untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-05


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Braxted Brothers R HFWITT and SONS 202 Broadway, Room 1518 New York City *# «*- ft 1 I I VL UJ lU SIT DAILY— TWO HORSES— ~W DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES— DAILY Our terms are very reasonable, considering the Information that we release. You will ! never regret fit™tl„ Strictly T™ Two Horses w«™„. K..ii t „„ ™.i„ -» -- —-- j, •=■ « * « - - - Each Released Day to Each and Every One of Onr Subscribers «oing business with Braxted Brother.. A reliable turf bureau, organized for the benefit of the small as | well as big bettors. | These two horses are advertised in thia publication win or lose. Honest, legitimate turf information YESTERDAYS TWO-HORSE PARLAY: Washington Park information exclusively. Subscribe. GOSSOON 8.36, Won mr do not miss todays big parlay **■ ST, MAI"IHF.W,S ****** " 0 * 60 Won1 Vna*r no consideration should any one miss todays big parlay. Subscribe immediately. Dont wa» ., . . . j YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: If you want „ t to receive honest, legitimate tnrf information, subscribe to this office. We state noth- j o/nn//«r A ** *» ,*» *wv In* but facts. Our word is our bond. Subscribe today. Dont wait until tomorrow. The day you CjOiJijOOIN . . . 0 36 WOll BC" BIG PROBABLE WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY -» j NICODEMUS .86, .32, 2ncJ Advertised two-horse parlay released to all out-of-town clients immediately. No waiting for ... . , . _ , , _ _ .... service, ho delay whatever. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. We AuVertiSe OUT HOTSeS Every Day Win OT LOSe HONESTY— TRBTHFULNESS-A S0.DARE DEAL TO EVERYBODY Honesty is the best policy. That has been, and always will be. oar motto. That Has Been, and Always Will Be, Our Motto Dir* PAD I AV rrtZ€* Tnn*V There is no double meaning, no half truth, no false note in any statement appearing in this adver- BIU rAKLAY uUtb TODAY tlsement. ___ ADVERTISED PABLAY WIBED ALL CLIENTS PEOMPTLY WF" OUBoCRIBE TODAY FOR THIS BIG PARLAY "Wai Regardless of how small or big a bettor you may be, you cannot afford to miss todays bisr probabh An honest, square and fair deal is assured all our clients. Everybody is treated alike. No I 3_! Ei"*. ■*•* borses should win easily. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. Subscribe! partiality, no discrimination. Bona fide, legitimate turf information. No guesswork or handicapping Ascribe. Subscribe! Remit m vi. "~~£-~*~« twAdS mTZZZZT ■** Do Not Miss Todays BiS *■**■■ Limit Parlay ~M UM,I-T VVU "UKt DAILY ~m ., BOTH HORSES SHOULD WIN DNEXTENDED AND PAY LIMIT ODDS «. Everybody „ receives the u same two horses. Our paruu are released to clients at 10 a. m. each c . v _, , - — . - _ ., _ _. _ . ., _. Subscribe Today. Do Not Pass Dp These Two Big Probable Winners ■orning by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Remit and receive todays big parlay. BRAXTED BROTHERS, 202 Broadway, Room 1518, New York City CHICAGO PLAYERS— NOTICE— CHICAGO PLAYERS! _.. Dont go to the race track today unless you receive our big parlay at Washington Park. Tws " "*"— ~ "* """— "" " * " "" ™" "* *""""" .— .— — — , — — — m, probable winners. — TERMS— DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY W jsw w s« g - p-api w- »w «sv v * A Wire via Western Lnicn or Postal Telegraph. Our New York office open from 9 a. m. to 0 p. at. G I I laVl m % I BP im.1 Telegrams sent early each morning. ■ " H ■ ■ I * * *-* " » * V 1-1 VJ • l-THIS IS A LEGITIMATE AND REPUTABLE TURF AGENCY-W ssMBi Duly registered under the laws of the State of New York, County of New York. yesterday: B HEwnT and SONS, 200 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York City Geo. Groom, .42, Won ==______========== Saturday! LOST AGNES $ 5.70, Won gf "T~r- JmY I "% # ~XZ f% Friday: ONUP 7.56, Won I L 4g4 /_% I ml H W T 11 Thursday: FARGO 5.30, Won 1/— «c*3 ,A"H_ 1 1 _ I Jf W r-ol Wednesday: JIMMY MORAN 4.94, Won • ■ * A *— • Tuesday: CLOG DANCE 3.30, Won HUEY AMERICAS DADDY OF PAST AND PRESENT TURFMEN Monday: ... 