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f j ANSWERS TO QUERIES W. T., Chicago, ill. Ii means the horse* best , | time at the distance since January 1. 1919 H. K. It., Chicago, III. Dora T.s prices were correct, as pnbUshed D. B. ».. Nashville. Ti-im. Haabridge ran in 1 1"7 rails, won tnirly seven, was seeond in twenty nine, third in nineteen ami won 924.139. Wm. M.. Rorkford, III. Same barm Troftas is , the • rrect spelllag of its name. It never appears „ otherwise In ti is newspaper. ;. M. 1 .. Chicago, 111. Is race 52SM Lady m Black and s.-diu were coupled as the c. B. Lrwia entt. and a Wager on either horse won. J. p.. 11.. ciiu inati. t. st. Isadoras place price OB January 22 was "oat." He was i uly 1 to 1 I to win. J. P.. Ptemiasmbarg. Ky. The TUoana track k is about thirteen miles from Baa Mega, with speedy ■ service from that city. No tr sable tiixnit pamports, as oii will find out when ymi reack there.