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t Aurora Purse 500 4 YearOlds and Upward Claiming War Mile Saint May 211 932 1112 5 105 105NOTE NOTE Claiming price 600 Nonwinners in 1934 Weight 112 Ibs Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 93314 12 Defier FG 112 115 5 112X 600 89805 7 Phantom Rock 5 112X 600 92994 2Barashkova HdG 110 11356 4 107X 600 60089213s 89213s 6Boston Com ¬ mon DP 106 114 4102 600 84837 10 Annan 7 112X 600 89734 9 Fairyman 10 112X 600 88566 1 French Maid Bbg 109 113 5 107X 600 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Tima AgeToday Price 85994 3 Flying Pilgrim PilgrimM M 4112 600 92736 4Race Extra FP 115 114 6 107X 600 89301 5 Monde Tdn 105 114 6 107X 600 93058 8 Frank Gross ¬ man Hou 111 114 5 112X 600 93091 llPurple Robe Tdn 106 114 7102X 600 Best times shown above are from Jan JanJjcFair JjcFair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but in all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year yearDefier Defier X 119 ch 9 5 by Bud Lerrer Delia by Sir Martin MartinMay May SerembaDate 1 Aur 38 36ft Trainer F Seremba Owner F Seremba Date Trk DI Time Con Odds Wt St Str FInJockey PPCIIceSts Best Compnny Apcll34AD CompnnyApcll34AD wgc 110 ft 61 1117 7 910 91 BalaskiL 1000 11 JazAgelWWhizzJmesligMeteoric 114 Mar21344Hou 54 f L06 ft 129 108 3 6 681 6slGuerraJ4 2000 6 Trombonel08SadKnitl08FBearer 106 Macl6344Hou 54 f 105 ft 106 108 4 5 6 61 HanauerC4 2000 8 Liqueurl08Trombonel04DonVern 108 Mad3344Hou 3 112 ft 175 113 1 9 10 1018 HanauerC10 2000 10 Cabezo 108Liqueur 107MissCareful 97 Feh28344FG 3 113 ft 156 112 68 9 9 HanauerC2 1500 9 ByProdtl06Prmethsll6Amazg 110 reb24344FG 3 114 ft 122 101 2 7 71J HanauerC10 2000 10 FlyCadetl09DonVernl08Ctribute 111 Rbl8344FG 3 113 ft 68 108 5 6 7 714 HanauerC1 1500 7 ChySweepl09MoJesto 96LittleLad 115 Feb634FG 3 112 ft 81 112 7 8 820 b HanauerC4 1500 8 ChySweoP107OutBound 117HeIiosllO Jahl734MP 3 112 ft 95 103 8 8 80 8s HanauerC11 1500 8 Ep 106 ByProduct 96 FlyingCadet 109 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1933 record 3 1934 record 10 Phantom 119Acr Rock X 119 B h 5 by Rockminster La Vague by Ormondale OrmondaleTrainer Acr 29 Aur 34l15ft Trainer S Corbet Owner W R MilleK Oct28333Spt r ° l51hy 7 115 6 6Oct2433SPt 5512 613 McCrayK10 1000 10 SnWorsplllGr aIdl06FgFIynn 104 Oct2433SPt r ° l51gd 21 110 4 4Octl9336SPt 4 44 6 McCrayK1 1000 10 PceLadyl03TheSpanrdl05Drury 110 Octl9336SPt lol49gd 12 112 3 3Octl833Spt 3 21 34 McCrayK 1000 10 BdNeverlQSTDcer 106TaAgam 109 Octl833Spt 1 131 si 9 115 4 4SepSSSSnVas 4 44 6 McCrayK 1000 10 PsCarlyni03LtNunlQ8WdKitty 110 SepSSSSnVas 1 130 hy 44 118 8 8Sepl9337LF 8 II10 1014 McCrayK1 1000 12 TennywoodlOSAllHail 118Volwood 105 Sepl9337LF 1 151 si 31 112 3 3Sep 5 61 6 McCrayK 100010 CathFoxl07jDkSea nORevberate 109 Sep 633LF 1 146 ft 4110 110 5 6 811 8uTiptonA8 1000 10 IndBoyl06Rev rheratel03DkSea 115 