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WHITNEY SILKS IN FRONT Popular Colors Score First Victory at Syracuse Governor Roosevelt Is Among Those in Attendance. SYRACUSE, N. Y., Sept. 6. The first victory of the State Fair meeting for the C. V. Whitney silks came this afternoon in the running of the Farm Bureau Claiming Purse, when his Slapstick barely scored over Mrs. W. T. Andersons Merry Caroline, with Newsreel, from the Pinetree Stable, beating Tinema for the short end of the purse. This had a riet value of ,610 to the winner. It was a day marked by close finishes and one of the best of the afternoon was in the running of this special fetature and the result was in doubt until the numbers were displayed. There was a decided drop in temperature for the second day of the meeting and a big falling off in attendance, after the enormous Labor Day crowd. But it was a crowd that was not lacking in enthusiasm and the sport offered was first class. As on the opening day, there were the usual attractions between races and there was not a dull moment all afternoon. Governor Roosevelt was a visitor at the Fair during the afternoon and he graced the sport for a short time during the afternoon, though he was in such demand all over the grounds that his visit was a short one. In the Farm Bureau Purse Tinema and Slapstick were the ones to set the pace, while Newsun, the stablemate to Slapstick, was soon last and never entered the argument. American Smile was following the leaders and Merry Caroline was farther back, but racing strongly. Through the stretch Tinema quit badly and Slapstick was kept exceedingly busy to withstand the belated challenge of Merry Caroline, which came with a rush that was just a stride too short for victory.