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3rd Alamo Downs purse 500 4YearOldsand Upward Claiming Sy2 Furlongs My Ideal April 30 1934 105699 105699NOTE NOTE Claiming price 800 Nonwinners of two races in 1934 Weight 115 Ibs Nonwinners in 1934 allowed 3 Ibs No apprentice allowance Index Post Bestat Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 93542 5 Kingsport Hou 109 106 9112 800 93736 3 The Nile Ala 101 106 5 110X 800 93587 12 Dixie Binder FP 101 107 4 110X 800 93677 10 Forget NotHou109 107 6 115X 800 936163 4 Beige AC 112 107 6 115X 800 93677 1 lago OP 115 108 7112 800 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 93040 2 Southland Pal 7 112X 800 92654 6 Fircflash Hou 109 106 5 110X 800 89522 7 Peggy Pat AC 108 108 4107 800 93587 3 Norwalk OP 110 107 5 115X 800 93588 9 Royal See 4 110X 800 93215 11 Gleaming Star Lga 112 107 7112 800 Kingsport 119 B 9 9 by Brown Prince H Alverda by Fair Play PlayAnr Anr 29 Ala 12 53ft LL Trainer C Fisher Owner Mrs C Fisher FisherDate Date irk Uis Time Con Odds Wt St Str FinJockey PPClPceSts Best Company CompanyApr30342Ala Apr30342Ala f 105 ft 109 SCRATCHED Post P 4 600 10 Myldeal 99CntBruno 109BkShot 112 112Apn23343Ala Apn23343Ala 3 112 ft 5f 112 4 11 H18 IF7 BoucherJ4 1000 12 Mueller 115 lago 112 Uncle Less 112 MaE30343Hou 5 f 106 ft 61 117 5 4 45 3s BoucherJ10 1000 12 Renaiscell7Laportel02TerryLass 112 Mar22344Hou 3 112 ft 81 109 4 5 5 51 BoucherJ 1000 8 SdRner 107Rizlal05Pr aPoetry 109 MaEl2343Hou 5i f 107 ft 1710 11312 11 II17 11 DronetL10 1000 12 Forceful 104iWiseNatl02ClgEventl02 Dcc22333Hou 3 113 ft 11 112 1 1 52 42 GaitherA 1000 11 Victorml05DonVernll6SdRunr 105 Dec20332Hou 5if 106 d 4710 1067 4 441 3s DanielsF 1000 12 AystonlllLeBrrelllFaytePrince 106 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd wn 1933 record 25 744 2780 1934 record 4 0011 0011The The Nile X 1 1 0 B m 5f b Dominant Great Waters by Great Britain BritainAor Aor 29 Ala 58101ft v Trainer 1 Seybold Owner Mrs I Seybold Apr30342AIa SeyboldApr30342AIa 5i f 105 ft 225 101 3 5 42 441 EdwardsD4 600 10 Myldeal 99CntBruno 109BkShot 112 Apt25341Ala 3 112 ft 75 103 2 2 3i 32J EdwardsD9 600 9 DcBinderl06Starkstl08 TitlcOak 110 MaE27343OP 5 f 109 si 9 116 2 2 32 431 KellyJR3 800 8 PFrankallSMTwklglllFlyHmelW Mar21344OP 5 f 106 ft 3110 107 122 4 = 1 StuIIerDR9 600 9 RoseIysll2MTklingl03MblcGirl 102 Marl434OP 3 112 ft 22 107 111 33 EdwardsD3 600 9 Krakerjacll7DrParrishll5MyIdl 109 Mar 9342OP 5 f 109 si 115 111 1111 1 BrennanT5 600 8 BkShotll6SPyGal lllBdayGift 116 Man6344OP 3114 ft 2 111 3 4 4 481 DyerJJ 60010 Carnival 116HamJim 116YngBiIl 116 116Man Man 3344OP 5 f 112 hy 8 107 2 3 32 221 DyerJ 800 7 Fitkin 113 Bad Axe 118 Beige 112 1933 record 35 1934 record 13 Dixie Binder X 1 1 0 B 4 by Bookbinder Dixie Mina by St Swithins SwithinsAor