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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART _ NEW ORLEANS, LA.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1921. Pair Ground*. Tweaty-niath day! Baaiaeaa -s Mens Kacing AaeoriattoB. Wiater Mooting of :;; daya. Weather cloudy: temperature 75 . Stewards. E. . Smith. M. Macfarlati and . C. Mehle. Judges. J. R. Campbell and .1. McLennan. i. I Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. - Racing Start! at 2:18 p. m. Chi. ago time 2:13 p. m.i. Madieates a]. prentice allowance. Rr« P7/|Q FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 15. 1921— 3i— 2— 117. Purse SI. 000. 2-yearolti «3_ 4 rkjmt Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: cecond. 00: third, 00. InoVx Horses .WYtPPSt .- :t Sir Fin Jockeya Qwaera O 11 C 1~ S — VEILED COLLEEN 112 3 i li 1N Barrett Pelican stable 18-68 .". 2 1 - StSMLOVELIEST a h7 4 3 -L -" F CltiletUS A Clopton 2 S-i 7-SS2-5 52000 ADOPTED DGHTER w 103 E I 4J 3 L McDotU II Thompson fi s .". 2 i 52700 CARRIE RAKER w M8| 2 7 I a» t H .1 Burke R Gooae 1- l". 1.". fi .; 52010 PAREWELL TAPS « KTI 7 s I . V K Pool 1: .1 Brown io 16 12 •". - rtHiHit BELLE WRACK a 112 11 t I fii LMcAto Ketael * H-rdez 20 25 26 8 1 HERMODEN will I 7L7 C KddtaaG I. Blackford 1". 88 1". •; 3 ."•»«X!t 8 UNDO e W6 .• »: 8= H Qrecory Hall Broa iv 88 3 1 10 •"• 52010*»LITTLE ASISIIE m 101 1 E v :,; Babtn Bauer Stable fi x f, !_ fi-.". 5XM70 KITTIE WARMER will sn io io D ConnellyC Van Schoick s 15 15 fi :; MARY 1». wll:: 9U IF 11" .1 V M.liyll Pleld St l". l". 10 5 RODNEY N HO 11 10 12 1 .1 Rddg*exJ Arthur SI Sfi 15 f 4 Time. 121. 25. 38. Track heavy. Winner- III. f. h The Finn Scenei.v. bj Sain trained by .I. .. Wagnoii; bred ha Mr. John E. Mad , den I. Weat I" post ,,t 2:13. At post 2 minutes, start g 1 and slow. Won easily; second and llfird driving. r. VEILED COLLEEN began weU and. -honing high s| d in the going, raced into the lead with a rush and held LOVELIEST sale for the entire race. The latter raced in closest pursuit from the start. ., but was easily held aafc by the winner. ADOPTED DACCHTER ran well and finished fast. CABBIE ,.- BAKER s|,..we.i s, i. but lii.d in the last tereaty yards. FAREWELL TAPS Baisbed dose up. Scratched .".Li 1i» Baby Evelyn. Iiil: :.Lt;s«.t Bally Batteas, 115; 02510 Muzz.-y. 102. Orerweiahtx Carrie Baker. l_- pounds; Kittle Warmer. :.: Mary D.. ::. = ■rOssT/IO SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1 :IVA— 6—116. 1 Purse ,000. 4-year-olds ds t3_ 4 "IrO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Tu le Horses AW 1 IT St t . ■. Str Fin Jockeys Owners p n c V S — .vjlT-J df.sTr7VI-:r w 4 107 4 8 -. i IJ x Barrett t w Clark :; ii fi iii 7T .-i« .-»«! BELLE ROBERTS a « SOS 7 ". 7 4- 2J .- .I I aPneyPeliean Stable Ej :: u-i :, 52S0I PLAIN BILL w 4 111211 7 ;_ :: :::.::- II Hamtn I ii.k ■ Broa 20 -■" M 8 i .".i4»« Silt JOHN VRGNEw 5 IM, 12 K : 71 I V- A ColUca W St Vincent :; 38 68 28 W CM40 CIRCULATE wi: 8 Mi ;. 