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■ . 1 B i « e , ; S. ,_ o m a v n r i; k k k d ,. f ,r u. t 0 ,j d n : „ j ;t : ,r lt _ , 1 y J ! „ ,1 e ie M lV g I l# k 1 is ■e d e d k it is SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Owners Consolation Purse. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Feb. 13, 1915—1:44 4-5—3—104. BOMBAST, br. g, 6 110 By Broomstick— Xela, by Meddler. Trainer. J. Marshall. Owner. F. P. Lettellier. 52496 F.Gnda I 1-8 1 :." 7-5 Ml 6 5 5 4 2» 8|J .1 Mney 8 Grandee, PR, Koh-i-noor 62843 F.Gnda 1 1-M l:474-f.tst M Ml 8 7 7 6 4 :;■ .1 .1 Mney B Livelv. Blaise Deckmate 52223 F.Gnda 1 1-M l:53if,mud 5 112 14 14 14 14 12- SJ J J Mney 14 DabalilL. B.C.Beh p.bannock 52041 Jefson 11-16 1:47 fast 15 110 12 13 13 13 13 13" J .1 Mney IS Watikg. Gold. Dawn Nel.YeTfce 51929 JeTaon 11:42 fast 6 105 7 7 6 7 53 41J J J Mney 7 SuiinnerSigh. Hindoostau. Lively WALK UP. br. f, 3 87 By Cock o the Walk— Keadean H„ by Galllnola. Trainer. W. Block. Owner. W. Epperley. .2727 F.Cnds lm70y 1 :50lr.hvy C MS 4 Fell. T Jarvifl 12 Bustler. I.u. Wvnne. John rlx r .2..21 F.Gnds lm70y LlVfast 11-5 89 5 8 8 :, 64 5". E Josiah 9 Lor. Moss, L.AVine. Sentimental 52298 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 :48-hfast 8 5 88 5 5 E 2 2 2a* E Josiah 9 Koh-i-noor. Bluebannock, Aiinun 52328 F.Gnds lm70y 1 :4.",4f.f:ist 10 M 6 9 7 5 2 2J E Josiah 11 Colonel Lit, Mab. Sentimental 52201 FGr.ds 1m70y 1 49--hvy .8 M S 6 7 6 G4 3" E Josiah 8 D. of Peace, T.Foreigner, Amaze CAPTAIN BURNS, b. g, 10 110 By Rockton— Ravena, by Clifford. Trainer. J. Simpson. Owner. W. C. Overton. 62645 I Gnds 1 |-M 1:48 fast 8-:, |M 2 11 2 21 2«I J McCoy B Bengali. W.Turnbow. Arbitrator 5248S F.Gnda 1 1-M 1 : kUfcfaat •" Ml 2 1 2 2 3- 3 J Mrfoy B IlankODav. Tan Ik, Richelieu 52578 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 :474,-.tast 10 lo7 5 2 1 1 l1 2h J McCoy 9 Mab.Light Wine. Dr. Rae 521GB JeTaon 1 1-14 l:48-,fast J5 112 6 5 5 6 ll5 lli G .Stone 13 Sentimental. HkODay Col Lit 51991 Jefson 1 1-16 l:51-hvy S 108 3 2 2 5 8 8" H King 8 Nebraska. N. K. Beal. Neenah CHARLOTTE C. br. f. 3 84 By Dr. Leggo— Abbas, by Big Chief. Trainer. C. J. Brockmiller. Owner, C. J. Brockmiller. 52887 F.Gnda !m74yJ,:4E fast 20 97 4 4 3 I S» ■■- S McCraw 11 T.Forner. AI Head. AA otheWp 52617 F.Gnda 2-4 1 :i::-"-.