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,. - 1. I I La e ! .- 1 , 1 is , „ 1 I k ■ HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1921. Oriental Hark." Fifty -ninth day. Cuba-American Jeekev and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of KMi days or more. Weather cloudy: temperature 99*. Stewards. .1. Haehmeister. C. H. Laasdate and F. J. Rrueii. Starter. James F. Milton. Racine See retary, M. Vathaaaon. Bacheg starts at L:3o p. in. Ihiiago time 1 :."" 7 p. m. 1. Indicates apprentice allowance. RLQTQft FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—0—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and MWmm 4 DO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Ini|i lloi-ses _ AWtTHSt 4 .. "7~Str Kin Jockeys- Owners t H C I S 52671* HAH. GO LUCKY wTTlS 9 7 •" l H I1 L PeMnan W Higginbotham 2 2 Z 4-5 2-3 12994 GOLDEIN RED wa 4 io: I S 1 :- 1 A Tryoa I. Mackey 12 12 II S 21 52633 GREY RUMP wi MJt 1- 1 U 1 1 -- "u F Hun R Gamer I N M 1 i : ur,i 8TILBTTO wa S 17 18 7 4! I I- .1 Ptta II Shields 6-5 C8999 t l.STl-;u QUEEN WB 5 IM 8 12 II" 81 6J 5" W MeehanW Sims N B M I » r-899d SHORTCHANGE w t IK 1! I • 7: 7 IlR hir.itt.M 8 tfert 2 Z - H 2-3 S8g99tDEE D. w 4 MS M 11 B» 11* 8" J 7 J Francis .1 J lloltiiian " 20 ■• s 1 .-,2tiM HOSLER m 4 101 5 3 ! V ■■ 8J .1 i-; Lenahan 12 12 12 3 Zj S8919 tNONSEKSE w "• i"7 2 ■• 8" MakU" 8" E Barnes W E Wilkena 30 38 38 N •• 58ftT4*ONWA w 7 Mi4 s :• : 8j pi P1 A Mcl/hlinl" Filians 1". 1". 1" 1: .ViK74 SHASTA w 8 111 7 I B* 8 :,; HJ 8 Boyle A A Ruiz I: !- 1. ". ii 52510 .1 WALKER am 1. 1111 3 M u 12 l- l- c oMali A c Niehaus ." :o -;J 10 :. tMntnel field. Time. 233/5, 47. l:H%. Track fast. 93 mutuels paid. Happy *■ Kinky. s7.sti straight, 85.10 place, 99.99 show: lulaen Red. 819.79 plaee, 1.09 show; Grey Rump. show. Bqaivaieal bookiag odds Happy i... Kinky. 890 to 199 straight, 155 t.. Km place, ti" to 199 show; Goham Red. s,s.-, to HNl place. 4."» to 199 show: irey Ramp, S99 to Km shew. Winner -Br. h, by Hamburg Wonder, by Msgaise tralaed by W. Higgiabotbam; bred bj Mr. Harry PayaO Whitney 1. Went to sosl at 3:99. At past t miaates. start z I aad slow. Won handily; seeond and third ariviac. HAPPY GO LUCKY raced ap to the leaders in th.- first eighth and. raeiag past C.RKY Rl.MH when straightened oal in the stretch, won geiBg away COI. PI. . i: 111 ran a came race and outstayed iRKY RIMH. The latter tired after foreiin; the early pace and taking the lead. IT.STKR QUBEN dosed a big cap. SHORT 1 HAMiK was sen- when cine t" tin- oust. Overweights [later Qaeea, :i poaads; l. Walker. 1: Bee 1 .. 1. Cr4 r7« r7 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and LW md 4 O 4 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. C0: third, 0. liidtx Horses AWtPPSt . , mi i;.-i Jockey* cwners 0 II C 1 S C2«77*VKM w 4 190 3 :; - - I .1 Smith . C Mays ; :. 1 | | ."2«33 WIKKli: WOODS w 5 KM S 7 .7- 2sk im « .| Bmesl Delbarrio . 