1st Connaught, Daily Racing Form, 1931-06-03

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IstConnaught Purse 00 3.Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 554 Furlongs Edisto, June 6, 1925— 1 :05y5— 3— 108. NOTE— Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 3 pounds. 3-year-olds, 108 pounds; older, 115 pounds. Winners of two or more races since May 15, 4 pounds extra. Non-winners since that date allowed 3 pounds; since March 31, 6 pounds; in 1931, 10 pounds. No apprentice allowance. Index Post ,-Best at Distanre— Wt. Claim Index Post Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. P«s florse Track. Wt. Time. ApreToday Price No. Pos. florse. Trick Wt. Time. AeTo lBT Price 59562 11 Lady Chilton.. 8 107. . 1000 57382 3 Imagery M . . 3 95X1200 59413= 5 Golden Patch.. 58836 4 Corsican . .Mia 116 1:06% 6 99X1000 Dev 105 1:08 4 107X1000 54400 7 Captains Girl. . 3 93. . 1200 59519* 6 Miss Widworthy 5 107X1000 59154 8 Singlestick ... . 5 99.. 1000 59563- 10 Alice AmineC.P 102 1:10 4 104.. 1200 59473 9 London Rock 59518 13 S. .1 Gillf.llan.. 4 99X1000 St. J 118 1:10 5 109. . 1200 58904-16 Saratoga ■ ■£ 59358 lArdsley M 3 98 1200 53752 1 fatal Hav 109 1:08% 4 100X 1200 5M73 14 Critta11 —*» 110 "** 5 109X 100° 59417 2 Chemin Des 59522 15 Iraq Thf 112 l:09y5 8 109*1000 Dames. . .Dor 115 1:08% 3 100. . 1200 Best time? shown above are from Jan. 1. 1930. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ®Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or , 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dla. Time Tr. Odd* Wt St. %Str Fin Jockey P. PCI Tee Sts. Best Company LatlV CllHton 1 A*7 Cn- m- 8 by Bernlldon — Chilton Queen, by Chilton. 1 I Trainer. C Shafer. Owner. C. Shafer. May30 3rDet 1 1:02% ft 1 104 1* LaurinL 1250 8 Ironin:isteil08.Biilycool3.Tu«llane 106 May27-31-De! I 1:03% gd 9-5 104 2* MitchellM 1250 3 SilverVavell3.RetlB!azel04.Billycool08 Mayl2 31Bcu 5if 1:11 hv 16 5 108* 44 Jones J M 600 9 Peraltal*5,S.Lacrusol09,L.Paridge 107 Octl3 30Rav a5ifl:08% si 8 5 116 3* SandozJ 625 6 L Valtine lll.MathewllS.LtleirtielOS Oct 9 301Rav a5if 1:10% m 7-10 108 54 LipiecS 500 8 Acquire 103, Vitalize 103, Linmar 112 . Starts. 1st. 2nd urd. Won - , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 19 C 6 t % 2.345 1931 record . . 