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AURORA The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Aurora Saturday Paid 12400 for 2 AURORA ILL SATURDAY MAY 6 1934 Aurora 1 mile Fifth day Exposition Park Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Waite Stall Gate used Weather clear Stewards C J FitzGerald representing Illinois Racing Commission J T Ireland and R A Leigh Placing Judges C C Campeau C V Abbo and R A Leigh Starter G R Wingfield Racing Secretary A Leigh Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures n parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight arried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds IQQQ2 FIRST RACE4 V2 Furlongs Peggy May 5 1928 53 2 108 Purse 500 2 1 35lay534Aur A yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 35 lay534Aur fourthF 15 claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtlISt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquir Odds Strt 3878aANNIE N NBABY wnlOS 2 1 1will 3l 2 I1 RenoT Mrs J Chesney 131100 BABY SWEEP will 5 6 6will 4 1 21 CheatmR J C Gillem Gillemlk 940100 51694 ALWIN ALWINMISS will 33 33w lk 31 3 FrogtteDE R T Watts Watts6k 762100 MISS REBECK w 108 7 7 7will 6k 5 4k SmithFA J C Ellis 6466100 PROPOSING will 1 2 2w08 7 4s 5 TinkerH Dixiana 418100 BRILLIANT DEE DEEJ3878JMARGIES w08 4 4 4w 2 61 61 StrongJ Chappel Bros 3874100 J3878JMARGIES DOLL w 108 6 5 51 7 7 McCoyJ Mrs R Cooper 387100 Time 23 48 55 Track fast 52 MTJXUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS VNNIE N 462 306 260 131 100 63 100 30 100 100JABY JABY SWEEP 654 500 227 100 150 100 100ALWIN ALWIN 390 95 100 100Winner Winner Br f by Tryster Royal Mirth by Black Jester trained by J Chesney bred by Mr W S Kilmer Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 216 AT POST 2J minutes minutesStart Start good and slew Won driving second and third the same sameANNIE ANNIE N a strong factor from the start lost much ground entering the stretch but recovered quickly ind wore down BABY SWEEP under pressure The latter hard urged most of the way saved much gound ntering the stietch but gave way in the final drive ALWIN sprinted to the front at once but was orced wide by the winner and failed to keep up under pressure MISS REBECK closed resolutely PRO ¬ POSING began well but soon dropped out of it BRILLIANT DEE showed early speed MARGIES DOLL aced poorly CQOQ SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Prisoner May 23 1928 105 4 112 Purse 500 3 75Jlay534Aur n yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 Jlay534Aur third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 600 Index Horiei EqtAWIPPSt A Str Flu Jockeys Ownen EqutT Odd Strt j9630 LESSING w 5 115 5 3 li I1 1 1 MarshioB D Friant 770100 16996 BILLIE BIRCK WB 7 110 3 1 2 2 2 2 McCrayK S Corbet 1142100 1142100J5814RUNNING J5814RUNNING STAR w 3 100 2 2 4k 4 3 31 SmithFA J C Ellis 540100 54010032889FL1TSOME 32889FL1TSOME WB 4 105 4 7 7 7 54 41 RollinsC A G Tarn 405100 405100J3879MANECE J3879MANECE T w 5 106J 86 6 ff 4 5 PonsbyEJ H Parsons 1122100 1122100CONVERT CONVERT w 3 105 1 5 5 5s 6k 6 KeesterP P Hatcher 620100 35686 MODERN LASH w 3 105 7 4 31 3J 7 7 CheatmR Miss M E Jones 306100 30610035069VERAD 35069VERAD waSlOO 6 Refused MoonR R T Watts 1566100 1566100Time Time 23 W5 595 107 Track fast J2 MUXTJE1S PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LESSING 1740 1154 634 770 100 477 100 217 100 100BILLIE BILLIE BIRCK 1138 642 469 100 221 100 100RUNNING RUNNING STAR 444 122 100 100Winner Winner B g by Rugby Virginia Queen by Colonel Vennie trained by T A