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RACING BREEDING LESSONS1 ♦ Results of the Year 1920 Applied1 to Families. -— ♦ Showing of the American Maria West and Aerolite Groups a Remarkable One. — — a B* EXILF.l There hi nothing to be gained by f afar aglag | folks to breed bad bene*, the goad are hard , I •miiiirli to finil without sliding deaa tke ladder! tip climb up ;ill over again. Knr T 1 1 i — itaMM I hate nucp again game over .-ill of tke 193 stake winners f ISM and Had thai 177 of them trace in tke female line to a figure tap root or are members of the Maria West Mild ltell:i if m:ire Aerolite ; . fa milieu. Here ate tke number of stake winners belonging to the ruiMH families in 1833: I Number of Stakes Kamilv No. Winners. 1920. ! l 20 j 9. 12. 23 13 3. llv 11 I :,. 10 10 • !l 1. • 8 13 7 s. ii I 14 5 2o. 21. 21 3 IS. 19 + 2 15 ls: 22. 2.i. 38, 31. 10 1 each .v. family number W Total 1!I3 tMaria Wed family. ;:Aejnlite family. i Distinguished members of the various families ■ re : No. 4. -Man e War. Mad Hatter, Cirrus. Biases, On Wateh. the expatriated jumper Duoltiste. aad i the two -year-olds inieter. Ikey 1". I twelve races*. ly Jiminy. Star Voter, and probably the beat two-yea r-oli! filly shown in the Maria West last season Bit of White. No. SI.- Sir Barton, .loiin !. Grier. Hilly Kelly. King t.orin. Inder Kire. aad that good two-year-old filly of last autumn. Idle Dell. No. 23. — Naturalist, laul Weidel mine raeesi. War Mask, and that hard-worked i hough wonder filljr respousie filly. Careful. No. 3. — The Latonia Chanipionship winner Cleopatra. Recount and the youngsters Moody. TVn-Loe. Kxixlus and Bab] .land. No 12.-The Ix-st days of the Ievitys I fear are ; over. It is some time sinee a really good Levity running and this possibly due. as is the ease with Poraltuntax, to lalmlillaf The Levity graap were a one linn unexcelled as rare horses, hut never attained to anything; like corresponding suo-eess ! as sires and his essentially a running and braod mare family. I. ion d»r was in 11120 about Hie best of No. 12. MARIA WEST GROUP MOST SUCCESSFUL. Maria West. — Members of this, by mac odds tke besl of the American tap fool families, enjoyed a rarely imecegefal time of it in tke ■eaaaa just rioted. Moreover the Fleur de Lis branch of this family has blossomed out afresh and of this branch tic- Hopeful winner and undefeated Leoaardo 11. aad the QoMea Bad and Fort Thomas Hawlicnp first Rangoon. Kxtermiuator is. of course, a lower of strength for the branch which traces back to Maria West by the route of Ballet. Other good winners for the Maria West family in 1930 were Damask. Rclario. Touch Me Not and Bill? I.arton. No. ."..--This, tie family of Gladiatour. Mate II.. Charley Stuniny and laekeape. No. 10. Of this family the jumper Flare. Drastic, that fine stayer Iif .If. anil Crocus arc members. No. 2. — Milkmaid, Gnome, the Futurity winner Slop Lightly, and one which may prove himself ihis year to be aaotker Man o War. Tryster. are members. Tryster, Mr. Bewe tells me. is coming on i|Uit« in the right way and Rives every promise of developing into a really first-class three-year old. No. I.— The family of Dr. Clark, the eight-times Wiaher Irish Kiss. Thunder-torm lelcven rates, that hardy eampaigaer Bealiacc, Yellow Hand. Then arc really no promising members of this family eomiag on. No. 1.— Motor Cop, Sandy Ileal. I.ondage and the filly Believe Idle Hour. As is he case abroad. The forlnnes of tke No. I family seem to be rather decadent. No 13 sidling. Wyoming. Grey Lag. No. s. — Ormoada, Lorraiae and the juvenile Sinoki Screen. No. 11. -The family of the ever-ready St. Jucii-1 in 13 races, the diminutive Atta Hoy II., John S Reardou and Knobbie. All of these except .lolm S. Bourdon tiac in the female liae to Australians dam Fmilia. No. 14. -The family of that good little horse The Farter ami Diaaa Care. No. 21. -The family of Irtidery. of the Kentucky Derby and Suburban winner laul .bines. No. Id of Holster and the rather disappointing Donna -coaa, aad to th- same soaree as does Aerolite trace r.iisy Signal and Slippery Llm. The Cuban Hindoo. lierroa. is a member of family No. is,. King •lames constant daughter My Dear, a member Of family No. 25. and 83 the family of Bread Maa and ;.!_ ol Tippily Witchet. fH. Paul. Cliutonville A-hland Oaks, Ralco. Pickwick and the two-year-olds Alcatraa, Frigate. Xaacy Lee and Behave Yourself are the best of those which trace to families the origin of which are shrouded in Obscurity. This is not a notable lot at best. Those who persist in the use of mares which trace to other than ligurc sources cannot expect to compete with breeders who us,- only mares which are momliers of the Brace Lowe figure families and the families of Aerolite and Maria West.