Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Friday, February 4, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-04


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- FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4 WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK HEAVT. _ -s i. I - — - , r. a ., ,.- = ds — 7T :, , •". the hi. r bat „, N .,. in ds Ritclng starts nt 2:1.7 p. m. Cltfeaaja time, 2:15. ® Superior mud runner. V Oaod mud runner. :]: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance. B I.li ajnen. First Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. " year-oMs and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: Feb, 12, 1010— 1:42ft— 4 -11SU Taday*a lad. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.llan. "•2115 Hill Beadeted 5 US. .723 r,2i24- *Doefse Jiaa I 110.. 720 52400 Secretary 110 1:17.-. S 105 7F, 53100 •bEraesf A 1 110. .713 1 52688 l.ltonip. r :: mux 715 52000 Martha Bray :. 100.. 711 1 52334 Norniandie Ill 1:48 ft 5 115X710 1 52000 b/aiin-r ;; 105.. 705 .72020 bPaasy Bloasoaa ...110 1:47ft I 110.. 703 • 52030 bIMato 101 1:47% : 105.. 705 52840 •Pewaakee l 1lo:|:70 1 52133 I.u-moie ;; 105. .700 1 :.-lsi» Plaaacial Rooster.. I 115. 700 1 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs, .i year-olds. Claiming Track record: Feb. R, 1010 1:05 „ 1—120. 32500 bCeltic Lass 105 Flit;. HI. .725 52630 *-Iim F..g 105 1:07ft 111. .720 J 52500s bOeaeral AgraaaoatellO 1:07 112.. 715 51000 *Yeli..w Bloasoaa ... 01.. 715 ! SSSM •Sea Board Mi .. 112 1 :os "•.-, BO. .710 r,2l.:«i- •Repent 1M1 loo 1 :0s !U;71o 52500 Lara 102 1:08% 103. .710 52500 *.Margueiite Dizaa. .102 1:07ft OS X 710 52722 Philanderer 113 l:O0fta 112x710 . j 5077H Mallynew 110 1:00ft 104. .707 . 52727 l.Machine .nunei ..110 FOX 112X707 . 52517 bllu.n 100 1:00 112X705 . 52115 Tony Button 105 1:00ft 112X705 52271 Aaaeriraa Maid ....100 1:00ft 107X700 7.2:171 Uaaspj 101..700 52630 Diamond Rah- M 107 1:06ft 100.. 700 5i:in5 *Broaa I.ill 107 1:00ft 1ST. .700 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. S-year-oMa and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 0. 1018- 1:11ft— 0— 110. 5272S**bOreen Crass U5F12-. 0 10SX725 . 52632 Mo. k Scot 120 1:11. 7 102X720 52U221 The Nephew 110 1:12 . I 110X715 52375 l.Anti.ipate lo:il:Rl% 4 100x715 52580 *Archle Alexander. 100 1:12% 5 114x713 - 51025 *l M«.se 100 1:14 0 100X713 - 5240S *bYoaaeed 110 1:12% 5 111x713 : 51020 Lady Luxury 100 1:12% 0 1000715 52001 •Social star 10! 1:13% :t 100.. 710 52218 i.Who tares ux 1:13% I 110x710 , 52041 Episode 100 1:13ft 8 102. .710 , :.2:i25 War lab 110 1:14ft 5 11:. 7U5 t 52003 bSaaamore 110 1:12ft 4 112x7Uu 52022 Shilling 118 1:13ft 4 100. .700 „ 52720 bEttahe 112 1:14ft 0 108X7U0 52713 bOrove A 11011:, 4 105X700 n ! 52743 *Lad| LoaafeBoa.. os 1:14ft 0 101 ■ 700 ., Fourth Ract; — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. I j ear olds and upward. Claiming, Fillies mid Mares. Track record: Feb. 12. 