Aor 24 Ala 38 37ft 1 1 v Trainer F W Fitch Owner F W Fitch APt2534IAla 3 112 ft 19 106 1 1 lk U DyerJ5 600 9 Starkist 108iTlieNile 103TitlcOak 110 Mat30343OP 5 fl06ft 13 1084 5 54i 69 MillsC7 800 7Rosclysll8FlyingHomell3MyIdeal 108 Man2834OP 3 114 gd 61 110 1 2 lk 22 FIowersH1 600 11 Young Bill 115 Trice 115 Tussle 105 105MaE2434OP MaE2434OP 3 116 sy 3110 10610 5 9i 9 ° LoweW10 600 11 AdReonll3BtFwerllliPIoRobe 108 108Mat22343OP Mat22343OP 3114 ft 2310 110 6 1 3i 321 ParkeM10 600 12 GeorgeK 112Eleg 107HastyDude 107 107Mad6343OP Mad6343OP 5ifl07 ft 7 112 2 2 32 32 KellyJR 600 9 SlpyGal 112PatsyH112AArundel 112 112Mad4342OP Mad4342OP 3 113 ft 35 103 1 1 42 41 MachadoL2 600 12 WhizzingD 113Flyer 116Bcige 113 113MaclO34OP MaclO34OP 5 f 1O7 ft 21 111 9 9 99 9IJ CooperRG7 600 12 Harky il6JimmieL 116YoungBill 116 1933 record 27 3 0 1 940 1934 record 10 1 1 2 550 550Forget Forget DayAnr Not X 1 1 F B g 6 by In Memoriam Lucille Morois by Peep o Day Anr 25 Ala 38 36ft JJJ Trainer E Eslick Owner Mrs M Thompson ThompsonApr28342AIa Apr28342AIa 3 112 ft 7 104 4 4 42 4J1 WillhiteE2 800 7 MeteoriclOlBattgKnight 107Iago 105 105Apr26 Apr26 34AIa 3 112 ft 17 107 3 3 51 6s CrtneyG7 1000 8 LpBlackll3Lebam 108BatKni2ht 107 107Apt20342AD Apt20342AD wgc 111 si 39 107 2 1 11 li WillhiteE9 1COO 10 RizIall3Volwood 118DrLHaman 118 118Apnl734AD Apnl734AD wgc 114 hy 17 115 9 8 819 819 EnvinS8 1000 9 DrLHanll5LastStdll5MBubs 115 115Ape Ape 9343AD wgc 111 ft 69 107 4 5 421 4s PetersM7 1000 8 Broomshot 110 Flo M 102 Rizla 108 108Apn Apn 2342AD wgc 111 ft 12 106 5 5 5i 571 LitzbgerE1 1000 6 TarWterl09DrLHanlllLeFIore 114 114Manl734JFG Manl734JFG 3 113 ft 11 1103 6 57i 6 LowryJ1 600 9 IngleNkllOLastStdll3MeyShine 110 1933 record 52 5 12 13 2875 1934 record 17 1 1 0 690 690Beige Beige X 11C I 1 B g 6 by Tryster Nutbrown Maid by Stalwart JL Trainer D Christian Owner D Christian Apn26343Ala 3 112 ft 235 112 4 3 31 32 SykesD5 600 11 LMarcellelOlTocaya 99Disapved 109 109Man30343OP Man30343OP 3 112 ft 20 112 3 3 31 41 RollinsC 800 10 Krakerjac 120Muellerll2Manners 109 109Man26343OP Man26343OP 3 115 m 4910 115 2 3 421 44i WatsonR4 600 9 Primer lllJgeDixonlllTnywood 113 113Man21341OP Man21341OP 3 113 ft 32 111 4 1 I1 I1 StuIIerDR 600 12 Runwinl07iWarDt 106EsaLand 111 111Manl4342OP Manl4342OP 3 113 ft 225 113 2 2 31 341 DovetW4 600 12 WhzingD113FIyerll6D3xieBder 103 103Man Man lllGgeK116Man 9343OP 5 f 109 si 22 116 2 1 I1 2 1 DovetW1 600 8 JosepneDlllMoreSce lllGgeK116 Man 3344OP 5 f 112 hy 17 112 6 4 44 471 DovetW 800 7 Fitkin 113 The Nile 107 Bad Axe 118 118Sen27332FP Sen27332FP 3 117 hy 8 114 5 2 4e 7 NealE8 500 12 ThelmaL 106 BillLutz 114 Aurica 111 1933 record 27 3 3 2 1325 1934 record 7 1 1 2 480 480Ingo Ingo 119 SunspotLL Cn 9 by Othello Comical II by Sunspot LL Trainer C F Davis Owner C F Davis