-, fast 12 148 2 8 9 8- S!7 S McGraw 11 Julia N.. Philanderer. Tout Or 51422 Churchl 11:41 fast 26f Ml 7 S 8 7 61 6* E Pollard 12 Indine. Lory Kate Jim Daisy 51227 Cborchl 3 4 1:15. "5 MS 8 8 10 M iM * W Morsey 14 Ring Bose. Natural. Lucy Kate "1299 Churchl 3-4 1:15". .slow 18 MS 8 6 9 10 10»1 T Murray 12 Natural. Day Lilly, Fndine WILLIGAN. ch. m. 5 101 By Harrigan— Willie T., by Albert. Trainer, G. Cochran. Owner, B. Hitchcock. 5M38 JeTaon 1 1-M 1 :5o fast 25 Ml 8 8 8 8 8 S" T Jarvis 8 Capt. Burns, Cockroach. PeggyC. 51761 Jefson 11-16 1:50 hvy 10 104 7 7 7 7 7: 7" H Gregory B apt. Burns, L.AVard, N.K.Beal 51707 Jet" son 1 l:44-.mud IS MS] 7 6 4 5 6" 6=l J Roberts 9 Rapid Stride. Prunes, Potiltney 51649 Jefson 1 1:42 fast 12 104 2 3 2 1 lb 23 H Gregory 7 Miss Nell. Aeritv. Keen Jane 51597 Jeff ersr. 1116 1:52 hvy 6 MS 6 5 5 4 6 6-5 H Gregory i Dahabiah IL. Betsy, She DevU KEZIAH, br. m, 8 101 By Ildrim— Kerchief, by Lissak. Trainer. E. F. Gasser. Owner, C. W. Gasser. 52710 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :154..mud 35 MS 12 12 M 8 1 8* II Cr. gory 12 Vansylvia. T. Night. -r. I. Alaudie 52399 ■i. Gnds 1 1-M l:48"--fast :. bl 7 9 6 I 6 7|;T Jarvis 11 Cbeaty, Our Birthday, Galway 52252 F.Cnds 5-4 1 :18V.hvy 25 104 9 8 7 62 24 T Jarvis 13 Burgoyne, Mic. Moore, Val.West 51736 Jefson 3-4 l:17%hvy 10 107 6 7 7 7= 6"i J Roberts 12 Mormon. SafrniK.r, Big Idea 51070 Empire 1 1-4 2:094bfast 4 112 3 3 4 I C2 6" L Ensor I GreatGull. Challenger. T. Brooke MARY F0NS0. b. f. 3 87 By Assagai— Mary Esterling, by Lord Eiterlinn;. Trainer, J. Huffman. Owner, Huffman and L ane. ."2715 F.Gnds 1 1-M l:514-,mud 7 .» 6 5 6 5 S1 47.. L McDott 9 Blaise. S. Light III G crest Boy 52621 F.Gnds lir.70y l:45*sfast 20 87 4 6 4 1 1» -!■. L M.DottLorenaMoss, Light Wine Stimntal 52517 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :15fast 12 104 8 r. 6 6" 7" J Roberts 11 Julia N., Philanderer, Tout Or 52026 Jefson 6 t l:9/-fast 6 M7 M .8 7 5" 3X.I Roberts 11 Plan toon. L. Wynne Obstinate 51966 Jefson 3-4 l:18-i-hvy 10 K 9 9 S S1 7% S Mitchell 12 Sil. Springs. S. Court. LiseAVynne YAPHANK. b. g. 4 99 By Aeronaut— Sand Bank, by Rook Sand. Trainer. 