First Race [First Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-04

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i 3 ", , hn id in in Be re FIRST RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming Feb. 12, 1916—1:42 1-5—4—113. ladei Course Dhit TbjaeT*rkOddB Wt 84 ft ft % Str Fin Jockeys Sfnrteri Order of FUtlab BILL RENDERED, ch. g. 5 M 115 By Marco— Forecastle, by St. Angelo. Trainer. W. Hurley. Owner, E. R. Bradley. ■211.5 F.Gnds 3-1 l:12%fast 40 113 3 4 8 and■ 8«i L Lylve- 11 T;-aL;, Uid.JcweL M.Maxim 44925 Jefson 8-4 l:15Viifast M 1"S 7 S 7J 7!3 S Boyle 10 War Garden, Suuer, Mose 4232y Church 1 S-4 1 JSftfaat 11 11" 2 7 7 9- »•- L Gentry 12 War Idol, Jortce. Luclnda 12144 La ton FCF10%fast 31 U: 7 5 4i S-3 L Gentry 9 Loyalist. Lorena Moss. L.F.Play DOCTOR JIM. b. c. 4 M 110 Bv Ogden— Rock Merry, by Rock Sand. Trainer, S. M. Henderson. Owner, Ogden Stable. S24 K.nris 1 1-1 1 17 -fast x -, | t :, •", t* : F Aad son 12 Benevolent. S.LightllL, Assume :.i 121 Church 1 11-18 1:48 fast J-i MC I 7 ! l: q C Rue[ 7 Dar.iley. Lady Britain, Ava R. 61S88 Church/I 1 l:39%fast 5 105 5 ;i 4 21 : j j Jfaey 13 Talaa, Lady Britain, Frank F. |S8SS8 La tenia S-4 1 :14*4f aat 7 ll: 1 2 : It 1 W Frump 12 PonnaRoma. Simonite, JakeFeM 1 48085 Kwrth S-4 l:14%faat 43-M 111 7 8 lo 7 v-i. Moms |] Boaaywa, D. Roma, Frivolity SECRETARY. ch. g, 3 M 106 By Celt— Amanuensis, by The Scribe. I Trainer. C. Houbre. Owner, G. Oddo. BM F.Gnda lmTOy 1:47 fast . 1".". 4 I I 4 i| P|C Ponce 11 Hopovcr. Roisterer, P. Blossom 1 f.4C4 F.G nds 1 1:41 fast 8 106 S S 7 7 S« 4 C Ponce 8 Pimlico. Toss Pp. Omer K. 63353 F.Gnds lm70y 1 :40n,fast 25 92 S I I 6 4- 6*1 S Mitchell 13 Sgemnn, Omer K.. Roisterer • i L2133 Jefson C-S 21 110*1 1 I 3" 2*ft L Lyke 12 Philanderer, "thump. S.Board I 62017 JeTaon 5ft f l:10*4hvy 7 1"S .7 | 4 4 1 B WMa M T«-tiySntt«in. Repent, Onlithump-ERNEST A., b. e. 4 i.M 110 Br Dunbar— Panshee, by Billatte. Trainer. D. R. McDaniel. Owner. R. J. Brown. ." . •■ rerson 3-4 l:13«*faat vx M9111 11 11 11- H-" .1 Peters 12 Grayson, Maboay, Jock Bee* 49727 Barti •-•., l i MHgood i i-l 1112 V I* E Sande fi GlenWell, Loe.LeaTee, OverooM I ■ASS 8ar*toga S-4 1:11 fast 7 MS Z ! 1 21 1*1 J Callahan 1.1 Chiaatra. Glen v. ll. Larehetto . 49337 Bar*togu -tl:U hvy 2.7 if. fi 7 ft 14* 14** C Tamer U P.oflndia. I. Dancer. TheNepbea 4v;7 Empire Ah i 1:11 fast 7 US I 12 12 14* 14** C Turner W l nitersal, Pontile Lye. CarliaaB. ROMPER, h. f. 3 M 100 By Luke McLuke— Little Bit, by Transvaal. Trainer. R. G. Denny. Owner. R. G. Denny! . I 9 F.Gnds .". f 1 :"7-".