11 b - J«J Bat ;,. Q Stone M Smith .; 7 7 22 I , 52402 l.AD LONGITELWw 5 188 8 13 12* SJ Bl 0*5 M Carer Marskall Broa 10 IS 16 fi 3 B2S10 MOUNTAIN DEW a 1103 t I F V 1_ 7- ; Babin B Peters 38 68 88 12 i r-i7l » LITTI B MAUDIE ira i 106 IS I I" ! -"; 8 A Richer k J Arthur 3] E 4 0-6 I •". .V»l»! B. BRUMMEL II. arn 4 188 10 12 13 13 :• :• .1 Uraber A I. Kill y M 28 1" fi i : mz: STARTER aa7S0I E II n: li i"1 IftJ E Martin .i Bernadaa 68 68 88 12 I C22S2 NOLAWN va 8 188 2 1 s1 lolF IF P Smith W R Tobatle IS 20 18 I 4 ."»:."i i7 DR CAMPBELL -. ■■ 7 10 l l ;. :• 12* 121 B Smith D B Fr-eman I 12 1" I 2 Btlll PLAIN HEATHERwb I N8 3 2 - ! B» IS IS L McAtee T E Wilson 68 50 50 M lo Time. 24 5. 49%. 1:1645. Track heavy. Wimnr B. . by Aasagal Biaalty, by The Coaaaaoaer traiaed by G. V. Barnes; bred by Mr. George M. Ilendri. i Went to post at L:H. At post 2 minutes, start I and alow. Won driving: second and third the hi. same DESTROYEK, em ig.-ti.allv ridden, rared pronlaently from the start and outstayed BELLI: r ROBERTS through the last sixteenth. BELLE BOBERT8 befraa slowly and «as forced to race wide, bat „, finished fast and gamely. PLAIN BILL ran wll. but tired slfajhtly in the last . ighth. BIB JOHN N Ei:;i: closed a big gap and s.. did CIRCULATE. LITTLE MAUDIE tired badly la the stretch after having shown the most early speed. Scratched 53041 Jostles Geebel, lit: :w S- shilling. 104; .".Lfi.iHi laaw dAraaee, loi: 62000 Jeweler, .,. IM. Overweights Destroyer, ■, poaada; Belle Roberts, 1; Plain I.ill. ;J,_.; Lady LaaajfeUow, :.: Mountain in Dew, I: Starter. 1. PT rt sjr a ~2 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Pah. 9. 1918— Fllj— 6— 116. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds ds O-a. fit _C_b and upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00 "index Horses AWiilM , str_Fin -bx-keys Qwaera H C P S 52507 JEAN BULLANT a 1 10;t i . x i L Morrbi hanayland Sta 2 3 1-51 .-5 CST10 COBALT lass wa 8 106 11 E P* _• -• 2* P CltllctUA Paletare I IS W I 52350:*WILD FLOWER WO 1 84 HI I V V V ■■ E .lo.sjr.h TE Baell 7 12 12 E J 52081* DONNA ROMA a- I 80 I I 8] Ej Ej F -i McCoy WahSeck Stable 15 20 SO I 1 KSJ_1S*PAUL CONNELLY w 8 111 t 7 l«J C* i: :. J Roberta H Taryaaaa fi 7 4 8-5 4-fi 52507 TOE THE MARK wa 6 DO fi H r: 8*8" fi H TbarberE T Zalllcoffer N 88 88 I t 50.51 • BRINK - I 1 81 1. 1- II] 11 s 7 S Bvarvtl , : t.-rson 20 K SB I I r.lKGH TRACK8TAR wo 1 B0 7 11 10" 1"- 71 t ■ L McAt-.-e D A laUM K :0 2 s i .7181 WINNECONNE wlio: 3 S 7:: 71 10F f- P Wdafckl Sperlii g 7 10 in i ; f 52027 "APPROVAL w fi 10". 5 1 .". 8*11*103 I .1 MaeyW V McCaffrey 8 12 10 » j ,:-,17V KULTFR w» 7 108 12 13 13 i2 i_- 11- P Long J Cordis l-o 100 ioo 10 -., i 5108ti PEPPER w 0 1S0J i I E* 41 8] 12 J RadsecG Drumhill. r 7 7 fi : 3 ", 5204PB*LA DAINE a fi M I M 1- IS IS 13 L M.-DottJ s Barbee 68 88 88 28 M , Time, 24i, 49. 1:17. Track heavy. Winner — B. by E.oucn— Pndoue II.. by Ajax traiaed by R. A. Smith: bred in Frame by Mr John hn San ford l Went to post at M:07. At paat •. minutes. Start good aad slow. Won handily: second and third id driving. JEAN Bl LLANT. away well, showed the most s| d all UM «:iy. hut had to be nd.l. n hard in in flu stretch to oatstaj COBALT LASS. The bitter raced prominently from the start, but tired a trifle Be uenr the end WILD PLOWEB aaa b"11 fastest at the end and aoald lia- beea aevoad in ■ few more re 1 I 1 1 i 1 . , . . l I 1 i I ; . ■ i • , ; | r r : . t . ■ -1 i 0 I I ; , j ! ; s ; " j II I , * I _ ~ , - ■ i i io l. I • -Hides, now BOMA Baisbed with a rush. PAIL CONNELLY cam.