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HAVANA The horses which seem beol in Fridays races arc: Havana. Cuba. February 3. 1921. 1 Helen Loess, Prank Moody, Beotty. 2— Molinero. Sunny Days. Talent. 3— Oct Kin. Guardsman, Bed. 4— SCARlIA II. . Klmont. Slippery Silver. 5-— Jellison. Night Wind. Wilfnda t; Ply Hume. Attorney Malr, Brandy. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 -frank Moody, Helen Laeas, Kayaaaa, Beotty. 2 Talent. Sunny Days, Molinero. Coombs. :t GET EM, Red, Waking Dream. Chimera. I Avion, S.-.upia II.. Semper Stalwart. Klmont. 5 Night Wind. JelHsoa, Lady Ivae. WUfreda. j — Attorney Muir. Duke Huff, OMalley. tirundy. Chicago and llulValo Handicaps. 1 Helen Lucas. Krank Moody. I.ullaliy. •_■ LIGHT FANTASTIC, Talent, Molinero. Oesssbs. n -Buragct. Get Km. Chimera, Red. 4— Avion. Klmont. Bearpia II.. Langhiag Eyes II. .* Sight Wind, Ravensea, Lody lone. Jellison. 0 Attorney Muir. Duke Huff. OMullcj. Fly Home. Observers Handicap. 1- Prank Moody. Helen Lucas. Lyric, Beotty. 2— Molimro. Light Fantastic, Talent. C.eorge C. Jr. - :: flaunt. Red. Km. Guardsman. 4— Bearpia II.. Avion, Bhaont. Semper stalwart. 3 — Night Wind. Wilfreds. Jellison. Baveaaea. «; ATTORNEY MUIR, OMalley, Grundy. Duke Raff. Consensus of Handicaps. ■ 1 Helen l.ucas. Frank Moody, Beotty, Kacchana- lian. •_•— Molinero. Talent. Light Fantastic. Sunny Days. S — GET KM. Bareget, Red, Oaaidsmaa t Bearpia II.. Avion. Klmont. Semper Stalwart. 5 — Night Wind. leRtsoa. WUfreda, Lady lone. 0— Attorney Muir. Fly Home. Duke Raff, OMalley.