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, • p I , • I , " v ■ _ P II J ° 3 11 •t d n Is ; t t tv e 5 le p m p I ■d -0 le el t ! e I r , i THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 9, 1918—1:11 1-5—6—116. GREEN GRASS, br. g, 6 102 By Hurst Park— Marsara, by Tournament. Trainer. B. J. Brannon. Owner, B. J. Brannon. .•2722 F.Gnda 1-4 1:15 hvy i" M I I I 6* V I. McDotl s nibbertygibbet. Herald. TraOfH 2C41 F.Gnds 61 1 IM fast 2 ill I :: .". .",. p]| j Burke 1 Apple .lack II. . Meliora, Ahlnse iZStS F.Gnda 3-4 20 112 4 .". .". I1] 1*1 H J Burke 10 UttraGaU, CryatalFord. Herald il392 churchl 7-8 l:262.-,fast 14 106 112 I 7 6*» 8 Wida -". KlushlncBeauty, Hair.vB.. Dodjca BMW Latonia S-4 1 :14%Slow 23-10 Ml 1 1 4 4;" 4" K Pool .". Mlle.Dazie. LadyP.Play. Tncola fOCK SCOT. br. g, t 102 By Ogden— Frankie, by Kingston. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, M. J. Murphy. 32622 F.Gnda 53 l l : v 12 114 12 12 12 8 9* .1 Rods;* esl2 HkLJewel. Trusty. The Nephew • I F.Gnds :: 1 11-.". II". 2 I :". 4 4s- J Rods/es 12 Meliora. Fred.tbeCt., T.Wpliew 5240$ F.Gnds 3-4 l:12%faat 4 112 8 r, 4 :: 2 J Rods/eslS GreeaGold, M.Maxim, Itov.DiH-k S2375 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13%Saat S 111 4 7 I 2 Sl W Hemchl? Apple Jack IL, Lsatne*/., Trusty 52293 F.Gnds 3-4 l:l4! 4 113 fi 6 3 4» 2" .1 Rods-*esl2 MarteMaxhU, Hid. Jewel, Shillg .2120 ..fson 2-4 8 IKl 2 5 4 3i 3 J .1 Hods 7.12 Grayson. Mahony. DaucSpray THE NEPHEW, b. g, 4 110 By Uncle— Qualify, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. J. Tigue. Owner. F. St. John. 72622 F.Gnda ." . f 1 iOV, .fast 8 HR 4 0 7 3* I Roberta IT IUddcalfwcl. Trusty, I..rtLi;lit ■.2.".0S F.GndS 2-1 l:12%fast II Ml t I 1 2" 1*1 J Roberts 12 Meliora. .IcickSoot "2466 F.Gnda ■■-1 1 :12%fast il l"s :; s ft ft- •.* .1 Roberta 12 CwenCsM, JockScot, MMaxira 52377 F.Gnds lni7"y i:440fast 3 in 222 I S?. s:T B Martin 12 D.ofPeaee, Prospector, fiwataa/a U606 JeTson 3-4 1:14 slow 12 111 3 4 5 6j 6*1 B Martin 10 Trooper, Port Lbrht, Title ANTICIPATE, b. c, 4 109 By Plaudit— Antipathy, by Ornament. Trainer. D. Womeldorff. Owner, Synder ft Holmes. 3375 F.Gnds 3-4 l :i -■ fast 20 MB M ll 11 ■•_■ ft-.M BchwtzlS AleJacklL, Jock Scot. LsuhSj*!. .211.". Jefson 2,-4 1:14-.-fast 8 111 4 4 I 6*» 4*6 T Jarvis 11 Lt. Perkins. ICdenJewcl, Murrav 52096 Jefson 3-4 l:14%good 12-6 114 .", I I 3 21 J J Mney 0 ShootOa, Murray. Teachers Pet 1967 Jc-fson 2-4 1:17 luy 0-5 11.7 4 5 2 3 8« F C".tiletttl3 Baaz/.a, Murrav. Doable Van S1846 JeTson 5-4 lilo-.