1910 1:42ft — 4- IIS. 52318 I.CINDERELLA . ..MB 1:40% 4 105x750 0 52000 bMadaje t 108 1:44ft 5 106x740 ill 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 J ! . . . . - - : , , t „ n ., 0 ill Todays lad. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.H.111. 52004 *bniddledee »! 1:48ft 1 101. 73.7 .52025 bBoaadiag ThrnugblOl 1:47% 4 D6X7.TO 52711 Plaaey MS l:50aa r. 107 x 72.7 52022 bSugarmint 108 1:10% 4 108X720 Fifth Race— 1 3-16 Miles. I ; ear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 1, 1020— 1 :.71%— G- 105. i5o.-,7ii •Wadswortha Last. MB 1:30ft 0 113072.7 52572* *Iw1niwin .7 109X720 52715- •Search Light 111. . 5 108X715 52828 ♦ILord Herbert 112 2:011-, 6 118X713 r.2571" *Pirate Mcttee 1012:00 4 110 -715 52748 •bBertla 7 1070710 .52004 -*i..i. c. Stone 1071:50% 8108X710 52003 Kingfisher 110 1:30% 7 10071n 5202.". Young Adam 5 115X705 52712 blfrookland ...100 2:02 0 111. .700 52011 I.Mandarins Coat .. 5 107x700 Sixth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Owners Consolation Iursc .". v. ar olds and upward. laiming. Track record: Feb. 13, 1015 1:11. :, loll 52020 bli-.er i;.,se to:! 1:48% 3 108X723 52223 I.Sunduria 100 1:48 .7 107x721 52728 bThaaderMrd 84 1:52% 4 DDX71-7 52015- Walter Tarabea ,.11# 1:48ft 0 111x710 507U I.Verity 105 1:47% .7 110X710 52843 •Hanrey Saaarr ....108 1:48ft r. 110X710 52572 Fountain Fay 114 1:48ft 11 1114:710 52501 bCoiydon 118 1:48ft 0 111x710 .52000 S.lninR 100 1:40ft h 7.100X710 52300 Haadfall 118 1:48% 8 111X710 7.2045 •Spearleae 118 1:48 0 110X710 52025 Oalway lOO 1:4! 7 100x710 52710 »Iroa Boy 10.7 1:47% 5 108x703 7.215! •Dattaa Rest 103 1:47% .7 110.. 705 52722 First Pallet 7. 101x705 7.27,01 Simonite 109 1:47-.. 4 113x700 50037 I.Captaiu Tom 4 108. .700 52309 bN. K. Real 110 1:47% 7 11O07IW 52358 Old Rose Mi 108 1:58% 5 M0.. 780 52858 •bRrickley, 112 l:4»ft 10 100X700 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Owners Cow aola thai Parse, 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiminsr. Track re.-ord: Feb. 13. 1915 -1:11 c -3 Iu4.i 7.209.7-»I.Rombast 112 1:47% 6 110X725 52727 Walk Ip 88J1:48% 3 87X720 7.2045 •iMaptain linrns 115 1:40% 8 10 110X713 :,l5s7: charlotte c 3 84x71.5 5M88 *Willi.in 1011:47% 7.101X715 52710- •bKeatah MB 1:48 8 181x715 52715 Mary Poaao 90 1:58 ft aa 3 S7X710 52587 •bYaphank 103 1:49-, 4 99. .710 .72727 I.Mary Erb 80 l:48ft :-! 01X710 52715 bPegsy C 10.7 1:17 4 101x710 I 52845 Lattery 104 1:41 7 111X705 5!74s- bNebraska 1IH 1 :47 7 110:70-7 7.2045 bArbitrator 109 1 :47% 7 111 X70.5 7,2522 *oid McKeaaa 108 1:48% 1104x707, 52091- Oaklawa BeBe s 101. .700 7.2717. •Mayor Rahin 110 1:17% 7.10CX7O0 52.-.91 Matie Caatle Mi. . .", 93.. 700 .72712 *bKingling II 110 1:48% 8 100x700 52587 bWilldo 107 1:47% 8 111x780 52710 •Mickey M.x rt- 1 1P1..700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020401/drf1921020401_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921020401_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800