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iTHEORiciNAiRLAY king I W Field Is 0fF-l liandStStiSFandT Won Another Rampage"! YWB lIillSH9 all AND ARE THE B00K1ES SORE? n fU vl flM m fl MM M Mondays Hawthorne Parlay: ft fl KIAUyLi BARRY, 4.24, WON For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" Ask Any "Old Timer" Hell Tell You Dl mTTvniT I I TdIT, $ A 6.26, WON W-YES, SIR! WHAT A "SHELLACKING" THOSE "BOOKIES" TOOK AGAIN ! Im when MONDAYS PARLAY stepped down in the easiest sort of fashion. As Ive often told you, the only way yon can beat this game is with real inside info the guessers always wind up behind the "8" ball. SWT- LET ME PROVE THAT THE "RACES" CAN BE BEATEN -p BT- TUESDAY "BIG DOUBLE HEADER" TWO PARLAYS FOR ONE PRICE m IW FREE! IJMIT WIN CONEY ISLAND PARLAY! Concrete Proof to Skeptics! "W Come with me today all you "Doubting Thomases" Ill give enough proof to satisfy the most hardened turf skeptic that what I say goes. Fll give you a chance to give that "Bookie" of yours the "horse laugh" for months to come and dont forget, these two limit Coney Island winners are free today to all new subscribers dont miss them ! ! DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS, DAILY! City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 0596 for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay ! ! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St Room 708, Chicago, III. TOM POWERS PAY ME AFTER YOU WIN YOU MUST WIN 00 IN TEN DAYS OR PAY ME NOTHING Read this proposition. I will wire you my two horses each day for ten days. Make a win parlay each day on my two horses. You must be a winner of 00 at the end of the ten-day period or you owe me nothing. MY TERMS 10 PER CENT OF THE WINNINGS Yesterdays Two Horses Released to All My Clients: Replevin, 3.82, Won Dusky Devil, $ 8.42, Won We Advertise Our Horses Regardless of Results Win or Lose The Above Horses Were Filed in Advance and Released to All My Clients TODAY TWO BIG WINNERS TODAY Pay Me 10 Per Cent of Your Winnings on a Parlay for 10 Days YOU MUST BE A WINNER OF 00 OR PAY ME NOTHING ACT NOW! WIRE ! START TODAY! This service has been inaugurated to eliminate certain conditions that emanate from large size wagers being made by our connections from a direct source, which eventually find their way into the machines, with the minimum price as a result. We, take this means of distributing the play on our releases, which assures legitimate prices on our horses. This service has proven successful throughout the eastern states, which prompts us to invade the western field. BONA FIDE TURF INFORMATION Only those with honorable intentions are invited to respond. Remittances must be made promptly at the end of the. ten-day period. The cost of operation and incidental expenses involved are tremendous. We stand all cost. Service is wired daily via Western Union or Postal Telegranh. To insure payment of telegrams for the ten days we request you to wire as deposit, which can be deducted from my share of the winnings. Service starts immediately, the very same day you subscribe. TOM POWERS 206 BROADWAY SUITE 416-417 NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE. 15 CENTS TUESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: HAWTH0R N E Rich-47-35-32. CONEY ISLAND Rome-49-26-29. To Decipher Free Codes Buy a Telegraph CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. S4 per Month by First Class Mail. per Month by Air Mail MAN O WAR Code Parlay: HAWTHORNE Billy-47-33-47-23 and CONEY ISLAND George-37-47-47-27. Free Code: CONEY ISLAND Whip-36-37-36-27. Jockeys Code: COW Sande-27-49-43-22. Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Readers in the following cities, call accompanying numbers: Chicago Readers, Call Wabash 7124 Cincinnati, Ohio Main 4200 New Orleans, La. Main S678 New York, N. Y Bogardus 5900 San Francisco, Calif. Market 1624 St. Louis, Mo Garfield 4739 Cleveland, Ohio Kenmore 1153 or 1965-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the daily releases of Cannae and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: HAWTH0R N E Star-28-1 1 . ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: H AWTH 0 R N E Fat-28-34. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF AUGUST 12 MONDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: BROAD MEADOWS, .48, WON MONDAYS CARMAC RELEASE: DORIS JEAN, .46, WON WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Subscription Rate One Month, .25; Six Months, ; One Year, 0. 421 Plymouth Court Chicago, Dl IF IA IA fx iv rv DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR TUESDAY: H AWTH 0 R N E H-1 5-4-3-17. DADE PARK C-5-11-20-5. Mondays Kelly Last-Minute Release: DORIS JEAN, .46, WON WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401, Cincinnati, Ohio TUESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: CONEY ISLAND Start-13-17-25-5. HAWTHORNE Chute-16-8-25-8. j COMPASS For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents Code Parlay: HAWTHORNE July-34-44-72-36 and CONEY ISLAND Oct.-32-62-36-40. Free Code: BLUE Sam-16-24-12-32. Clockers Code:. CONEY ISLAND j Chrysler-59-37-49-37. : : ; -7 , t " . J iltfTPfll If I rfTHE HAN WHO ROUTED THE CHICAGO BOOKIES $ Alfa m ACCLAIMED BY EVERT NEVSPAPEX.1N THE . M COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS iftta IH I 1iLKi II M FW. SULLIVAN wow kaoy again s bookies rut ukc t t "SULLIVAN" ON THE "WAR PATH!" "BOOKIES" ON THE "RUN!" MONDAYS CONEY ISLAND PARLAY: I w , N DUSTY DAWN .filbh .6o, won -4mmSi RUNNING WATER TMZ 1.40, WON D8ACGING A BOOKIE OUT AFTER OH COP MY TARlATS WOW-T ST-IN SATURDAYS "AD" I PROMISED YOU THAT I WOULD MAKE MONDAY A DAY FOR ALL"WI "BOOKIES" TO REMEMBER! IM ASKING YOU! DID I? Dont drive yourself insane trying to handicap winners while your "bookie" rides around in a limousine I Subscribe to the "most unusual information" ever made available to the racing public and enjoy some of the luxuries that your bookmakers have been having ! I 3 Come On, Yon Skeptics! ! Let Me Convince You That It Can Be Done! BI AM SHOOTING HIGH TODAY! SHOULD GET YOU 00!- TERMS, S3 A DAY. CHICAGO READERS. Call at our office or phone RANDOLPH 9195-9196. Parlay sent to you with messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, telegraph at once. J. SUIXIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St. Room 1327. Chicago, I1L li Pay Us After 10 Days WINS ,000 FIRST THEN PAY US 00 Our business is turf speculation on a large scale. We operate at a tremendous expense in order to safeguard our own turf investments. We maintain a thorough organization, including confidential men who do nothing else but make and maintain connections for us at all. tracks at all times. Naturally their information obtained costs us big money. By distributing this information it increases our income. That is why we do it. We will accept only reliable people who are only too glad to pay for. winning information. This is strictly business with us. There are no strings attached .... to this offer. Every morning at 9 a. m. for ten days we will wire you our strictly two-horse parlay. You are to play a S3 win parlay on both horses. At the end of the ten days service, you should be ahead ,000 on a strictly win parlay play each day. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: Shoreliot, 0.60, Won Replevin, 3.82, Won Strictly two horses a day never more. All subscribers receive the same two advertised horses. Fast service assured all out-of-town clients. Fast telegrams sent all subscribers promptly. No waiting. No delay. Today 50 to Limit Win Parlay Today DO NOT MISS TODAYS BIG DOUBLE START TODAY RECEIVE TEN DAYS SERVICE Remember, you must live up to your agreement as we do not want any holding out We have had that experience before. Wire name and address with for your share of expenses and to show you mean business. You deduct this amount from our share after ten days. Telegrams sent early each morning for ten