- fast in the last eighth. Snatched .".JfiilM living Orb, .».»: 52001 Teachers Pet. OS; "-710 Foreclosure. !•!!: ..lfill Hidden Tal-bnt. 104. Overweights .lean Hull. int. 1 pound: Winn.-, onne. .". ; Pepper. -|C.. e-_* /i C_ FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 19, 1916— 1:05*.,— 4— 129. Purse ,000. 4-yeax- tJf 4 S.«3 olds. Fillies. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; gecond. 00: third, 00. Index Hoi " AWtPPSt j and »4 8tr Pin Jockeys ._J«J""rs. .." ll c y s • 26fi0Tt LI. n 101 2 1 4J SJ V VI L McDOttG J Lane ■ 7 7 I .-."■ ."M78 WEDGWOOD n 10J 7 3 Ill" 2J 2* L McAtee .1 .1 Murphy : | 8 2 S-! 52001 JULIA N w lot; i 2 S3 - B 1ooi c Narkola ::-•". 4-5 ::-". 1-6 oat v:.v:o OCEAN SWELL a 888 3 I I l .1 I MneyH C Plahrr 4 10 18 "I 4-5 .-.i!; ; PEPPERY POLLY aa 108 17 7 c e •"■ r suuti: i J Peaajeraaat 16 -0 88 fi - 52407 PRTVOL we. 188 S I 3] 6* # 6] A Collins II Neusteter IS 15 15 I 1 *i«60 ALBERTA s. a ll" 8 3 fi; 7 7 7 W lb it:, he Knebelkamp 38 SO SO 15 fi Time. 242,. 49=3, 1:03. 1:10**. Track heavy. Wiaaer— Dk b, or br. f, by Bala Latifa, b Haaabat. traiaed by a. Williams; bred b] Mr. Ccatajt .1 Loac. Went to post at :!:;..".. At post 1 minute. Start Rood and slow. Won easily: so. oral and third driv- ing. DORIC, favored by the Beiaaj, atored ap steadily and. outstaying WEDGWOOD, won rota* aaray. The latter showed the most early speed, but tired in the stretch and just lasted for second place. .JILIA N. was gaining ;,t the end and would hare been sec I in a few more strides. OCEAN SWELL came fast when ridden hard. FRIVOL l.iit. overweights o.eaii swell. .". poaada; Alberta B.. 2, KOrT/i£» FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1:44*5— 3— 104. Tulane Purse. ,500 l3__l • _0 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000; second. 30: third, 70; fourth, 0 Index Horses A Wt Il St , j sir Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C 1 S 52713 TITLE w a ■ • 3 7 - 1 i i- l |ak j .1 MneyJ Brown ?, 15 8 2 1 .-». 118 BIFF BANG aa 4 103 I 1 2 :- . :; 2»_ L McAtee Daaer Stable :A 5 5 7-5 1" .■ .; •; simpleton wu 4 KM fi 1 -I • 4,]. 4 4- SM .1 Roberta A W Jackson 13 SO "0 lo S 52203 WAUKEAG w 7 lo.", ! :, :• ;. 5« "■ 4« -I Heapel C N Freeman 3 3 ll-..r: 5 l-:j p». 6«4 THE SWIMMEB WB 4 108 S ■• :: "":• l 5" E Fool T F Henry 15 38 28 7 52003 PROSPECTOR WB 7 108 1 7 0* 8* 8 » 0 8 A Collins .1 H.ff.iing 34 48 48 8S fi S2BOOS*PDRAOON II. wis 8 MO 4 fi 7 7 7 7 7 E Martin .1 W Hatch J 2 8-6 2-6 1-4 Time. 25. 50. 1:16, 1:43S. 1:51. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. at, by Trap Rock Ton. -an. by Star Baby traiaed by F. W, Statuii: bred by Mr. August Belaseat. Went to post at 8:58. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the s nne. TITLE was rushed into the lead at oaee and. maintaining a good had to the last sixteenth, out- stayed RIFF BANG at the end. BUT BAN- raced forward!* all the way and was going lM-st at tie- end. SIMPLETON rati a good race and finished gamely • WAUKEAQ was kept in the deepest going, but Baiabed close ap. THE SWIMMER tired. BNAPDRAUON II. ran a had race and was far back all the way. Scratched -52001 In.|uiry. SIS; 5_7SSsHerald, 101. Overweights Simpleton, 1 pound: Prospector, •"«. KO"T/f ry SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— 1:42%— 4— 113. ,000 Added. •_•_ 4 _ I 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 21; third. 