0. E. Pons. Owner, E. Loh. 52567 F.Gnds 5 f 147 fast 7 111 5 4 I 5 61] J .1 Mney IS Pueblo. Lit tie Maudie. Circulate 51778 Jefson 3-4 l:15=f,good 7 112 5 4 I 1" I J Heuj.el 12 AnnaGallup, Bigldea, Burgoyne 51665 Jefson 3-4 1:15 fast S 110 7 7 7 53 i"! X Barrett ! B.Jeans. Lov.sLanelL. OiiHigu 51647 Jefson 3-4 3 110 8 11 2. 3- N Barrett 10 Lt. Perkins. Pullux Alidian 51532 JeTaon 51 f 1 :0,"-,fast 12 IM 6 7 7 63 6":l N Barrettll lna Kay, AVinneconne. Galway MARY ERB, ch. f, 3 91 By Waldo— May Sutton, by Prince Esher. Trainer. G. Peterson. Owner, G. Peterson. "2727 F.G nds lm7"y l:5o.-,hvy M M2 9 8 2. t B| 8* N 12 Buslhr. I.u. Wvniie. JolinAHior 52715 F.Gnds 1 1 -16 1 :514-rryjd 20 88 8 8 8 8 r1 8* N Ever-tt B Blaise. SchLightHL. GdctBov 52543 F.Gnda 1 1-16 1 :462.-,fast 100 96 S 8 8 S 8 8-» N Everett 8 Fif.gtn. OlieerLeader. Sagamore 32502 F.Cnds 11-16 1:48 fast 40 95 8 ,8 7 7 72 73 N Everett 8 Iwiuiwin. Sandy Mac Indine 52599 F.Gnds 1 1-M l:48i--fast 20 95 10 S 8 9 8s t3 N Everett 11 Chesty. Our Birthday, Galway PEGGY C. b. f, 4 104 By Jim Gaff ney— Housewife, by Hanover. Trainer. J. S. Ownbey. Owner, G. Knebelkamp. 52715 F.Gnds i 1-16 1 :51*-nm : "0 108 2 1 1 2 4* 8«* P Long 9 Blaise. S. Light III . G.creatBey 52482 F.Cnds 1 1-M l:48%faat 20 102 5 12 9 12 12s3 P Long 12 T.Pguese. Bichelieu. L. Moss 52379 F.Gnds 1 1 -IS 1 :48".-fust 20 108 3 1 2 3 11 ll31 AAr Heinch 11 Corson. Nominee. Lad 52223 F.Gnds 1 1-M l:53Smud 15 105 4 3 4 5 11- 1F« P Long 14 DabalilL. H.C.Bch. Bbannock 52888 JeTaon 1 1-16 l:50%good 3-2 MS 4 11 3 0l 6" P Long B DLLad, HveySmarr. LadyWard LOTTERY, br. g, 7 111 Bv Garry Herrmann— Dovecote, by Kingston, Trainer, L. F. Marshall. Owner, Marshall Bros.. 52645 F.Gnds 11-16 1:48 fast 20 113 8 8 8 8 8 T!" H Kins 8 Bengali. Capt. Burns. W.Tnbow 52637 F.Gnda 11-4 2:08 fast 7 111 2 6 5 F, 5 6»* N Barrett 7 Brookld. Pad. Dear. W.Turnbow 52449 F.Gnds lm70y 1 :443 10 M7 13 11 M 8 9 6:i J J Mney 14 C. Rambler, Roisterer, Bigldea -.257.8 F.G5nds 1 1-M l:47%fant 12 110 7 6 6 6 8* 6»J C Robson !» Mab, Capt. Burns. Light Wine 52546 F.Gnds 1 1-4 6 108 6 5 1 1 3 B" C RobsonlO Solid Rock, On High, Warlke NEBRASKA, b. g. 7 110 By Ballot— Star of the West, by Montana. Trainer. J. D. Heard. Owner, G. H. Abott. 52748 F.Gnda 1 1-8 1 :.".:. ::.-.hvy 5 MS 1 I 2 1 2 2 I .1 M*seyl6 IJoMereat Boy, Newel W Kebo 52158 Jefaon 1 1-M 1 :48**ta*t 10 112 2 2 4 4 S1 7 .1 J Mney 13 Sentimental, HkODav Col Lit ,1991 Jefson ll-Ml:51%hTy 1 MS 4 111 :". 