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SURVIVAL OF FITTEST Only Those Meeting Acid Test of In ¬ tensive Training Remain All the Outstanding ThreeYearOlds ThreeYearOldsWith With Few Exceptions Among AmongProspective Prospective Contestants LOUISVILLE Ky May 1 The field for the Kentucky Derby will come from the following followingHorse Horse Wt WtCavalcade Rider RiderCavalcade Cavalcade 126 126Time M Garner GarnerTime Time Clock 126 126Bazaar D Bellizzi BellizziBazaar Bazaar 121 121Blue D Meade MeadeBlue Blue Again 126 126Agrarian Agrarian 126 126Discovery C Kurtsinger KurtsingerDiscovery Discovery 126 126Speedmore J Bejshak BejshakSpeedmore Speedmore 126 126Riskulus F Horn HornL HornRiskulus Riskulus 126 126Peace L Humphries Peace Chance 126 W D Wright Singing Wood 126 126Sgt R Jones Sgt Byrne 126 126Spy S Renick Spy Hill 126 126Mata S Coucci Mata Hari 121 121Thomasville J Gilbert Thomasville 126 126Dan Dan Sabath 126 126Sir Sir Thomas 126 A pascuma Prince Pompey 126 F Springer SpringerQuasimodo Quasimodo 126 Bender First 126 Brookmeade Stable entry Cavalcade Time Clock E R Bradley entry Ba ¬ zaar Blue Again LOUISVILLE Ky May 1 Of nineteen still in the running today to reach the post for Saturdays sixtieth annual Ken ¬ tucky Derby fifteen were as certain to face the barrier for the blue ribbon event as is possible to forecast four days before the bugle call callIn In the group of positive contestants are Cavalcade Bazaar Mata Hari Agrarian Discovery Speedmore Riskulus Peace Chance Singing Wood Sgt Byrne Spy Hill Sir Thomas Blue Again Time Clock and Thomasville Of the four others Dan Sabath Quasimodo Prince Pompey and Bender First the former two seemed to have the better chances of starting although it was understood that Prince Pompeys owner Warren Wright had decided to sport his colors in the race raceWith With the Preparation Purse which was run today out of the way only the final long workouts of the eastern candidates which arrived Monday and the several western horses withheld from todays trial also the final blowouts the morning be ¬ fore the race remain to complete the prep ¬ aration of all scheduled to brave the heart ¬ breaking Derby mile and a quarter quarterTWO TWO ELIMINATED ELIMINATEDAccidents Accidents usually mishaps while training which annually take a toll among candi ¬ dates today bobbed up to force two second flight candidates out of the race Naval Cadet owned by the Nash brothers of Chi ¬ cago and Bianchi Scotts War Pledge were the ones to go out outNaval Naval Cadet whose popular owners suf ¬ fered the great misfortune of seeing their crack Burning Blaze so badly cut down within a week of the 1932 Derby that the horse never again started was so sore after working a mile and an eighth this morning that trainer John Greely may be forced to throw him out of training A wrenched an ¬ kle sustained in his last workout was so aggravated today that War Pledge could scarcely walk hence only a miracle could return him to the probable field fieldAlthough Although interest in the Preparation Purse overshadowed morning maneuvers of the candidates it was work day for Charles T Fishers great filly Mata Hari which is expected to give the Brookmeade Stables Cavalcade and Time Clock quite an argu ¬ ment for the post of favoritism Saturday trainer Clyde Van Dusen sending the queenly daughter of Peter Hastings an easy mile mileUnder Under smooth but the strongest possible restraint the western favorite encompassed the main course from the threequarters post in 144 the quarter in 26 the half mile in 52 and threequarters in 117 Pete Scheffel who has been astride the Continued on thirtieth page SURVIVAL OF FITTEST FITTESTContinued Continued from first page Dixiana filly in all her trials upon dismount ¬ ing said I never had more trouble re ¬ straining a horse and especially a filly fillyClyde Clyde Van Dusen the Dixiana trainer who won the Derby of 1929 with the Man o War gelding named for him announced that a short spin Friday would conclude Mata Haris preparation preparationI I am well pleased with her he said and we will be ready readyBazaar Bazaar fleet and rugged daughter of Tet ratema and chief reliance of Col E R Brad ¬ ley for his fifth triumph in the classic was opened up a half mile in 48 and will be under saddle tomorrow for her final stren ¬ uous conditioner Trainer H J Thompson would make no statement as to how far he planned to send her Colonel Bradley is re ¬ turning from Idle Hour Farm to witness the workout workoutMrs Mrs J H Whitneys Singing Wood and Agrarian owned by Mrs Frank J Heller had the distinction of being the first of the six eastern colts unloaded yesterday to at ¬ tempt more than a gallop on the fast Downs track Among the first on the course this morning Singing Wood rattled off a quarter mile in 23 pulling up threeeighths in 37 while Agrarian went three furlongs at little more than an open gallop in 39 39Brookmeades Brookmeades Cavalcade recordbreaking winner of the Chesapeake which many re ¬ gard as the probable favorite and his stable mate Time Clock also Albert G Vanderbilts Discovery and J H Louchheims Speedmore completing the sextette of invaders intro ¬ duced to the scene of battle yesterday were called upon for long gallops at their leisure most gait gaitAlong Along with Bazaar Singing Wood Agra ¬ rian and Riskulus the four easterners gal ¬ loped this morning are scheduled to close their training with stiff distance workouts either tomorrow or Thursday ThursdayAt At Belmont Park this morning Mrs Payne Whitneys imported Spy Hill demonstrated his readiness to attempt to carry his own ¬ ers Greentree Stable colors to their second victory in the race which in 1931 fell to that patrons Twenty Grand when he clicked off the Derby route of ten furlongs in 204 This was accomplished handily ac ¬ cording to dispatches the mile in 138 arid the mile and oneeighth in 151 151Spy Spy Hill will head for Churchill Downs tomorrow jockey Silvio Coucci coming along to ride the son of Spion Kop and Mar vella II IIJockey Jockey Robert Jones who is to pilot Sing ¬ ing Wood arrived this morning coming from Maryland C Kurtsinger who will have the mount on Agrarian M Garner and D Bellizzi the Brookmeade riders F Horn to guide Speedmore Sam Renick engaged for Sgt Byrne and J Bejshak who despite a report to the contrary probably will have the leg up on Discovery are get ¬ ting in within the next fortyeight hours There was a report at the Downs today that Ray Workman was being sought for Discovery It could not be confirmed confirmedIn In his trial this morning the illfated Naval Cadet covered the mile and an eighth in 156 After going a mile handily in 141 lie was under light pressure to add an additional furlong in his ailing condi ¬ tion in 14 War Pledge has not been out of his stall since yesterday it was said saidWith With requests for accommodations still coming in Churchill Downs officials vision a complete sell out of boxes and reserved seats for the big day All grandstand reser ¬ vations have been sold and only about twen ¬ tyfive per cent of the many clubhouse boxes remain to be marketed today todayUnder Under the personal direction of Col M J Winn managing director arrangements for the handling of a capacity crowd are being outlined With the race holding high prom ¬ ise of producing one of the most interesting contests in all the long record of the prize rich in intersectional color and possessing other allurements chief of which is the pres ence of the fillies Mata Hari and Bazaar in the race every racing fan in the coun ¬ try would like to attend and a record crowd may be the result