14. "de Horses A Wt IFsT 7 T~:- Str Fin Jea-key-i Owners ~ O II C 1 S 52711 LUCY KATE w M0 ■■ i F 31 ■■ I] 1* .1 Rob.- -is R Goos- 6 S i fi-5 :-. ."» Fi CHLT FRINGE WI 105 3 1 SJ -"• 4- 2* I. McAtee H Smith 4 4 1S-57-5 7-18 50082 ALCATRAZ w KID f- ■■ 8»1 l 1 2 3 M Baxton C Huxton 15 LO 10 4 2 r.wr, BLARNEY STONE w 188 E 3 8] 51. S1 • •• -v RSeJaerkL W U.-.rth :; fi 4, 8-6 7-M .FJ.Fil COBXLI-% v. 105 4-c 4;; 2s ." 5 F Smith B R :: t: fi I 4-5 and_711*UNDINE wa MO 7 7 7 fii S S3 V 1. McDU ttH Neaateter 4 ; fi ! : |_2S41 EXPLOSIVE W IPS 15 5-7 7 7 7 I .1 MaeyK P Sunim.rfi. Ids 15 13 5 2 Time, 251/!, 50%, 1:17. l:44*j. 1:49%. Track heavy. Winner— Ch. f. by I nclt — Royal Lady, by Royal Flush III. .trained by 1. Nicol: bred by Mr. A. L. Rogers. Went to post :it 4:24. At pest 2 Bllaatea. Start goad and slow. Won easily: second and third driv-| ing. l.lCY KATE set the early pace and. after being passed, took the lead again in the stretch and won easing up. GILT FBIKGE ran well and moved up resolutely in the last eighth. ALCATRAZ Wax taken sharply across the others in the first eighth and set a good pace to the stretch, but tired in the last sixteenth. BLARNEY STONE finished well. CORILLA tired. UNDINE was far back after suffering frasa interference. Scratched — 52002 The Foreigner. 111. Overweights Explosive. .". pounds; Alcatraa, 1. erOfW/tJO SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 14. 1908— 1:51%— 3— 122.- Purse .000r 4-year- 9 a_ 4 _0 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtpTSt , ■■ "x Str Fin Jot-keys Owners o H C T S~~ B2715*GOLDCREST BOY w 8 188 4 1 C- fi _ l1 F N Barrett Pelican Stable :; 1S-MS :e,-j -5 B21St*NEBRASKA vn 7 107 JO 3 L" 2* I* S* L1 .1 .1 MmyG H Abbott 7 s 5 • 1 C 2000* NEWEL AY. « 5 107 3 tj si 8" 51 " P Long J L Knight 15 i 15 6 62230 KBBO w 7 108 t. fi S 7 :■_ 41 ! 11 ThurberW Cahlll 10 50 50 JO 10 t52021*LORENA MOSS WO 5 MO E 5 5 :; i 4 S| E« J Roberts . Cut.niffe 8 15 IS fi ."2644 COUNTRBALCE aB 5 112 8 2 ■■ # 6 7 8* M Garner W O Stbaer io io 10 4 - .-2571* JACK REEVES W 8 107 - 10 lo 10 71 S1 7" N Ever-tt A Swenke W 50 50 15 s fi 2044s* AZTEC wa 8 til 1 8 71 8» M ! - s- H Gretrory H Field :: 4 2 8-5 2-6 52004 *BBR_JN arB 7 Sfi 7 1 1- V 31 fi" :• ■"• C Rabin Paaer Stable 3 5 5 L 1 BtOtS* KOH-I-NOOR a 7 188 8 7 -I1 Ej 8s 10 10 F WdatekH J Kins 10 15 12 5 : Time. 25%. 51. 1:13. 1:45%. 1:59%. Track heavy. Wiaaer Br. g. by Plaadit— Polly lrim. by Pirate of Peaaaan trained by J. ;. Wagnon: bred by Mr. Jaaaea R. Waiawrbjht. Went to jiost .it 1:51. At pj-t 1 minute. Start and slow. Won driving: second and third the saaae, GOLDCRE4TT l.OY. well ridden, raced into the lead in the last iu.-trter and gamely outstayed NEBRASKA. The latter was almost thrown when BERLIN came sharply across him soon after the start and ran a good race. NEWEL W. closed a big gap and finished fast nnd gaining. KBBO ran it good race. LORENA MOSS had BO —hthaps. AZTEC was in the worst part of the track all the way. BERLIN ael tie pace to the far turn ami .|iiit badly. Beratrbed 52000 Sasin. ins; .""._»» ».". - Nominee, llfi: 52005 Kingfisher. 107: 52045 Lottery. 112: 7.2591 Corydon. 112; 52720 Warlike. 108; 5-0SM Jaekatraw, 112: 52025 Salute. Ill; ,72.792 Homeward Round. 98: .-._•:;:.:! Briekley. MO. ___