Connaught Park Opening: Queen City Purse Feature Race on First Days Program at Ottawa Course., Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-05


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CONNAUGHT PARK OPENING Queen City Purse Feature Race on First Days Program at Ottawa Course. OTTAWA, Ont, June 4. — Connaught Park will throw open its gates tomorrow afternoon for the first spring meeting of the present season and incidentally it marks the first appearance of the thoroughbreds in the province of Quebec for 1929 on a major track. Numerous shipments of racers have arrived on the local grounds, coming from New York, Toronto, Montreal and Chicago and all available stable room has been allotted. The directors of Connaught Park have been busily engaged since early spring preparing for the meeting now at hand, and no item to make the meeting a real success has been left undone. The general conviction is that a banner meeting is in prospect for the local promoters. Since last fall, following the conclusion of racing, several new cottage barns were built to take care of the ever-increasing demand from horsemen to partake in the local meeting. The track, given daily care since the coming of spring, appears in excellent condition while the plant has been freshened by the lavish use of paint. Another item that will appeal to race devotees that patronize the sport in this section is the new Champlain-Bate bridge, which was recently completed and which affords motorists an interesting drive from East Ottawa to the Aylmer course. Crossing the Ottawa river from Ottawa, the motorist enters onto the Hull Boulevard, just a short distance to travel before reaching the main entrance of the Connaught Park Jockey Club. As usual, seven races have been listed, with the Queen City Purse offered as the main attraction. This race, fourth on the program, has eligi-bles to race over one mile. As a supplementary feature, the third race, over three-quarters, for three-year-olds, styled the Bea-verdale Purse, has a small but select field to strive for honors. Racing will be held under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Racing Associations and the officials will be the same that so successfully controlled the sport in past years. The first race each day will be called to the post at 2 :45 p. m. eastern daylight time. • ,

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