-.hvy .". I 69 1 1 I 2 I* V fit il-tti 7 Phantom Fair, Shoot in, pesjst ARCHIE ALEXANDER, ch. g. 5 114 By Harrigan— Anytime, by Yankee. Trainer. J. Randolph. Owner. E. C. Church. 52591 F.Gnds 2-4 l:L" I 107 9 1" 1" M fi" T Jarvis t ritraC.l.l. CrystsJFerd, Herald "24ftft F.Gnds I 1:40 fast 7 M9 2 2 1 I 4 ."••. 11 Thurber I St. Allan. Fizei . Botheration .",2467 F.Gnds S-4 l:13*4fast 12 16216 I I 8 6* C Ponce * ol.Tenii. ITltraGoM, T illionr :.241G F.Gnds 3-4 1 :12%f ast 20 101 S I .". 4 8*1 L Amu 9 Mnhonv, Colum.Tenn. St Qntin 2069 JeTson 1-4 1 :14--.fasi 4 103 4 I 4 1» 1» F "ltiUtti 8 ijophv Allen. Title. Kitklnx MOSE b. g. G 103 By Cock-a-Hoop — Grassy, by Spearmint. Trainer. J. Freters. Owner. L. Sperling. 61926 JeTson 2-1 1 :l.", 20 M7 I ft ft ft- ft " | F Wdstk 12 Marphy, Jock S.-..I. Madrono 51721 JeTson 2-4 1 :17::.-.hvy 8 P7 S 4 I 0s 0s F Wdstk 7 Anticipate-. Wild Flower, Brisk 9897 Jamaica Im79yl :45«Sf aat ».i 112 ■", 1 2 2 .■ 2 C Ponce OUaelaad, Asterisk. Dkwcoride 50665 Janwlca lrr.70.vl :44"ifast M-5 M4 2 I 4 3 2 :,v Wdsfk 4 Headrie. Vlanlstiek, Tan II 39246 Aqduct 1 1 :2ft .fast 7 l"7 4222 1*1 2*1 F Wdsfk 0 Le Glorieux, Tan IL, Paddy Dear YOUNEED. b. h. 5 111 «y Ogdtn— The Nurae, by Tankas. Trainer. R. J. Gilmore. Owner. R. J. Gilmore. Lifts F.Gnds 3-4 1:12 12 104 1 2 2 4* 6*1 J .1 M ley • .co. Starr. St. Isidore. Iltraiold 52466 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :12 li 111 7. 4 1 4 6*1 C Ponce 12 GreenGoM, Jackflcor. M Maxim 21140 Jefson 3-4 l:14*Afast 4 Ml S III f C Ponce s ArchieAlexander. B.Allen, Title »1926 Jefson ■_ f 1 "7- fast 3J 108 4 3 3 31 34 C Ponce M T.dTIonneur. Hiddn-lewel, Title LADY LUXURY, b. m, 6 109 By Tony Bonero— Lady McGee, by MoGoe. Trainer, C. Hawk. Owner. H. Field. 51926 JeTson 51 f 1 :"7--fast 5 IM 8 t HI W Mll I rninfd 10 T rtUnuasiir, Mi.l.Jcw.d. Yound 1.7ft Jefson :;-! 1 :1 1 -1 12 1"2 I 2 4 .". 6*1 J Roberta S Bap. Day. Sterling. V. -Chairman 51232 Latonia 3-t 1 :i. •;■"-. slow ! l-io IM I 4 I 7 7" il King 7 MarriaMay, GinHyQan flam Will .1172 Latonia 3 I 1 :!.. -,inud 9-19 113 4 4 4 S] : • h Kins 10 Marvin May. GisayQaeea Baby illll Latonia 3-4 Ull*«faat 47 Ml 1 4 4 S* ■" A Pickens ! J.BareJr., T.Witcbet, HI. Beauty ..ior.2 Latonis 3-4 1 32%fast 6i MO I 2 3 31 2n F Wilson • CldeBrown. Troilus. Dr. Carmen SOCIAL STAR. b. c, 3 100 By Brummel— Glad Smile, by Dr. MacBride. Trainer, S. M. Henderson. Owner. Ogden Stable. 