Second Race [Second Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-04

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SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Feb. 19, 1916 3 — 1:C5 3-5—4—129. CELTIC LASS. br. f, 3 111 By Celt— Clara Atkin, by Sain. .Trainer, G. Coburn. Owner, J. A. Coburn. " 399 F.Gnda 51 f I 3 MB .: 1 1 1* 11 S McGraw 12 Oralecco, Gen.Agmte, M.Dixs 11 52454 F.Cnds 11:41 fast 2 106 12 2 2 7" 7 : B McGraw K Pimlico, Tosa Up, Omer K. 52395 F.Gnds :m 1 :l P-.f ast ■• lit I I I 1] H F CritBettilS tasr-Baranyae, Baaussa. J.MVt •t 62251 l-.Guds 2-4 l:l7„-.hvy 39 104 S 5 *r 7 7J1 S McGtks K M. Lillian. I.UGmam, WedgnMl d SlUIJeTson 5 f 7 1072 I 2 U li M Puxton 7 Beaurola, Dr. Howarcl. Bis; Son n 7TIM FOG. b. c. 3 111 By Harrigan — Alice Commoner, by The Commoner. Trainer, J. A. Hall. Owner. Hall Bros., a • F.Gnds 51 f l:97%fast 59 196 3 112 1 H Gregory IS Repeat, Damoria, Plato GENERAL AGRAMONTE. b. c. 3 112 By Eetsian— Aatarita, by B-thampton. Trainer. S. Louis. Owner. S. Louis. 52599 F.Gnds 5] i 1: 8H .fast 12 119 . 4 2 l 3 i. Morris 12 CelticLass, Oraleergo, Mar. Dixon 52374 F.Gnda :-1 1 :1.": fast » ill ! 4 4 41- 5*1 L McAtee IS BeaCourt, Bil.Spriaga, .I.Whipple Is 7:1:;.", JeTson 2-4 1:ir fast :0 Ml 1 3 4 4» 0,:; L, McAtee 10 The Moor, sa Court, .s.Sprin-s ; t 51518 Bowie C f 1:23 fast 4"f 114 1 11 q 9* T Rowan 11 Explosive. Black Top, Foam 61471 Bowie ! I ii7--.siow 49 115 2 2 2 71 7" L Morris 9 TiaalS, KlnsaBelle, Mem. Face t YELLOW BLOSSOM, ch. f. 3 94 By Luke McLuke — Micaela, by Watercress. Trainer, G. H. Keene. Owner. M. H. Fletcher. ■ F.Gnda I 1:13 lasi 25 98 1 4 2 6* 1 | .1 McCoy I Tenite. British Liner, Be Sure "... F.Gnds S-4 l:12%fast 59 97112 12 12 12 12»* J McCoy 12 Meliors, FretLtheGt., T. Nephew tv 51499 Churchl 3-4 l:14*4fast 7 M7 I 12 11 13* 13* G stone IS Planet, BrownCbeck, MiasFtalne e Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 13 MM M M M 10* G Stone 10 Social 8tar, Artisan, Acclaim 59992 Latonla 3-4 l:13%fast 9 io» I 11 12 ill lO13 G stone 12 Dimples, Coaette, Acclaim 4S999 Latonia 51 f IM fast 2 107 6 L% rider. G Stone 8 Mlmlkus. JudgeBrow.KleanorS. 