1: •; J. -3 52«74 "K.M.MA J. w IBB E 1 7 l v »i - U ;"- R LcasterJ H Rhoe 1 "■ .". ! I r-8171 TRIOMPHANT wa 5 ii- t : :!• ; 7- 4 1 Cam-.dyF Rector 8 i 21 1 r-2«3t tHHONCO HILLY wi; 7 115 t :• 9* Ti j- ;,ii w Huub-sW It Padgett lo N lo 1 58171 SENTRY wh ; B9 I •• I1 I" :: 8* It M.I Ii Morn. Stable 1- 12 12 0 - ?8979*HOMAM m 7 B9 I" 11 11 11 B 7" -I Francis O Tuggle , :• •-". :". 1 !-. ,"!«7I LITTLE BUSS wa» C B9 7 1 8"k i 1, s ; .1 Dreyer T Cheek 1". IS H i 58977 tTBENTTNO w 7 II: - I 1" P* 9 8" J Collioa I: Bartoi I in M t - .". 2 i 7 • SECOND COUSIN w I IM II H in 10 : ] r - w Jam II o L i-V . 1 b .1 :: s-: 17499 DOUG. I" BBANKS a 1 Ml ; - 1J I] Id1 11 J Pit* I. M lribamn :: ". ". : 1 ■ Mutuel field Time. 23. ff%, 1:19%. Track fast. •sj niutuels pud. Vim, 914.59 straight, .19 place. .99 show; Willie Woods, su.iiii plaee, 9BB9 show: KiniiiM J.. SK30 show. Kqui.aleiit bookinu oibls -Win. b-o to 100 straight, 853 to 199 place. 13a to 100 show; Willie Woods. 030 to 100 plan-. 845 to 100 show; Kiuma J.. 11.", to 100 show. Winner— U. c. by Hessian — Astarita. by Bathamptoa trained by K. S. Wallace: bred by Mr. Joliu K. Madden. Went to pest at J:.*,ti. At pool 2 miuutes. Start good and sl..w. Won arlvfctgi s.-fond and third Ike same. TIM, close up mm the start, saved gxoaad whoa catering th.- homaatretck and, nalshiag gamely, outstayed WILLIE W0ODS The latter noved up rapidly alter rtimHag the far turn, bat tired after taklnu the lead at the eighth post. RMMA J finished fa t alter being outpaced in the earl ruaalag. HOMAB was away badly. TRIOMPHANT ran ■. g 1 race. |iuii;i,.s iaip.anks s.-t th.- early pace. Put ipiit badly. 1 |verwebjkt| Vttgi, - pounds. Hvmam, l- KOQQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—111—6—102/ Puree 00. 4-year-olds and *J £d 4 *Jand upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Imirv II. .r-.- iWtPP8t U * 8tr Fin -1 ■ k . - Qwaera o 11 c 1» S r ?«77 SAYciN.v u !■• no 7 i ;:;1. .. R5 i I Boti kAC Henderson 3 :: :: 1 1-2 72A77 ED GARRISON u 7 1"9 : l» 1 2 ! R McIVotCW ivucliter M N 10 1 ."JHSJ IRINVF BONBRO . G Ml 5 8 F 4 and 31 Is B KenndyW I : Weatland l« M lu 1 I rtll4* TWENTY SEVKN v. 7 107 • R T P V R l/casterl- Bonahsrnan G c I l" hB5 72«77 CRYSTAL DAY w ; 181 ! fi I I ■ I] I J Francis l» M RM*e K-S hB5 S»S S-5 1-3 £2098;H. M. BTEVENS tva ." 112 G _• S» *.■ ."«- 6 I rVfteher i K Allen 9 U 21 l 1-2 ."•ifiSK ORDERLY wa * 112 ■ : ! :• ■ 7" V Crnmb . v Pafeurle •• 5 ■■ I l .-•»«.",s LADY HESTEK »i .i IN :• l V S» 4 8 c li MhHerK Saunderscn IS R i i!l!S0 LUCKY PEARL a a 111 1 7«* *. 8 I K Barnra .1 S Baldwin SI JO 3 • I . Time. 23. 48. 1:14. Track fast. S2 lnuiiK-N paid, lajraaa, 811.88 atraicht, 88.88 piao . |8.10 ahaw; U Barrissa, |M .88 place, 88.00 1 I 1 ahaw: Priare Booern, 810.70 show. 1 i 1 Baatraleal t •• Ki n» odds -dSayeaa, 183 t.. 1M stralabt, US t.. 100 place, MS i.. loo ahaw; Ed Garriaoa, . , . 44." to loo paw*, 243 to loo -h. .w : Priare Boaero, IBS to li« shew. Wiaaer-- Br, m. by Magellan — Bayonara, by Baatol trained bj a. I.. Aaatta; bred in France by Mr. . t. r. Tiioin.i. Went i.. peat :it 8:21. At |M.