Janicke bred by Mr M P Mattingly Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 245 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow for all but Vera D Won easily second and third driving drivingLESSING LESSING showed good speed from the start and shaking off BILLIE BIRCK drew out and won in a canter The latter under strong pressure closed gamely but was overmatched RUNNING STAR closed a gap FL1TSOME finished resolutely JANECE T had no mishaps CONVERT fractious going to the post showed nothing in the race MODERN LASH raced well for threeeighths VERA D refused to start startOverweight Overweight Janece T 1 pounds olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 35 May534Aur fourth 15 Claiming price 800 if for 600 allowed 4 Ibs Index Bones EqtA WtlISt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 938302FLASHING THRU w 4 112 8 4 I1 I1 PI li TinkerH Dixiana 325100 938833BAG SMASHER WB 7 111 1 1 311 3 4 2 KeesterP C E Davison Davisonw 456100 93780MORAL MISS w 3 99 7 5 4 3k 2k 3 SmithFA J C Ellis EllisWB5116 364100 93779 FLYING DON WB5116 97 61 7k 51 4l LeylandJ Mrs J Burks BurksWB10112 276100 93828FAIRYMAN WB10112 42 21 21 3k 5 McCrayK G Corbet 1456100 93828 BOSTON COMMON WB 4 107 6 3 7i 8 74 61 CheatmR Miss M E Jones 3264100 93881MAMIE D w 3 97 3 9 51 51 51 61 7k MoonR R T Watts Watts93879BISMARCK 2322100 232210093879BISMARCK 93879BISMARCK WB 3 101 5 8 8 6 6e 810 8 RollinsC B F Miller 3840100 384010070983SOUTHLAND 70983SOUTHLAND BOY w910726 999 9 PonsbyEJ H Parson 5848100 5848100Time Time 23 47J4 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s sFLASHING FLASHING THRU 5850 432 356 325 100 116 100 78 100 100BAG BAG SMASHER 528 390 164 100 95 100 100MORAL MORAL MISS 376 88 100 Winner Ch g by High Time Bandymo by Uncle trained by C E Gross bred by Mr C T Fisher inner entered to be claimed for 600 WENT TO POST 312J AT POST H minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameFLASHING FLASHING THRU under strong pressure from the start continued gamely and disposing of FAIRYMAN utlasted BAG SMASHER The latter always close up tired after challenging MORAL MISS gained stead ly FLYING DON was outrun FAIRYMAN quit BOSTON COMMON failed to keep up under pressure pressureScratched Scratched 93938 High Power 109 Overweight Mamie D 2 pounds Bismarck 1 rOQQer FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Prisoner May 23 1928 105 4 112 Purse 500 O F e 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 35 35ay534Aur ay534Aur fourth 15 Claiming price 1750 if for 1500 allowed 5 Ibs Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 3882DEEIEP WB 5 110 6 1 Tl I1 I1 1i GuerraJ F Seremba 218100 89388 MARTIE FLYNN w 9 110 4 5 5 3 4 21 ChiavettaF S Peabody 686100 93832MORNING CRY w 3 102 1 3 21 23 2 3 LoweW F J Grand 2342100 93779WELL HEELED wsSHO 52 3k 4 31 44 MillsC Superior Stable 662100 93832 LE MISERABLE w 3 1031 24 4 5 5 5 HarbortO P Kelley 960100 96010093514ALTMARK 93514ALTMARK WB 5 108 3 Left at post HaberR B Hernandez 163100 163100Time Time 23J 46 59 106 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DEFIER 636 422 400 218 100 111 100 100 100 100MARTIE MARTIE FLYNN 554 460 177 100 130 100 100MORNING MORNING CRY 870 335 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Bud Lcrner Delia by Sir Martin trained by F Seremba bred by Mr H F Sin ¬ clair Winner entered to be claimed for 1750 1750WENT WENT TO POST 341 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingDEFIER DEFIER away in motion sprinted into a commanding lead and continuing w U under mild restraint held sway to the end MARTIE FLYNN