5 SEA BOARD, b. g, 3 M 99 By Deutschland — Polistena, by Polymelui. Trainer. T. F. Bornman. Owner. J. Crimmins. M F.Gnds 3-4 1:1 " 15 113 7 I 4 r- 8" il Gregory 13 i. aii..t. Valcaaise, Joe ■Whipple le 5333 JeTson 5-8 l; 19 115 2 2 2 4 4*1 J RodfreslS Philaader, Secretary, Cthamp p 53917 JeTson 6 f l:10%nvy »• h7 s o I || I* J Roberts lo Tony Button, Secretary, Bepeat 51995 JeTson 5-8 l:034ihvy 10 117. 7 .". 4 4 I* A Richcrkll AcanMaid. Becretary, TySuttou m E18C4 JeTson S-8 1:04 slow 10 lo7 1 3 4 4"i- 4» .1 Roberts 8 Beliutant. T. S-trt.ii. Calithunip p REPENT, ch. f. 3 M 94 By Rock View— Chulita, by Kingston. Trainer, H. Octs. Owner, H. Oots. 52639 F.Gnds 51 f P h -» 2 2 2 1 2: I. McD*ottl3 Juu Foe, Damoria, Plato 52867 JeTson 51 f l:10-.-.hvy .". N9 3 2 Z 2i 3 L McDottlo T. Sutton. Secretary. Calit] -ump I 51985 JeTson 5-8 l:02*-hvy 18-5 197 s 7 I ." ■ S* r, McD*ottl2 AcsaMaid, Becretary, BeaBoard ■d 518S3 JeTson 51 f IM fast 7 MO 4 4 4 4= 3 L McDott 7 MaryHesd, Bssnnrola, Maryfonst -0 SHI :". Jc-fson 2-4 1:20 mud 3J 102 2 o 2 2- 3I!L McDott f, Tom Ranch, Pimlico. llato LURA, b. f. 3 103 By Sir Huon— Hortense, by Alvescot. Trainer. L. Haymaker. Owner. R. V. Haymaker. 52599 F.Gnds " l 149%faat 59 M! 3 I » V M Bchwtzl2 CH.Lasa, Oleam*. G.Aaramonte le FS517 F.Gnds 3-4 l:12%fast 20 1 IS lo 11 1! 11 11- W Dksonll Jails N.. Philanderer, Taut Or 19937 Tim. Ab 3-4 1:18 fast 11-5 199 3 W Dkson 8 Grstian. Divil-to-Pav. Navajo 49544 ML Royal 5-8 l:002£fast 5 112 o7J W Dkson S MiaaHoUand, Orchestis, Voormcl el 9478 MLRoyal 51 f 1:08. 7 no 33 W Dkson 7 Mars. Mxan, Voormel. Dorothy t MARGUERITE DIXON, ch. f, 3 98 By Harrigan— Tender Bloom, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. D. Shaw. Owner. 0. Torrell. ! 52S99 F.Gnds 5 I l : .; -,fasi .". 192 7 2 2 9 4" J Heupel 12 CeLLa**, Ohggo. G.AaTaaaonte e I 52517 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13vixast lr. Ml 4 7 fi 4" 4"1 X Bterett 11 Julia N., Philanderer. Tout Or r , 69284 H.deGce 3-4 l:15*Afaat 10 107 s 7 6 72 VI ,r Heupel 8 Joaaaiaa, Bygone, Cherattet .7181 H.deGce 51 t 1 :0Sr5fast 10 109 7 7 7 5J 5* J Heupel S Joatpiina. Bacajawea, Tingling i 49478 Mt. Royal 61 f l:08*hfast 4-5 11.". l i W Hinphy 7 Voormel. Lata, Dorothy PHILANDERER, ch. g. 3 112 By Hia Majeity— Pretty Maiden, by Kinsiton. Trainer. J. C. Cahn. Owner, J. C. Cahn. 52722 F.Gnds 3-4 l:16Vthvy 29 106 9 14 H* 1"": V Smiih 11 Besist, Marmite, Berbiaa US F.Gnda 3-4 l:12-,-,fast 20 195 19 8 1" H* J*** K Smith 12 Meliora. Fred-tbeGt., T.Sephew :. 