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A Best of the Day DayAURORA AURORA 6th MJt ANNAN CHURCHILL DOWNS 7th PLUMAGE PIMLICO 4th Vi A 7 SEA FOX FOXJAMAICA JAMAICA jtetih EUCLID JRA JRAOutstanding Trackman W G RODERICK Outstanding selections in bold appear type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN CHICAGO DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Primer LeFlore LeFJpre MorheartLeFJpre Morheart Primer Primer Primer Morheart Primer 40 Le Flore Tbltec Le MorheartPrimer LeFJprePrimer Flore Primer Morheart 20 Morheart Primer Morheart Le Flore PrimerLeFlore Toltec LeFlore Le Flore 18 Wild Transit Morvim MorvimTallulah Chief Geronimo Dauntless Miss Chief Tallulah Geronimo Tallulah Chief Gerriimo 20 EasyBid Wild Transit Chief Geronimo EasyBidDauntless Tallulah Dauntless Miss Wild Transit Morvim Morvim WildTransitMdrvim WildTransit Wild Transit 20 Wild Transit Mdrvim Tallulah 16 Jrfaneh Thomas Seth SethThomas Thomas Seth Grand Thomas Seth Irf aneh anehGrand Grand Champion Irfaneh Champion TransbirdIrfaneh Transbird Grand Champion Thomas Seth 22 Grand Champion Birthday Gift Barashkova Thomas Seth IrfanehBarashkova Barashkova Irfaneh Irfaneh Birthday Gift Irf Grd aneh Champion 22 22 Fitkin Fitkin FitkinWhizz FitkinWhizz Fitkin Whizz James JamesFitkin Fitkin Justice B Justice B Whizz James Whizz James Fitkin FitkinWhizz Fitkin 40 Whizz James Justice B Premeditate Whizz James Fitkin Whizz James 26 Premeditate Justice B Whizz James Justice B 16 VinNoir Bang Pin PinThe The Break The Break Sambo Brown BrownBackward Wishing Star Wishing Sambo Brown Star Wishing Star The Break BreakBlameless The Break 22 Sambo Brown Backward Never Blameless Backward Never Blameless Blameless Wishing Star 20 Vin Noir King Pin Sambo Brown 12 Run On Annan Run On Annan Annan AnnanChantesuta Chantesuta Annan Jim Ormont Annan Arinan Annan 42 42Run Chantesuta Run On Jim Ormont Run On Run On Chantesuta Run On 20 Chantesuta Hun On Chantesuta 12 Scandal Sheet SheetCesare Fair Billows Fair Billows BillowsScandal FairBillows Fair Billows BillowsSkibo Cesare Cesare Scandal Sheet Cesare Scandal Sheet Fair Billows 34 Skibo Scandal Sheet Binding Time Scandal Sheet Skibo SkiboCesare Cesare Skibo Cesare Scandal Cesare 18 Sheet 24 CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSOutstanding Trackman L G PLAUT Outstanding selections appear in bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Almac Almac Almac Busy Prince Busy Prince Almac Almac Almac Almac 48 Prince Busy Busy Prince Prince Busy Busy Prince Morning Mail Panalong Vance Busy Prince24 Morning Mail Morning Mail Morning Mail Morning Mail 8 PatC Sister Zoe PatC PatCPat PatC Sister Zoe PatCSistefZoe PatC PatC PatC 44 Pat C Sister Zoe ZoeSalut Otherwise Salut D Amour Otherwise SistefZoe SistefZoeOtherwise Otherwise Sister Zoe Sister Zoe Sister Zoe 28 Otherwise Otherwise Otherwise 10 Solid ChiracSolid Chirac American Bartering KateBartering Noreda Kate Bartering Chirac Kate ChiracHoosiers Hoosiers Chirac Pride Hoosiers Bartering Kate Bartering Kate Bartering Kate 32 Pride HoosiersPride Chirac 24 Bartering Kate HoosiersPride Hbosiers Pride Kate Bartering Chirac Chirac Hoosiers Pride 16 m Scrip Money Occult Scrip Money MoneyBardstown Occult Scrip Money MoneyBabeson Occult Occult Bardstown Scrip Money 34 Bardstown Babeson Scrip Money BardstownOccult Occult Babeson Scrip Money Babeson BabesonOccult Occult Bardstown Scrip Money Occult Bardstown 32 10 Burgoo King KingDartle Gif t of Ros es Burgoo King KingPrincess Burgoo King KingDartle Dartle Gift of Roses Dartle Burgoo King 36 Princess Canielia Dartle DartleBurgoo Gift DartleGift of Roses Burgoo King Gift of Roses Gift Dartle DartleGift of Roses Burgoo Gift of Roses King Dartle Burgoo King Dartle Gift of 22 Roses 24 Fogarty Fogarty Star Bud Prince Charlo 1 Visigoth Prince Charlo Fogarty Prince Charlo Fogarty 34 Visigoth u Star Bud Star Bud Fogarty Star Bud Fogarty Prince Charlo 20 Fogarty Star Bud Visigoth Star Bud Star Bud 20 Plumage Yarnallton Marie Plumage Jean Marie Plumage Jean