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i. rk ita t. in- iia rn ;er gg "in BI CO FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June 24, 1916—1:45—3—110. PORTE DRAPEAU. b. h, 6 115 By Sunstar— Bright Cherry, by Ayrshlra. Trainer. G. Hunt. Owner. J. M. Hubbard. Tijuana lm74j 1:5*1 ■ si,.-. 7.5 n; ;,- pj Taylor H G.BueMcaacfa. Plaagcr. Cobrtta 52548 Tijuana lm70y i:SSi mud 26-5 IIS 1- E Taylor 14 Naabotah, U.Muehlebb, Plunger Tijuana ImToy 1:46 fast I lis S* i Hurn 7 JadgeDavid. LewbiB.. Naabvlali 5227! Tijuana ImTOy 1:44 fast 8-6 lis 5" J Hooney 7 CvnlcadourfL. Honolulu. Boreaa 52483 Tijuana l 1 11 .fast ri-io in 2* J Booney 11 Per. Lady, Mouat.Girl Kiawlurr BABY SISTER, br. m, 10 112 By Lord Esterllng— Annie Lauretta, by Emperor. Trainer. C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. 52705 Tijuana 11-8 1:56 fast 12 112 lF Martinex and Au.JyK.. LeDaaure, Ly|aV-«nre 52688 Tijuana 13-16 244 t-lov 7-10 106 5 D Hurn i Lc Dtooaaure, Lit. Gink, tork 52624 Tijuana 1 1-K. 1:50Vjslow 21-10 1 15 2-i P Martinez 7 Sauer. Prairie. Aigento 52489 Tijuana 1 1-8 1:58 mud 12-5 110 23 P Martinez 9 VivaCuba. Cork. BattleMounUiu 52442 Tijuana 11-S1-.51 fast 11 110 tJ P Martinez 7 Cava* Udourll., GetuBynf, Cork TEO BRECKENRIDGE. ch. m. 5 105 By SuffragUt— Teo Beach, by Bobby Beach. Trainer, N. W. Burkhart. Owner. N. W. Burkhart. Pljuai : : - I I alou I nr. c liiti..u 7 0 rPrrunan Tf M BaMr Caaute : i-2 Tijuana i 1:12 fast 4 Ml . - C WhittonlO foiiriia. Mistake, Bardora Tijuana 1 1-8 1:55 fast 62 103 M Olghter 7 Audrey K.. Al Wick. 01k 12S Tijuana Im70y 1 f..tast 17-8 HN 7*1 H Taylor 11 AudyK.. Ilinoma. U.MnehlehVa Jl;. Tijuana UpTO 1 . 10 lust u 107 I »J W UintWsjr U Audic.vU.. MDalv. C.,,f, COBRITA. b. m, 6 110 By Sweep— Valeureuse, by Orslnl. Trainer, .T. Pierre. Owner. Coeur dAlene St able. :J4 Tijuari;i Im70y l:53%mad 23 11. l« V J Baker i; lilHaanmi, Baaetala. Aim tit. ti*2S» Tijuana 1 l lf 1 :WV.Siow ii-lO 1M S*| G Yeargrin 7 Sauer. Baby Mater, Prairie 625S2 Tiluana lm?ny i:;.0"sslow 8 114 3"JR McCrnn S CMuevhlebach. Plunger. Sgeorge 62189 Tijuana 11-8 158 mud 47 M 9 * D Powell 9 Viva Cuba. Baby Sifter, Cork E2422 Tijuana 11:42 fast 0. Mi la B MariellllO T.Breekenridge. Mistake, Bdora JINK TENNY, ch. m, 6 112 By David Tenny— Fraim, by Pacemaker. Trainer, G. Lyon. Owner, O. Lyon. ."2731 Tijuana S-4 1:16 fast 11 IIS ■V; Ft Rettig 18 Ringleader, P.Inucliita. C.Cannell 6MM Ti.1u.nnn 1 l:41*:.fnst 7 108 :" C Gross 10 .lolm Jr.. Yukon. Muriels Pet EMM Tijuana 1 1:43 fast 16 in 6*1 B Havwrdll Plaything. Maudie. Modiste 62334 Ti.iunnn lm70y 1 •M=;.hvy 11 1lr S» ■ H.ivwd 11 Weli*B. S.mer. Plaything 62121 Tijuana :. t M net Ml III :- K Haywd 11 DHrtaHt, WekH. K. ..f Pvtlilss LOBELIA, b. m, 7 110 By Dr. Leggo— Othale. by The Judge. - Trainer. B. A. Jones. Owner, B. A. Jones. £2632 Tijuana 3-4 1 :lS*4atow 9 lit I " X Poden 11 Mann. lien. Joan .1-.. Kef r.2424 Tijuana ; i] t i :"". - 33-M M4 1*1 N Foden 8 Oiriiid King-. Ringleader, Velvet 63M2 Tijuana El f 1 :07 ,1as V. 10 112 1] N Foden 11 V. Welles. Unrr.lleii , M.miKheu 5:038 Tijuana ::-4 1:14 fast 9-10 113 6*3 N Foden 7 P.ahylonian. Hilda, Chandelier E19G9 Tijuana :-4 1 :14i fast 9-10 I IS 1« N Foden 11 Harricans Heir, ;ila. V lira CANUTE, b. g. 5 114 By Sir Huon— Binda. by The Bard. Trainer. A. P. Yeoman. Owner. Cozad k Yeoman. BIOS Tijuana 13-14 2:44 slow 7 112 4J N Foden l Dinonanre, Lit. ;ink. Cork EMM Tijuana 11-S1M slow 7 117 !