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Purse 800 2 YearOlds Maidens Claiming Out line May 16 1923 58 2 111 NOTE Claiming price 1500 Weight 116 Ibs BestatDistance Wt Claim ClaimHorse Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price PriceJeanne Jeanne SJam 110 102 113 1500 Dictatorial Jam 106 102 111 1500 1500Just Just MarieJam 107 102 113 1500 1500Gammon Gammon 116 1500 1500Goose Goose Creek 116 1500 1500Shady Shady Past 108 1500 BestatDistance Wt Claim Horse TrackWt Time AgeTodav Price PriceGeneral General Play 116 1500 Dawn Flight Jam 111 104 106 1500 1500Dandy Dandy Dancer 113 1500 1500Torress Torress 116 1500 Best times shown above are from Jan 1 1933 1933JfcFair JfcFair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner runnerBrackets Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown In Past Performances but In all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year yearJeanne Jeanne S 1 1 O B f 2 M by Gallant Fox Daphne by Ballot BallotMav Mav 1 Bel 12 51ft L1J Trainer J S Healy Owner Mrs S Gooch Date Trk DIs Time Con Odds Wt St Str FinJockey PPClPceSts Best Company AvbWJzm CompanyAvbWJzm 101 ft 8 110 2 4 42 4i RobtsnA 1500 9 MryBudllSStgeTims HODistrg 110 Jaa26342Hia 34 ft 12 112 5 84i 74 MalleyT Maid 12 RedSunstll2DnsLeapll2Tabitha 112 Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 2 0 0 0 f OK OKDictatorial Dictatorial 111 Ch 9 2 M by Blazes Dictation by Escoba Trainer E A Burke Owner Mrs E A Burke APE30342Jam g 101 ft ll5e 106 2 3 32 3 RoseG5 2000 5 Moisson HOPete M115Winston D110 Apr27342Jam 1 101 ft 15 115 5 4 4i 5 i RoseG 1500 7 MissFireflyl07Synodll5JstMarie 107 Api24341Jam g 100 ft 20 113 6 6 6 6 RenickS 2500 6 Dunfox 113 Wax 113 Blackbirder 113 1934 record 3 0 0 1 50 Just Marie 1 1 O Ch f 2 M by Justice F Little Marie by Wrack WrackMav Mav 1 Jam 38 38ft 110 Trainer H C Riddle Owner J J Robinson RobinsonApr27342Jam Apr27342Jam i 101 ft 5 107 2 2 31 3T HaasL2 1500 7 MissFirefly 107Synod 115Quivira 112 Apn23341Jam f 101 ft 20 115 434 9 PascumaA9 Maid 11 ScrEggsllSMTurtlellSNChange 115 Afar29341Hou 4 f 55 ft 6 106 2 4 6 8 PascmaA1 1000 8 Whomil06BkAnnall2TDR th 105A Mar2634Hou 44 f 37 hy 5i 104 324 6n PascumaA 1000 7 PhiIdialllMissAngeIol08BrkAnna 108 Mar2134IHou i 49 ft 5 107 3 2 421 3 PascumaA 1500 8 JayD109BlackAnna 107Marylitch 104 Marig Hou i 48 ft 21 111 5 4 31 310 PascumaA 1250 11 AuntMarie lllWhoami 115SGbIe 110 MadSS Hou i 49ft 29 107 1 1 2 4 PascumaA1 1500 9 JayD109SGamblel04Benediction 116 Mad2341Hou i 48 ft 27 115 8 5 811 8 PascumaA8 1500 12 FRundupll8AtMarielllByAllis 114 1934 record 11 0 0 3 175 Gammon 1 1 fi Br c 2 M by The Porter Devils Garden by Colin ColinAnr Anr 27 Bel 12 53ftJLU Trainer