3rd Washington, Daily Racing Form, 1931-06-03

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3rd Washington June Time Purse. Purse ,200. 2-Year-Olds. Al-e/ «_., lowances. Jimmy Moran, June 3, 1929 — =59% % Mile -2-116. Ind.-x Cost /-Best at Distance— Wt. Claim Index Post ,-Best at Distance— « Wt. Claim No. IVs. Ilorse. Track. Wt. Time AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeTodav Price 591493 2 Tellico ... .CD 115 1:00% 115X 58947 3 Marcasite .CD 119 1:02 109® 59149 1 Judge Primrose 59394 6 Deenie M Was 108 1:04% 105.. CD 115 1:02% 112X 58507 5 Prince Neptune 59149 4 Prince Hotspur M 108.. CD 122 1:02% 112X J. Leiter entry— Prince Hotspur. Prince Neptune. tBest times shown above are trom Jan. 1, 1930. *Fair mud runner. Good mud runner. ®oupeiior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The prist performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: Pile t» Pis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. «iStr Fin. Jockey PP CI Pee Sts. Best Company TelliCO X 11 Ch, c, 2, by Chilhowee — May Lily, by Negofol. Last work- 149—1-2 -48ft * *W Trainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner, Van Meter Sc Carruthers. May20-314C.D §l:0l"m 8i 122 7 2 22 31 GarnerW10 Stks 13 Proteusl25,L.Lunited 122,HySugar 117 MavlS 31C.D 1 140% ft 6-5 115 4 2 ll ll GarnerW5 Allw 12 O.Fancyll5,PsBoundll0,B.Bride 109A Mavl4 31C.D | 1:02% hy 4 5 115 6 3 45 58 GarnerW8 Allw 12 PceHotspurll5,OurFcy 115,Cathopll5 May 7 31C.D 44. f :54% hy 5i 110 3 2 11 l1 GarnerW5 Allvv 11 Frederickll5,PeHotspurll2,Dr.Hy 115 May 2-31C.D 4£ f :53% ft 17 5 110 6 2 2 44 GarnerW" Allw 12 Frd*ckll3.StarDncrll3,AdbePst 115 Apr.28 31:Lex 4 f -.54% ft 9 10 116 7 4 54 41 GarnerW" Maid 12 Bustedll6,Epidemicll6,PnceAscot 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— 1931 record.. 6 2 0 1 $ 2,500 Jmlne Primrose X II4? Br" g 2 **y Paean Pan — Aunt Emma, by Leo Skolny. Last work- 150 3-8 37% " sd **~ Trainer. W. C. Weant. Owner Oakland Faim Stabe. Ma -20-314CD g 1:01* m 7e 125 3 4 12!0 ll12 McAffeD7 Stks 13 Proteus 125,LtyLimited 122,Tellico 122 Mayl6 31C.D 1 :59% ft 4 115 4 2 54 6" RussellK8 Allw 8 AdobePostll5,Pr..teusll8,TexasKhtl08 Feb.21314Mia a| :32% ft 14-5f 122 1 1* 1* SniderA" Stks 15 VaCiendoll7,Portdenll7,B,donMint 117 Feb.19 -31=Mia a 1 :32% gd31-10f 114 6 1" 1* MadeleyF10 Allw 12 Pink 107,RedVest 114,VaCarriendo 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wun.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 6 3 0 0 $ 4,315 PrillCe Hotspur X 1 1 9 B. c, 2. by Dunlin — Lady Emmeline, by King James. Last work: 153—3 8. :36%sd 11 Trainer. N. K. Beal. Owner. J. Leiter. May20-314C.D g 1:01 m 13 122 2 9 64 6* JamesE1 Stks 13 Proteus 125,Ltj Limited 122,Tellico 122 Mayl4 31C.D § 1:02% hy 81 115 9 2 ll V JamesE10 Allw 12 OurFancvll5,Cathop 115,ParisBnd 110 May 7 31C.D 4£ f :54% hy 21 112 1 3 35! 35 JamesE1 Allw 11 Tellico 110,Frederickll5,Dr. Happy 115 Apc29 3PLex 4£ f :53% ft 13e 118 2 7 67i 64 CannonW Stks 9 Proteusll8,AbePostll8,DonRomiro 123 Apr.22 3PLex j. :50% m 6 116 2 3 31 l" SmithJ8 Maid 11 Brbonitell6,GayPrincell6.S.World lit ApnlS 31=Lex | :48% t 6 110 4 8 8" 8* PoolE5 Allw 9 AbePostll2,S.Dancerll2,D Komiro 118 Jaal4 31FG | :36%sl2910 116 1 5 34 34 FronkW Maidl2Tempus 116,Escostar 116,Elkhart 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record . . 8 2 0 2 % 1,725 Marcasite ® 1 OQ Ch f* 2* by Runante11— Marka, by Sir Martin. Last work- 152 3 8 " -43sl ■l"* Trainer, L. Campion. Owner, Middleburg Stable. MavlS 31C.D 1 1:00 ft 38 119 9 7 7°i 01 EllisG11 Stksll BrBeansll9.AtSrisell9,PcessIvre 122 Mayll 31C.D gl:02 hy 71 113 1 4 45 691 ArnoldG1 Allw 12 ButterBeans 113,1 Say 113,Pirogue 110 Apr27 314Iim 4 :55 ft 31 lOe 119 3 3 4 74 EllisG2 Stks 9 AirPilot 122,Fairenol22,GoIdenGate 122 Apr.23 31-HdG 4| f :55% si 6-5 114 3 2 14 1" EllisG15 Allw 15 DlysBabyll2,EscobaLdll2,Princel Ilk Apr 9 31Bow X :48% gd 24 5e 112 7 5 321 2» EllisG" Stks 12 Portam 115. Pink 119. Semester 115 Apr. 2 31 Bow i :49% hy 10 115 13 1" Is EllisG* Maid 12 SoctyTalkll5,JaneMcll5,CarteLdyll5 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 6 2 1 0 $ 2.100 Peeilie 1 O B. f, 2 M. by High Cloud— Minna Deen. by Sir Barton. Last work- 146 — 3 8 37%ft 1VJO Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. May27-3FWas 1 1:00% ft 24e 108 3 8 8" 8,s SchutteH Allw 8 AtSunriselll.PVsIvrelll.Givanna 111 Mayl8 313C D 1 1:00% ft 49e 107 10 12 1222 1223 SchutteH10 Allw 12 Tellicoll5.0urFancyll5.PrisBound 110 Mayl4 313CD |l:02%hy 43e 107 3 9 8" 821 SchutteH5 Allw 12 PceHotspurll5,OurFcy 115,Cathopll5 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woo. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record . . 3 PrillCC Neptune 1 OR Br. g, 2 M. by Dunlin— Sea Mime, by Seahorse II. Last work- 148—1-2... :52ft *"C Trainer, N. K. Beall. Owner. J. Leiter. May 2-3PC.D 4i f :53% ft 166 110 12 12 1237 12" SmithJ1 Allw 12 Frdckm.StarDncrlLS.AdbePst 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1931060301/drf1931060301_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1931060301_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800