forced back at the start gained gradually thereafter MORNING CRY tired after racing closest to the pacemaker WELL HEELED raced poorly under a weak ride LE MISERABLE was outrun ALTMARK was left at the post postOveiweight Oveiweight Morning Cry 2 pounds Le Miserable Sj QQQQft FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Zekiel May 1 1934 111 5 108 Chicago Tribune Handi 200May534Aur JO 7 7 cap Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 700 second 200 May534Aur ihrdi 75 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtTPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 93782ZEKIEL WB5114 63 HI 1 I1 GuerraJ F Seremba 93100 83516 NAVANOD WB4110 11 3 31 21 2 ArnoIdG D S Gordon 2740100 2740100937822FLYING 937822FLYING CADET w 4 107 4 4 41 41 41 3l LeylandJ Mrs J Burks 246100 93782 OUR JUSTICE WB 4 1081 26 6 6 6 41 RenoT Mrs J Chesney 1872100 93782 MINTON WB 5 10 3 5 51 51 51 54 KeesterP Shandon Farm Stabl 572100 93782 MISS MELODY w 4 104 5 2 2J1 21 31 6 ChiavettaF S Peabody 2146100 Time 22 M 111 new track record Track fast 2 MUTUELB PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ZEKIEL 386 328 240 93 100 64 100 20 100 100NAVANOD NAVANOD 1306 392 653 100 96 100 100FLYING FLYING CADET 262 31 100 100Winner Winner B g by Zev Royalite by Lucullitc trained by F Seremba bred by Mr H F Sinclair SinclairWENT WENT TO POST 410 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingZEKIEL ZEKIEL racing as if much the best took a commanding early lead and continuing gamely easily held NAVANOD safe The latter a strong factor throughout closed gamely FLYING CADET failed to be dangerous under punishment OUR JUSTICE closed fast MINTON raced evenly MISS MELODY quit after fiveeighths fiveeighthsScratched Scratched 93782 Fair Image 103 93463Preferred 102 93782 Loggia 97 93782 Supreme Sweet 104 104Overweight Overweight Our Justice 2 pounds QQQQT 3yearoldsJJOCJC SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Zekiel May 5 1934 111 5 114 Purse 600 3yearolds JJOCJC t Allowances Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 25May534Aur May534Aur Index Horces EqtA WiPPSt Str Kin Jockeys Owner EqnU Odds Strl 93832CHARMING SIR WB103 44 I1 I1 I1 T ArnoldG S J Molay Molayw 93832GRAYBACK w 108 1 2 21 4 3k 2i KarbortO Mrs P Kelley Kelleyw04 93832 TECHNOCRACY w04 21 4 31 2 3 ChvettaF S Peabody Peabodyws 93832PHARATIME ws 103 5 Z 3k 2i 41 4 GuerraJ J Cattarinich 90153 MAYREEN w 97 3 6 5 5 5 5 HanauerC J C Gillem 2863100 93408 MAYCO wn 102 6 5 666 6 HaberR B Hernandcr 4272100 4272100Time Time 23ys 47 1122 Track fast 12 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CHARMING SIR 572 324 252 186 100 62 100 26 100 100GRAYBACK GRAYBACK 324 240 62 100 20 100 100TECHNOCRACY TECHNOCRACY 300 50 100 100Winner Winner B c by Sir Barton Charming Ways by Bright Knight trained by T Scott bred by Audley Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 441 AT POST 2J minutes minutesStart Start drivingCHARMING good and slow Won easily second and third driving CHARMING SIR rushed into the early lead continued gamely and easily held GRAYBACK safe The latter taken back early and weakly ridden in the closing stages could not get up TECHNOCRACY away well Was impeded by PHARATIME when he came over fast after an eighth then improved his position PHARAT1ME was widely outrun after half a mile MAYREEN and MAYCO were overmatched overmatchedOverweight Overweight Technocracy 2 pounds Pharatime 1 1Corrected Corrected weight Grayback 108 QOQQQ SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Jack Haskell May 22 1929 145 3 104 Purse 500 thirdMay534Aur 