Local Stakes Close Today: Hawthorne, Lincoln Fields and Washington Park Fixtures on List-Stables Make Plans, Daily Racing Form, 1933-08-15


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LOCAL STAKES CLOSE TODAY Hawthorne, Lincoln Fields and Washington Park Fixtures on List Stables Make Plans. CICERO, 111., Aug. 14. With nominations for the Autumn Stakes at Lincoln Fields and Washington Park, and the two final features to be run at Hawthorne during the current meeting, closing Tuesday, horsemen are bringing stable programs for the concluding eight weeks period of the Chicago season, into definite shape. Stakes closing Tuesday include the four features the Lincoln Fields Jockey Club has announced for its eighteen day meeting, opening on Monday, September 4; three of the four races topping the program for the Washington Park Jockey Clubs three weeks season which opens on September 25, and Hawthornes two new attractions the Chicago Derby and the John C. Schank Memorial Handicap. The Chicago Derby carrying 0,000 in ad-ded money and for three-year-olds, will be revived on September 21, closing day of the current Hawthorne meeting, and the distance will be one mile and a quarter. A purse of ,000 will be added to the Schank Memorial, six and one-half furlongs event for three-year-olds and over. The Lincoln Fields features are headed by the ,000 added Lincoln Handicap and also includes the Joliet Handicap, Crete Handicap and Marquette Handicap, each of ,500 added value. The Lincoln, Crete and Marquette are for three-year-olds and over and the Joliet for two-year-olds. Each of the three early closing Washington Park events has ,500 added and they are the Lakeside Handicap, Homewood Handicap and Harvey Handicap, the latter two for three-year-olds and over and the former for juveniles. A purse of ,000 will be provided for the Washington Park Cup Handicap, two miles and one-quarter race, to be run as an "overnight" event on October 14, closing day of the Homewood season. Entry blanks for all of the stakes are being distributed from the offices of the three tracks at 31 East Congress street, Chicago, and from the Hawthorne track. L

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1933081501/drf1933081501_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1933081501_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800