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Pimlico BEST BET KINGS PLEASURE PLEASUREClear Clear and fast fastFIRST FIRST I CE 1 M 70 Yds 215 P M 3YearOlds Maidens Allowances AllowancesTel Tel Post Mud Prob ProbCode Code Horse Pos WtMkOdds 9 RHADAMANTHUS 3 110 52 52Can Can graduate here 7 SUN ENVpY 1 118 41 41Raced Raced with better ones 3 BIOGRAPHY 7 110 151 151Rates Rates chance to cut in 6 GITAPP 10 110 41 10 BLACK FALCON 4 110 X 61 4 BANNERS FLYING 8 110 81 8 BELL MAN 2 110 251 1 LEONIE 5 105 121 2 FIRELOCK 6 110 101 5 SKIMALONG 9 110 81 SECOND RACE 412 Furlongs 245 2452YearOlds 2YearOlds Claiming Top Claiming Price 2500 6 OGLE 11 104 104Seems Seems best of those that raced 4 NERVY NELLA 9 104 104Was Was tipped recently 1 OUTSIDE 6 109 109May May run to workouts tab 8 HOT GRIDDLE 13 104 7 EDENIA 12 109 18 ALARIC 18 107 2 JUSTA JONES 7 114 5 KINDRED SPIRIT 10 112 13 TRANSCENDING 1 109 14 DILATE 2 112 15 SENTRY GO 3 112 16 STAR CHASE 4 109 17 SUN TE APART Y 5 109 3 PORTER CALL 8 112 9 STROLLING MISS 14 104 10 HAPPY FIND 15 109 11 BUFFOONERY 16 109 12 DOUBLETON 17 107 THIRD RACE 2 Miles 315 P M M4YearOlds 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTop Top Claiming Price 4000 5 BAGATELLE 8 152 X 52 52Should Should outjump this field 6 ESCAPADE 1 146 X 75 75Good Good chaser may surprise 2 ALPHEUS 5 149 X 41 41Well Well trained could upset it 8 SPINACH 136 X 61 7 ZERMATT 2 137 X 81 1 DUNWELL 4 130 201 3 THE GRAF 6 136 81 4 SHAPFELL 7 130 41 FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 345 P M M3YearOIds 3YearOIds Claiming Top Claiming Price 1500 2 CHIPS 5 104 X 52 52Right Right back for another 4 DAWNCHILD 7 104 41 41Will Will have to beat this one 8 REPEAL 3 110 X 41 41May May get the leavings 1 APPOMATTOX 4 100 X 61 5 LAURETTA NASH 8 105 X 81 7 MISS GLACE 2 100 X 61 6 TRIOLET 1 105 121 3 DUNLEY 6 105 201 FIFTH RACE 1 M 70 Yds 415 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Handicap 1 CHASE ME 4 120 65 65First First out this year can do it 2 CHATMOSS 5 107 X 41 41In In fine fettle 4 MONEL 2 109 X 51 51Outside Outside chance for upset 5 LARRANAGA 3 110 X 41 3 TERALICE 1 106 X 81 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 445 P M 3 YearOlds and Upward Claiming Top ClaimingTop Claiming Price 2500 10 CATTAIL 6 113 X 52 May 52May recover best form here 2 CRAZY 52Will JANE 9 113 X 52 Will make them run 7 BROWN 61Stable WISDOM 3 118 X 61 Stable sends them well trained 4 WASHOUT 11 113 61 1 BIFF 8 110 101 5 AQUARIUS 1 105 151 6 CLONARD 2 105 81 8 CHATTERDOO 4 105 X 151 9 MANAGER BILL 5 105 101 11 PAR VALUE 7 105 121 3 LAZI CANTER 10 113 151 SEVENTH RACE 4 12 Flongs 515 PM 2YearOlds Allowances 3 KINGS PLEASURE PLEASUREBest 6 115 X 85 Best bet 2 WHOA BACK 5 115 X 52 The one to beat 8 SUN LURE May save the rest 4 CUBIST 7 HAPPY DAWN 1 OUR TIME 6 KURD AIR 110 101 5 ARDOR 110 301 EIGHTH M3YearOlds RACE 1 116 Miles 545 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming Top ClaimingTop Claiming Price 1250 10ALLROWES 125010ALLROWES 52Nice l 106 X 52 Nice spot to score 15 OLD DEPOT 6 108 X 41 41Will Will have supporters 13 PRO BONO 4 108 X 61 5 ELECTRIC GAFF 11 113 101 12 HIGH SOCKS 3 113 X 61 7 BRAD 13 105 X 61 9 CHIEFS TROUBADOR15 110 X 81 11 FIFE 2 105 X 81 14 MUSKODAY 5 110 X 201 1 SISKO 7 100 X 151 2 FOLKING 8 105 X 151 3 HACKY H 9 110X101 4 BUFFER rW 113 301 6 COVENTRY QUEEN 12 105 X 81 8 CHANGEABLE 14 105 201