7O 7CFO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third May534Aur 535 fourth 515 claiming price 600 EqtA WtlISt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 92772 DONIE w 6 110 87 4 41 32 11 I1 HornG W C Morris MorrisWB 1920100 93095LION HEARTED WB 8 105 5 5 6s 6s 5 3 2J RollinsC Mrs E Dodson 621100 93783OUR SANDY w 5 110 3 4 2 23 lk 2l 3k CoxD Mrs A K Miller 692100 93784MUDGE DIRENZO WB 7 110 6 9 5k 5 6s 51 41 RenoT R B B rid well 228100 937833OATEN WB6105 229 71 T 6 5 ManifoldH Shipp MacMaster 648100 64810092777NANNY 92777NANNY D w 4 105 1 1 11 lk 2s 4 61 BogskiW M D Livingston 1848100 184810093095BOB 93095BOB WEIDEL WB 6 105 9 8 71 9 8 74 71 HaberR J Holub 316100 316100930952LORD 930952LORD DEAN w 5 105 4 3 8l 8 9 8 82 HarbortO B F Miller 1528100 152810093039ABSTAIN 93039ABSTAIN w 5 1031 7 6 31 3l 4k 9 9 KeesterP J S Molay 2364100 2364100Time Time 24 49 113 140 147 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 DONIE 4040 2128 1218 1920 100 964 100 509 100 100LION LION HEARTED 788 552 294 100 176 100 100OUR OUR SANDY 490 145 100 100Winner Winner B g by Donnacona Dulcinea II by Yankee trained by E F Morris bred by Messrs A E Hundley Son Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 516 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingDONIE DONIE saved for threequarters moved up gamely thereafter and wearing down the leaders won going away LION HEARTED never far back closed strongly in the stretch OUR SANDY forced the pace to the final eighth then tiled JUDGE DIRENZO had no mishaps OATEN closed a gap NANNY D tired after threequarters BOB WEIDEL allowed to drop far out of it finished in close quarters under weak handling ABSTAIN was done after half a mile mileOverweight Overweight Abstain 3i pounds QQQQQ EIGHTH RACE 1 Mile Thistle Fyrn May 17 1929 138 3 101 Purse 500 3 7O 7t 7 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 35 May534Aur fourth 15 Claiming price 600 BatA WtlISt Str Fin ockeys Owners EqulT Odds Strt 93830BALTHASAR w 6 107 1 1 3 3 3k lk 1 MillsC P H Aichele 261100 26110092953ATHENS 92953ATHENS w 8 102 5 5 6 6s 6 610 2 ManifoldH Shipp MacMaster 840100 93830 LILAC BLOOM w 4 107 6 6 55 5 42 21 3 CoxD Mrs A K Miller 482100 48210093828PHANTOM 93828PHANTOM ROCK WB 5 112 7 3 21 21 2l 41 4k McCrayK W R Miller 138100 93834 KING HOLL1STER WB 3 107 4 4 42 42 5 51 5 LrylandJ M D Youngman 2472100 93828 FLYING PILGRIM w 4 112 2 2 li lk 1s 32 6 BogskiW H C McConnell 1822100 182210092735PRINCESS 92735PRINCESS OCTA w4 106 377 77 7 7 HardyG Mrs M Rieser 2364100 2364100Time Time 24 48 113 140 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BALTHASAR 722 490 416 261 JOO 145 100 108 100 100ATHENS ATHENS 894 642 347 100 221 100 100LILAC LILAC BLOOM 414 107 100 100Winner Winner B g by Black Servant Juliette II by Marco trained by F A Kelly bred by Mr S Ross Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 545 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBALTHASAR BALTHASAR saved early went to the outside in the stretch and wearing down the leaders tired near the end and just lasted ATHENS outrun early gained fast in the closing quarter LILAC BLOOM taken out of it early probably would have been a stronger factor with better handling PHANTOM ROCK tired KING HOLLISTER failed to improve his position FLYING PILGRIM set a good pace for fivecighthi fivecighthiScratched Scratched 938308Ccsare 107 85999 Pigeon Hole 112 112Overweight Overweight King Hollistcr 1 pound Princess Octa 4 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT AURORA Saturday 3 Races 11256 5 Races 17512 8 Races 32318