1" .T J Mne-v 8 N. K. Beal. Neenah. Spearlene S184S J. fson lno74y l:56%avy 9 10 10S 3 8 2 2 2- VI J J Mney 10 Peggy .. Lady Ward. Lad 51776 JeTaon 2 4 1 15-.-.good 2 10S 5 3 2 2?. 21 H King B Aansiyvia. K.Jane. Amackassin ARBITRATOR, b. g. 7 111 By Statesman— Apprentice GixL by Bnddha. Trainer. A. H. Vivell. Owner, M. F. Mount. 52646 F.Gnda 11-16 1:48 teat 8 U2 4 •:. 3 3 4i 4- C Jackson B Bengali, C.Burns. "2:72 F.Gnds 1 1-M 50 ] 9 9 M 8 6 5V C Jackson 10 Corson. Colonel Lit. Iwiuiwin 52236 F.Gnds 1 1-8 2:«-7,hvy 20 113 5 7 6 4 9J 93« C Jackson IS Aztec. O. McKenna, W. Tiirnhow 181 F.Cnds 1 1-S l:54 50 10S 2 6 6 10 10 10" C Jackson 10 Austral. Scourgemen. Cap. City "1459 Bowie 1 1-16 1:56 slop 4| 115 3 S 4 5 3 4 C Jackson 10 H.Pardner, Amer.Boy. Wilfreds OLD McKENNA, b. c. 4 104 By Transvaal— Kuhla, by Gold Heels or Trentola. Trainer. T. F. Bornman. Owner, J. Hovizi. Iu2522 F.Gnda 1 1-M l:47-.f;.st 20 MM 6 2 1 I 5 7 II Gi.gorv 9 Plenty. LorotiaMoss. Big Idea 152419 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:06-;5fast 20 103 14 14 14 13 12- 12* H Gregory lfi Nominee. Iad. Pit 52234 F.Gnda 1 1-8 2:G0%hvy 15 107 10 3 1 2 2- 2= H Gregory 13 Aztec AValter Turnbow, Sasin 52138 Jefson 11-8 1:54 fast 30 102 7 8 8 8 8« 713 H Gregory 9 BarOne, GoldenDawn, Plenty 52025 Jot" son 1 1-16 1 :43%fnat 13-10 108 12 2 1 1* l»n H Gregory 8 Royden, Old Rose. Bleve OAKLAWN BELLE, ch. m, 8 101 By Box— Dinah Shad, by King Eric. Trainer, C. S. Wilson. Owner. W. F. Strauss . 524B1 F.Gnda :;-1 1 :i::--,fast 1" M3 4 3 2 2 2: 11 Thurber IS Lancelot, Marmite. Teach. sPet 51986 Jefson 5 4 l:164-,hvy 4L joS 5 3 2 I] 4*1 W Ib-inchK! A.Callup. Marmite Winnecoaae 51848 JeTaon 3-4 i:l7-.-hvy 25 IM 3 2 2 2! 3* 8 Wida S Lonely, Lnnrelot, Malrotta 19543 Mt. Royal 5-4 l:140fast 2S 111 1 W Taylor 10 ShortChgc, Mistake. Cal.Herrin MAYOR GALVIN. ch. g. 5 106 By Marathon— Shawana, by The Commoner, Trainer, E. C. Crockett. Owner, L. Reseget, 52715 F.Gnds I 1-M 1 :514f,mud M 1"7 7 7 7 .; 7- 7 J McCoy 9 Blaise. S. Light III.. C.crestBoy 52591 F.Cnds 1 II 2:07" sf ast 40 lo4 I 3 I I 4- 4" J McCoy « SandyMac. Pit. Mandarins Coat 52388 F.Gnda 1 1-M l:4s -,fnst M IM 6 4 5 8 94 9-» J J Mney 11 Chestv. Our Birthday Galway 52328 F.Gnds lm70y l:4S«4teat M IM 13 11 11 M Sj B«« A Collins 11 Colonel Lit. AAalk Up. Mab 51724 Jefson 3-4 1:18 hvy 50 110 9 11 11 M* M*» E Martin IS D.Obell. M.Kruter. B.Bmel II. MAGIC CASTLE, b. g. 3 M 93 By Magic II.