William Garths Best Year: Virginia Trainer Meets with Marked Success during 1920-His Good Record, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-04


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WILLIAM GARTHS BEST YEAR Virginia Trainer Meets With Marked Success During 1920— His Good Record. The year 1890 was the most successful enjoyed by William Garth in his career as a trainer of horses, the genial Virginian finishing seventh on the list of the leading trainers, with fifty-one winners of 8128.005. He had the satisfaction of saddling the Kentucky Derby winner of 15*20. laul Jones, and had another crack three-year-old in his stable in Hlazes. Futil the last few years tke principal members of trainer Garths stable were steeplechasers, in tke preparation of which he is considered a past master. Garths record for the last thirteen years shows that he saddled 353 winners of 3882,588, Ike following tabulation present ing his winnings by years from 1806 to 1080, inclusive. Year Wins. Amount. 1808 14 S 17,055 DM0 33 18.015 1910 11 5.005 1911 57 84,880 1912 40 23.440 1913 22 15,735 1914 12 72285 1915 7 5.N30 1910 21 10.255 1917 25 24. 130 BM8 23 22.021 1919 37 53.884 1920 51 123,005 Totals 13 353 02,520

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020401/drf1921020401_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1921020401_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800