Backers Disastrous Day: Fair Grounds Favorites Prove Deceiving Selections, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-04


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BACKERS DISASTROUS DAY a Fair Grounds Favorites Prove Deceiving Selections. a Heavily-Backed Snapdragon II. Runs Last in Main Race — Julia N. a Costly Deluder. P.Y J. I.. DDMPSF.Y. NFYV OKLFANS. I.i.. February 3.— Repeated failures of favorites this afternoon redounded to the advantage of the layers, who scored heavily as a resell and partly overcame the losses of previous days this week. Tke ordinary card thai was offered was in a measuie due to the heavy going which prevailed and tke resaltaal upsets that developed was also due to the difficult track. Tke worst upset came with the running of the mile and a sixteenth purse, which featured the card. Snapdragon II. and Waakeag were the ones held to have the race between them, but the finish I found the pair outside of the trio of placid ones. Snapdragon II. running a particularly bad race and ; remaining a distant follower from the start. YVau-keags failure wis dm- to the poor riding he re-eeivi d. Heupel had Waukeag in the deepest part of the track during the earliest running and delayed making his drive until the race was practically over. The parse went to Title, about which adv«rse ram Im were circulated, resulting in some : of the layers taking extreme liberties, one of them ; quoting 15 to 1 against him. Title led all the way : and beat l.iff Dang, with Simpleton in third place. The failure of the favorites began ill the opener when L.voli. si was led home by the first-time starter VeBed Colleea, carrying the silks of w. H. Kowe. liveliest landing in second place and Adopted Daughter heading the others. The winner, a daughter of The Finn —Scenery, led from the stall and Barrett had her under slight restraint 1 all the way. Barrett also piloted the winner iii the second race : in . Y. larks Destroyer, which satnedkd in out staying the fast romiag Belle Bekerts. Rob Smith added another purse to his list at this n.e.tiiiL when his Jean Dullant led for the satire distance in the third race to win from Cobalt Lass ; and Wild Flower. Julia N. handed the form backers a hard jolt in the fourth race, for which s|lt- was an overwhelming favorite, but could do no better than land in third place, the winner turning up in George J. Loags Doric, with Wedgwood second. Roscoe looses following scored heavily in the sixth race with Lucy Kate, when she won from Jilt Fringe and Alcatraa. The latter, ridden by Buxton, cut sharply across the others directly in front of the stewards stand. B OWes colors made it a double for the afternoon when Coldcrest Bay, under a hard ride by Barrett, inseceeded in outstaying the much interfered with Nebraska, which held the fast coming Newel V. safe for second place. Todays racing was again replete with rough riding and several of the jockeys were slated for interviews with the stewards tomorrow. the only one who met suspension was Dabin. who , will not be allowed to ride for the remainder of the meeting as a result of his cutting across soon after the start with Berlin in tin- closing race and badly interfering with Nebraska. tapt. B. . Baabary is at a local hospital preparing to undergo a minor operation. ; G. I.. Blackford, prominent breeder of Denison. Texas, was among todays arrivals. He is acoom ; imKied b] I*. Of. Hodges, another Texas breeder. "Bad" Fisher leaves Sunday for New York to j rema;n th re until the opening of the Lexington i meeting, where his horses will be raced. Muskal- longc will be sent to Idle Boar Farm and lie laarnag the starters iii the Kentucky Derby. II. Field put ill a claim for Loveliest in the ■ opeaer. but it was disallowed on account of an irit gularity in Mary D.s registration. . W. Clark and his party will terminate their stay here Saturday and return to California. Mr. Clark intends to be at Churchill Downs for the I opening of the racing there and contemplates having Iaited Verde among the Derby starters.

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