— Carisbrooke Castle, by Kings Mes- Trainer. R. N. Vestal. Owner, J. B. McDanicl. senger. 52394 F.Cnds 3-4 1 20 113 8 11 11 1" 10" T Nolan 13 Galiot. Aulcanize, Joe Whipple 52238 F.Gnds 5 f I:ll*4bry 12 113 3 6 4 4 6" H King IS Vearaab*, Sea Cove. AVireless 52093 Jefson 6 f l:8B%aiOW 20 113 6 7 6 6 63 J IVters 9 Rosecliff. Philderer. Calitlimp 51985 Jefson 5-8 1 :.i3.,hvy 3.0 110 9 8 6 6" 6I J Pet. rs 12 AeanMaid, Secretary, SeaBoanl 51864 J.-f son 5-8 l:o4 slow 25 107 7 7 7 7s 73 J Peters S Reluctant. T. Sutton. Calithuinp KINGLING II., h. h, 8 106 By Ethelbert— Kings Favorite, by Hanover. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner J. P. Mayberry. 52712 F.Gnds I i:434.-,niud 10 107 12 3 3 .". .",-- J Roberta t! Ponltney, Lowell. Breokfaiad .261". F.Gnds 1 1-M 1:48 fast 0 Ml i I E 7 7- 8" J J Mney s Bengali, Capt. Burns. AV Tnbovr 52618 F.Gnda 3-4 l:13%teat 36 110 10 H M M« M«* J McCoy IS Cinderella, Midian. Raganaa 52154 Jefson 1 1-8 l:5..f,fast 15 107 7 2 2 5 7 7 3 J Roberts 13 LyWard. High. Lad. B.Hampson 52072 Jefson lni7iy 1:49 -hvy 5 106 2 2 2 S 54 5» T Jarvis 7 Medusa. Betty, Kirsties Cub WILLDO. br. g, 8 ill By Waldo— Froken, by Halma. Trainer. H. Henon. Owner. H. Herron. 52537 FGnda 1 l-l ZM teat 7 1 I 5 5 6 6 7 J«« n Cormlty 7 Brookld. Pad Dear. W.Turnbow 52:59 F.Gnds lm70y |:M fast M 113 11 13 15 13 lo- 7"- AV Dksonll Salute. Wild Flower. Lor. Moss .2276 F.Gnds im7oy 1:46" .good 48 113 32 14 13 11 11| ll1* W Dkaonld On High. Salute. McAdoo 18488 H.deGe 1 1-14 l.51".fasi 41 KMJ 7 7 7 7 7 6"J J AAessler 7 Tom Brooks. IaUuu, Kev Buuls 501S7 HdiGce I 1-1 2.10 fast 3,8 113 16 6 5 f.3 5" G Corey 7 Austral, ludoleuce. Tow Brooke MICKEY MOORE, br. g, 4 104 By Ben Trovatr— Africa, by Bevile. Trainer, C. Smith. Owner, C. Smith. 627M F.Gnda 3-4 l:lB%nand M i-7 11 11 8 8 87 m darner 12 Vanaylria, T.N Mater, I. Maudie 68881 FGnda 4 1 :13%fnat b MB 1 8 | ;i» 81* F Wdetkll Ortora, Cobalt Laea, Old Sinner 52328 F.Gnda 5-4 1 1 --fast 6 MS 7 10 1! 1110"H King 13 Midian. Leys. Old Sinner 62232 F.Gnda 21 l:l**4hry 4 M4 4 I I q t* C Ponce 13 Burgoyne. Kestaa, Valeria West 52HK JeTaon 3-11.15 slow 10 114 4 2 2 2] 6 • J B.ult"ezl3 XI. Maxim, lMaitil.ill, Iracksur