniieo 2C283 limlico 3-4 1:15%sloW 5 97 1 1 1 1 13 J MeCahey 0 Brandywiue, Isidora, Nellie C. OSULLIVAN ch. h, 5 112 By Oddfellow — Rosinante J. MacManus. •IMt lamaica 1 1 l«, 1 : 9-5 115 14 4 4 1= l3 C Bgaiac 9 Stooehenge, HermsJr., S.ofVley "1IO lamaica 1 1-16 1 :17-, fast 9-20 114 3 3 3 2 2* 21 M Buxton 4 He: Bay oLight. Battery •104" Jamaica 1 1-8 l:54%faat 4i 108 13 3 3 3s 32i M Buxton B Lazuli. Amalti. Gay Fisher . "1956 lamaica 1 1 s 1 :51/-,fast 2 110 3 3 3 3 21 ll M Buxton i P.. Quince, Kaingerfd, Marshon •VrTO" Jamaica 1 1-16 l:l9/sfast 4 IIS 2 3 2 1 1 l1 M Buxton i Camellia, llermis Jr., Marshon 30792 Belmont 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12 112 5 5 2 2 Q 4.1, M Bnxtou i W. Slices, G. M. Miller, AlBloch G. M. MILLER, b. h, 8 112 By Lissak— Subdue R. F. Carman. "1067 Jamaica l 1-16 1 :!7%fast 3J 116 4 5 5 5 5- 45 C Iluestis. c Orlin Kripp, B.Quinee, Camellia "0996 Jamaica 1 1-16 1 -re slow 2 2 115 3 6 6 2 1 1*1 C Iluestis 7 Ben Quince, Bobinetta, Camellia 1 •■079" Belmont 11-16 1:17 fast 2i 111 6 3 3 3 3 2- II LaflVrty W. Shoes. AlBloch. ISiillivau ~ Y,- Belmont 1 1 ::;.i/5fast 31 105 5 5 5 4 -53 2 II Lafferty 9 Bae, Astrolo-y, Cuy Fisher 20695 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 12-5 114 2 2 2 2 2 2 M Buxton 2 Montresor 20K20 Belmont 1 1:49 fast H 1*7 2 2 2 2 8" 2* M Buxton .". Thorn hill, Republican 20309 Pimlico lm7oy l:46%fast 63-10 lis 3 4 5 4 # 4-i; M Buxton S Locliiel. Coraicaa, ClilT Field AMBROSE b K 5 D33 By Disguise — Ambrosine P. Stevenson. "ill," vTiueduct :; I l:15%slow 11 115 1 5 6 6- 6«JJ McTagrt H Tinkle Bell. Hiker. Jill Edge .■li,„, Blinc Al,7 -s 1:7 good 8-5 lfia ::2 2 3 !• 9* Mr P Sten 7 Singsong, Volant, Stooehenge "h;!7 I .line Abl 1 8 2:04 slop 7-10 K2 1 .", 2 I 23 2* Mr stvson 4 Dixon, Absconder, Btnnebenge "osTi; lamaica 1 1 M l:47V»faat 8 193 2 2 2 3 f* 3" W I.illey 4 Holy, BlIWH. Armament 3797 P R*k Abl 1 16 1 :52-r-,fast 7 5 152 5 2 2 1 l1 li Mr.MBger .", Ham. Pass. Absconder. Kilcrea 80763 Iiii llk li3 ll:15%fast S-5 160 4 4 5 4i 44i P Stevson S Culvert. Andes. Stonelienge ",,-,,,. BoJniont 1 1:43 fast S no 2 111 3*14*1 P stevson 7 Doublet. Virile. Spearhead 20380 Bel. Ter. Ab6i f • fast 1-2 198 G 1 Is l4 B lJugan 0 Boger Cordon. G. Bead, Culvert . jDy TERESA b. f 3 96 By Star Shoot — Marinel Ouincy Stable. "1561 Vuueduct 1 1:45 slop 18-5 Ml 2 13 1 2i 3-, . i McKver 5 All