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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS I 524 NEW ORLEANS, I.a.. Fel.ruary :!. Todays ■ training gallcpa here were as follows: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy: track heavy - Three-Eighths Mile. 582-Anaerican Ha WW SSS2 Perplexity .41 ol -Adventure 40 .".1 Pirate |o StB-Bayard 4*J SBBBpakane Queea.S7*and Dolly Varden .41* .".19-Suiiuount 10 ."Jl Brneat A 42 rcSWRlver Bfategs.-tBj uOS-Hiddea Snip ..41 191-Suuny Ways .10 ." S0-Har. Bnrsa yneSJr% 582 Mpeariene ■ 51*-MarJorie M. ..40 521-8i|aeeler 10 513-Master Jack ..40 ."lo-Tony Suttmi .10 Mabel A :t!l ."iLo -TIC t less Heantyll -VJlN.w Orleans ..lo SOB-Wter Tnmboa*42 .".1 Oriental Drees.42 .".-2-War Clnli . . :t!l :.os i-iekwick ls-::, SIT-Soae dArmee 10 Half Mile. B22 Arbitrator ....51 ."IM - Maize .".I M!»-Hiddledee 54% S07-Marg. Dixon .82V4 r.ul -Brows Bill ....": 520-Malva .VJ 31 1 Him- Jeans ...51 5HKXm msadie ....91 510-Captain Mae ...vr-:, :,i:i-st. Allan ."■:; ."i07 David Craig ..58% olSSir George ."7 Dli/.abeth If. ..52% Kin-Ban Manns ...V_ r.Kt-Ks.arpolctie ..55% 522-BhiIling 51% 508-Gen. AgranMmte54% 522-8ervlce Star ..54 505 i;.-iiiot r,4:-.-. 522-Bammy Kelly ..-ii 510-Hopover 52% 500-Toui UcTaggart57 ."il." - Kashmir 55 520-TharoB 52 520-Locamo 51 Mt-Wlreless -"I Margaret BluoraSi 51S -Who "ares ...52% 512 Magikon "i:; 52S Tellew Bloaom .51 Five-Eighths Mile. 518-Day Lilly . .1 :04-.-. 520-Mlm Muffins 1 ;Im; 50g-Haadfall .1 :0ti 522-Sagarmlat ..1K 7% ".IS J. C. Stone. .1 :U7:; Stoto L:12 518-Jerry 1:10-.-. 521 -The PortngaetrOSi 522-Kiag Neptanel:07 520-Willow Tree. 1:12 511-Maakallonge 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. ."ilo-H.-ick Hay . . . l :L"_f-, 531-Mythomgy ..1:24% ..Ltj-Brk Knigbl 1:19% 521-Plato 1 :-JJ i 531-CorBey W. .1:23 531-Booose Goaael2 ! ttO-Chaltenger ..l:L.". 315-Spartsn Boy 1:25% I 518-DoaghVM S. .1:1"_ ri21-St. Isidore ..t:24% .",11 l.nsmore . . . . 1 : lID .".Jo-Satana 1:21% 517-Kingfisber ..1:20 529-Tom Brooks 1:24% 522-Madge F. .. .1 :•_•:.-. 517-Tiiger Rose ..lutt One Mile. SSI-BUI R.nderedl:.-.!".-, 521-Bnndaria ....1:99% 522-Gais de Caasel:59% 522-SkUlelagli 11.1:54% 521-Jndge Price 1:19% r,ir -v««mr Adam 1 :."»o 533-Lord HerhertlUM Mile and an Eighth. .".lit-Hantry _:14 ."Cl - Iw iniwiu . . . .2:03 The track was heavy this inornin and BO good 1 work was recorded.