-ias: f l«T I 51 6 B Pool 13 Jim rot;. Repent, Dunm is 69516 Kwrth S-4 l:13%fast 17 97 ! »; I fi "" E fJarbne : Baby Grand. Tharoa, Ikey I. 56689 Kwrth 2-4 1:11. fast 14-.". 112 _ I .". Sl 1": H Thurber B Petrarch. UabeUooephine, Capon ..» Tiii Kwrth SJ f l IV- Kit ina l 4 2 :: S| X Duncan 11 Gallipot. Lech Leren, ITudine M6Q9 Windsor 6] f 1 .60*4a,ood 8 111 • fi 4 l I* .1 Dreyer M A.T.Hert, GoM.Aatuasn, incline , MARTHA GRAY. b. f. 3 M 100 By Trap Rock— The Scold, by Meddler. Trainer. J. McKinney. Owner, R. P. Marshall. • ■ F.Gnda 5j i IS i-m S N 7 5| I" .1 .1 Mney 10 Be Bare, Vulcanise, si no 62321 F.Gnda 1-4 i:i:..-.iast 8 104 4 II II o4 .1 Roberts IS Ntsbe, Boporer, Moaatata Dew 61993 JeTson 6-8 1 ol fast 20 112 7 7 7 7 71" J J Mneyll I rant ilia. Ace, Tony Sutton I IMS .l.-fson iAifi slow 12 104 fi 5 4 42 4" .1 .1 Mney 7 BrowaBill, Secretary. Lliz. May BfNE Lntenlu 6J f fov-.-fast 04 112 10 11 10 lo« io« a Collins 11 Ornate**, Mimroatalae, MaryG. 69641 Latonia it f 112 no 8 8 8 7 J 77 II .1 Burke 8 MyRase, KarseJane, M. Fontaine NORMANDIE. rh. g. 5 M 115 By Star Shoot— Mamie Worth, by St. George. Trainer. M. Lowenstein. Owner. M. tc J. Lowenstein. E33C4 F.Gnda 2-4 l:13*£fast 3t ill 11 s s |] I : Rtack 12 las Kay. Rbow Girl, CarlhteB. • 62273 F.Gnda lmTOy l :47..s,o...i I ill I 1 1 I V ::"■ G stack II Pimlico, Richelieu, Maadalay .".1722 JeTson :;-ll:lv hw 1-8 US 1 2 S 2] I4 : Stack I Gloeea. Okl McKenna. Tipford SHE! Jefson :: 4 l .14- .fast :i M6| I .. :: ?.,; :- . Btmck S Bengali, Marpky, Uarid Craig Miiii .|.fs in 2-4 1 :K*kgood ." 107 :i 1 1 Is 2h Q stack 10 Amciicaultose. Ilon-b. Beeswau ZAINER, b. g. 3 M 105 By Jack Atkin — Lois Cavanagh, by Hastings. Trainer, C. W. Chappell. Owner. J. A. Brause. «■ F.Gnda 5£ f 1 :«7.-,fast » 114 1 1 :: I»l 7* B RomelHla Be Sun-. Vulcanise, st..t ."2444 F.Gnda ::-4 1:14 fast 12 114 :: 1 4 7*1 9" .! Rodfr*esll Cut Ip. Vul.aiiize. llato C22M !■ 2-4 l:l."." 20 11". 4 1 1 Li» 7." .1 RodfVexlS GaMot, Vulcanize. .Toe Whipple p .21 ::: JeTson 5-1 20 11" I 9 10 ]0 in" w Lancet 12 Ptdktader, Becretary, c. thump SUB Jfi arson . -v 1 :oi4r.hvy FA IM 7 7 7 7 ■* s McGraw 7 Faatocke, The Moor, Beeretarj PANSY BLOSSOM, br. f. 4 M 110 By Marathon— Animo-ity, by Star Ruby. Trainer, T. J. Shannon. Owner, I. B. Bradfield. ■ F.Gnda lm7oy 1 :!.".■ 7 m4 1 :: E n •"• •"."