DavisApn28342AIa Apn28342AIa 3112 ft 7 105 3 2 3 321 WhitacreL7 800 7 Meteoricl01BatKnightl07FgetNotl04 Apr26345AIa 3 112 ft 51 112 5 8 81 8 WhitacreL1 1000 8 LpBIackll3Lebam 108BatKnight 107 Apc23343AIa 3 112 ft 8 112 6 2 32 22 WhitacreL7 1000 12 Mueller 115 lago 112 Dunny Boy 113 Man28343OP 3 114 gd 2 115 6 7 64 551 ChinnH2 600 11 YngBill 115DixieBinder HOTrice 115 Mat23344OP 5 f 107 ft lOf 115 376 67i HattonJ5 600 11 Mueller 110 Dorsays 115 Adrian 110 Octl432FP 3114 ft 41 113 2 2 8i 9 ArnoldL 800 12 MrVtrisll7MgPinesll2Vkeeper 108 Oct26 293Lrl 3 112 ft 85 111 2 1 1s 1 FatorL Alhv 8 Enid 108 Mint Olga 116 Calome 111 Octl029Lrl 5i f 106 ft 5 115 3 1 P I1 FatorL1 Maid 12 Frumper 115Etonardoll5G Right 115 1934 record 5 0 1 1 150 150Southland Southland Pal X 1 MartinetJ 1 9 Cn 9 7 by Hilarious Palladium by Martinet J L j Trainer J R Carson Owner J R Carson CarsonMzr28WUou Mzr28WUou 3 113 ft 492 117 5 6 8 9 KilgoreH4 1000 11 PaPoetryll2Lporte 101TryLass 110 Sep23312Kgs 3 120 m 13f 112 10 MireauItB 500 12 LhtNunl07BIai dOrll2KgChrlsll5 SepLl431cDor dOrll2KgChrlsll5SepLl431cDor 1 143 ft 53 105 7 5 6T1 61 FeeneyR8 600 7 Attire 102 Glory B 108 Willram 111 Sepll314Dor 3116 ft 29 111 5 9 831 771 BuckleyR1 600 10 StsFancylllOneuIikelllIHumine 111 Sep 2317BB 1 201 hy 24 106 5 5 6 617 WestH1 800 8 Observatnl06Willrainll5Wolvne 103 103AuS223rCP AuS223rCP 1 149 ft 25 104 9 11 11 10 McDonaldC2 600 12 WrksterlO Observatn Willrain 110 1934 record 1 1Fireflash Fireflash PlayAor X 1 1 0 Cn m 5 by Stimulus Change by Fair Play Aor 29 Ala 12 52ft LL J Trainer C Howell Owner C Howell HowellApn30343AIa Apn30343AIa ScotButyl03FlyFlynnl04Dorsaysl09Manl3341FG 3113 ft 104 SCRATCHED Post P 1 600 9 ScotButyl03FlyFlynnl04Dorsaysl09 Manl3341FG 3 115 ft 4710 110 1 11 11 11 JacobsJ11 600 11 ForAveuel05FrDchessl05Nutg 110 Mac 234FG 3 114 ft 21 10710 9 11 II10 DronetL9 600 12 AIcovcl07ScrnIdoI 110ScotrdBtyl07 Feb 4343FG 1 141 ft 4910 105 5 1 31 81 DronetL9 800 9 NyackllOBrnMoIassllOCaraDos 100 Jao3034FG 3 114 gd 21 114 4 4 541 52i SmithFC10 1000 11 FloM 109ForeignPIay 109TheNiIe 114 Jao2834FG 1 147 hy2910 112 3 7 9 924 SmithFC1 800 10 Msnuffll2MyBettyl02AnitaOrmt 102 Jao21345JP 3116hy 3 107 3 4 44 551 ArcaroE1 800 7 Chianti 107 KaiFinn 112 Rizla 107 JanJ3343JP 3 114 gd 175 107 2 1 31 631 DronetL2 SCO 8 Preferred 117CaptainJoy 114Rizla 107 1933 record 35 724 3965 1934 record 8 1 0 0 215 215Peggy Peggy Pat 107 dOrJv Rn 4 by Cand Stick Mary Darline by Lion dOr Jv 1 Trainer J Kennedy Owner J Levitt LevittOct20332RP Oct20332RP fc 109 ft 1 103 3 1 14 1 ManifoIdH5 400 12 MyCross 103LamistarlllBeauBon 110 Octl6332RP 5i f 111 hy 10 98 4 2 3J 44i HimesE1 500 10 DrasRosel09TMoonl04BrnBank 104 Oct 7332RP fc 111 ft 5 101 422 21 HimesE2 400 8 Loose Bond 108 Prisonet 104 Jove 110 Oct 6333RP 5i f 108 ft 106 108 411 41 