Smiles. Saratoga. Grumpy "1235 Aqueduct 3 11:11 fast 15 1M I 7 7 7 6"iC Bgame 7 Wanda Iltser. Ktruseaa. lle Vill "6173 .lamaica 11-16 1:19 fast 4-5 93 I 4 2 I 3« 2i .1 MeCahey .5.1. J. Lillis. Hedge, Patrick S. ",._,;,; iMmlico 1 l:ll--,last 17-10 M 7 3 Lost rider. J Mvialiey 7 Banes, CeltO. Volant "oils II deGce 3 1 l:13goodl7 10 •••, 4 4 4 4 1 .1 MeCahey v, p. Bleu, N. Simplex, II. Temple B "0057 II tied ee 5 f 1 ■«■-■ fast 13-5 103 1 7 6 6l 3*1 E Ambrose 8 Celto. NorseKing. Her. Temple "ooT HdeGce f,-s 59 ]s-5 105 5 I E 8" 9W !•: Ambroael3 NorseKing. Ptotector. N. Simplex s 16803 Empire 5 f l:07ftslow 21 1"! 3 3 3 2- l1 J MeCahey 4 Cnat. Al Beeves, Cco.Koescb LORD MARSHALL, b. h, 5 110 By Oddfellow— Coraza J. Johnston. "1534 Voueduct 1 Ill last 2 113 3 I 3 "• I I-.- Batwell lj Volant. Minstrel. l»r. Buenner "oop; ii .piiee 5i f 1 :07%f ast 10 115 7 6 6 61 S«f G Corey i Bgmout, Coy, Ida Claire 10896 Bowie 3-4 l:17%slow 30 103 5 5 5 5r 5« 11 Breach 7 Celt,,. JlmBaaey. P.r. Cunarder , 19307 rc Orlns DnTOy 1:43 last 10 MS E I I 5 6 6-",l Murphy i; j. Wright. Indolence. B Candle H I9166 NOrlna 3-4 1:13 fast 4 ill I I 3 3* 3*1 P GoWstn 7 Kate K., J.Basey. Kayderoseroa 19141 NOrina 1116 1:47 fast 4 US 3 2 3 4 4 4"1F Murphy 5 M. Ann K., Orpertb, E. of Savoy 19125 NOrlna lm79y l:45%slow 103 7 2 4 6 I* 1*1 W IJlley 9 Bob. Kay, I. Gardner, Verena 1S069 N»rlns 7-8 1:26 last 3 106 4 11 1 li l| F Murphy 7 Bobert Kay. Yenghee, Kate K. 1S997 NOrlns 1 1-16 1 • 4..v fast 7 111 1 1 1 1 1" 1" F Murphy 6 Verena. H.Hutebison, M.AnnK. lR»r, NOrlna 11-41 good 4 W 6 2 11 9* 1 1 W Lllley G Jnat Bert. Bobert Kay, PoBy II. 1S901 NOrlns 3-4 i-.n%fast 6 113 4 4 4 21 2- F K.-ogh » Viley, Kl Pato. Sawn 187T9 Char len 3-4 1*17 mud 7 112 5 3 3 6i B" M Nathan i I-. I ive, Brandywiue. II. Brother 1S742 Charlen »-« IM good 7 112 5 1 1 1 1« 1" M Nathan 14 Buisseau. CM. Keru. Cab-thinpr „ RICHARD LANGDON, blk. g. 5 113 By Dick Welles— Lass of Langdon R. Jackson. .., ,.„• ii|„.||,.0 i.,,7 ,vi ■ |,;--ii--t 27-5 106 t 1 2 d a 5M1J MeCahey r, Pgressire. B.Quinee, Carlton G. :,,:,,; |.m ,,,,.,, imG0yl-48 slop 44-5 110 3 4 4 4 4" 4l»lc Cl.ther 5 Orpertb, Oocxspur. ,lo Dvlbold 2020G limlico I 1:43 good 6-5 112 3 11 1 Is l"k II Lafferty 5 Warlock, Ply Home, Locblel 20183 Pimlico 3 4 1:16 mud 37-10 116 3 1 4 4- B«1 Fbther 7 Faker, Joe Delbpld, Crossbun 20K6 H.deOce lm70yl:4«H8fOOd 31 198 111 1 1; 2 C FMjther 4 