consecutive days. No missing days. No waiting. No delay. REMIT now via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Receive ten days service. This is a reputable and legitimate turf concern. Strictly 100 per cent on the level. Established in 1904. Office open every day from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. including Sundays. J. J. EVERETT AND GO., 145 West 41st, 5th Floor, New York City, N. Y. CLOCKERS REVIEW Sold on All Newsstands 35c a Copy YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY: DEFERRED, 6.00, Won CHAGRIN, .78, Won Twenty-four years serving racing information to more than 1,000,000 followers is our recommendation. Our followers reaping fortunes daily. TWO 2 LIMIT WINNERS TODAY TODAYS CODE PARLAY: HAWTHNE Tail-2-14. CONEY ISLD Starter-15-7. Bet as much as you please on both horses on the nose only and jest easy and you should be returned a handsome profit. MAKE 00 WEEKLY Wager Daily on These Parlays and You Should Net 00 Weekly for This Service DO NOT OVERLOOK TODAYS PARLAY No wires. No waiting. No telephones. pays for Code Card, good for 6 consecutive days. Code Cards sent by overnight mail. First days service may be wired if desired. Todays Free Code: HAWTHORNE Brown-7-1. Out-of-town clients, wire remittance via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. City clients may" call in person for immediate service. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY, 35 Cents SOLD ON ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays ,000 Free Code: CONEY ISLD Rome-18-30. TODAYS PARLAY CONEY ISLD: Red-1-17. CONEY ISLD: Brown-23-9. For Win Parlays see page 4, Carl Brady. Rush to your newsdealer, get a copy of Carl Brady Turf Weekly for 35c and get some more WINNERS Best Coney Island: EP, 7.20, WON One Best Saratoga: SPEED BOAT, 50-1, WON One Best Chicago: LE MISERABLE, 0.54, WON This is the kind of "INFO" my followers got. So why not you? CARL BRADY 1841 BROADWAY SUITE 1006, NEW YORK CITY FREE 15-1 WINNER FREE Yesterdays Free Special: Replevin, 3.82, Won Have positive OKAY on todays release. $ $. Call in person or phone Dealiorn 9297. No obligations. JACK HURN, 36 W. Randolph St., Suite 404, Chicago. MASTER CLOCKER S2 OCCASIONAL CODE: HAWTHOR N E The-Way-AII-In n-Way. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS TODAYS FREE CODE: HAWTHOR N E May-8-1 6-3-15. i Advertise in Daily Racing Form 25c ALL NEWSSTANDS 25c WHAT A UP YESTERDAYS TWO RELEASES: REPLEVIN, 3.82, WON CHAGRIN, $ 7.78, WON You cant PICK these kind of winners you MUST be "IN THE KNOW" and what better proof do you want than the ABOVE? TODAY! TODAY! TODAY! 2 MORE LONG SHOT WINNERS 2 MORE Terms for Uiese 2 WINNERS, only DAILY and well worth 100 times that amount! Wire your subscription today NOW! And prepare to WIN PLENTY TODAY! 2J New Issue Out Today! -fi Chock full of WINNERS at PRICES! Recent book winners: ISOSTASY, 5.25, WON FRIEND CHARLEY, 12.70, WON CHRYSMUTE, 21.55, WON AND A HOST OF OTHERS ! ! W TODAYS 00 FREE CODE "m HAWTHORNE Pink-15-29-13-26. CHICAGO PLAYERS, DONT GO TO HAWTHORNE before you sec us! Well show you BLACK ON WHITE we CAN start you off A WINNER TODAY! If you cant call, phone CENTRAL 5695 for free local messenger service. Dont miss todays two PRIVATE RELEASES. You WIN PLENTY?. C. and H. PUB. CO. 52 W. RANDOLPH ST. CHICAGO, ILL. GRANDSTAND TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35c Todays Free Code: HAW. Results-24-77-92-77. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: HAW. Wheel-36-48. CONEY ISLD Wrench-29-39. Get a copy of Grandstand Turf Weekly, turn to page 6 for these Win Code Parlays. TODAYS JOCKEY CODE PARLAY: H AWTH 0 R N E Quarter-0 range-Walnut. M CONEY ISLAND Dollar-Walnut-Spinach. Out-of-town clients, wire. Gty clients, call. GRANDSTAND PUBLISHING CO. 110 West 42nd Street New York City THE CHICAGO WEEKLY TURF BULLETIN AND SPORTS RECORD Price 35c On Sale Everywhere Price 35c TODAYS TUESDAYS FREE CODE: HAWTHORNE November-London-Albany-York.