1933 record 23 4 4 1 2030 Barashliova X 1 07 B 9 hy OT frar Kiva ° y Sempronius SemproniusAnr Anr 24 Aur 12 48ft Trainer R B Bridwell Owner R B Bridwell BridwellMac26344OP Mac26344OP 3 116 m 225 106 1 2 22 321 PetersM4 600 11 Flyer lllSuItry 111 Tollie Young 111 111Mar24342OP Mar24342OP 3 115 sy 1710 108 6 1 24 S2 StulIerDR9 600 10 MlaAgnesl03YgBill lllFkGmanll6 lllFkGmanll6Mar21342OP Mar21342OP 3 113 ft 30 111 3 3 31 73i StulIerDR5 600 10 MonkeyShinelllMuellerlllAdrian 111 111Macl9343OP Macl9343OP 54 f 108 si 225113 5 5 44 4 ArnoIdG1 600 8 LProsollSMissTwg 1074POrder 113 113Mac Mac 3346FG 1 142 sy 91 110 5 2 44 7 JulianG 600 9 HonohinallSRberatellODrParsh 110 110Mac Mac L34FG 3 114 ft 6 110 3 2 44 910 JulianG11 600 12 HotShot HSDandyDan UOCharlie 110 110Rb9346FG Rb9346FG 1144 sy 13 1102 1 1 64 StulIerDR4 60012 JhBrownl04PlkyGirl HOLinmst 110 110Jaa28344FG Jaa28344FG 3 116 hy 28 107 6 6 T 9 WilliamsA 1000 12 KaiFinnll2Preferdll2JgePrime 107 107Janl7342JP Janl7342JP 54 f 106 ft 19 111 5 4 7 2 t WilliamsA11 800 12 AnneL 102 Lothario 112 Linmast 112 1933 record 27 3 1 3 160850 1934 record 10 0 0 3 90 90Boston Boston Common 109 B 4 by Bostonian The Gleamer by Master Robert RobertAor Aor 27 Aur 58 l03ft J Jj j Trainer G Thomas Owner W Z Martin Octl233cFP I70 145 ft 10 1011 a 65 3l HankaW1 50Q 9 FairCatchl05LEmilyllOJolIyPilot 113 113Oct Oct 733 1 140 ft 18 10012 10 54 67i TaylorD 500 12 SthldBellcl09Btawayl08Statect 103 103Oct Oct 433FP 1TO 144 ft 12 101 3 6 615 721 HankaW 500 10 Skidmojel08MissChillal05Marceiet 110 110Oct Oct 2332FP 3 114 ft lOf 107 12 12 11 1019 FowlerG10 500 12 ThelmaL J06AuricalllHarmonical 106 106SepSSSS SepSSSS P 3 117 hy 10 106 7 7 710 7 FowlerG 500 8 GallopettellOVaU 106JieCoppage 105 105Sep25334FP Sep25334FP 3 114 gd 13 101 8 10 851 7 TaylorD1 600 11 AIamael06CoICloisterl04TyLass 1084 SepSOSS 1084SepSOSS P 1 147 ft 81 102 2 3 47 4s TaylorD 600 11 ProbationerllOLuckPiecell4Draha 111 1933 record 21 1 2 2 525 525Annan Annan X 1 1 9 B g 7 by Sweep Lassair by Ormondale OrmondaleMav Mav 1 Aur 58 l03ft Trainer C E Davison Owner C E Davison Jul25332AP 1125 ft 8 114 6 4 44 45 ArcaroE4 1200 12 ArrowswiftlO Blkstrapl Jknife 104 104JuL17333AP JuL17333AP 1 138 ft 14 114 3 4 44 41 ArcaroE10 1500 12 Outbound 109SpgPearl 95DkMistl04 95DkMistl04JuL JuL 333AP 1 144 hy 91 111 7 3 4 ° 412 HphriesL1 1200 8 Salisbury 109Adsum 106FIyingGirl 98 1 02433 1 126 ft 165 116 8 5 64 531 HphriesL8 1000 11 Lerack 100 Eskimo 116 Mrs Let 95 95Jun21333LF Jun21333LF 1 126 51 910 112 3 1 I2 I3 HphriesL5 lf X 12 KingPinll2Tennyvobdl07MrsLet 964 964Junl9332LF Junl9332LF 1 137 ft 3 112 4 1 11 21 HhriesL 1000 8 Eskimoll2GibChcel07TdTreads 107 107Jun Jun 833Was J 155 ft 215 114 5 4 34 31 CnghamL10 1200 11 Tamerlanell3ThOmondl01Brksie 103 1933 record 12 2 2 2 1300 Fairyman X 112 112Oct26335SPt GlasgerionTrainer B g 10 by Jackdaw Fairyhouse by Glasgerion Trainer G Corbet Owner