Clifflield. Led, ml. Liner. Cem n 20071 H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 16 5 113 2 111 2- :; C, r 9 irperth. rowton Field 19992 Bowie 1 1-16 l:51*tfaat 3-2 117 6 11 1 1- 1*1 J McTagt R Lazuli. The Bump. Orper h 16615 Bowie lm -ivl • 45-4 fast 4* 112 7 1 1 1 l3 l1 .1 McTagt 7 Pa ton. Little England, Irovnto 19917 Bowie 1 1-1« l:62%good 41 H 6 11 1 l1 I1 T McTagt S Peacock, TomHaacock. FordMal STONFHENGE b e 4 107 Bv Hasting? — Linda Stone C. K. Rockwell. .,,,;-, v,|U..duct 1 l:45%slop M 112 1 1 i 6 8* S»G Corej N Dryad. Ben Qnince. Bepublcan 21-74 Ailueiluet 1 1:1"-, fast V V : 2 11 1 2 2 M Buxton Kl Y Ie . Tinkle Pell. B-eil.oven 21-19 Jamaica 11 16 1:rufast 20 107 3 2 3 3 4:1 2* 1. Allen 9 ISullivaii. Hnnisjr., 8.ol lej 21106 Hline Ab7-8 1:27 good S 151 5 5 4 4 4- 4*1 Mr H Tkr 7 Singsong, Volant. Ambrose "1047 IV line Abl 1-8 2:04 slop 6 151 4 1 Iell. CapTK BT 4 Di: Ambrose, Absconder Rolmnnt 1 l:3J last 40 1"5 4 3 3 4 4 4s", M Buxton 4 V len Shoes. Bac. Pcniuouse 20763 Pip. Rk Ab3 I l:ir,--,fast E 155 2 2 2 2*1 3*1 Cap Bwell S Culvert. Andes. Ambrose 29592 Belmont 11:13 Cast 20 137 1 2 G 6 6i 7*1 CanCKRl 7 Doublet, Virile. Spearhead MACK B. EUBANKS. ch. g, 6 100 By Resoluto II.— Evergreen F. B. Lcinaircl. "r, ,p„,l.ii :, - l:"l.g.....l 7 107 1 2 2 3i t-* I. Allen 12 C.Merrck. WaterLily, Men. Park k rT;"6 ", induct 5-8 1 10 112 8 3 3 3i 3; M Mtbcwsll Cllt Kdge. WaterLily, Patricks. L "119" lamaica :; 11:1H fan 13-5 101 3 4 3 3. 3* L Allen 7 Ella Bryaon. LihrOrme, B.Dip|M?r - "5 Jamaica 51 f l:07%faal 1" 112 1 I 1 V W J Pita S Elkridge, Gilt Edge. 8. of Valley 20S75 Jamaica :";-1 1 :i::,fast BO 107 11 S S 8* 8*1 W UllejF IB Dinah Do, .OnUook. Tinkle Bell 20793 Belmont 6. f 1 :Jo-ifast 25 106 7 3 S s 8«*1M Buxton S Orotund. Diet. Shore. EUaBryaon i ""••to P.d Ter A,n3-8 fast 8-S 150 s!:ji.I Loftua 10 Fenmonse, Mr. Specs, Otto Floto 14109 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 7 re, 3 1 1 l3 1- B Marco 15 Pharaoh. Crosvenor. Baoul BEN1PO eh e 3 1C9 By Meelick — Gay and Festive M. A. Colton. "15-1 , ,n,, |, mi ". 1 m good M II" Left at the post. B Troaler 7 r.JImmle, Noureddin. Hiker :r:l Xiu.duct 3-41:15 fast 1 1«»". II Loat rider. C Turner 11 Palamrnln. Hiker, San Vega 21-15 Jamaica 3-4 113%fast 2*. 99 6 1 5 6 6"V Lill.