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NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER JEAN BULLANT 3-1, WON WAS YESTERDAYS "BEST" THIS MAKES FIVE STRAIGHT WINNERS ON OUR "BEST" Our best previous record was in November, I when we gave SEVEN WINNERS AND ONE THIRD OUT OF EIGHT STARTERS Records that will stand for many a Day 11 The best day that we had on our LONG SHOT and BEST was when we gave TALISMAN 7-1 WON AS THE -BEST" AND DORIC 10-1 WON AS THE "LONG SHOT" The Best Daily Sheet Was When We Gave SIX WINNERS OUT OF SEVEN RACES. WHICH WERE: CORILLA .45- WON FRANK F .15- WON BY GOLLY .30- WON COYNE .90-81 WON SANDS OF PLEASURE S6.00-S1 WON BROTHERLY LOVE .75- WON When our imitators start shooting at above records we will guarantee vou that they will get •BUCK FEVER" and as every sportsman will know when you get an attack of this fever, it is all off. So. , GOOD-BYE TO THE IMITATORS. OTHERS COME AND GO. ! : WE ARE HERE TO STAY ! ! GET THE BEST 50 CENTS DAILY 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWS-STANDS AND OFFICE. MAILED DIRECT ONE WEEK We get more direct information than any others and have absolutely the "BEST HANDICAPPER" in the business. He has owned, trained and handicapped horses ncarlv all his life. DORIC 7-1 WON WAS YESTERDAY S XX SPECIAL. MINUTE MAN 4-1 WON WAS JANUARY 22 XX SPECIAL. DONT MISS OUR NEXT ONE. WHICH GOES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 National 0. K. Publishing Co. Room 411, Baltimore Bl.lg. Chicago, 111. NOTICE! Starting Saturday, February 5 WE ARE GOING TO HAVE OUR CHIEF CL0CKER at New Orleans WIRE US DAILY HIS ONE BEST AND LONG SHOT SPECIAL for the following day and to introduce this service we are going to charge the small sum of FOR SIX DAYS To eliminate the cost of telegraph charges we will mail you these selections so that they will reach you early the next morning. There is no bunk about this. Telegrams will be on file at our office. SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS AT ONCE. NOTICE — We are going to discontinue our Daily Wire Service while we are sending out the above. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 313. Book 716. THE STANDARD TUFF GUIDE 403-22 West Quincy St. Chicago, 111. M. M. LEACH Exile C. E. MICKELWAIT Pedigree Authority Managing Director Lexington, Ky. New York City. AMERICAN BLOOD STOCK AGENCY CorreNponilentM in I : nu l.i ml. Ireland. France, Australia, Argentine Kepaltlic, etc. All Transactions on a Commission Basil. DCniPDCCO incluninand "Be, color. Mr rtZUIunLLO descent- attainments, | Q Sound Matings Selected, 0. All Data in Connection with Rlnod Stock Fiirni.Hherf. LEXINGTON, KY. NEW YORK CITY FULL PRICE Will Be Paid for MAY and JUNE, 1920, Monthly Form Books IN GOOD CONDITION ADDRESS DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of JANUARY, IS NOW ON SALE PRICF, .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be tent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 157-169 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO, N. T. THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING RACING WEEKLY 101 WEST 4IST STREET NEW YORK CITY TODAYS FREE CODE: Clown - They -Day -Its-Round. Yesterdays Free Code Horse: GOLDCREST BOY 3-1 WON .00 per Year. 15 Cents per Copy.