G Corbet Oct26335SPt 6ifl23gd 15 112 2 2Sepl433Wer 7 918 931 McCrayK4 1000 10 MsFirstl07LiHnZ109PolitisBest 104 Sepl433Wer I70 146 ft 3110 105 105Sepl333Wer 24 HunterJ 500 8 AspinSmiIelllBaItimbrellOFlitsmelOO Sepl333Wer 5i f 108 ft 135 111 111Sep 2 = 1 HunterJ 500 10 Annete BlOSGanLee lllSGlass 11111 Sep 6333PP 6i f 121 ft 32 104 104Sep 2 HunterJ 500 6 Rip the Ripl09Sakural06Geneclar 106 Sep 233PP 1 101 ft 35 116 116Aus2533TBP 4 McCrayK 500 12 ElCajon 116EaseIn HODonnatina 113 Aus2533TBP I10 145 ft 31 107 32 Collins 400 8 ArguellOMyReamlOlScotdPrince 107 1933 record 15 0 5 French Maid X 1 07 Br m y Bostonian La Dwina by Arc de Triomphe JV I Trainer E Johnson Owner K ONeal SepSgSS P 1 150 hy hySep2733JFP 56 109 1 9 9 930 BogskiW1 500 9 JPackdl09Bounderll2EmlineH 102 Sep2733JFP 3 Id7 hy hyS 35 111 8 11 102 10 BogskiW1 500 12 ThelmaL 106 BillLutz 114 Aurica 1U S p2233FP 1 141 ft ftSep 48 108 436 7 BogskiW1 600 8 JgeDixon 109DeservelllJPkard 108 Sep 433IDP 3 Id8 hy hySep 64 110 7 8 818 8 BogskiW1 800 8 Gulfelanol08SilverWvel05L5nmt 113 Sep 133DP 112 ft ftAug2833DP 317 111 1 5 6 61 BogskiW1 800 10 KingsptllODnnyBoyllOLaManga 106 Aug2833DP ll47m ll47mAug2433JDP 183 105 1 1 54 5 BogskiW1 800 10 STndBllelOSBkStckslOSTruxn 110 Aug2433JDP 3 Id2 ft 54 112 11 10 II10 8 BogskiW 800 12 ChauvntlO JusticeB 1070utpost 111 1933 record 19 19Flying 1 1 0 280 Flying Pilgrim PilgrimMav 119 B g 4 M by Apprehension Chaucer Girl by Hollister Hollister55ft Mav 1 Aur 12 55ft JJ Trainer H C McConnell Owner H C McConnell McConnell55f AuglSSSHaw ltr 149 ft 55f 110 2 7 9 10 = 4 SndersW10 1500 11 Glovel04MrSwift 110BelIeWeidel 110 11057f Augll33Haw 1 148 ft 57f 106 3 9 910 10 ° SndersW1 1200 12 Bichloride HOFoxldHall 107 Pete 110 Aus 833Haw 6 f 121 ft 82 11012 9 810 74 SndersW10 1500 12 LadykinlOOMonksBela 105Hobnail 110 Au5l334Haw 6ifl20ift 203 106 1 8 71 7 SndersW8 1200 9 HrZevl07LeBruyel04MshAmult 102 10258f Oct 6 24LJ 3 1J9 hy 58f 111 10 9 10 10 McAffeD9 120010 Untimelyl02Chatvvinkll3MeChan 113 Scp21321LF 5ifl09 si 813 115 7 5 64 7 CnghamL Maid 12 McChanll5UDonldll5PrSman 115 Sepl7321LF 5 f 1K7 ft 361 U2110 9 8i 10 CnghamL9 1200 12 HastyPeterll2LillianZ104Flirting 109 1933 record 4 4Eace Eace Extra X XMarl534FG 107 ThicketJVJ B 9 y Publisher Mae Arnold by Thicket JVJ I Trainer H Hockenbury Owner C Hockenbury Marl534FG 1 149 ft ftMacll 11 109 8 7 814 815 LowryJ8 600 9 TooLatel02MshAmuletl06Irfaneh 104 Macll FG 3 115 ft ftMac 40f 110 9 6 44 34 LowryJ10 600 11 DstHourll3UltiVotellOBieCin 113 Mac 6 64aFG 4aFG 3 113 ft ftDeclS 67 A10 9 8 8l 711 HaberR1 600 10 DrParrishllOMntalityll3Sorcery 113 DeclS 33JP 3 Id4 ft ftOct 51f 110 12 11 II14 11 CooperRG 800 12 Thundropll2Mynhrl05HgerJim 105 Oct 733 ll40ft ll40ftOct 16 112 7 4 9 9 CooperRG 500 12 SthldBelel09Btawayl08Statect 103 Oct 333FP 1 140 ft ftScp2733FP 91 109 7 7 7 7 TaylorD 600 7 Catwalk 109 Wild WestllOJFrBilly 104 Scp2733FP 1 146 