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WORKOUTS Date t left of hones name to last workout Letters following time indicate indicateb b breezing d driving e easily h handily o all out s sulked u eased up upFastest Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type MONDAY APRIL 30 30KENHAVORTH KENHAVORTH PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileAsprus Asprus 39 b Lady Gormy 39 b 429 Chepctamio 37 b 428 Tullihoo 39b 429 Candy Store 37 b 428 Young Kitty 39b 39bFaine Faine 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 428 Bcthankful 54 b Reigh Girl 56 b bBattle Battle Plane 51 b Royal Vingc 56 b bv v Entangle 52b Silver Tail 53 b Prince Rupt 52 b Wacket 55 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileAcajou Acajou 104 b 428 Step Off 104 b Muckle Dp 104 b Spooks 104 b bOrphan Orphan Ptsyl04 b Stage Idol 104 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Flyg Fantom116h Rock Crest 122 h hFitzent Fitzent l17b 35 Toe Dance 122 h SevenEighths Mile Zegora 138 h TUESDAY MAY 1 1AURORA AURORA AURORAWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 428 April Baby 37h 427 Jimmy N 36 b 422 Aliens 37b 425 Jens Son 40b 40b424Alwin 40b424Alwin 424Alwin 361 424 Mere Satin 41b 427 Annie N 36 b 321 Mning Cry 38 b 316 Chantesuta 38 h Madame Exl 38b 38b428Cabofm 428Cabofm 37 h 426 Paul T 37b 429 Cedo 37 h Pornella 38b 38b428Defier 428Defier 36h 428 Redins 38 h h429Fling 429Fling Thru 39b 429 Spicate 37h 429Gden Glter 41b 429 Spicson 40b 427 Jacqueline D 36h 428 Tadcaster 41 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 312 All Night 50 h Mary Blue 50h 428 Convert 50h 430 Nanny D 50b 50b428Droit 428Droit 49h 424 Pps Genie 52 h 428 Flying Pgm 55 b 426 Press Black 51b 428 Jim McCnell 49h 427 Parade Step 49h 49hKenty Kenty Grn 50d 415 Pollys Folly 48h 429 Le Flore 49h 428 Route Four 52 b 427 Lady Camla 52 b 428 Tallulah 51 h h427Montaris 427Montaris 51h 428Vergene 55 b 425 Margies Doll 51 h 424 Vera D 51 b 427 Mamie D 49 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 426 Annan IdSfch Miss Chilla 103K 103KAurica Aurica l05h McLeay 106 b 427 Ashen 101 d 429 Polyphote l05h 428 Blind Puss 104 h 424 Proposing l05b 429 Bag Smasherl b Take Off 105 h 427Fitkin 105 b 428 Volquary l06b 427 Jack Bienerl02h 426 Vanita l05h 427 Lillian Zl03 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 428 Chming Sirl18b 426 Son O Sweepl21b Fleubye 124 b 425 Wise Lee l19b King Faro l17h Wild Turkeyl17h Turkeyl17hOne One Mile 429 Jolly Pilot l47h Regardless 144h 144h430Navanod 430Navanod l45h Ashen was driving all the way Annie N and Jimmie N breezed together CHURCHILL DOWNS Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 427 Agrarian 39b 430 Mr Presidnt 35d 427 At Top 37 b 429 March King 37h 37h428Bicolor 428Bicolor 41 b 426 Misn Time 35h 429 Bnze Saint 35 h 428 Napoleon W 37 h h428Bdie 428Bdie Treacy 36d 428 Panorama 38b 427 Below Zero 35h 419 Poet Prince 36 h 427 Big Beau 38 b 425 Penang 37h 37h426Babeson 426Babeson 36h 428 Perdition 36h 36h425Chasar 425Chasar 39 b Prinzey 36d 428 Celiba 36h 426 Runng Tide 36h 428 Cavalry Call 36h 428 Ridge Star 38h 427 Dusky Dame 36 b Real Jam 39 h 430 Dk Feather 35d 428 Sfe a Snd 35 d 429 Effervesct 38h 429 Sweet Man 37h 428 Eddie Helck 37 h 426 Sthld Duke 37 b b428Kozak 428Kozak 36h 428 Swift Brook 36h 428 Kitty Lee 36d 427 Thataway 38b 38bLra Lra Linville 36d 425 Teddy M 36h 36hLit Lit Valley 36h 423 Visigoth 37b 37b427Ladykin 427Ladykin 37h 428 Wcdidit 35 d 428 Mt Everitt 35 d dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 428 B Blsweiss 50h 428 My Paa 50h Bazaar 48 h 430 Ms Patrson 49 h hChf Chf Osceola 49h 412 Monotone 56 b bCf Cf Cherokee 49h Napa Jack 53b 428 Cherkee Red 48d 424 P ODonnell 50h 50h428Cayuga 428Cayuga 50 b 427 Palatine 51 b 428 Chance Sun 48d 425 Prince Vic 48d 428 Dusty Dawn 50b 421 Ross 49d 422 Exponent 47d 424 Slip Up 50h 428 First Entry 49h 421 Stick Handle 53b 428 Great Haste 49 h Shnghai Lad 51h 425 Hasty Glance 51b 424 Sallie Gray 52 b 430 Hymarque 49h 428 Spanish Red 49 d 418 Honor Her 56 b 425 Terrain 52 b 424 John Marcm 49 h 428 Watonga 50h 428 Jack Conner 48h 426 Whare 2 h 428 Lo 50h 50hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 428 Acrobatic 106 b 4 28 Mtainy Manl03 b 424 Bye Lo 108 b 428 Occult l02h l02h429Chey 429Chey Sweepl02h 430 On Sir l01d 428 Gooseflesh l02h 427 Poke a way 107 b bGrn Grn Lotusl05 h 421 St Jerisundl07 b 426 Glint l03d 428 Score 101h 428 Hour Zev l04b 428 Winds Chantl03h 429 Legality l02h l02hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 429 Busy Jay l18b 426 Oego PrVssl15 h 424 Busy Officel19b Prince Torchl16b Torchl16b428Chartres 428Chartres l14d 427 Red Whisk 117 h hCaroline Caroline Hl16h 428 Sland Ladl18h Ladl18h428Dble 428Dble Datel17h 427 Spanish Wayl15 h h428Donacare 428Donacare l18h 428 Shoot 118 b 430 Fretful l14h Snobful l14 h 427 King Saxonl17b 426 True Todayl18h 426 Little Joycel16 h 425 The Githerl16 b 424 Miss Actuaryl17 d 421 Teenya l18b 427 Mr Joe 117 b SevenEighths Mile 427 Wai San l34b 427 Vox Pop 129 h 42flSu t Peachl31b 428 Advisg Annal43b 421 Mata Hari l44b 428 Betty Marie 145 h 428 Our Rose 142 b 428 Chum 147 h 428 Pgy Lehmnl44 h 428 Chauvenet l43d 428 Pro War 145 b 425Hydsar l47h 428 Ridge Blond 148 h 428 Lady Oldhaml47 b 426 Star Budl48h 428Marrhion l43b 428 Transcall 142 b 426 Migosh l46h l46hOne One and OneEighth Miles 428 Naval Cadetl56 d dBazaar Bazaar has her speed speedFretful Fretful showed a good effort effortBronze Bronze Saint worked from the barrier DOUGLAS PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 428 Am Emblem 43 h 428 Master Lad 43 h Busy Mack 41h 428 McCarthy 43 h Brbn Wsky 43 h 426 Old Nan 42 h 427 Betty Rejoice 35h 428 Rock X 41h 428 Clean Sport 39h 427 Sandy Joe 36h Levi Cooke 41h 428 Star Marie 43 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 425 Avail 51 h 426 Lady Laura 51h 428 Ariel Cross 55h 428 McCracken 564 h 428 Dick Star 57 h 416Mary Nell 58 h hGala Gala Clay 53 h 428 Mart 56 h 416 Girl in Arms 51 h 428 Rblg Along 56h 426 Happy 49h 428 Station Belle 55h 428 Light Blue 56h 428 Trample 55h 428Lenewee 55h 429 Whiskora 51 h Lucky Pal 56h FiveEighths Mile 427 Brit Bubblel03 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 428 Beau Tod118h 428 Lotta Airs 119 h hOne One Mile 428 Exclusive 1 48 h 427 Impish l56h JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 429 Crack Flyer 38 d 429 Just Marie 38 d 413 Desert Sands 38 b 421 Paradise Md 37d 426 Douglas F 37h 427 Second Guess 37 e eEriaccod Eriaccod 38 d 229 Susie V 38 d 429 Flying Gypsy 36d 429 Tiswild 37 d 419 Integrity 38 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 427 Aborigine 47d BobanJack 55 b 427 Amer Joy 52 h 428 Gracias 51h 429 Bright Toney 50 d 413 Herkimer 50 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile428Davoc 428Davoc 108 b 424 Salisbury l01d 419 Jessie DM 101 d dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 429 Bot Bbonl16d 424 Foxld Hall l16h 427 Dyak l18b 428 Lilly Rose 118 h h428Dundrum 428Dundrum