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•d IS ., r ;s ie r le e s rd e .11 i|. 11 hi :ig FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Claiming. Feb. 12, 1916—1:42 1-5 4 113. CINDERELLA, br. f. 4 105 By Celt— Toots, by Top Gallant. Trainer, C. Jones. Owner. H. Lingenbach. :251S F.Gnds S-4 l:i:.-hfast 5 I M 1 111 1« E Martin IS Midian. Kajrazza. ft filial 61797 Jefson 61 f 1 M%mnd "0 111 4 E 7 0- ," I-: Martin S Talisman. L-incclot, Alilaze 49999 Sartoga 7-8 13 9S 5 5 2 3 6* 51* 8 Wkte I Bale... Ima Frank. Sammy Kelly 19613 Aqduct 6l f i:2o-0fast 10 M I 6 5 6* 4s J Callahan 12 Hoadrte, Phalaris, FrsakWatets M625 Aqdnct fi f 1 :20 fast 4i 104-3 3 4 4* 6"J J Callahan 7 Mile. Vivian. J.vutee. Lovely MADGE F.. b. m, 5 108 By Voorheea— Salvatrix, by Salvation. Trainer. C. Hawk. Owner. H. Fields. jk. .lefson 3-4 1:11 slow 20 H8J I s | 7" |«J Roberta 10 Ttasatr. Port Light, Title 51988 JeTson 1 l:39%Caat M M •". I ft I ft ft ! E Anthony J» BryShaoa, Dane. Spray Trooper 71172 Latonia 3-4 hKismud 7 4 111 8 7 8 S" 811 E AnthonylO .Mar. Mav. Gip. Queen. L Luxury MW6 Ijatanla 1 1-16 l:0S%faat 13-10 Ml 4 2 2 1 Is Sft C P.uei I BmPeddler, rairOrient, Baladin 70737 Iatonia 1 1-Bl l:05%faa 9 !»7 3 3 4 5 6 fi" F Andson T Pastoureau. Ernest IL.Korbly BIDDLEDEE. b. i. 4 104 By Beach Comber— Grail, by Atheling. Trainer. M. Goodpaster. Owner, M. Goodpaster. 52694 F.Gnds 1 1 -M 1 :48%raat M i"4 I 1 2 2 :[ ■:.■ F Wdstck 8 Kaider, J. C. Stone, St. Germain Kwrth lm70y l:4..-.,fast 4 MO 4 1 1 1 31 3*1 K llarline | l.azy Lou. Hnsli. Orlova 50799 Kwrth 1iii7"v 1 :4.7--fast I ftO 4 2 2 7 7 7" B Harhn.- 7 Hindoostan. Tenfan. May House .70717 Kwrth 1 1-16 l:56%fnat 11-.7 ftft 4 2 12 2* 8*1 K Harbne 0 Hiuh.Inl. DonDodge. DukeRuff M Kwrth I 1 1 :I2-!.-,fast 23 M4 ft I I ft ft F. Harbne 9 His Choice. Flick-John. The Boy BOUNDING THROUGH, br. f, 4 96 By Helmet— Lady Languish, by St. Simon. Trainer. J. H. Baker. Owner. J. H. Baker. F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:47. fast M :•! ft ft ft 7 7- 7" E Anthony M Grandee, Baatry, Newel W -iM F.Gnds 1 l-Ml:47%fast M M I 7 8 6 V 7" T Jarvis 8 Scoatfjemaa, Blaise, Wwnecsuae 51149 JeTson lni7"y l.Ki-.hvy 1.7 Klft 4 0 7 7 on 7,;7 J Roberts lt tikrssls. Pecgy V., LadyWard 61799 JeTson 1 1 -M 1 .".O.-.ood 7 104 4 4 6 4 4» 4° H Kins 7 Petty She Devil Neen ih C177 lot MH 1 1-M1 " Mivy 20 MSft i I 7 1 4- 4 i B Pollard S Tn«s. Sasin, H. C. Basch FLUZEY, ch. m, 5 107 By Fair Play— Stamps, by Wadsworth. Trainer. M. Lowenstein. Owner, M. and J. Lowenstein. 52714 F.Gnda ltn70j l:47*4mud 15 Ml 2:1 1 4** 4«* G Stuck •". nr.farinen. Warsaw, Klibeihet .2271 F.Gnda 1 1:2ftl-,K»od IS M61 6 4 0 | | 6* G Stack .Talisman. D«-inpSprav. Inciuirr 52222 F.Gnds lmTOy 1 4i-,niud 17 108 7 « fi I 6| P| G Stack S Klihtvgibbct. Bvhell," Har KiBK I906 JeTsoa S-4 30 lOtiJ 9 » 9 8J 6=i G Stack 9 ColTenn. LadsLove 1 sLusic 71070 .In "son 3-4 1:10 mud If. M4 4 7 « *** 9*| G Stack 7 JsgO, Phantom Fair. Jock Scot JUGARi.iINT. b. f. 4 106 By McGee— Mint Blossom, by Wild Mint. Trainer, C. Knight. Owner. E. P. Summerfield. 622 F.Gnds 61 t l:00-,fast 17. MM G S I** 6*1 E Pod 12 Hid Jewel. Trustv. The Nephew 52342 F.Gnda 3-4 l:12%faat : o U3 8 13 12 II* IS" F Murphy IS Il.GolU. T.dHonur. St. Isidore 1 51929 JeTson 11:42 fast 1" 1"S .7 4 4 « fi C» M Garner 7 SuninieiSish. Hlndoostsu, Lively 61242 Laurel 1 l:45%KOod Pt-5 lOft 2 6 I 2 ink :" 1. Morris i» Allivaii. Kullipolis. M.LacftaM 1 51104 l.aur. 1 1 1-lfi l.lS? i 102 4 2 3 1 44 4 i K Harb ne fi t.ol.line. Kallipdis, !S.,iidy Mac