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JOCKEY L RACING WEEKLY i FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Price 35t 35tt t V CODEV JOCKEY SMALLWOODS CODE SERVICE f A TWOHORSE PARLAY RELEASED DAILY Terms 5 for Six DaysT DaysTJ J SATURDAYS CODE PARLAY IMPEACH 8thPimIico 8thPimIicoOLD OLD JUDGE 8th Churchill Churchillr r SPECIAL KIQTICE KIQTICEJVVe JVVe have been very fortunate in making a new connection that we have been angling for a long time We have finally come to terms and in the future all players can expect the very ultimate in racing information f fv START WITH US TODAY v fjMake it your business to get these twohorse par yl ys everyday nowi Were you to know the details connected with these releases you would hot hesitate tS subscribe at once Start today todaytoo too NOT HESITATE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBEIV IV AT ONCE I Send 5 at once and we will immediately rush you f Jockey Smalhvoods code card good for six days iservice Dont hesitate Do not wait until results are published and then have your regrets Subscribe now Remit to I Jockey Smallwoods Code Service ServiceRoom Room 600 123 West Madison St Chicago III IIII I 1 JOCKEY SMALLWOODS CODES CODESAU AU RO R A Tan1 81 62844 CHURCHILL DOWNS Yellow12105028 Yellow12105028MONDAYS MONDAYS FREE CODE PIMLICO Arlington42463456 Arlington42463456SPECIAL SPECIAL OFFER TEN ISSUES FOR 3 3t t r We will mail you in a plain sealed envelope Jockey t tGregory Gregory Smallwood Racing Weekly every week for ten weeks for 3 This weekly booklet is the biggest 35 cents worth of information you ever bought Keep posted on what is alive at the tracks Let us put yptf on Ihe jnailitfg list Remit 3 3now now v GREGORY SMALLWOOD 123 West Madison St Room 600 Chicago III