-y B Sir W. Johnson. Minstrel. Hiker 20897 I-itonia :: 1 l 1 1 mml "1 -0 67 1 1 1 11 1» M Garner S ConDellrery. L.Pehlta. W.Bear !r ill"" Windsor 5 s 1:n;v-good 1 HI 8 4 2 1 1* V Coleman U.Gtbclnia. JRoberls. Between Vu .;:J50 Fort Erie 51 f 1:11 hvy 41 113 2 1 .1 2*2* R McEwen 8 Armt J.sffe.TCwan . Wautua, 15"! s Hamton 3 1 1 :!4-fast 19-5 1U 1 1 1 1*111 E McEwen 7 Energetic. Haberdash. J Robert* .„ t? l- t Hamton 5. f l:osufast 5 l"9 E 3 4 5- 1 3 K McEwen 8 Aunt Joale. Zin Del. Casaba 16729 Windsor 5-8 1:91 fast 31 HI i :• 2 li 1*1 K McEwen :i Kazan, BestB.andTnekcr. bntio 15123 Latonia 6i i l:97%taat 21 110 I 3 2 2" 3°i W Obert 11 L.Puyue. B.audMortar, KuriueC. ;. I - - 1 - -N l 1 j ; i 2 q 21 • . , T, , J . I . j ] 1 • ] j BRIAN BORU, ch. c. 3 93 Bv Celt— Ellcrslie J. Long. 21590 Aqueduct 3-1 BlSftslop M 8* 1 I I 7:; 6-"..l McTagrt .» Isbruse, Plautagenet, s,,iValley 21324 Aqueduct 3-4 1:15 fast 40 Ml I 11 11 M* E*l M Mthewal4 Palaiupiin. Hiker. San Vega 20S83 Mboro 51 f 1:09 fast I 104 l« A Pickens !l Deduct! Klla Crane. E. Blues 2OS06 Mboro 51 f l:H 4good 3 194 9*1 A Pickens 9 Cut Bandell, Largo, W Isie 20706 Proapect 3-4 l:19%fast 3 1"3 6s W Doyle 6 LAiglon. Oxer, Sharper Knight 20681 Prospect Ab5 S l:01%good 1 102 4«A W Doyle 7 Breakers, Deduction, Sarlhniore 19944 Bowie lnVJOyl :46-v,fast 12 1"4 2 3 3 3 S 88 .1 McTagt 8 LaanU, Lore Day, Tom Hancock 19915 BoWie 9-4 l:15%good 99 1 K 8 2 3 4 l»J .1 MeTagtlO Star Gift, Brandywiue, 1 i..Muu BEETHOVEN, b. g, 5 109 By Broomstick— Sans Peur Mrs. R. I. Miller. 21534 Aqueduct 11:11 fast 12 MB 19 s s s s 7" I BtewardlO Volant, Minstrel. Dr. Buenner 21475 Aqueduct 1 l:45%alop 20 MB i 5 t; 5 5.. 5" D Steward 8 Dryad. Ben Qnince, Republican 21274 Aqueduct 1 l:40*Jfcfaat 12 1 U 9 8 9 6 4. 4" L Allen IC Todelea, gtonebengc, Tinkle Bell 21199 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%fast 15 114 7 7 7 I-1 6vJ J McTagrt S Etruscan. Abara, Mr. Specs 29848 Belmont ll:4oi,fast 12 110 13 4 5 E* 411 J McTagrt • Guy Fisher. Camellia, Bobinetta 20793 Belmont 6J f l:29%faat K 106 S 7 7 62 43 J McTagrt S Orotund. Dist. Shore, LllaP.r.v-oii 29730 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 41 102 4 5 5 5 58 4»1 W LlUey « Chesterton, Dr. Duenr. Jawl 20656 Belmont 1 l:41Vsfast 7 Ml I I 8 7 6l 6j I Lowder 8 Ray oLight. Drotund. Robinelta GRUMPY, b. g. 3 103 By Canopus— Florentia C. J. Brockmiller. 21561 Aqueduct 11:15 slop S Mi 3 4 2 5 5 4 " M Cuxt.ui o All Smiles. Saratoga. L. Teresa 21498 Aqueduct 1 l:41%gOod 7 107 2 2 4 1 U 4*1 E Griffin 7 Yodeles, All Smiles. Vladimir III Aqueduct 3-4 l:15-slow 20 112 4 2 2 2.. 