• X Poden 7 H.I Ylin. W.M.Kker. T.Hkdse EMS Tijuana 1 1 :.r,o mud 10f no Is N Foden 10 I...lopl:ine. P. Flower. Cterville 62K1 Tijuana lm70 1:47 fast 6f 1"9 1 - X Foden 11 Madrid. Hum inn. lift ESN Tijuana 1 lsttKjfaat U 108 41 O "Willis 12 Welga. Tiajnn. Olft TAMBIAN. ch. m. 5 112 By Irish Exile — Betula, by Rey del Sierras. Trainer, G. W. Billerman. Owner, Arnot Stable. 62*41 Tijuana lm70y 1 :..:l-.nuid So IN :•" M BTgandter 0 Cohrita. Le Dteeaaare. Honolulu E2S4I Tijuana lm70y 1 :.::l-.mud !fi IM 1*1 M BlghterM P.Drapu. Naanotaa, C.MueJileli E2M7 Tiluana lmTOy l:6t%hvy 17 H7 fi° M BlsnterM Hat.Mntn. Qea.Byac, Balcce EMM Tijuana 1 1-S 1 :." 07 10S o« M BTgfcterll Cork, Our Maid. Honolulu 622*4 Tijuana 1 1 :42%faat 27-5 104 11 M STghUrl- A.Jackson. Irophecy. Commander GILA. b. g. 9 109 By Red Knight— Hoopa, by Kenilworth. Trainer. A. "White. Owner, White and Lilley. EMM Tijuana 1 1-8 l:84%taa* 74 IM 10" H Bowe 11 Cork. Oar Maid, Honolulu E2M3 Tijuana J-4 l:14%e;ood 3 Mi 8l:Ro - 1* Billy Joe, Plunger. Yukon BMW Tijuana lm70y l:4a%faat 11 110 2s P. Marielli B Gen. Byng, Olive 1.. Kaisy 63261 Tijuana 1 1:42 6 1 i7 lh Rowe 12 T.K.M Malion. Plazer. Arsento EMM Tijuana o-S l:01«;,fast ;:2 112 6-3 C dross 1U Trulane. Duly Fashion. Yukon LAZY BEN. b. g. 7 110 By Marchmont II.-Lady Eula, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. J. Hill. Owner, H. W. Barnes. EMM Tijuana 11:44 slow M 11» 7=R Carter • Irish Daisj. Husy Ilird P.DTa* ."2438 Tijuana 1 l:41 14 Ml 6M H Rettig 10 John Jr., Pink Tenny. Yukon £2259 Tijuana El f 121 111 fiJR Carter 12 C. the Way. P. Direct, Kosellis Slfi40 Tijuana 3-4 l:15"5fast 13 MS I*! C Thpson 9 MilT f aai. OeuBjag. P. Douglas r.1541 Tijuana 3-4 1 :1710fats 98 112 iJ R Carter 8 Hor.Lercli. Sham. Green. F.lSahio BERNICE E.. ch. m. 6 112 By Salvation— Bertola. by Albert. Trainer, T. J. Grant. Owner, A. Lund. EMM Tijuana 1 1-16 1:49-"-slow :!:: M fi" J Htamer 7 Ola 1j*p. Borace I.-rch. Yermak EMMTljoana I l:MHBvy 2E no 3"-; J Htamer 8 Weialand, Boreas, Frivolous D2;.8rj Tijuana 1 1-M 1 :"-2 slow 13 Ml 5"j J Htamer s Yermak. Commander, Shortstop MM Tijuana 1 l:49"V.mud M Mi 1* P Martin-zlO Audr.y A., latsy Mack, Arietta B2.r,44 Tijuana. 51 f 1:11 mud 3Sf K7 5" R Fator 11 J. Hasher, Lavaca, Perfect Day ARGENTO, br. g. 7 114 By Jake Argent — Ardenes, by Amigo. Trainer, A. E. Sherman. Owner. Lane and Sherman. 52G49 Tijuana lm70y 1 :53*jmud 27 117 I- N Foden 8 Cohrita. I.e Binaaaure, Honolulu EMM njuana l l-ic, l ::,0.-..slow 17 117 i ■; X Poden 7 Saner. Pahy Mater, Prairie EMM Tijuana ll:S8%raud M IM V X" Foden » Ethel, Anna Star, Tours 5458 Tijuana lm70y 1 :4S4;.slop 4C 110 8" H Jones 10 Modiste. Honolulu. Itiisy Bird MM Tijuana lm70y l:..l2r,hvy 29 113 5hJP Martinez 1 1 Welga. Sauer. Plaything