PlumageMigosh Plumage Plumage Plumage Plumage 54 54Marie 1 Migosh Marie Jean Marie Jean Migosh Migosh MigoshYarnallton Yarnallton Marie Jean 16 Yarnallton Yarnallton Marie Jean Yarnallton 12 Blast Gibbys Choice Blast BlastGibbys Gibbys Choice Blast BlastGibbys Gibbys Choice Blast Elcidio Blast Gibbys Choice ChoiceBlast Skirl Blast 44 44Gibbys Skirl Skirl Skirl BlastSkirl Blast Gibbys Choice 24 24Skirl Gibbys Choice Skirl Gibbys Choice Skirl 16 PIMLICO PIMLICOOutstanding Trackman T K LYNCH Outstanding selections appear in bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN CHICAGO DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Depart George Jessel JesselGeorge George Jessel Axon Axon George Jessel Shapfell Kan My Cavalier George Jessel 22 em Shapfell George Jessel George Jessel Brdon Brander 8 Sea Fox Sea Fox FoxSomebody Sea Fox SeaFox SeaFox Sea Fox Sea Fox 54 Somebody Somebody SeaFoxSomebody SomebodyRound Somebody Somebody Somebody Jungle Round Table King Somebody 22 Snappy Story Round Table Jungle King Round Table Somebody Jungle King 6 Jabot Jabot JabotBright Jabot JabotMiss Jabot JabotMiss Jabot Miss Mouse Jabot 46 Bright Phantom Miss Mouse Miss Mouse Miss Mouse Miss Mouse Brown Witch Miss Mouse 24 Brown Witch Brown Witch Brown Witch High Torque Brown Witch Jabot Brown Witch 12 Jus ta Jones JonesMotto Kings Pleasure Kings Pleasure PleasureCubist Motto Kings Pleasure Kings Pleasure Kings Pleasure PleasureCakewalker Kings Pleasure 42 MottoKings Justa Jones Cubist Justa Jones Justa Jones Cakewalker CubistMotto Justa Jones 20 Kings Pleasure Cakewalker Motto Cakewalker Cakewalker Motto CakewalkerMotto Cakewalker 10 Friend Whitey Friend Whitey Steelhead Chat Eagle Syriac Syriac Friend Whitey 24 Gloritone Chat Eagle Sun Spear Friend Whitey Sun Spear Sun Spear Syriac 20 Syriac Sun Spear Vote Gloritone Friend Whitey Friend Whitey Sun Spear 14 All Rowes All Rowes All Rowes All Rowes All Rowes All Rowes All Rowes 48 Fluffy Lee Apprehensive Apprehensive Lone Hand Apprehensive Lone Hand Apprehensive 16 Buffer St Christopher Manager Bill Apprehensive Fluffy Lee Apprehensive Lone Hand 8 JAMAICA JAMAICAOutstanding Trackman C J CONNORS Outstanding selections appear in bold type Weather clear track fast TRACKMAN DICK WELLES CONSENSUS Distracting Distracting Distracting Distracting Distracting Distracting Distracting 48 Shady Past Shady Past Shady Past Strange Times Shady Past Strange Times Shady Fast 20 Strange Times Strange Times Strange Times Shady Past Strange Times Shady Past Strange Times 16 Mareve Calgary Kay Wedding Ring Idle Stefan Wedding Ring RingMareve Wedding Ring Idle Stefan Mareve Mareve RingChain Wedding Ring 30 Morway Mareve Chain Wedding Ring Wedding Ring Idle Stefan Wedding Ring MareveIdleStefan IdleStefan Idle ChainIdle Stefan Idle Mareve Stefan 20 18 Migrate Migrate Prosecutor ProsecutorMigrate Migrate Migrate Polytude Migrate 40 Moisson MigratePolytude MigratePolytude PolytudeProsecutor Moisson MigratePolytude Migrate PolytudeProsecutor Polytude Polytude PolytudeMoisson Prosecutor Polytude 20 Polytude Prosecutor Polytude Prosecutor Moisson Moisson ProsecutorMoisson Prosecutor 16 Dyak General A The Heathen The Heathen The Heathen Dyak The Heathen 34 General A The Heathen DyakThe General A Some Knight Dyak The Heathen HeathenSome Dyak 24 The Heathen Dyak SomeKnight Dyak General A Some Knight General A 18 SocialBuntino Social SocialBuntino Social PortfolioBuntino Portfolio PortfolioBuntino Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio 36 Buntino PortfolioBuntino PortfolioBuntino Buntino Buntino Buntino BuntinoPortfolio Portfolio BuntinoPortfolio Portfolio BuntinoCanteret Canteret BuntinoCanteret Canteret Buntino BuntinoCanteret Canteret Buntino BuntinoCanteret Canteret Buntino Social 18 24 Euclid Euclid Euclid Euclid EuclidScout Euclid Euclid Euclid 54 54ScoutMaster EuclidScout Rhodesia ScoutMaster Scout Master Scout Master MasterFort Scout Master ScoutMaster Scout Master 22 Scout Master Fort Dearborn Fort Dearborn Rhodesia Rhodesia Rhodesia 22Rhodesia Rhodesia 10 LST PAGE