3 1 1 0 $ 375 Ooltleil Patch V 1 1 7 *" ** by Prlnce Galahad— Silver Patch, by Quantock. Last work- 153 3 4 1211 Trainer. A. Brent. Owner. A. Brent. May27 31Del § l:04%gd 5 107 2l HornG 1000 8 MoselleS.lOS.Crittall 106.BcauIJeal 103 MA25 31Del 6ifl:31%hv 10 111 1* IIornG 600 8 A.B.Bsina:rll3.C.A.Rosel09,A.Lassl05 Mail9-314Thf "J 1:13 ft 25 f 108 9 9 10*3 NGwjmmI4 1800 11 VaciIlatell5.Wacket 106.AncrLight 106 Mayl3-31TThf 11:48% ft 79 109 9 5 10" 10" AimersT11 130012 Rockshdell4.LiveOnel01. Bushman 103 Mar.27 317StJ l,1* 1:52 ft 21 5f 101*11 11 9n 9,: RoseF10 1000 12 Madderl06,Kavanghl08,Enthustic 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— » , Starts. 1st. Lnd. :!rd. Won.—, Last year.. 13 1931 record. .16 1 1 0 $ 375 Miss WidnortllV X 1 CH Ch n1, 5 ty Westwick— Linnet, hy K. of K. * JLU I Trainer. E. L. Utterback. Owner, R. L. Utterback. May29 31-Del 1:03% ft 14 5 117 2*DrakeV 800 8 E.Kenyon 112,Gh.ryB. 117,Cn5Lass 117 Ma -15-3PHa?af Jl:32 m 18 5 111 31 DrakeV 900 IT II Tm w IITlj M Mm fl Iff lTl— 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Wou.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1951 record.. 2 0 1 1 % 90 Alice Amine 1 HA B. f, 4. by Dia Done— Bessie M.. by Flittergold. J- v/*i Trainer, V. Csrmirhael. Owr.er, V. Carmichael. Ma30 3PDel | 1:03% ft 3 109 23 DrakeV 500 8 Chantry 112,L"ioHattiel09,RoseSpotll2 May28 31Del | 1:03% ft 25 112 24 DrakeV 800 8 Winsome 112, Morover 113. Uplay 112 Mayl6-31:Bcu 5i f l."09% ft 6 103 74 Sylvester.1 400 9 W..Iugllli.Manrpurrl07B.B.Tpsonl05 Apc29 31*Beu 5 f 1:09% ft 7 106 84 McAllisterD 200 10 Whiskwinl08,LuckyDriftllO,Henado 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Wm.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. !**«•.-. Last year.. 12 2 4 1 | 860 1931 record. . 4 0 2 0 $ 100 S. J. ■illlillitn X OU Ch 8 ,f °7 Manag3r w»,t3 — Florence W. oy Watervale. W Trai.er. G. K. Allen. Owner. G. X. Alien. Last work- 136—34 117" May29 31Del | 1:03% ft 8* 112 44 HornG 800 8 Damocl«sl07,BalaiD Orll2,Torrence 110 Ma 23 3rDel | 1:06% sy 7J 113 34 PerniaO 800 8 Iraq 113,Uon.ineor 113. Nine Sixty 113 Mar.2831*StJ lrS 1:51% ft 108 110 6 12 12" 12,s OMalleyJ* 100012 Anistdaml08.HdRockl05.Sai.ftii.ii 110 Mar2631,lStJ lt 1 51% ft 92 110 4 11 11" 11" 0Malle J* 1000 12 WrgNberlOS.ny.ExprsllO.H-bcaw 105 Mar.23 31*St.J | 1:15 ft 108 108 10 10 10" 10,u OMalleyJ 1000 12 BldRob.nl08.r ump lll.HardRock 110 Starts. 1st 2nd :"rd on - , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 9 10 1 I 700 1931 record., b 0 0 1 S 25 Saratoga Mlte X 1 fC Ch. g. 9. by Old Koemg— Beautiful Lady. t y Fan Play. 1U0 Tra.ne, J We. Ownea B l**-" Last work: 153-12... :52sl Mayl4 31Thf 1:28% ft 9 5 112 3 11* 3" BonahueJ7 1400 12 SeaKalel07.Eleusa7onl07.G asmo Kb May 7 31GJam I 1:14% sy 7 125 3 4 64 5s Weinerr11 150015 Hay timel09,Sp Jack] 