17 F.Gnda 2-4 l:13%fast 16-5 ill I 1 1 2 2r F Smith 11 Jalia $., Taut Or. Mart.. Dixon 62341 F.Gnds 61 f l:07-fast 25 105 7 I 7 Il 6*t F Smith IS Raacocas, l .:v Lilly. Bom 52133 JeTson 6-1 l:02-.-,fast 32-5 115 3 111= iu F Smith 12 Secretary, Callthump, s. Board •d BALLYNEW. ch. c. 3 104 By The Manager — Ballymena, 8y Adam. Trainer. C. Buxton. Owner, C. Buxton. 69773 Jamaica "•: f 1 :07 L fast 18-5 M8 ! 1 1 1« 6*1 M Buxton 10 Episode, Silence, Santa Clans C6664 Jamaica 6] f 1 -.os fast 20 IM 1 1 2 I* 21 M Buxton I BajuawMaa, DayLUiy, SaataClsns IS 59428 Aqduct 3-4 1 :M%Caat 10-.". 114 2 4 4 4* tjM P.uxton .". .Mavouiiieeu. Teddy K., Silence 69243 Aqdnct 5-9 l:02.,fast 10 ]09 4 2 3 21 M Buxton ! Vista. Bupecb, Wedgwo.Ml •MM Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 66 1"S 6 6 G 65 S,2M P.uxton s Moody. Heath Bell, Maurice H. MACHINE GUNNER, b. g. 3 112 By Meelick— Army Maid, by Yankee. Trainer. R. McKeag. Owner, B. A. Lane. r.2727 F.Gnds Im7«y l:5»«4hvy 2". 111 1 1 1 ]• 11 ll»* C Robsonl2 Bastler. Lnu.Wyaae, JohnArbor ., ."217 F.Gnda 2-1 l:13*4fast •. 113 I I 1 q :;l I. Lyke 11 Jails N.. Philanderer, Tout Or r 51905 JeTson 61 f l:"7.-,fast 1 H". I S 4 4 4*1 T Nolan I TbeMoor, BeaCourt, BirrSprinas ;s 51796 JeTson 6 f 1:16 mud 10 112 4 I ."• 7* 7* T Nolan 8 Doric. Silence, Roto 51595 Jefferson 51 f 1:19 hvy 7 11". I 4 3 2 3* w Obert 11 linen. Ionia, Charles A. Byrne ie HUEN. b. c, 3 112 By Huon — Enameline, by Masetto. Trainer. W. L. Putnam. Owner. P. L. Putnam. - 17 F.Gnda 3-4 l:l:-.iast t 111 9 7 7 •«* J .1 Mneyl] Jnlia N.. Philanderer, Tout Or r h. F.Gnds 1 1:41 fast 4 M2 2 11 1 21 6" F W.lsi k 8 Pimlico. Tosa Up, Omer K. 1 G uds 3-1 1 :l." 8 111 7 I .". 7 1*1 M Garner 13 BeaConrt, Bil.Sprmaa, .I.Whipple le 52099 JeTson 1 l:42*4a;ood :7-5 IM 6 f I il 4* -I -I Mney I Tan s..n. Sua Court, Walk Ip BS96 JeTson 1 1 : 2 107 7322 Ill* J .1 Mney 7 Fantocbe, Day Lilly, loals TONY SUTTON, b. c. 3 112 By Tony Bonero — Maxine Sutton, by Phoenix. Trainer. W. Alford. Owner. W. Alford. . H F.G r»da 1 l:13%fasl M Ml 13 W 12 13 13 RlchcrklS .Murphy. Sandy I!.. Blaise F.G 11. is -I 1 1". 15 KM 7 I 1" |] 1S»« H Kin;; 13 ltd... Omer K., Louise Wynne e lefson 3-4 1:15 fast 1.7 191 3 1 7 I* 8»J I! Klnp l 9 The Moor. Sea Court. B.8prinas s I. t".-..ii 5j f ll" hvy 8 ]■ ; i 111 ] A Collins 111 Seer. lary. Repent, Calithunip 51985 JeTson ■• I 1 . i 1 y 6 115 7. I I 3 !