11.24, Won TVmr in *lty Kew York office is in receipt of many communications from my followers stating that thel» YJVnif "Wivo -f/vn flno YX/oolra Gomna SJUll L Wall. Wire «b±U IOr Ulie WeeK S oerVlCe books are refusing to take any more wagers. I am sorry, but I cannot supply you with any books. ...."PgrgT "THE BEST— Bive you winners- and Plenty. AND dont forget, what you see here is sent out to followers at 10 a. m. each morning. Its the truth, win or lose. Recrren Chicago 441 Pivmouth Court ®*~ SAVED -*8S ■■ mr»m "»»» aaa a mj uivHiu vvui j gtaked my reputation on yesterdays double. You have the answer in the bundle of dough joa collected. Again I say, dont miss a day. "]~~™™~™™™™™™™™™~™~~~~™™~" YESTERDAYS DOUBLE: CUDDLE 7.86, Won JKCK PAI I AH AN JUSTINA 0.06, Won mm Am. L-J. A ,f fl af fl i nf iflH M JLLamJL Justina, another two-year-old winner Boys, I eat them. No waiting for my service. No delay. Service every single day of the week Monday to Saturday, DAILY— —TWO HORSES DAILY inclusive. Telegrams sent out of town clients early each morning. Not one minutes delay in render- YESTEBDAYS TWO DORSES- ing service to clients, regardless of whether yon live in the city or out of town. SMT" GOSSOON . 8.36, Won *WM Mondays Double: Saturday a Double: SIP- JUSTINA 0 " 06 Won -J5 CONFIDENTIAL . . .$ 5.82, Won SPOT LIGHT 8.46, Won Mondays tiaVsIctions: HESITATION .84, Won BLESSEFIELD ... .2.88, Won A.NNEX 1.78, Won NA ZDAB 1.68, Won gsy STOP BEING Y0UB BOOKS SUCKER — FOLLOW ME, I AM MILES awv«p OF OTHERS -1 Saturdays Transactions: Thursdays Transactions: j JIM CROW 4.«0, Won JTDGE HAY 8.22, Won TODAYS PEACHES BLESSEFIELD 2.88, Won FINNIC 9.88, Won For my past performances, ask a subscriber. They speak volumes I bave been calling your attention to it in the public press for a long time. You know, a man of DO NOT MISS THIS WEEKS RELEASES my standing at the tracks cannot mention names or go into detail but, boys, dont be scared. That TODAY— 00- PROBABLE LIMIT PARLAY— TODAY long price8 WODt worry you- Just "* ■ in to REPRESENTATION AT ALL MAJOR TRACKS WIN ,000 WIN The two l orses that yon receive are the horses that arp advertised, win or lose. If you are seeking lK na fide, legitimate turf information, subscribe. One days trial will convince you. Once a client, Boys, I tell you I got it straight from the people, and you can get on for plenty. I know say always a client. 6tuff. I leave others miles behind. A FAIR AND SQUARE DEAL ASSURED EVERYBODY. LEGITIMATE INFORMATION. Boys, I tell you I am at home on these Illinois tracks, and my buddies and I are taking all reader* NO GUESSWORK. into confidence with the biggest opportunities to make those daily bank rolls for your coming Out-of-town clients receive the advertised two horses within an hour after their money is received, summer vacations. Enjoy life at your books expense. Stop supporting them. No waiting for my service. Wire daily, via Western Union or Postal Telegraph, and receive the Advertised two horses immediately. .Service six days a week. 5D»«* wBPfci WATIC NOl IQ/t «*bb9« 9vBi JACK CALLAHAN, 303 Fifth Ave., Sliite 1802, NeW York CitY X haTe called y°ur attention several times why my many followers are successful. They dont • run from one man to another. They stick to me for years. My New York managers have informed . you not to miss a day and to insure your daily service. Because the day yon miss might win yon — — thousands of dollars. Get on the books now. HHHHHmmEKra iandrsl/iv S«T FIRST BUDDIES DOUBLE GOES THURSDAY -Tpg BBial %%* Is4 g=* W § W TERMS— ONLY AND NOTHING ELSE BUT NAME AND ADDRESS ______ __ _ " Lftrr TTtW-*-* »" advance notice— buddies big double Thursday ~w 1~lT| W k/ g "5 /i g* |y§Z, g4-I 1 £ iland* PLACE YOUR UIGGEST BET. REMEMBER THURSDAY, JUNE 0 iJl I J . £ *A #V s% " ANDY, 6 Varick Street, Suite 1001, New York City DaiiyCoae = is.hl.l.1 ■V aM 1 1 iT o % WORLDS GREATEST boiioisale RACING WEEKLY Buck B _| ■ C*8irrison f ~ CODE BOOK No. 406 two great free informa- two horses a day two horses a day TION SERVICES the sensational turf adviser KELLYS CODE FOR WEDNESDAY: SPECIAL OFFER: BOTH |2 AND ?5 SPECIALS ONE DAY, FOR washingtc:;-e C5517-47. CABMAC8 cobb horses