SappT2 500 11 LastStand 112Pridiell3SpmgWay 103 1933 record 4 1 1 0 270 Nonvalk X 1 1 K B g 5 by Beresford Golden Bee by Honey Bee BeeAor Aor 30 Ala 38 39ft 1 Trainer G OKeefe Owner G OKeefe OKeefeApt25341Ala Apt25341Ala 3 112 ft 4910 113 8 8 971 811 WilsonL1 600 9 DieBinderl06Starkistl08 ThcNile 103 Apc24346AIa 3 112 ft 172 113 1 2 31 5 WilsonL2 700 9 PortcodinelOSMyldeal 103MShine 113 Mac29342OP 3 113 ft 14 1119 9 52J 41 PetersM8 600 12 ComKenylHColCloistcrlllFlyr 116 Mac2034OP 3 113 ft 14 109 4 6 99 9 PetersM1 600 9 Alkali 114Friend John 114 Ogee 114 Macl434OP 3 112 ft 16 112 539 9 ButcherM 600 9 Krakerjacll7DrParshll5TheNiIe 107 Man 7344OP 5 f 107 ft 67 110 5 3 3i I1 PetersM1 600 9 CIoiradollSTieYoungllSJimmieL 118 Fehl9342FG 3 113 ft 31f 110 2 3 5 6J LovryJ 600 11 Cloirado HOLastStand lOSSorcery 113 Feb 3343FG 1 149 ft 91f 107 5 5 97i U11 LowryJ9 800 12 LulGblellOOrPal 105FRegimenll05 1933 record 26 433 1425 1934 record 9 1 0 0 315 315Royal Royal See X 110 Blk f 4 by Roal Canopy See Saw II by Fitz Herbert HerbertMay May 1 Ala 58 102ft LLV Trainer R 0 Hidden Owner Eskay Stable StableApt25342Ala Apt25342Ala 3 112 ft 6 103 1 1 11 32 CrtneyG5 600 8 RedPolIylOOScyMarialOOUIcLcss 110 Apn 434 0 wgc 111 ft 21 106 5 6 8 8i HaasB8 1000 8 LerackllOFortWorth 110CaptRed 115 Mat30344AD wgc 110 ft 7 108 3 2 441 51 HaasB4 1000 8 JWGrantll3LeFIorc 118BDiamdll8 ManlS 347FG 1 141 gd 125 106 3 7 714 821 HaasB1 800 8 Catwalkl05ThistleAnn lllLtMint 112 Manl6341FG 112Manl6341FG 3 113 ft 2 106 1111 I4 HaasB1 600 11 TinyWrcklC7Hasolall2CiaPowel 105 Manl3343FG 105Manl3343FG 3 114 ft 125 110 1 4 42 41 HaasBs 600 11 Aglaia lOlTooLate 110Plucky Girl 110 110Man Man 9342FG 3 114 ft 4310f 107 1 2 33i HaasB12 600 12 Morheartl07WyGirl 105CaDomusl05 1933 record 22 413 1555 1934 record 7 1 0 1 360 360Gleaming Gleaming Star 119 ChipJJZJ Br h 7 b Bu D ° 9 Tenacity Annie White by First Chip JJZJ Trainer M Preston Owner San Angelo Stable Apn StableApn 5344AD wgc 114 m 23 118 6 6 6 581 PrivettW1 1000 7 FtWorthll3UlaVotel07HiBottomll3 Apn FtWorthll3UlaVotel07HiBottomll3Apn 4342AD wgc 111 ft 31f 115 6 9 914 9S1 PrivettW4 1000 10 Overshoes 113Infinity 118Vohvood 115 Manl534Hou 115Manl534Hou 5i f 106 ft 59f 117 7 9 918 99 PrivettW11 1000 11 KaiFmnll2MoreAnonll2G Chief 112 Nov 112Nov 1332AD wgc 109 ft 14 121 3 7 531 53i KingC1 600 11 Escottll5Pridie 116LkyProspero 116 Octl233RP 116Octl233RP 3 112 ft 30 112 5 8 97J 910 MooreV4 600 11 Pridie 107 Lampasas 104Dewhurst 108 Oct 108Oct 5WRP fc 111 t 12 112 2 3 31 421 JonesL 400 12 BBanklOSBBrowninglOSLumilln 109 Sep30334RP 109Sep30334RP fc 111 ft 9 112 6 7 7 712 GoodrichE2 600 10 Mueller 104DrasticRose 102Cicero 106 SeplO338Lga 106SeplO338Lga 1081933record29 3 113 ft 6 107 1 3 7 71 Brackenll 300 12 LBroom 116WarCastIe 105DPohl 108 1933record29 272 1115 1934 record 3