25. SunBroom 120 Apt24 318Jam 2 115 m 6 117 10 8 T 67» ollardJ* 15011 lb Mortimcll4.Dr L Hn.a.il08.R Tree 119 Man27 313StJ 1"° 1-48 ft 15 115 2 3 3* 33 Hort.F4 1500 12 lianae 111. Don..u lOb.Fair Bill 103 Mar.24 31*St.J 31:15 ft 7 5 110 3 2 2J 1" ifamP 1500 12 Valley MJlMI lOb.Jcll ONeil 103J Mar2131StJ § 115 gd 7 106 5 5 54 41 PrainA* 1500 9 Stretcherlll.AdReti.nl lS.Mineialt 110 Mad9 315StJ 5U1-09 ft 6 115 10 7 64 44SurvevM* 1000 11 Sturdy 103. Valle 108. Da Vinci 110 Manl7 31*StJ 2 1 16 ft 12 5f 110 111* V SuIveyM" 1000 12 B ldR..hinl03.i..n.iul03.Ba!;e-tAlka 109 , Strtrts. Ivt. 2nd. 3r Won.-, . St rt-. 1st. 2i.d :-nl Wmm -x Last year.. 40 9 10 2 ,070 1931 record 12 2 0 4 ,320 Iotal X 1 Cf Ch. f. 4. by Mackenzie II— Footstool, by Chilton. J.UU Trainer. W. M. Curcis. Owner. J. Pritoliard. Sep20 30Del | 1:03% si 12 5 107 Refused. FatorE 800 7 Lplay 113. Ju? nf G Id 101,Nipiu..n C5 SePLl6 303Del |l:06%hy 2*114 5" FatorE 800 8 Winsome 112, Celancse 110. Kia 10b spn-.Tuiei llsWJtair 7 no 33i LaaHati ■ tartTUfasi liu.oakiafii.J. ft:o:d ins o Auk 5-30*Krs |14Mfl 50 10- f FeetieyR 12 Pctcrll 10fi.I»onl.l oii Itl.TMjrtlMHl H-" C Aog 2 30Kgs 3 l1T%gd 30 107 4»i Clemnt-H 12 MailaniKnielieltC.PctcrM.1 1 1. i --try 104 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts 1st. •-nd. : ! . •"._. Last year.. 13 1 1 0 $ 450 Clip 111 in DeS Dames 1 00 Ch ff 3 by Baby Grand— Gloire d3 V.rdun. by LOlseau Lyre. 1 U U Trainer. A. N. Shaw. Owner. J. M. Shaw. Mav27 3PDel 6 f 1:27% ed 12 108 614 HornG Hdc,. 6 BldRobin 112,Andresit. 106,Yingo 114 Sep.l6-30Del | 1:07% hy39 10 110 4,5MooreET 1000 b E,lKenyoiill5.Brch,tel07,Yv..n,e.l. 112 Auc 6 30Kcs 5 f 108% ft 73 10 101 54 Taylor W 1500 6 Atipt.iel00.Lcihcrb 107,Sw .Senonta 103 Aug 4 oOKgs % l:0"%ft 1T-10 111 7* KennedyJ II MvIS.-tty l«:t. A t ij.to • 1 11 fhill Wind 111 t" JuLJl ::0-lor 5J f I OSind ~-3 11" 2 3 3-J 3:J F"olen." S Noi-y.MisllI .i:.Keii onll."..Hii!;liIrf u 10b O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd .Vd ■ on .— Last year.. It 1 1 1 % 650 1931 rero-. . 1 Illia"prv V * Q P Cn- g a M- Dy Polymelian — Stone Image, oy Fnai Rock. " * i/O Tiamer. L. M. Shea. Owner, L. M. Shea. Man27 315St.J 11:44 ft 8 10542 9 8 71* McLhlinE" 100012 KorrdGreyl08.Ravell3.PkCallaban 106 Mar.25 31GSt.J 11:44 ft 8 110 1 66" 6" SniderA 1000 12 DnaVivnlOl, Rave 106.Mi-ihous 106 Marl2 317St.J 1 1:44% ft 7 5 111 4 3 24 24 SniderA4 Allw 6 B,donIarpll8.Atoil.sl07.Tdes!Tian 114 Mar431Mia I 1:13% ft 3 4f 111 8 5 5* 31 SniderA10 BOO 11 AirlinerllO.Sheaf 107.FlvinsWin_S 101 i Feb.27 31TMia V,- 1:47% ft 31 