l18d 42lPrins Hstel29 b 428Dunlilt l18h 428 Shot aShell 114d 114dSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 413 Mountn Elk 131 h 423 Pompoleon 131 d 429 Moralist l32d 428 Universe 129 d dOne One Mile 428 Modern Ace 143d 143dAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 413 Ann ORuley 36 h Glow Star 38h 329 Broadsword 39 h 426 Impromptu 37h 428BoliIee 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 424 Aegis 50h 430 Precursor 50h 425 Be There 49h 429 Speedemup 52 h 428 Day Signal 50 h 424 Stone Martin 50h 426 Footsure 53 h 427 Sand Runner 52 h Flamery 54 h The Rake 53 h 425 Flag Boy 50h Tea Talk 53h 423 Major Genal 50 h 428 Threatening 50 h Mamas Chce 50h 427 West Main 51h 428 Phillippi Boy 53 h 422 Wedding Rg 48d 423Precept 53h 53hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 112 All Hail 102 d 422 Jovius l02 h hBlue Blue Bubblel06 h 428 Nose Inl04h 428 Blue Broomsl06 h 427 Patriotic 105 h 428 Chain l04h 424 Style Cornerl S h h421Fortis 421Fortis l04h Towson 104 h 427 Ira L 106 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 419 Buenas Spll23 h 430 Haggerson 116 h 428 Bahadur 119 h 427 Royal Guardl17 h 426 Fred Whitnl20 h hOne One Mile 429 Elylee 148 h 428 Sweet Bud 158 h hBE01ONT BE01ONT PABK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 428Ajaccio 36h 427 Kerry Patch 36h 36hFan Fan 39 b 429 Nipped 35J d 424 Hindu Queen 38h Our Nurse 39 b b428Ivanoff 428Ivanoff 36 h 428 Village Vmp 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile MileBrown Brown Jack 49 h 426 Rose Cross 47d 47dInsomnia Insomnia 49h 428 Rose Bearer 52 h 428 Jeanne S 51h 423 St Stephens 49h 428 Mad Frump 50 h 428 War Stripes 54 b bPeggys Peggys Pgy 51 h 423 Watch Him 48h 48hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile429Antartic 429Antartic lK6h 427 Mr Khayml07 h 429 Bit o Shadel06h 429 Sume Courtl06h Courtl06hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 427 Falsity l18h 429 Watch Her 115 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 428 Garden Mgel33 h hOne One Mile 428 Coat Tails 145 h 428 Fightg Mikel45 h 426 Dunsprite 147 b 427 High Quest 151 b 428 First Minstll44 h 428 War Glory 143J h 429 Follow thrul55 b bOne One and OneEighth Miles 425 Inlander l57h 426 Okapi l57h l57hOne One and OneQuarter Miles 426 Spy Hill204h PJMUCO PJMUCOWeather Weather clear track fastr fastrThreeEighths ThreeEighths Mile 425 Biography 35b 421 Kanal 36d 36d419Caerleon 419Caerleon 35d 427 Scrarad Eggs 37h 426Cantersine 36h 49 Unencumbd 36 h 424Folking 36d 326 Westys Duke j26 h OneHalf Mile 425 Banrs Flying 48 d 424 Larranaga 505h 505h420Bossic 420Bossic Eye 49h 421 Madam Fox 51 h 424 Beau Govans 49d 331 Mangr Bill 49d 430 Back Fence 53d 425 Syriac 53 b 424 Bravg Dgr 48d Skimalong 50 d 328 Cold Check 48h 419 Scotch Gold 49b 425 Carpet 50d 426 Sun Abbot 51b 43 Cantroud 49d 425 Tambourine 51 h h425CorrymccIa 425CorrymccIa 48d Washout 52 h 427 Galon Lad 52 h Sun Envoy 54 b 418 Hastipast 54 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile413Chatmoss 413Chatmoss Ii05 h 420 Rough Playrl06 h 217 Propagandist 108 b 420 Single A 103 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 425 Brit Phtoml17 h 425 Pernickety 119 h 425 Balios 115 d 428 Rebel Yell 124 h 427 Collateral 122 h 419 Step Awayl18d Dubaly 117 h 424 Stepson l17h 411 Dixie Bee 117 h 415 Sunny Tom 122 h 427 Hair Triggerl17 d 427 Soon Over l15h l15hHexameter Hexameter l17h 42 Small Chgel18 h 416Kievex 122 h Teenie Rl18 d One Mile 421 Golden Campl45 d Old Master 