Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-04

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FAIR GROUNDS Tin- bum which km beat in Fridays races are: Fair Grounds — New Orleans. La.. February 3. 1921. 1 — Doctor .Mm. Rrcrelgry, Kin. -t A. 8— llut-it . Repeat, General Agramoate. 3 — BlMI ;rass. Anticipate, .lock Scot. 4 — FI.lZKY. Cinderella, Sncarinint. 1 WsdininHiii Last, Lord Herbert, Kingfisher. ;~-Hiuidfull. Verity, Walter Tarahaw. 7 — Bombast. Captain Baraa, Yaphank. .1. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. 1— Bill Rraedered, Darter Jim. Becretary, So*. inandie. 2 Celtic Liss. Repeat, Yellow Blossom, Mar* gaerlte Dixon. 3— JOCK scot. Grata Graaa, Yeaaaad, Lady Luxury. I -Biddledee. Bugarmlnt. Flnaey, Cinderella. 5 — Wadawortks I..1-1. Lord Herbert , .1. C. stone, gtarchUgbt 111. S— llaudfiill. Iron Boy, Bpearleae, Walter Tnrn- I IOW. 7 — Neiua-k.i. Hapt a la Bans, Dakhrwa BeUe, Charlotte C. .1iU*:i»o and Itnftalo ll.-ni licn|is. 1 -Hill Rendered. Doctor - i 1 « 1 . Secretary. Bar- neat A. 2 Celtic Liss. .lim Peg, Genera] Agramoate, Yellow Hloss. 111 1 -Greea Graaa, Jock Brat, The Nephew, An ticipate. 4— CINDERELLA, Madge F . BMdledee, Boaad- in; Throagh. 5 — Wadswottha Last, Iwlawia, Boa 1Tb Lbyhl III.. Karl Herbert. B— ■ Titer U«se. sunduria. Thaaderbird, Walter Turn low I — Bombast, Walk Cp, Cttptala Hums. Charlotte C. Observers Handicap. 1 — Doctor lis*, Plato, Secretary, Romper. 2 -Celtic Lean, Repent, linen. General Agra niOllte. 3 — Jock Beat, The Nephew. Yoiineed . Greea Crass. 4— CINDERELLA, Blddlcdee, Madge K.. Ragar- inint. o — Wadswartha Last. Lard Herbert, J. C. Stone Iwiniw ill. 9 N. K. Heal. Thundorbird. Siinduria, Bpearleae. 7 — Captain Bams, Bombast, Nebraska, KbagHag II. CoiiNensux of Handicaps. 1— Hill l:cndcrcil. Ho. tor Jim, Secretary. Ernest A. i — Celtic Lass, iiueti. Repeat, General Agramoate. ;; loek Scot, Greea t.iass. The Nephew. Anticipate. 1 Cinderella. Fluzoy. Kiddledee. Sucaniiint. 5 — WADSWOKTHS LAST. Lord Herbert. J. C. Stone. Search Light III. 6— Handfull. Tbier Hose. N. K. Heal. Walter Turnliow. 7 — Bombast, Nebraska, Captain Baraa, Charlotte c.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020401/drf1921020401_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1921020401_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800