110 7 8 59 4»1 SniderA" 2000 8 LvEbonvlOg.Grnwald 114.RraGuNl 111 Feb.24 315Mia 21:15 sy 8 112 5 4 4Ti 3T BurkeJH2 2500 8 P CallhanllO.FhWardlOS.Fl Cirkee 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. :.rd. Won. i Last year.. 4 0 2 1 $ 500 1931 record .12 0 15* 565 Corsican X QQ B- g- 6- by Ballot— Wallflower n- by **"ddi2r. Last work- 153—3 8 -40*1 * Trainer, E. D. Springer. Owner. F. Byer3. Mayi3 313Jam | 1:14% m 12e 118* 5 6 74 64 DeCaIasE4 1500 15 Wdfalll20,Ry"irreel25.EbonyPrcell5 May7 31Jam 21:15 sy 15 125 6 9 9" 10" PascumaA 1500 11 Zambarll7.Haystackl20.HiuhMetal 120 Mav 1316Jam % 1:13% ft 30 118 8 7 87 8" DeclasE" 1500 12 Pam;uitchll6,N Jeanlll.BknStone 105 Apr24 3PJam i 1:1b in 10 11013 9 8IU 9" DecillasE" 1500 16 SaxilbyllS.BnStonelRB.Shanii.H. 122 Man27 3PSt.J 31:16 ft 4 110 4 3 3i 3J PascumaA 1000 12 Purhe 105. Lily Sue 108, Vovase 105 Mar.20 3r-St.J 31:1b ft 4 110 5 1 4* 74 PascumaA 1000 12 Donau 105.ClitVsl.ass 103.Chestsr 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts, lvt. 2nd. :.nl Won — list year.. 12 I 2 0 $ 1.O50 1931 record 12 0 1 2 $ 310 CantaillS Girl QQ B. f, 3 M, by Captain Alcock — Lady Bonero. by Tony Bonero. «y«J Trainer. F. M. Doumani. Owner, T. W. Gormaa. OcQ130Duf a |1:03% ft 55 107 8 6 6" 6= HornGT 1800 8 Anch..rLitl07.FtLife lOS.EVlKy..-. 103 , Sta-ts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. .".rd. Won — Last year. . 1 Singlestick QQ B. g. 5. by Trap Rock— Faircingle. by Fair Play. Last work- 136-3 8... :38ft Trainer. W. C. Hanna. Owner. W. C. Hanna. Mav20-31=Thf 3 1:13% ft 39f 103 4 10 10° 10" Gordon Is 1100 12 CannadelOl.Br.Kni-htlOS.Ichitaro 105 Octll30*Duf a 1 1:02% ft 38 107 3 6 64 57 RallsC 1000 8 Jim.MillerlOS.ColIDraiie 112,Glor B 100 Oct2 30*L.B 21:14% ft 30t 106 7 12 12" 12" Iu?CanR* 1500 12 Fed-IResvellO.SHFU UBrVagy 100 Aug 130-Ken 1 1:0*11 1 W 3 3 3* 4» MnloneyJ1 * Atc»sa 100. Jtanltond 10".. S.iHdFly 113 0 Jul ;iOUev fltOVR 75 106 8 10 10»10" ArnoldO 12 SleSkirts lOfi.Phil It. SW.I dValtine 105 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st 2nd 3rd Woo- Last year.. 10 0 0 1 J 70 1931 record.. 1 London Rock X 1 OQ Ch. g. 5. by Sea Rock-Lady London, oy H2rm:s. Last work- 153 3 4 l-22sl JkV/*/ Trainer. H. G. Wilkins. Owner. H. B. Bainf.e.d. May28 314ef 6 f 1:25 "ft 39-10 109 54 PerniaO Allw 6 Cnttl 106,IrishSpherel01.AlLivstonl09 Mar28 31*St.J 1 1:57% ft 18 5 111* 2 4 2* 24 MadelevF1 1000 8 Icarusl08.RbinaSothl06.Enthustic 103 Mar.27 3PSt.J l7 1:48 ft 5f 114 9 7 64 6 PascumaA" 1500 12 Laeran-elll.Donau 106,S"togaMaje 115 Mar24 317St.J 1 1:58 ft 17 10 106 1 3 1* 14 MadelevF* 1000 11 Czaristl09.PatCalho.in 108.WillieK. 