142 d d417Hacky 417Hacky Hl49h 427 Pass Shotl44h 413 Kindacorn l50h Pink Post 155 b 424 Omar Khyl46 h 425 Saint Kittsl47h DALLAS DALLASWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 427Amern Red 38h 429 Mica Rock 37h 425 Best Man 37h 428 Miss Careful 37d 428 Black Comet 36h 426 More Anon 40h 429 Bull Boy 40 h 428 Roycrofter 37h 429 Clamp 36h 428 Saracen Maid 37h 37hDaughter Daughter 39h 48 Thistle Guy 37h 43 Ed Lark 39 h 429 Vagabond 41 h hJ J M West 39h 426 Volwood 37h 37h428KeIso 428KeIso 38 h 427 WajVd Lad 41h 41hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile427Belen 427Belen 51h 427 Fading Light 48h 427 Beckoned 47h 428 Lemon 49h 49h427Chfs 427Chfs Scout 50 h 425 Peter Blues 52h 428 Carbs Goldy 50h 427 Racketeer 57 h 427 Garbs Tango 50h 429 Rip V Wkle 51 b 427 Dawn Mist 52h 428 Sea Lassie 54 h 420 Ep 48h 428 Thistle Flit 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 416 Ann What 102 h 428 Flag Bearerl02h 425Emps Motrl04h 429 Splurge l05h l05hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile427AImadel 427AImadel Jrl20h 428 Desert Calll17 h 426 Big Snob 117 h 426 Rl Treasurel19h 428 Ceylon 119 h 427 Reverberate l19h 429 Charlie K 120 d 427 The Trainerl17h 329 Dee Tees 118 h hBeckoned Beckoned stepped an exceptionally fast half Desert Call went handily KENDLWORTH KENDLWORTHWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 331 Canny Scot 43 b Indicative 37 b bDawn Dawn Stick 437sb 429 Rosepath 40b Imadud 43 d Witch Prig 43d 43dOneHalf OneHalf Mile Miss RosePnd 50b 50bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile MileBaunboy Baunboy l20b Mr Gaiety l16b 430 Battle Plane l16b Mntn Sweepl19 b Egad l20b 428 Shady Well l16b 428 Hidden Lorel20b 330 Stealingavayl16b 428 Ly Marnock114 h hOne One Mile 428 Candy Feastl48b 428 Irish Kid l48b l48bLady Lady Marnock worked handily in the best move of the morning HAMILTON HAMILTONWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 428 Castle Cliff 41d 427 Little Jay 41h 428 Gon Sandals 41 h 313 Miss Avonle 40h Indianole 40d 319 Mint Mission 42h 312 Ilia Fugit 43 h Red Grange 40 d 428Inver Rock 42d 34 Sweet Lacse 42 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 427 Bell Cap 53h 110 Redivivus 55 h hOdd Odd Star 54h Two Brooms 51d 51dPangloss Pangloss 56 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileGate Gate Boyl07h Miss Gohil08h Gohil08hHappy Happy Jnnyl09 b 428 Meek 105d 427 Ivan WlK7h Tenant 106 d dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile MileBage Bage Masterl22h Sea Eagle 120h 120hTwo Two Brooms showed good speed Sea Eagle went handily ALAMO DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 427 Black Peter 36h 429 Perfect Play 36h 422 Dian 40 b Polygret 37h 412 Joe Sam 37h 429 Slimaway 35h 429 Outpost 38h 4 24 Saucy Maria 39 b 422 Palia 37b 428 Scythe 37b 37b318Pomfret 318Pomfret 39h 330 Tout Feu 41 b bPaps Paps Boy 37h 425 Zahn 38h 38hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 226 Brilt Queen 52h 427 Ladys Way 52h 328 Betty S 50h 48 Pce Tokalon 52 b 429 Copley Sqre 54 h 425 Peacock Girl 55 b b423Cloido 423Cloido 54 b 427 Struggles 51 b 416 Excitation 55sh 427 Sylvian 49h 427 Finger Wave 51 b 428 Wily Girl 48h FiveEighths Mile Mile427Euxine 427Euxine l07h 428 Ogee 110 b b427Megai 427Megai 101h 419 Royal Seel02h 427 Main Event l01h l01hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 425 Arson 117b 429 Manhandle 122 h 410 Honey Bearl19 b 410 Ms N Cnlnl18 h hOne One Mile 425 Miss M Lutzl44h Miss M Lutz went from the barrier