-t :. ■ Urates. Btarl a 1 Bad slaw. Wea handily: aeeoad and third l driving. 8AYONA foBewed the loaders ranee ntji to the atreteh tuna, from a heir sin- rared into the lead I .ni.l was Koine; away at the end. ED GARRISON ael a fast pare, hat tired after racina LADY IIEHTKR 1 int.. defeat. lRIXCi: RONKKO Baisbed fa-t. CBY8TAL PAY m t no mishaps. TWENTY SEVEN ran i veil Beratrbed- 52578 My Ada, BO: 69058 Phtatarede, 111. Ore* weights orderly, s pounds. KQ-TQQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920— 1 11— 6—102. j Purse S7C0. 4-year-olds and I ; tJJdfi 4 Ot7 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. "Index Horses A WtTFst ""T" T~7 s"trTin~ Jockey* Owners H C I K Bt5M3THE BELGIAN ILara 7 IIS 4 1 I* 25 1* 1« .1 Praneta Florida Stable 2 2 J. 4-;, i-;, .-•35!K DARNLEY WB 5 101 i 7 7- I* 4- 2»J J Dreyr P f.rahani 10 10 H I ! 5tOSO: RUNNY YEN wi: 4 M0 Z S V V V Zl J DamickA L Austin L" Z| L", 1 1-J . T.UM DISCISSION a ."■ KM 7 I 0* 8"* SJ l*i L f:.rv.ilo Bros I 1 3| S-5 3-fi : r,:,-, STEPSON araaSlOl :. l r I I :■ li RaaaoOC MMdaHoa St M 81 I i ■ : m:Ui BRIG OK WAR wCIOI i - r 1 -" fc1 .: Pitz Raaadale Stable M l" M i ! .v.»fi3»» HUSH »■ i n :; ;, :.1 7 7 7 i: Barnea ; Holmes I I :• :■ i .14!»0 HOPE wit t: 10« I v | :• | s p lun- D B .Ion. I 1 10 M 4 i .".■577 FIRST CONSUL an 4 100 s ;• nj s1 I . It McDottEl Mono stable 3 S :; 1 1-2 Time. 23, 4630. 1:13. Track fast. SJ iiiutueK paid. The Beliaa 11.. 00.10 -traiylit. SS.0O Blare, tS-00 -hew: Itarnlev. SST.00 plaee. 08.00 i • show: Kiinnvv.-ii. S:.L show. , Bqairaleat 1 kin« edda The Belaiaa II.. Lo". l Km» atrala-ht, 00 t. lot place. B0 t.. 100 show; ; Daratejr, liso to 1 h» place. :54.-, t,. mo show: Btaaajrrca, 00 l» Iihi aaaar. . | Wiaaer— Ch, f, by Btabdala BaaTragattc It., bjr Voter trained by N. I.. Bacaaaa; bred in Praace kty r Mr. Herman B. Dur.vea. Weat to j» at S:4tl. At 5 inimites. start «ad and slow. A..n drirlajc; second and third the r same. Till: BELGIAN II. forced a fast pace for tht lirst half, hat tired after raeaaa into the lead. : DAKXLEY eloscl a tap BBd, Balahtag witli a rush, would hare beaten the winner in another stride. . BUXXTVEX was B forward toateader all the way. KIKST COXStTL ran a had race. BRIG OF WAR t quit after aettiac ■ fast pace to the stretch. Scratched — 52512 Orleans Girl, 100. Overweights Hush. -J pounds: First Consul. 1. . 97411 EIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1 :05 5— 5—102. El Empercial Handicap. ■ tal 4 *"XvF Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75: second, 50; third. w . -1 i Index Horses AWIITSI U _■ , Btr liu .lockeys Owners Q H C I S BM7BXGUARANTEED m 4 10 ; 4 I ." 4- Sat v It McDotf.V F Kaebelkamp8-5 S-S S-fi S-5 1-3 SMISKORAN w •; 101 3 1 1- l1 l»4 2» L Penman H Herdel 3| 4 4 7-5 7-10 0 .■ -»678 DIFFERENT EYESar .". 107 - - S» S«a 4* ::_ K Barae_ .1 I Millin I I I . 