103 Mar21 313St.J 11-51 gd 3 2 108 2 3 2" 2" DarouJ3 100C12 Mad.|erl08.JhnGreenerl05.VVilIieK. 105 Manl6 31St.J 1 A 1:50 ft 5 108 3 4 2" 2" MadoleyF4 1500 7 FlonanllO.SunMdler lKUlumbago 108 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won- . Starts. 1st 2nd 3rt on _ Last year.. 3 0 1 0 S 120 1931 record 11 1 6 0 ,205 ArdsleV QQ B. f. 3 M. by By Hisself— Rmg.irg. by Fatherless. t/O Trainer. C. Middleton. Owner, Mrs. E. K. Moore. Ma 26-3PBbg 2 1:13% si 85 110 11 11 10" 914 Fro?4teD? 200012 Net Pebblesll6.Lit Toots96.Fi?Leaf 113 May 23143eu 31:15 ft 85 100 Pulled up. LonchH 2500 10 M.Windsorl08i.Win-ol07Hip,.tas 107 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Hrd. Won. , St.-irts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — 1931 record . 2 Crlttall X 1 OQ r *■■ * y Leonardo II. — Freewill II.. by Maintenon. Last work- 153—3 4 1 20«1 *"5I Trainer. G. Clous. Owner. G. Clous. Mav28 314el 6 f 1:25 ft 18 5 106 1* LaurinL Allw 6 IrishSpherel01.AU. stonl09.Mira3el09 May27 -31Del | 1:04% gd 8-5 106 V MitchellM 1250 8 MoselleS.108.GornPatchl07.B.Ideal 103 Ma 12 3143eu 6i f 1:27% hy 2i 103 64 OMalleyJ Hdcp 6 Participate 98,Dumpy 104,Letalone 115 Mav 8 314Beu 3 1:21 hy 9 5 106* 3J SylvesterJ 500 8 Clemmie 108 Col.Seth 106, Milano Hi Apc25 314Beu 3 1:19% si 29-10 107* 44 SylvesterJ 750 10 Clemmie 112,Purlie H2.GuyFrazter 112 Oct 8 304Rav 6"; f 1:26 ml3-10 110 1" SylvesterJ 1100 7 ShortyllO.JnyAgee 105.MinahU.u:se 99 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. •!nd. 3rd. Won — Last year.. 18 9 2 1 JJ 4,730 1931 record . 5 1 0 2 S 515 Irail 1 OQ **• 6 8 by Omar Khayya:n— Scmbra. by Sunstar. Last work- 136 34 1 -19 t *C/«7 Trainer. H. Haymaker. Owner, H. Haymaker. Mav29-3PDel 6i f 1:23% ft 24-5 109 6" HornG Allw 6 Recessl09.Sty.Mack 115,Dark.AnScl 113 Ma 23 31Del | 1:06% sy 2 113 11 HornG 800 8 Domin*rll3,S.J.Gillfnll3,NineSixty 113 Mavl9-31«Thf 1and 1:48% ft 5 105 8 7 8" 8" HornG* 1100 8 GleeClub lll.Poisonlvy 105.Eilona 113 Mavl8 3r*Thf 3 1:14% ft 81 108 1 9 94 94 FatorE" 1300 12 ParsMd*sl08,Col.Dra-elll.H.GVtsl04 Mayl3-31Thf 5 f 1:08**4 ft 71 112 6 6 4* 44 FatorE* 1000 12 Altsheibl09.G.Widoverl09.B Knightll2 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woo.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 7 3 1 0 | 2.157 1931 record. . 6 1 0 0 | 350

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1931060301/drf1931060301_16_2
Local Identifier: drf1931060301_16_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800