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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF Thomas Iiatt has sold to Mode Ni.ol the WO-! year-old sister to Judge Budrow. W. Perkins has reached Lexington from New-Orleans and soon will lake up the two. year-olds he has quartered at the Kentucky Jockey Club track The eleven head of t lioroughlireib recently purchased at Lexington by trainer James ntasimaMMM ! of the Qaiacy Stable will be shipped to New York either today or tomorrow. Dark Boaald was the Icadiag stallion in Germany i hist year, his prodace having area 2.434.9O0 marks I on the flat. Malua 088.850 marks was the most ; successful sire of jumpeis. Tea Irish experts, always keen about the Grand j National Steeplechase, are backing Ocean Star, a smart Irish mare, ami Halston. which won the 1921 Irish Grand National, to win the big Match race at LiveriMiol. for which Always is favorite. The 5,000 Prbt de Monte Carlo Hurdle Itace was run at Nice. France. Sunday. January 10. It ! is at a mile and seven-eighths and was von by ; the great French jumper oi| Gaulois. cariying 101 pounds. Serpentcau IV.. Ill pounds, was second land Kings Cross, K,7 pouuiK was third. Jim Osborne the starter, tells a story from the Northwest akeat an ancient owner with whiskers. I wiio owned and rode his own horse at the Calgary, Alberta, meeting last fall and asked, as the barrier was lowered before the field, whether he could "go back a trifle and jump thing or stoep under it." The Lincolnshire Handicap winner of 1919. Itoyal Bucks, was prepared for a cup and made it. ID was started in a hurdle race at the f.oadaa Hurst Part meeting January 14. won easily with 170 poaada on his back and at odds of 7 to 1. F|ion i looking over past records ii was found that SeiWor tiirned over the same sort of a trick with tke sume I horse in 1917.