Second Race [Second Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-04

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2 c - 1 If I M 1 I • 4 4 c [ j t I .", j J i • -, - i I 1 ; ! -, j, J I . - . [ :J f - I* I 1 1 I •" II U - I1 1, ■ 1 * » 1 I J - - ; v 3 11 .-, SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Dec. 20. 1916—1:11 2-5—3—110. COLONEL MATT, b. g, 8 110 By Colin — Ormelia, by Orme. Trainer. S. Polk. Owner, S. Polk. 7 Tijuana :t IM tlou 31 Ml *»■ B Fator 11 Anple.Jack. J. J. klnrdock. 62581 Tiiuana 5-8 1 n.-slow SSf llo 71" B Iator 4 MieOParaell, Mas. Franklin. Ilex 62525 Tijuana 61 f 1:14 slop llf 114 :»-" E Fator 10 Mannehen, Chrome. MhwParnell 52457 Tijuana 61 f l:09%alop llf 108 7-» K Fator 8 D.Fn«lilon. Pnntime. ILMcCarty 34623 Cheyenne 5-8 l:02%faat s 112 r.i 3 MclntrelO LaR.Broeade, NewOrBeae, Mler MAUD BACON, ch. m, 7 113 By Tony Bonero — Oviedo. by Ornus. Trainer. J. W. Byrnes. Owner. Tarn o" Shan ter Stable. 52647 Tijuana ■• f 1:12 mud 7-M 113 !■ N Foden 7 ltots. Mighty Lever, nata. Belle 14718 Tijuana 3-4 6 111 »■• R Guy 11 BmiLMaggie, L.Ccess. Proa.Soa HS44 Tijuana 5-8 l:03%alow 44-14 114 4»1 B Taylor 0 Itiposta. Lady Harrigaa, Bnnask 40105 Tiiuana o-l 1:21 sloi. 1 115 7-1 I ConnUv S Mister Mark. ReydO, Af terN itll t MOM Tijuana 1 l:54%aIOp y 111 l" B Pinnegr 7 Sleetli, Thos.F.McMahon, Dehra OLLIE WOOD. ch. c. 4 M 105 By Doncaster— Seddie King, by Leonid. Trainer. F. Samples. Owner. J. S. McDaniels. 52652 Tijuana 6J f l:ll%mud • : 101 .".T:; 1 Powell 7 Me. Velvet. Aunt Annie ,, Tijuana 9 1:051 hvy 77 103 I 1 Powoli 12 Maanchen, Hnmma, Divhind 52402 Tiiuana 5-8 1 KH%fast 110 10s P B Dority II. Mr-Catty. lalljVan 62335 Tijuana 6-8 1 :o :-.-,livy 2!f 114 I*1 Rowc :» B. Tranter, Nastedovatl, ValliV. KATHERNE CAREY b. m. G M 108 By Joe Carey — Katherine Ennis, by Bonme Joe. Trainer. W. E. Moody. Owner. Moody and Ra;-;.. 52647 Tijuana 51 f 1:M Blow 84 IM 14 Thpaan 12 Chrome, Brmitaaa. Clover Junia Tijuana 5] t l:12%mud 48 144 M*1 P MartlneaM Kantedovatii Review, Uoaaa -■Tijuana 1 1:12-. ,ast 201 1 l:";.l Ch ments 12 Cila. T. 1. McMaboa, I.lazer 52168 Tijuana 5-8 IM fast 48 in 411 R Dority 10 Mad. Hurry, Mistake, Brmitaaa 51478 Tijuana 6-8 COP., fast IM 112 1"-- C McCkle 12 Stanley II.. Mistake. Maud M. RIFLE SHOOTER, b. h, 8 108 By Star Shoot — Babbie, by Leonatus. Trainer, C. Howell. Owner. S. Waring. S3 Tijuana 1 l:44%alow I.f llo * . 2" C WhittonlO Aadrey A.. Tour*. Anna Star :.2».2s Tijuana 61 1 IM alow I4f IM 8«1 C vVhlttonl2 Prin.Doaabm, An. Star. EdLeVaa 52524 Tijuana lm70y l:53%slop 4:f 113 ii"; A leiajler ll PraakShnon, BronBee, Humma 52403 Tijuana l l:45%mud 13 113 11*T C Groaa 11 BabyGirl, Audrey A.. VoaLady 61743 Tijuana 1-4 l:15%faat 2.". i;t s;i II Kim? 11 MoveOn, Sgeorge, Thirty Sevea GRATITUDE, b. a, 7 103 By Hessian — Jacqueminot, by Darebin. Trainer. J. L. Crawford. Owner, R. Parton. 