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FIRE AT CHURCHILL DOWNS Two Barns Destroyed No Horsefl I Injured Though Several Hun ¬ dred Were Endangered LOUISVILLE Ky May 5 Masterly work on the part of the Louisville fir d department probably averted one of the E most serious race track conflagrations in y years when fire of undetermined origin waa 3 snuffed out after it had destroyed two barns a atChurchill Downs last night Although ap ¬ j proximately 400 horsjes including a number c of the leading candidates for the Derby were endangered more than 150 in addition t to those in the barns razed were removed t to other quarters or turned loose in the in ¬ f field and nearby paddocks not a horse was li lost Several racers including James WivPar r rishs Howard a Derby entry suffered cuts I bruises or other injuries sustained while at 1 large The horses of Jake Lowenstein Fred M Grabner H Zells J J Troxler Al 1 Thomas and Shelby West were quartered in t the structure destroyed While alK of their 1 horses were led to safety the horsemen suffered a loss of 3000 in equipment and f feed Lpwenstein estimated his loss at 2000 T The two barns fully insured were valued t at 15000 They were U and W situated j about 200 yards from the track at a point opposite postIn the fiveeighths post In addition to Howard horses injured were Counselor Crane owned by the Foley Brothers Mt Everest owned by Jack How ¬ i ard Glamorous in W FJ Hausmanrs stable J Supernatural property of R L Stivers vand F C tMcAtees Aunt TVIodie None sustained serious injuries injuriesThe The Derby choices Cavalcade and Mata Hari also Cavalcades stablemate fTime Clock were stabled close to 200 yards away i from the fire They were not disturbed but Riskulus N W Churchs Agua Caliente Derby winnerv was among the many horses led from barns endangered After blowing out a quarter mile through the stretch Riskulus suffered an attack of colic prob ¬ j ably induced by last nights excitement excitementIn In addition to those named the horses of the Nash Brothers Shandon Farm Warren Wright Roscoe Goose Laffoon Yeiser E R Bradley John Marsch C H Knebel kamp F P Letellier John P Jones Ike Weil Lee Niles George Marsch and other well known owners aiso occupied stalls in stables in the vicinity of the fire