2* K Critlin 4 HclenP.aihee. l.idimir. Garbage 211S3 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 42 Ml t 5 5 5* 4 J K Griffin i In. Bryn, Converse. MarsCassidy 21122 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45*kfast 37 UO 3 2 3 4 5 5ci 0 Canz S ireville. Khroidery. pleetal,, lie 20978 Latonia 3-4 l:14%slow 12-5 110 2 11 ]2 1= c Gaaa !l Malheur, Orange. Kris Kringle 2989S Latonia 3-4 1:15 mud 22 N 9 10 6 3l 2*1 II Stearns 13 Talebearer. Freeman, Werproof 29490 Douglas 3-1 l:12%fast 57 100i 2 4 5 El 6l4.l.P Bobiiisn s Betterton, Car. Orme. L. J. Grey 20252 Churchill 3-4 l:13%fast 22 10Si 9 11 10 8i V* T McTagtlB SkUeaKnob, W. Crown. Manners 20073 Lexgton 3 l:14fast 19 107i 1 3 7 71 6»i W W Tlorl2 Izzetbey, Pleas ville. B. Spiller ARMOR, b. h. 5 105 By Batts— Queen Lute J. L. Paul. 21475 Aqueduct 1 l:45%slop 30 ME 17 7 S 8 s" 11 Lafferty S Dryad. Ben Quince. Republican 2016S Laxgton 1 l-Ml:49%4low 6* 111 6 6 6 1 7° 7""- W Lilley 8 Tbtreader. Gobi. Girl, CoreopaU 29149 Lexgton 1 1-S l:52%fast 12J 104 3 6 3 4 4» fi"J W Meehanl2 Buck Keenon, Cobly. Kilcrea 2O061 Lexgton 3-4 1:15 slow 33 105 8 !» y y- 7"! J MeTagtlli Billy Joe, Droll, Salon 194U6 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1 :47%good 4 105 7 4 4 4 El 6"1W Lilley 8 Stick Pin, Bene, Mary Ann K. 19327 N.Orlns 1 1-S l:53%fast 5 105 1 1 1 1 1 1« W Lilley ■ Stick Pin. Trovato, Hoi Ion 19274 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:461fcfaat 10 111 2 2 4 4 4" 473 F Keogh 8 Joe Deihold, Holton, E. of Savoy 19198 N.Orlns lm20y l:454£hvy 8 M7 5 5 4 4 42 4-J W Lilley i lleno, Joe DelkoM, Serviccn, e GOLDEN PRIME, b f, 4 107 By Goldfinch— Rosa Prim J. F. Carlisle. 21175 Aqueduct 1 CI.VVslop 10 1"0 7 S S 7 7U71J.I McTag it s Dryad. Ben Oulnee, Republican 21131 Jamaica 11-11:49 fast 15 HO 4 5 5 4 2i 3.. J .McTagrt .5 Camellia. Valentine, Nephthy* !€818 Syracuse 1 1-M 1:431 fast 6 100 3 3 3 3 3 V W Ural 8 Wooden Shoes. Naiad 167.S4 Syracuse 1 1:361 fast 10 94 5 5 5 4 4,n 418 W Ural 5 Amalti, W len Shoes, Cross!, mi 16661 Saratoga 7-8 l:30%mud 5 lo9 4 5 6 1 2 2» A Schugr 7 Delegate, ElcctlonBct, LilyOrnie 1G633 Saratoga 11:42 fast 4 104 111111 H lo MA Schugrll Undercover, Larlymorn 1C475 Saratoga 1 l:44%tuud 5 107 11 11 11 11 S* S5 B Marco 12 Petelus, Warlock. Syosset II.