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MONTHLY MONTHLYForm Form Book APRIL APRILNow Now On Sale The MONTHLY FORM BOOK BOOKis is issued during the first week of each month with complete charts of the previous months racing in North America Each issue car ¬ ries an index showing each and every start of all horses in training with firsts seconds thirds and track conditions designated By means of this arrangement it is possible for the user of the MONTHLY FORM BOOK to instantly de ¬ termine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired Entirely New Feature FeatureTHE THE INDEX FIGURES ARE NOW PRINTED IN LARGER AND MORE LEGIBLE TYPE EASY ON THE EYES AND EASY TO FOL ¬ LOW AS IS EVIDENT FROM A GLANCE AT THE FOLLOWING EQUIPOISE eh h 5 by Pennant Swinging by Broomstick C V Whitney 8G307ERVAST 80607 a8211jS Stm 81752 85237 8G307 VSeSIA a8780fm f8860P ERVAST b g 7 by Paicines Blind Beauty by Helmet W Fenwick X J78418 78506s 78576s 79198 179278 79389 79772 79852s 80107 80218 802781 81289 81537 81716 82009 823121 826121 83048s 83180 83560s 83706 83837 84564 85156 85156ESSIE 85227 ESSIE br m 7 by Westy Hogan Pleasure by Manager Waite 85227Mrs Mrs E McCuan X 180754h SOS2 81054m S81234sn 8128H 81499m 81593 83360 83434 83534 83617 fc838062 84074h 84152s 84324 84450 84705s 86951 y 358 Sn t88100sy 88446 88614 89244s 89344m 89469 Price 1SO 1SOSingle Single copies of MONTHLY RACING FORM must be sent as registered mail with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration The publishers are in nowise responsible for books sent by mail without registration Daily Racing Form Publishing Company 441 Plymouth Court Chicago Illinois 112 Fourth Avenue New York N Y 305307 Decatur Street New Orleans La 50 Richmond Street East Toronto Ontario 2135 First Avenue N W Miami Florida FloridaCut Cut Off Here Enclosed find 150 for which send me copy of APRIL MONTHLY FORM BOOK BOOKDAILY DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO J v 441 Plymouth Court Chicago III rIVI t STREET AND NO r t k WJLW v mtsvf tBi P 0 AND STATE v Please print name and address plainly