• .1 Heupel 8 Indiae, Bsgassa, Susan r. f ;:■■; F.Gnds lntTty 1:47 fast 40 IM 5 2 2 2 21 :l . Hou] ei 11 Boporer, Roisterer, Mamlalay 12419 F.Gnds i 1-4 2: i*; 100 »4 I 10 15 if. 15* l".7 T .Tarvis M Nominee, Lad, Iii t F.Gnds lm70v 1:4C M 9114 111 11 11 i 3 N Everett IS Sjreman. Omer K.. Rolsteref I ESC F.Gnda 1 1-1 2.00-r.hvy :.o 10214 2 9 12 12= 127 H King IS Astee. O. McKeaaa, W. Tarabosi PLATO, ch. g. 3 M 105 By TJncle— Dike, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. P. Dunne. Owner, P. Dunne. I I F.Gnds 5] f l:07.:;fast 12 110 7 7 7 .- V I. Morris 13 .lim I..;.. Repeat, Ds morii S2St7 F.Gnda Unity 1:46 fast 15 MM 7 9 a 11 11 liIJ.i J kTueyll T.raraer, If.Heaa, CkarlotteO. , • 52491 F.Gnda Un7ty 1:47 fast 41 IOC 10 9 7 S 82 l«* H King 11 Hopsver, Roisierer. P. Blossom I 52444 F.Gnds 2-4 1:14 fast 15 11a ."» 6 f, q 31?. L Lyke 11 Cut "p. Vuleaajse, Sea Cove ESsSI F.Gnds lm70yl:;.; fast 2iJ 9913 1112 8 8= ft,4S M ttehell 14 Salute. Wild Flower, Lor. Moss , PEWAUKEE. b. g, 4 M 110 By Meelick— Lithogene, by Lithos. Trainer, J. Freters. Owner, L. Sperling. ":■ M F.Gnda -: il1 fast 41 M6 2 r. 7 s K»J F Wdsfk 8 1.1. Perkins, Va nay Iris, Mkrian " 52321 F.Gnds S-4 1:l."-,fasi 12 112 1 3 :". 3] 74 F Wdsfk 13 Nlobe, Hoporer, Mountain Hew v 52199 F.Gnda 2-4 1:17 hvv 31 Ml 7 i fi 71 72 !• WdsfckW Back Bay, I iys. Hope Princes* ■ 51722 JeTson 3-41:11 hvy I no 2 4 3 6 !*• F Wdstk • Gloata, O. McKenna, Norauuuftit 51C93 Jefferson 5] f 1:10 hvy 25 111 3 2 3 Sl 5* F Wood k B Bsgasss, W.FiOUer, B.Bruel IL _ 4i.i72 JeTson 3-4 l:13%faat 00 112 3 4 4 5 5--5 J Scott " Isillltiammil, lriz. K. Champion LUSMORE. ch. g. 3 M 105 By Celt— Cara Belle, by Charaxus. Trainer. H. Fallahey. Owner, F. E. Rodgers. jeraon 5-2 1 : 51 IIS 11 11 8 .i 9" L McAtee 12 FbUander, Beet lary, C. thump P 5209.1 Jefson 51 f l:09*ialow 20 113 8 0 7 7"7,:.i Rods* es 9 Bosecliff, Philderer, Cslitkmp 5W99 Luurel 2-4 l:l."..-,fast 29 HI 12 12 12 12 11" L McAtee 12 chin.WaMi. Brkraana, BlackTop :wi; Laurel 1 l:42%fast 48 104 19 II M I 9s II" H Moore 11 Dolly C, i -. Chow •■ Laurel 3-1 1 :14--,fast 174 MH 4 5 6 11» W Moon 11 Chevalier, Pimlico, Sea Court FINANCIAL ROOSTER, b. g. 4 M 115 By Little Dutch— Cloisteress, by Carlton Grange. Trainer. F. Wright. Owner, R. Warfield. 12199 F.Gnds 1 1-11 l:47%fast 59 1": 2 j 7 9 9 -"MI LunsTd 0 Ilarv.Kins. Madrono. Gd-Swell II E21 15 JeTson : :-4 -1 ..0 ] ■:, s 7 10 10,; 10 ., .1 .1 Mneyl! l.r. Perkins. Hden.lewel, Murrtij J 49! _l Dcvre 2-4 l:i7--hvy 10 112 3 3 2 4 l« J Heupel 11 B.Brummel II., D.Roasa, Gorkam ° 49949 Devrs 2-4 l:13%fast 7 no 8 4 7 91 9*1 H LunsTd 11 MkWest, Pan-yldscnu. Murray SfTM Derra 3-4 l:12 12f 112 7 6 5 4" 2*1 .1 Heupel 11 All "ziiia. Aa P... Fatal

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