ONCE AGAIN A DOUBLE FOR ALL FOLLOWERS Alwaja Winner on a Flat Play. YESTERDAYS SUPER SPECIAL: A new book wul new caw puDlished everj CARMACSELEASFOR WEDNESDAY: DARK ANGEL 6.56, Woil Sold bj yonr dealer, or direct from For Code Bay Issne of Jane 1 YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: ROYAL OMAR 5.98, Won W"ir D L If 11 0M HorM ■ D*y Betoct*a by America-. Gre«te.i WW lIlliiMUl II If/] III Dill Ka IVfMIV Expert. Buck Garrison is :it all times for the player and against the layer. All followers have become "»ica" VUIUV **VHJ following my winning information. to EAST CONGBESS STBEET ASA POWELL BOraBor. 2 .SUP! . *?£*+ Won GEO. OBOOM. . . IJ 7.«, Wo. CHICAGO, IXL, ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR WEDNESDAY: BLACK SESS£. ?T. . ?T?.UMt, Won EMPTY OlSSS.!. ?. ! 9.40, Won STASHING TQH Ttitq 1 7 ___-|__u_____|__________ _________..___. nAoxuAvrxwA iwo-x-i. ,yp consistency of my winning information has starfled the tnrf world. Stop losing yonr GOOD ■HHEHH|HHH|B MONEY. Get in with one who knows and you will be a "WINNER." Give my "INFO" a days trial .ror far coae rnd Tl T t J I isny issue OI June I ggggggpggggggpggggggg .ind you wil be convinced that I can probably make you a winner each and every day. rr TODAY— GIGANTIC SENSATIONAL PARLAY— TODAY HIJC I jT THE TWO HORSES THAT I WILL release today comes from a group of California operator* who , ";."", — .", "■* • have decided to el with two speed marvels, which have been working under cover for these two TirViS-rirftI E-iiFiFJiiSo« ~7 •"% • particular rates today. I will release one of these horses as my Super Special and the other horse »cVrvV.Tnw ? 11 I £ J a | J * f as my Special. Both these horses when parlayed should pay odds near the limit. WASHINGTON— Eoart-2».-13. Ml •Y/f4f/Y *4 4 1 4 Si /% If *ou want this information today, subscribe to my SPECIAL OFFER. Both TODAYS SUPER - CJ l/C#f Li 11/ C JIA,LIJe SPECIAL AND TODAYS SPECIAL will be released to all followers at the special terms of *5. •*•- mvw wm. QRPPPJ SHEET r- frr»fV wire |5 immediately for this probable LIMIT PARLAY TODAY. It DAY*! VJi WW COIiV * *~ * 1 xlra i 1% I D«/ 111 SO* WABA8H A"B. CHICAGO, ILL. LONGACRE BLDG., 42ND ST. AND BROADWAY NEW YORK CITT TATnvTA latonia— w,» Max-62-14-12-14. K9 ia 19 la I j Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly TlRF TOPICS ®a 8aie a* A" "*wsstandB — - """ ~* S TODAYS "CHICK McMANLS FREE CODE: Price, Twenty-five Cents. i 1/RiniAf CniflCTUIairk TUr unurornrT/Nu Rlln LATONiA-Buick-2o-7. KNOW oUMETHINU THE HOMESTRETCH PUB. CO. w2Jl2iSJP?Kur«EK COD®: . ============—==--——-——-__. ~ Yon can Ket no better information than I can TODAYS HOMESTRETCH WASmJUilOB-lake-Compass-Mast. f-p jrjp CITaOD 17TC sive" Loui ivi110 is headquarters for many horsemen FREE CODE SPECIALS 1 UlXr OlllVl.lll 1 aDd X know when tbey are placed to win. Kusl, 48-61-55-39-41-59-71-67-33-49-55 and PI et nPlCFR nni/rn ai N r rr-no RllnPRQ *— - w*«a_« a imt ij name and address for my specials at Latonia and _ _. »«—..« — »- «_ » ULUUrVCn n. nUUC.no PUBLISHED WEEKLY other tracks. Wire me a two dollar win play after 61-33-37-53-69-63-67-33-71-71. TODAYS FREE CODE: » Bale on all Newsstands — Price, fl you collect. The key to decipher above code appears in Rnstlet LATONIA— A*ia-Cotton-P«« TODAYS FREE CODE: KIRK BALTHROP Code Box in TUB HOMESTRETCH dated June 8, j.axurnA Asia teuton feaa. WASHINGTON— Montana -Are -And. 618 West Broadway. Louisville, Ky. which is now on sale. Price 15c. If your dealer -pjjpp §£QRr£-|-g . does not sell HOMESTRETCH send us for the Free Phone Results, 7 Call m********** mmm Jvv/ii-i JOCKEY ninil MARTINEZ I IIVL.C- Sf— SandAASE SVirSS: 1 ING WEEKLY. Addresa: WabasH 7007 D*ily 1HorBe Wire w»n Saturday. Mail or wire TODAYS FREE CODE HORSE: PHEXAN BLDG. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Tuwiwiiivvi .: J£w.6wireg. GALLOPS, 819 S. Dearborn, Chicago, _ WASHINGTON-Field-24-18.61-8o. ] NOTJfr-Free «»de every Wednesday.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929060501/drf1929060501_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1929060501_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800