32661 F.Gnds S-» 1 10 119 7 7 7 7* 7 • I. McDotl !» Day Lilly. Bold. ShUM-SCaS .i::7s churchl 3-4 l:14%aood 6 IM 4 I 4 6 7i°J V. Duel t; liveliness. Cold. Dreams. Cozette ",1217 Latonia 3-4 l:l." %hvy 6 112 11 10 10 M**M* T Murray 11 White Star, Julia X . Rama M97 Latonia S-4 1 :13-.-fast 43 1 » 1 1 1 1= l2 T Murray 10 Artisan. Acclaim, Doric RMS Latonia 61 t 1 7-3 10! 1 2 2 2] 2" T Murray 10 Pep. Polly. STIaajltanti. QuickVw WHO CARES, br. c. 4 110 By Wrack— Little H., by Eolut. Trainer. E. Farrar. Owner. F. Farrar. 52218 F.Gnds 3-4 l:16%mud 12 Ml 2 4 r .v t - L Aron 10 Jasjo, Shoot On, Maris Maxim i-2906 JeTsoa 3-4 l:lt%OOod is 112 « •" 6 6,*-8*l L Aron ; Shoot On, Anticipate, Murray "1nh leTson u s 1 :01%hvy 15 p3 7 7 7 7 V L Aron 7 Talisman. Hidden Jewel, Rolo 5143X Bowla 1. 1 :lft.slojj ,0 J"7 4 11 1 1 F L Aron 11 Pocatello. Lord Ha mil ton IeCut 51268 Plmnco 3-4 1:12". fast .70 117 2 7 7 7- 7 L Aron I Alvord, Albert A.. Nightstick EPISODE, blk. g. 3 102 By Celt— Princess Caprice, by Marco. Trainer. E. Peters. Owner. A. S. Woodcliffe. 52341 F.Gnds 6 f IrfffVttaal •"• HSU I I 7 7*f L Lyke U Raneocas, Ray I.illv. Polo 32219 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :l..-.inud S Ml S 6 I f.3 :."• Ponce I WhiteStar. Thimble, RisingRoek .1981 JeTson 61 f 1:"» hvy 10 106 3 3 2 2* 2 C Ponce 7 Trantula. Thimble, TrtOfficlal 51387 Pimlico 3-4 103*4fast 15 ft9 « C 5 773 43 A Allen ■ DsughGirL Transient Mis-Petite a Pimlico 1 27 llo 10 8 8 8 S1 7 » C H MlllerlO Thimble. Tus.Maiden. HdC.uess WAR CLUB. br. h, 5 113 By Javelin— Torpenhow, by Torpoint. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner, C. N. Freeman. 52225 F.Gnds 1 H4 1 : 47 " 15 tit 8 7 I I I] ;:;i Pone- 12 Kimaalons;, ILKin?. Cold. Dawn £254 F.Gnda 1 l:43*4kvy I 112 C « 7 7 61 6*1 C Ponce 7 T.MeTajigart. Trooper. Kliimt On 32292 F.Gnds 1 1-lC 1 r.n--.hvy 7 112 111 1 1" 3-! C Ponce 7L.He-hert. B.Rilev St Jermain E2U8 Jefson 1 3-16 2:Co-fast H 11" 3 2 2 4 6 6" C Ponce I Darkilill. HonoliilliBov. Baladin 72044 Jefson 13-10 2:01 fast 20 Ml 3 3 3 2 I» In C Ponce 7 DarkHill. Kimpalong." CommeCI SAGAMORE, ch. g, 4 112 By Uncle— Lydla II. , by Luke Blackburn. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. 52693 F.Gnda ItnTOy l:!4-,fast 15 9S 1 I 3 .". .". 5*1 T Jarvis 7 In.piir.v. LoulaA., l!arrvShannm 2 7" Id. ids lm70y 1.44 fnal N 109 2 1 1 1 2*. 