R A Smith Owner Brookmeade Stable StableMa Ma L7341Hia 35 gd 70 111111 II1 71 GarnerM 2500 11 Cheka 110 Fake 107 Evangelist 110 Mad234Hia 34 ft 77 112 6 910 10 GarnerM9 2500 13 Manual 112 Dander 115 Query 115 Feh28342Hia 8 35 m 40 11315 11 llj GarnerM8 2500 15 Dander 113 Tutticurio 113Aperitif 110 Feb20342Hia i 34 gd 72 110 3 91 6 GarnerM1 2500 9 HstyGlancell3Cterboyll5Query 113 Feh 5342Hia 1 34 ft 22 112 7 6i 81 JonesR10 2500 13 Query 112WhoaBack 107Tabitha 109 Jaa30342Hia i 33ff 3211211 12 12 BellizziD18 2500 16 IdleVictvl09BlwZerol09MrsFab 112s g 34 ft Goose fiA6r Creek 1 fi Ch c 2 M by Dunlin Trap Star by Trap Rock 1 l A6r 28 Jam 58 I06ft u Trainer JL Donovan Owner W H Gallagher jran2634Tip i 48 ft 15 112 6 6i 4 5U 5 l BurkeJH 1200 7 MScltnll6EMwell 108SCpce 118 Mar2234Trp i 47ft 12 114 3 3g 4 5 5 iJonesR3 1250 7 PHyRitallSCbieLakeHKHsLady 115 Febl7343Hia g 34ft 132 112 6 6g 71 7lBurkeJH Alhv 8 Mrs Fabll2SkyMcGeell5NoSaint 115 Jaa30343Hia g 33 ft 48 112 16 16i 141 15 HumphsL4 2500 16 IdleVictyl09BMwZerol09MrsFab 112 Janl934Trp i 36 ft 28 115 1 1i 51 51 WrightWD Maid 11 Love Sick 112 Neon 113i Abncr 115 Janl734Trp i 35 ft 23 114 3 44 54 WrightWD 1400 7 JimCrfdll7EarIcMVl HOMnSidclll 1934 record 6 6B Sliadj Past 1 fQ fQAnr B f 2 M by St James Shady Lady by Black Toney Anr 26 HdG 38 38ft L JO JOAPcl834HdG Trainer W F Mulholland Owner G D Widener APcl834HdG 4 f 7 hy 7 113 1 3 5 75lGilbertJl Maid 10 WiseStorll3LySablell3GnDrm 113 ApclO34Bow i 48 ft 19 104 5 3 4J 4lJacobsJ 1500 11 RusticJoell2MissFirofIyl09EvFr 103 Ape 7344Bow i 47 gd 9i 105 6 6General 6 6 6 HuntcrJ4 Alhv 6 Angelic 110 No Saint 113Basquine 107 1934 record 3 000 General fiAnr Play 1 1 fi B g 2 M by General Lee Clare Boothe by Fair Play Anr 30 Jam 58 l06ft aJu Trainer A C Neihaus Owner J H Logan Apd334Bow i 49 ft 34 114 4 4Dawn 5 6 7 HunterJ4 Maid 8 GcnlF leyll4Missonll4SunCrice 114 1934 record 1 1Ch Dawn fiAnr Flight 1 0 fi FlittergoldTrainer Ch f 2 M by Donnacona Flying Day by Flittergold Anr 30 Jam 38 38ft LV7U Trainer S H Fairbanks Owner Mrs S H Fairbanks Api2634lJam ll01ft 8 11116 89 91 GilbertJ1 1500 9 MryBudll3StgeTims llODistrg 110 Mac2034Trp 47 ft 28 102 8 6 81 8 PorterE3 1500 8 DdeyeDkl09MryBudl04RticJoe 106 Marl234Hia 34 ft 50 110111 110111Dandy 11 1 1 ° RobtsonA5 2500 13 Manual 112 Dander 115 Query 115 1934 record recordv v 3 3Ch Dandy Dancer 1 1 Q QA Qr Ch f 2 M by BlindPlay Maidens Ballet by Celt A r 30 Jam 58 1051 1 M Trainer M Shields Owner Miss A Pendergast Mad634Hou 49 ft 334 10711 7 4 4iaHaleLt2 2000 12 BncyAllisl07Whomil07TDRuth 105 1934 record 10 0 0 Torress TorressAnr Il fi B c 2 M by Torb Buttress by Wrack Anr 28 Aau 58 l03ft J LU Trainer C Buxton Owner J H Louchhcim First start