52381 Tijuana Im74y 1:47 faat 88 143 Bled. II Jonea 11 Madrid. Hamma. GIfl 52041 Tijuana Un74y l:45%faat — 111 * B Buma M Cavonrll.. Ir.Maid. H. of theKit. 51439 Tijuana 1 l:46%mud 99 102 I il Jones 10 Plunger, JaieSmall, CapcBvana i- 3 Tijuana 1 l:41%faat 4.",f 102 914 H Jones 12 Per.Lady, G.Byng, T.ICkenridge PERFECT DAY, ch. f. 4 M 105 By Prospero — Pansy King, by Kingston. Trainer. C. Dietz. Owner. Dietz and Owens. "•2573 Tijuana 5-8 Co".1. -slow lOf i"- ! | M Blghterll Dalay X., Pretty Baby, McCroaa 52544 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 mud 113 Ml "" M Srghterll J. Boahor, Laraga. Baby Faust 52400 Tijuana 5 f 1:04 fast 4:; MS 11** It laug-l 12 Limerick. BhpSquirrel, B.Faaal 52234 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:48%faat 7fi 10s! Pulled up. V Hinphy 7 Mike Italy. W. inland. Per. Lady 5221:: Tijuana 2 1 1 :1 1--fast 117 107 R1 vV Hini h.v S Little Beach, Lilly Joe, Yukon KLEE KO. b. f. 4 M 105 By Joe Carey — Screenwell Lake, by Artillery. Trainer. W. DeBclt. Owner. H?U and DeBolt. 52646 Tijuana 51 I 1:12 mud SOf 113 ■ 1 Gl — 12 Gertrude B., Ann s.. Viva 54411 Reno 4* f 5!-. fast 21 110 :•- B Iinnegr 0 Bm.WeUer, BtrieeLarJUa, Mix HANDY GIRL. ch. f. 4 M 105 By Rapid Water— Handy Lady, by Handsel. Trainer, J. .T. Feeney. Owner. J. J. Eeeney. 52334 Tijuana ImTOy 1 :5l-.-.hvy 24 M :i" V Chiatall Welga, Saner, Plaything 52::i:i Tijuana 1 1 :42" •:: 143 C17 P Poiuer ! T.F.MoM.ihnn. lOlllcy. .liinWinn 52238 Tijuana 1 1:42 fast ao M9 I Q Yeargin 11 OurMaid, LedUilliam, Maud M. 5214s Tijuana 1 1:43 fast S8 97 lo-1 1 Hum 13 Pioneer, P. of iheKit.. U.Willm am Tijuana 1 1-M 1:41 fast IM 44 Pulled up. P Poiuer 0 Pladra, MissOrli, Mister Mark BOBBY FIB, ch. g, 9 M 110 By Fib— Stella Berkley, by Barney Aaron. Trainer. E. Winters. Owner. Van Dyke and Winters. 52G52 Tijuana 51 t l:ll%mud Gil IM R. Parity 7 Me. Velvet. Aunt Annie C2343 Ttjuana 5J f l:08%good H8f ill ll17 It Dority II Btaaehita, Lady Small. Ripoata 52254 Tijuana 51 t 13%faat 10f U4 I2** R Pority 12 C. the Way, P. Direct. Kosellis 42045 OakTwn 5-S 1 :02--, fast M 109 12 12 12 12 U»* J Bell 12 Lobt. Mantell. Okla. Irish, NeB 41984 Oaklwn 1 1:44 fast 25 111. 1 5 11 11 12 12-c H Garner 13 Lxamintr. Brando, Lady Leona LAST CHANCE, ch. g. 8 M 107 By Ferole— Eucharee, by Albert. Trainer, ST. Thomas. Owner, L. Gibson. :l.20 Tijuana 51 t 1 ioo-sIow sf M4 . F J Baker 12 Poaitaao, Baby Fanat, Red Man 62443 Tijuana 1 1:15- nunl 13f 145 I" B Taylor 11 BabyGirl, Audrey A.. Von Lady 52437 Tijuana 1 i: 11 "■■fast 5« vu 5 V .1 Baker 7 PrineeDirect, LewiaB., Tillotson 52174 Tijuana 3-4 1 :1 121 lo 4*a O AVillis 12 Gweadota, B.BPkweU, I.Harvey 52080 Tijuana i h f COS fast 64 M4 6*| F J Baiter ■ Iizarro, Baageoage, Ola Lee GERTIE WOOD. ch. m. 5 M 103 By St. Maxim— Lenora Wood, by Orimar. Owner. D. M. Brunk. Fbral start.

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Local Identifier: drf1921020401_7_3
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