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Derby Day Highlights By Daily Racing Forms Special Wires Direct From Churchill Downs Louisville Ky H P Pat Edwards and Guy L Wag ¬ goner the Texas racing commissioners were among the early arrivals making a gala day of it with friends in the clubhouse Fred McElroy wellknown horseman sloped off on his way East from Hot Springs for the race He spent the past several weeks at the Arkansas spa spaFred Fred Egan noted trotting horse driver was an interested Derby spectator coming from Lexington LexingtonGen Gen William Mitchell former chief of the United States Army air force saw the Derby as the guest of Col and Mrs T J Johnston of Lexington Guests of Roy Carruthers managing di ¬ rector of the Arlington Park Jockey Club and Mrs Carruthers included Mr and Mrs Charles McCulIoch Mr and Mrs Harry Lob dell Mr and Mrs Otto Lehmann Mr and Mrs Warren Wright and Mr and Mrs H Teller Archibald Messrs McCulIoch Lob dell Lehmann and Wright are Arlington Park directors directorsJoseph Joseph E Widener had as his guests for the Derby his son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs P A B Widener and Howard Lewis former wellknown steeplechase trainer trainerVisiting Visiting members of the National Associa ¬ tion of Racing Commissioners occupied boxes in the clubhouse Col Matt J Winn who was host to them during their two day visit having set aside choice reservations some weeks ago agoIn In the group were Mr and Mrs Mark R Hanna of Michigan Herbert Bayard Swope of New York Guy L Waggoner and H P Edwards of Texas Mr and Mrs B F Paty of Florida Peter B Carey of Illinois James B McLaughlin West Virginia Wil ¬ liam H Cane and Robert J OBrien of New Jersey Mr and Mrs Edwin J Brown of Washington Mr and Mrs George Bleeker and Mr and Mrs Isaac Collins of Ohio among others othersCharles Charles T Fisher owner of Mata Hari arrived this morning from Detroit where he had been called on business earlier in the week His family and guests spent the week at Dixiana and motored over today todayMr Mr and Mrs Patrick A Nash of Chicago entertained Judge James Fardy and his brother their children John Tom and Mary and Miss Nan OMalley With Mr and Mrs Richard J Nash were several prominent Chicagoans ChicagoansStuyvesant Stuyvesant Peabody director of the American Turf Association and Chicago capitalist with Mrs Peabody and their son Jack have been here since the opening openingGeorge George H Bull and Charles H Theript prominent in New York racing circles and society made their annual Derby pilgrimage pilgrimageCol Col Maxwell Howard of Dayton Ohio who missed last years Derby because he was in Europe made his presence known today todayA A H Cosden prominent eastern sports ¬ man added another Derby to the many he has seen V VHerbert Herbert M Woolf who maintains a large breeding farm in Missouri was an arrival from Kansas City He has the young Sir Gallahad HI sire Inscb and fortysix mares at his nursery Mrs Isabelle Dodge Sloane owner of the Brookmeade Stable arrived in her private car which was covered with signs announc ¬ ing Cavalcade as the Derby winner winnerMajor Major Louis A Beard entertained Mr and Mrs John Hay Whitney for the Derby DerbyThe The Blue Grass region of Kentucky known as the cradle of the thoroughbred was well represented in the vast gathering Among those present were S S Combs president and Thomas B Scott general manager of the Kentucky Association Tom Carr Piatt Thomas Piatt Phil T Chinn Frazer and Clarence Le Bus Tom and J B Gorham Arthur B Hancock Ross Long manager of Charles F Fishers Dixiana Farm Charles Asbury E K Thomas Charlton Clay Richard McMahon general manager of Warren Wrights Calumet Farm J E Madden son of the late master of Hamburg Place who bred five Kentucky Derby winners Leonard Shouse Jr Ed ¬ ward Bassett Jr Horace Davis Barry Shannon manager of Col E R Bradleys Idle Hour Farm James T Looney Al Kane Kenneth Kane Charles Nuckols Mrs John S Wallace E F Simms E Gay Drake and others othersFranklin Franklin County also forging to the front as an ideal thoroughbred breeding ground was represented by Joe Weitzel Sandy Holton J L Holton Pierce Holton George Collins Jack Gibbs Frank Hutchinson Mr and Mrs Charles Black and others othersD D McDermid Kansas City horseman who at present is without horses arrived from Lexington where he opened negotiations for several horses He expects to remain here until the close of the Downs meeting and hopes to acquire some stock stockCharles Charles Irby trainer of H H Cross Tran quility Farm Stable will be one of the first to leave here for Detroit Irby expects to transfer the ten horses he has in training at Douglas Park to the Motor City next Satur ¬ day In the same car C D Pryor is sending three threeBrigadier Brigadier General Hugh S Johnson with his assistant Miss Frances M Robinson Edward F McGrady assistant secretary of labor and commerce Col W R Lea N R RA A coadministrator and Donald Richberg attorney planeIt for the N R A came by plane It is estimated that of those at Churchill Downs today many never even saw a horse race DerbyProminent let alone the Derby Prominent leaders in turf affairs present included Albert Sabath president of Haw ¬ thorne C W Hay general manager of Washington Park Lou Smith managing director of the Epsom Downs and Rocking ham Park tracks Col John P Sullivan former active head of the New Orleans Fair Grounds Russell Sweeney resident mana ¬ ger of Latonia Charles Straub executive head of the Los Angeles Turf Club Clar ¬ ence E Lehr Peter A Markey and Charles CharlesB B Bohn all of the Detroit Racing Asso ¬ ciation Lyman T Hay director of Fair mount Park George H Bull president of Saratoga and of course Joseph E Widener president of the Westchester Racing Asso ¬ ciation and leading spirit in Hialeah Park and Col Edward R Bradley also heavily interested in Hialeah Park who had start ¬ lers in the big event eventAdolphe Adolphe Pons who sold Discovery to Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt last fall was in the crowd crowdMr Mr and Mrs William Molaski and Gully Owens prominent St Louisians were among the interested Derby spectators spectatorsMrs Mrs Payne Whitney owner of Spy Hill came over from Lexington where she has been inspecting her breeding establishments establishmentsMrs Mrs Charles Amory mother of Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt came down from New York with a party of friends to root for Discovery The Derby crowd regarded the weather mans threat of showers with utter disdain There probably were not a dozen umbrellas in the entire throng at least none of them were raised when a light drizzle fell during the early afternoon Edward J Hughes active in the affairs of the American tur and secretary of the state of Illinois was with Colonel Winn dur ing the major part of the afternoon F T Mattlack of Winchester Ky wit ¬ nessed his first Kentucky Derby in four years Mr Mattlack owned Guest of Honor and other stake winners which were trained by Jack McPherson McPhersonJames James A Shevlin member of the Ohio State Racing Commission motored down from his home in Cincinnati He was ac ¬ companied by Mrs Shevlin an ardent racing fan fanWith With years touching lightly on his head and a capacity to fill such an important position as resident manager of Churchill Downs Daniel OSullivan was pleased with the response of the public in reserving all seats of vantage for the Derby long before the race He asked that every turf writer who aided in making this Derby the banner one of all which preceded it be thanked and that went for the ladies as well as the gentlemen