1 .V«7H SIROCCO WB 0U4 7 E S«_ V S 4 .1 Pita K I. Fitzgerald E| _1 BJ 1 1-. I SSOlOSfAYOR HOUSE am fi SOI I 4 0* S_ V i :l 1 Fletcher C H C.ilroy 81 4 4 t-fi 4-:, I BOOTS* HENRY* G. b fi 101 :, 7 V t. .- c_ R LcaaterT Sfoaabaa I I I M ; , ."i678 PENELOPE ara 4 las; 1 :: 7 7 7 7 F MeriaaatJ Gender I 10 10 4 I j _J678 MESS KIT wi: 4 BJ B I Refaacd to break. F Hunt Armonia Stable 15 15 15 ti I ! Time, 23V.. 47V5. 5945- 1:054„. Track fast. Si Btataela paid. Qaaraateed, S7.30 straight. S4.:i0 place. BSu20 show: Koran. .Sti.UO place, .si. SO show; ; Different Ejree, .."iO show. BqarraleBt hooking edda Gaaraateed. _•;.". t.. kk atraicht, 113 to loo plaee, GO to 100 show; Koran. _45 to loo plaee, 140 to 100 show: DiaTereai Bjrea, l_r. to lo » show. Wiaaer — B. f. by Hilarious -Ozel. by John F. trailed bjr V. 1! Piaaegaa; bred by .Messrs. Williams s I.ros.. Went to post at 4:13. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all hut MESS KIT. Won easily; ; second and third driving. GUARANTEED was ontpwce.l for the first half, hut cam. through the stretch " with a rush and was going away at the finish. KORAN" set a great pace to the atreteh, hut tired in the j last sixteenth. DIFFERENT EYES came wide when entering the atreteh. hut finished with a belated II I , rush. MESS KIT bolted to the fence when the barrier was sprung. HENRY 1. worked out an extra * I quarter. SIROCCO tired. Overweights — Mess Kit. L poaada; Heary C. M: Penelope, "-: Guaranteed, 1. _ ~ RT OPT A "J SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards, Marsh 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. , lf_ 4 _ JL 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses A~Wt Il" s"t~ 4 j "-~Strlii"i ~.lock. - Owners H C I S~ - etO50*BILL HUNLEY w t; l"s 2 2 4 : _ .". 4 i_ B Lca-nerT Doyle -5 7-6 7-5 1-2 1-4 i ■ ."2700 BIERltAN ara 7 M8 I 4 :•■ :.- ." U . B Danes E Alvarea 8-4 2-S t-S 3-6 1-3 I SSSM INCINERATOR m 4 SOI 1 1 l« Il 1| -1::1 I Fletcner F Wriapen i .". 4 I 1 Bt0S0*8INN FKINER a S Km :. •; S 2» ::• :; 4- I. Penman W I. Oliver 4 4 4 S-fi " 3t40S»DEWIlT a I I0S I I 4* 4:: # 6" •"" .! Franc.s V R Padgett 4 f I M t-fi i o2429 SWIRL art 1 101 3 » 5- i; C fi ; y Hunt D B .Ion. s 10 10 10 4 1 Time. 24. 483/3, 1:1423. 1:40*5. 1:44. fast. .vj inutueis paid. BUI Hunley. .«;.".. so atraicht, s:5.5o place, 82.50 sho«: Blenaaa, .r.0 place, 82.00 io show : I ad aerator. s.tMt show. Eqalvaleht boohiag odds--Fill Hunley. 190 1o ]«! atraicht, 7" to 100 place. 23 to 100 show; Riennan. l. I 15 t. 100 place, 80 to 100 show: Incinerator. 80 to loo show. Wiaaer — Ch. , by Setback- Homesick, by Deutachlaad traiaed by B. B, Rice: bred by Mr. C. It. • Cainplx-ll. Weal to post at 4:43. At paat 1 Biaate. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BILL HUXLEY began slowly, but gradually baproved his position and. finishing fast, won drawing clear. MERMAN saved ground when entering the atreteh, but tired after disusing of IXCIXEBA-TOR. Til- latter set a good pace to the stretch and tiled. SINN FEINER ran wll. Oierwvighta Bearitt, 2 pounds. -