• A Collins 12 AVanMaid. Becretary, SeaBoan] rd AMERICAN MAID br. f. 3 107 By Dalhousie— Brown Bess, by Blitzen. Trainer. J. J. Casey. Owner. Crown Stable 1. ,:27i F.Gnd I 1 15 e 1 12 i"J I - 12 12* 12 1. McAte* 13 Bokt, Omer K.. Louise Wynne e 1. t son 5-8 l:0,-,hv 8 112 2 1 1 p i i. McAtee 12 Secretary, DtaBeatd. T*y Sattos .11 :ivi,i JeTson 5-9 1 ."1 .-low M-5 1": 1 2 I 6* L McAtee 8 Belnctant, T. Button, Calitliamp i|. .172., .lets. .a 61 f 1:11 hvy 20 MI 7 S 4 6* V L McAtc 10 Man Poaao, W.-.lh Lp, loeia 61061 JeTson I i"T 1" Ml 1 I 4 4 t«| J .1 Mney 7 Wiactteater, C,A.Byme, Baless 11 HUMPY, b. g. 3 101 By Sweep — Little Tee. by Galveston, ant, J. H. Tevis. Owner. C. A. Coyle. F.Gnda 3-4 1 :!".. SI l!l 9 il 1" i"; 9» J Rod* s*ezlS BeaCourt, BILSprints, -l Whipple 4 ...n:i JeTson 1 f 12 Ml 7 I I" c7 B Kenndy •■ Ihaer K., LochLeTea, J.G Imas hi 422. .I.ts. m :; f I. .last 4 IM 1 1 1* I* S Wicla 11 Oli Yes. Twinkle Blue. Coonihs 4t."H JeTson V. t 4;..t.i-t M 11". 1 1 :_ 41 -I Butwell 8 Vooria, Preddte, Rssayrsrsu «9S8 .!•!.. .11 lit 41t.livy 25 llo 5 06 |*f J Butwoll I Ben Valet. Tin- Moor, No Koollug :ig I 1 • i I I . DIAMOND DALE. b. f, 3 M 103 By Darley Dale— Diamond Grain, by Fowling-piaos. Trainer, A. L. Kirby. Owner, A. L. Kirby, 52639 F.Gnds 51 f „0 l»7 -s S I 4* 1*1 J Giul-r 13 lim Ku«. Repent. Damoria Mil". Latonia .• t M fast 12f 112 M 11 11 ll4 11" H J BurkeH. Romance, LadyChump, EleanorS. 50705 Latonia Sff 1 :0S3;-fast 82 112 I 8 7 71 7J H J Burkell Countess, MissFontalne. MaryG. VJ584 Latonia 6 f 1 :08fast 11 112 5 4 8 8= 7*3 H J Burke ft Dimples. Cigale. Countess t.Mla Dcvre f.i f lJ2%mud 6 109 7 7 8 8 8l: H .1 Burke 8 Undine. Ruth Maxim. Callthump BROWN BILL, br. g, 3 107 By Waldo— Cutaneous, by Farandole. Trainer, W. M. Cain. Owner. Cain ft Sanford. 996 JeTson ■ 1 1 a 7 fast 10 i"7 7 ft 7 771 ":0 E Pollard I TbeMoor, BeaCourt, SilrSaHaM 51963 Jefson r.-s 1:02 slow 10 M3 I 1114 l4 E Pollard 7 Secretary. BUS, May, Mar. Gray M09 Jefson H f 1 25 M 7 fi 6 fi1 C15 K Pollard T CelticLass. Seguiolu. D. Howard 1646 JeTson .".. 1 1 W W 1st 12 197 12 12 12 12 12 • E Pollard 12 The Moor, Btg 8sn, Rspont Jeffersoa 6-8 l:"l4-.hy 7 IM S 2 2 6 6 B Pollard 7 FantOCht, The Moor. Secretary

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