4" A Richcrk ." Past. Swain. Tsatahia WfttkstTf 32541 F.Gnds 1 1 Hi 1 :4«%fast 3 98 2 2 2 1 F. 3*1 L McDott B Freetown. Cheer Leader Troihta MM F.Gnds lin70y 7 MI l | 4 6 6* 4B A Riehork 7 Romany, Tippo Sahib. V Orient 33342 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :124f,fast 10 Ml 4 7 4 47 FA RlchcrklS fl.tiolii. T.dHonur, St. Isidore SHILLING, ch. c, 4 103 By Seth — Alice Commoner, by The Commoner. Trainer. F. Wright. Owner, Anderson Bros.. 52622 F.Gnds 51 f 1 :"i7,-, 20 IM 7 11 s 7] l*f A Collins 12 Hid. Jewel. Trustv. The Nephew 3266S F.Gnds 3-4 l:12%faat 20 11". 7 ft 7 7] l*C Robson IL Meliora. Kred.theOt.. T.Xephew 5246S F.Gnds :;-1 1 :12» 15 HS 11 10 1" MS M" M Garner 12 GreenGotd, JoCkScot, M Maxim 32292 F.Gnda 3-4 l:14?4fast 59 M9 4 2 fi 6J 4i H Gregory 12 MarieMaxim, Hid. Jewel. JkScot "2130 Jefson 2 4 l:lH-fast 60 Ml » 9 9 9- 9- J Roberts 12 Crayson, Mtboaj. Jock Scot ETTAHE, b. g. 6 108 By Lovetie — Indian Lass, by Locobatchee. Trainer, J. B. Dunn. Owner, J. Kennedy. 32726 F.Gnds 1 l-rSl:51%hvy 20 M2 2 I 4 :. 2 H a Rlencr*k S Honolulu Ray, Mas. Bill 52377 F.Gnds lmTOy 20 left S I I M M4 II** L McAtee 12 D.ofPeaee. Prospector. Krostown ,222.7 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 :47-"-.»ast 7 1-3 3 ■", ., 5 7 s"i L McAtee 12 Kimpalonu. H.King. Gold Dawn 52297 F.Gnda 1 1-lf. 1:48 fast 20 10*3 4 ft 8 9 9- H3 L McAtee Ll Lucky B.. Veteran. Prospector 72254 F.Gnds 1 l:43-hvy 15 112 2 7 6 S fi- fJL McAtee 7 T.MeTasjaurt, Trooper, Shoot On GROVE A., b. c. 4 105 By Voorhees— Formella, by Brutus. Trainer. W. R. Sallie. Owner. M. R. Hirsch. S2713 F.Gnda 1 l:42%mud 99 MS •"• S 5 a »•« -" A Richcrk C Title. Tantalus. Fair Orient 32164 F.Onds lmTOy i:434-fast 69 i-2 0 7 8 s S !*• T Jarvis s YancCka;, Bar.Shaaa, AlbertA. 4G943 Jefson lmTOy 1 :",2 -.hvy 10-5 fto 2 4 4 6 5 617 F Cltiletti 7 Hadrian. Iwiniwin. Glasstoj 1.706S F.Gnda 3-4 l:17%hvy 10 113 t 8 3 2ft 2* J RodgezlO Inquiry. Maize. Edith K. 43575 F.Gnda 3-4 1:17%hvy 15 112 7 7 9 1 loxj W Wright 11 Fleer. Pirate McGee. H. Weapon LADY LONGFELLOW, b. m, 6 101 By Zeus— Olivia Miekle, by Ornus. Trainer. L. F. Marshall. Owner. Marshall Bros.. 52743 F.Gnds S-4 i:io4r,hy IS Ml 13 12 12 l ft !*• 71 Earner IS Destroyer, BleRoberts PfiiBill 52482 F.Gnds 1 1-10 1 :4fifast 12 104 I 10 7 10 10- 10 » J J Mney 12 T.Pguese, Bichelieu ]. Moss 72230 F.Gnds 1 1-8 2r09%hYy 8 104 6 13 7 11 11:"» L McAtee 13 Aztec. O. McKeaaa, W. Ttirnbow 52199 F.Gnda 3-4 1:17 hvy 6 103 ft 10 9 S?. 5TJ J .1 Mney 10 Back Bay, I ovs, Hope Irinoeaa 32134 Jefson 3-4 l:15ysfast 6 107 8 S 6 2 ft l*ft J J Mney 13 Salute. MAIingham. Alexuder