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JANUARY RACING AT HA VAN A1 ARM0NIA STABLE THE LARGEST MONEY WINNER, HERR0N LEADS THE HORSES, F. WILSON THE JOCKEYS AND W. CARTER THE TRAINERS During the month of .lanuary the Cuba -American lackey Olak distributed si 12.33." in stakes and purses among the horsemen racing at Oriental Talk. The daily average distribution amounted to ,474, a tine showing for a winter track. The raring has been uniformly good and form well observed. The attendance has been large, particularly on Sundays, when the stake races are decided and other special features provided. | , I ; . I ! j I i i ; ! The Aimonia Stable still maintains its pride of place at the top of the list of the money -winning owners, of which the following won Si .000 or more from January 1 to January 31. inclusive: Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Armenia Stable 10 1 0 ,880 Alvarez. K 8 t 1 8,700 Cebriaa, E » I 2 0.975 Gold blat t. M •" 3 I ..:.;.". Doyle. T ■" I I 1.823 I Dote. R •. 2 2 2 4,155 Williams Bros .". i 3,550 Potts, 0. K 1 1 I 3.301 Shields. If .". 1 2 2.950 Sheedy. W. M 4 1 1 2.050 I Booedale stable 4 2 2 2.0M Thompson. M. K 4 2 1 2.500 Westmoreland. W. C 4 I » 2,500 Walters. J "2 i 1 2.37:. Hall. W. 11 3 3 I 2.350 Bartolomeo, J. D 3 3 3 2.100 Padgett. W. R 3 2 3 8.000 | Moody, J. II 3 2 i 1 .050 HerdeL II 3 2 o LKS0 McCafterty. J. J 3 2 1,850 Woods, II. Q 3 2 » 1.850 Wade. J. L 3 I 1 1.S0O Middleton. C 3 0 1 1.800 Iribarren. I. M 3 o 1 1.7IMI Oliver. W. i... 2 4 2 l.tUKl riant. H. WT 2 2 0 1,000 Swan. H. 1 1 2 2 1,550 Hof tier. T 1 4 i 1,525 Whatley. J. S 7. I 1 1.500 I Baxter, s. T I 2 3 1 .4: i Herald, F. A 2 1 4 1,400 Cotton. H. A 2 2 1 L850 ! Kenttnere Finn Stable 2 2 0 1,800 : Coe. W. K 2 1 2 1.300 oons. H 2 1 2 1 .300 .Davis. H. K 2 1 2 1.300 | Campbell. . ; 2 1 1 1.350 Mock. B 2 0 2 1 ,300 ; Crist. L 2 0 1 1.150 ; Wrispen. F. .1 2 II 1 1,150 Carter, B. B 2 o t» 1,100 OLeary. L. F 2 0 o 1,100 Knebelkamp. W. F 1 2 1 1,000 Whitney. H. 1 1 4 1 1.000 Oaeck stable i i i 1,660 Hoiion. with two stake victories to his credit. heads the money winning horses. Of which the followiag won ,000 or more each: Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt Hen on 2 I S7 7s.-. Bally 1 2 2 3,005 Fitrbi low 2 1 1 3. .140 Dread Man 1 1 n S.SOkl Lackawanna 1 I i 2.s3n Allivan :; I n 1,850 Princess Myrtle 3 2 1 1,800 Huntress 3 2 » 1.850 Rancher : 2 0 1 1,825 Zindo 3 1 1 1 simi Roundel , 3 1 I 1.750 Mamko Imake .-2 1 l •1,725 Faux Col 2 2 I 1,500 Assumption 2 I 1 1,500 Sea Prince 1 2 1 1,500 1 Riverside 2 0 I 1.429 Hell- of Klizabethtown 1 3 0 1.425 I The Pirate 1 3 I 1.375 Cavaa Hoy 2 2 0 1.880 Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Pel igourdinc 2 2 n 31.300 American Ace 1 1 n 1.275 Gold Stone 2 1 1 12250 Byrae 2 t 1 1.250 Jon Jnu 2 1 0 1.200 Koran 2 1 i» 12380 Loyalist 2 l 0 1.200 Scarpia II 2 0 2 1.200 Rhymer 2 it l 12200 Incinerator 2 i 1 1.15: Norfolk Hello 2 1 1.150 Winall 2 0 1 1,150 Blaaoaway 2 o n l.ioo Back Nail 2 o o 1,100 Gratiaa 2 0 0 l.ioo Hold Me 2 n 0 1.100 Marlcaaa -ggdf* 2 o o 1.180 Vooria .t-*T. 2 o i l.ioo Walnut Hall 1 » 2 1.050 Docod 1 0 1 1.025 Flight 1 1 2 1.100 F. Wilson has a big lead over the active riders for the saddle honors, with twenty-six wins to his credit, nearly twice as many as his nearest rival. The following are the jockeys who rode three or more winners: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Inp. P.C. Wilson. F 110 20 22 22 40 .22 Pickens. A 08 14 4 11 39 .21 Haines. 1-: 73 13 13 11 30 .18 Kennedv. P. ii 13 8 15 25 .21 Francis. J S4 12 11 SI 52 .14 Lancaster. It 7S 12 R s r,o .1.-, Kelsay. W 4SI 10 ! S 22 .2 ! Hunt. F 31 s 3 4 HI .20 Cramp. W 40 7 s. :t 22 .17 Hut well. J 37 li 11 5 15 .10 Penman. 1 47 5 !l 3 25 .11 Fames C. 48 4 8 0 3d .us Fletcher. 1 88 4 I 8 22 .11 Miller, C. II 1SI 3 3 2 11 .10 McDermott. I! 32 3 1 121 .00 Merimee. F 25 3 I 1 20 .12 W. A. Carter is Hie leading trainer, with .1. Lowe a close second, the following saddling three or more winners: Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Carter. W. A 10 Woods. H. Q 4 Lowe, J !» Worley. A. D 4 Ooldblatt. M 5 Httrks. J 3 Dice, B. B 5 Daly. W. J 3 Shields. II 5 Foley, t;. H 3 Westmoreland. W. C. 5 Karrick. K. K 3 Williams. F. J 5 Naylor, J. W 3 Finlev. A 4 Neat. C. II 3 Fitzgerald. F. 1 4 Padgett. W. P 3 Ilaguerty. J 4 Scales, M 3 Padelferd, B. Y 4 The percentage of winning favorites was about normal, as the following tabulation shows; Number of days 20 Number of races 100 Winning fiist choices 7 Winning second choices 40 Winning outsiih rs 53 Winning at odds-on 8 Defeated al odds-on 7 Percentage of winning favorites 40