hy 19 113 5 3 41 41 CooperRG1 500 8 GChmplOSBChltnllSOrPlme 113 1933 record 15 15JTonde 2 1 0 600 1934 record 3 0 0 1 35 JTonde X Xpctl433FP I Af7 B m 6 by Phusla Hellebore by hard II JLU Ju1 I Trainer J M Nuoent Nugent Owner G Nuoent Nugent pctl433FP J 113 ft ftOctll33FP 10 110 1 2 34 8 FowlerG 500 12 HonestLad 113 Mildness lOLTLang 105 Octll33FP 3 113 ft ftOct 5 111 2 3 44 6 FowlerG1 50012 Wigrosc 111 EarFull 109 RiyerLee 114 Oct 733FP 3 Id4 ft ftOct 25 110 1 2 lh 35 FowlerG 500 12 DentalCreaml08Solusll3TrityGirl 106 Oct 333TP 3 Id4 ft N1eJackll2JeCoppagel04Stabilizerll212fl038 121091 5 58s 8s 6Ti FowlerG8 500 12 N1eJackll2JeCoppagel04Stabilizerll2 12fl038 97 8 HaberR8 50012WiIdWestl08Stspherel09SenSeth U4 U48f 8f 104 4 7 611 6 JacobsJ1 50012 Stratospherel07WtahQrse 107Solusll2 3 ia3 ft 43 104 3 4 6 711 JacobsJ 800 9Htinohina 112 Draha 104 Ivan W 112 11224f n iia3ft 24f 105 2 7 9 94 YerbusM BOO 12 JtaPrincessUl ilLnZ PolycronllO J933 record 14 Frant Grossman X B 9 5 by Sun Pal Shady Sadie by Louvois Trainer J R Williams Owner Marcowitz Williams Mar29345OP I70 146 ft 3910 106 7 9 914 8to PetersM5 PetersM5Man2434JOP 600 12 VagabdlllEscobaLandl01StMica 101 Man2434JOP 3 115 sy 29 116 8 6 54 45 AlbertsA AlbertsAMan22344OP 600 10 MlaAgncs 103YgBill lllBshkoval08 Man22344OP 3 113 ft 10 112 7 7 51 44 GaitherA10 GaitherA10Marl4347OP 600 12 Toltccl07MBinder 107BCavaIier 107 Marl4347OP I70 143 ft 195 110 6 5 64 6 GaitherA GaitherAMad3345OP 800 7 HarkyllSHbrgerJimlOSLtaAirs 103 Mad3345OP I70 144 ft 4 115 5 4 lk 24 GaitherA GaitherAMac 600 11 MorongellOOurJohnnyllOMonnie 105 Mac 7347OP I70 147 ft 14 112 6 4 24 2k MooreR 600 10 SwLacrell2PrWestdll2Hyklas 112 Man 634OP 3 114 ft 325 11611 9 94 95 MooreR 600 12 WiseEddielllButch 116FndJohn 116 Mac 334zOP 3 120 hy 42 110 4 6 54 5S3 MooreR 600 10 Ogee HOTollie Young 113Cloirado 113 Mac 2343OP 3 119 m 41 113 5 7 64 69 MooreR 600 9 Drury 116 Lotta Airs 108 Harky 108 1933 record 12 12Purple 1934 record 9 0 2 0 150 Purple Kobe X XAfe3034OP Br m 7 by Pagan Pan Purple Cross by Order Trainer L E Bowlen Owner Mrs L E Bowlen Afe3034OP 3 113 ft ftMar2434OP 37 108 8 6 10 ° 10 1 MillsC7 600 11 JmieL110PsZeIdal05Rnanwin 106 Mar2434OP 3 116 sy syMac21344OP 51 108 3 2 34 35 MillsC4 600 11 AdRemnll3BhtFwerlll Lmaia 108 Mac21344OP 5i f 1K6 ft ftMad934JOP 07 1081 3 6 84 T MillsC4 600 9 RosclysU2MTkling103MblcGirl 102 Mad934JOP 5i 1M si siDec22333J 93 11317f 1088 8 814 80 MillsC1 600 8 LProsoll3MissTwg 107 POrder 113 Dec22333J J 3 11314 ft ftSepll33FP 17f 106 7 4 8i 9 MillsC1 600 12 TheNilel04MentalyllOColClster 110 Sepll33FP 2 113 ft ftAug30334Tdn 49 106 4 4 618 7a MillsC8 600 8 Pridie 109Tat 114 Southland Belle 106 Aug30334Tdn 3 Irl3 ft 48 103 2 8 81 814 JulianG9 600 9 TopsieH108FaImBeIIe 104Jargon 107 Aus21334Tdn 3 112 ft 19 1091 1 7 74 9 McMillanF1 600 10 MissFkyl02iWyRoss 112Hasola 105 1933 record 18 1 0 1 265 1934 record 4 0 0 1 1 25